Page 8. We Can Get Stronger!

Captain Fuegoleon had the Magic Knights spread out across the capital to fight the enemies and protect the civilians. He and Noelle went to the northern district to find Asta and Leopold.

(Y/n) himself was actually out running along rooftops and doing his best to help out the citizens under attack. The enemies he fought weren't exactly human. They were humans, yet they were neither dead nor alive. Their hollow sunken eyes, decaying flesh, putrid smell, and rotted teeth ready to munch down on anyone were what scared everyone.

However, (Y/n) himself remained calm and confident even in the face of such vile creatures. It wasn't just to show off for the people, but for some reason, he felt like he had seen such creatures plenty of times. Almost to a point where they were oversaturated, and he became desensitized to them. Perhaps that's how it was in his previous life. A life he was still unaware he had.

(Y/n) kept up his patrol and acts of heroism before deciding to take a quick break. He stood atop a church and looked out to see many districts on fire with black smoke climbing up to the sky. He wiped some sweat off his brow and took in a deep breath before continuing his work.

As the other Magic Knights spread out, they faced the enemies and were surprised to see them being able to stand even after destroying some limbs. (Y/n) was able to permanently put them down by crushing their heads into a bloody puddle. It was a gruesome sight, but he held no reservations of killing the undead.

Fuegoleon and Noelle were riding a giant fire lion construct as they searched for Leopold and Asta.

Noelle:"There's so much destruction..."

Fuegoleon:"Indeed. Whoever snuck in must have really charted out their plans. But this only further exemplifies the fact that we need to crush the scoundrel who did this!"

Noelle:"Wait! Look!"

Fuegoleon halted his magic construct and looked over to his right to see piles of fallen undead. Their dark colored blood collected into a puddle as Fuegoleon pondered.

Fuegoleon:"That other Black Bulls boy, (Y/n) was it?"

Noelle:"Yeah? What about him?"

Fuegoleon:"He said he was just going to go around and evacuate people. He must've passed through here then. At any rate, let's hurry and find my brother and your squad mate!"

They took off once again as Noelle looked up to the sky.

Noelle: Be safe (Y/n).

(Y/n):"Blaze Kick!"

(Y/n)'s foot was engulfed in fierce flames as he kicked a monster's head right off and watched it fly into another one and cause both to explode into pieces. Their headless bodies fell to the floor, and he smiled.

(Y/n):"You're safe now!"

He looked over his shoulder to see two small kids cowering in fear before stepping out hesitantly. They quickly rushed over to him and held onto his pant legs tightly.

Kid 1:"Thank you, mister!"


Kid 2:"You're a Black Bull. I didn't know they had someone so cool and brave like you on their squad!"

(Y/n):"I appreciate the compliment. Anyway, I'm going to take you somewhere safe. Got it?"

Kid 1:"Our home is in the west district!"

He nodded before picking the kids up and carrying them over his shoulders. He jumped up onto a roof and began to run towards the west district.

With Noelle, they reached Asta and Leopold and watched them fend off the monsters and also the mage who was seemingly controlling them.

Asta was mowing them down with his anti-magic swords, and with each strike, they fell to the ground motionless. However, he was currently being kept back from attacking as he had to defend a little girl from various blasts of curse magic.


She looked over in worry as Leopold himself was too preoccupied with more of the undead creatures.

Noelle: I have to help him, or else...

She tried to move but flinched as Nozel's word rang in her head.

Nozel:"You do not belong here. Leave this place, you failure!"

Noelle: How... could someone like me...

A large mob was approaching her before they were burnt to ash by a great blast of fire magic from Fuegoleon. He stepped through the flames with a stoic look on his face as Noelle spoke softly.

Noelle:"Th... Thank y-"


He chopped her on the head harshly on the head and looked at her in the eyes.

Fuegoleon:"Black Bulls girl... Don't tell me you've let the things your siblings said frighten you."

Solid:"You can't even control your magic properly. Could there be any greater disgrace than you?"

Nebra:"You were as good as banished from House Silva for being an abject failure. How dare you come waltzing back into the noble realm as if you belong."


Fuegoleon:"There is no time for such things on the battlefield! One wrong decision means one lost life!!"

Noelle looked on as she was still hesitant about doing anything, but Fuegoleon continued to speak.

Fuegoleon:"You are standing here as a member of the Magic Knights! If you joined the knights of your own free will... Then steel yourself and get stronger!!"

He then said one final thing that really stuck with her.

Fuegoleon:"Being weak is nothing to be ashamed of. Staying weak is!!"

Noelle: That's right... Isn't that what they both keep proving...?!

Images of Asta and (Y/n) fighting their hearts out and succeeding flashed through her mind.

Noelle: Asta... (Y/n)... Me...!! We can get stronger!!!

(Y/n) reached the west district and already saw a massive crowd of people being protected by some of the other Magic Knights. He went over and set the kids down, and they ran over to their parents, who hugged them tightly.


He heard his name being called out and looked over to see Mimosa healing up some wounded citizens.


He looked over and saw that Yuno and Alecdora were fighting off those creatures.

Mimosa:"How are you holding up?"

(Y/n):"I'm doing fine. What about you guys? Are you struggling over there, Yuno?"

Yuno:"I'm perfectly fine."

They exchanged smirks as the kids pulled their parents over to (Y/n).

Kid 1:"Mama! This is the guy that saved us!"

Woman:"Oh, thank you so much for saving my precious babies!"

Man:"I'd never thought I'd see the day where a Black Bulls knight would defend us."

(Y/n):"Heh, that's what we do. We subvert expectations. Anyway, if you guys would excuse me."

He began walking away as Mimosa called out to him after she finished her healing.

Mimosa:"Wait! Where are you off to?"

(Y/n):"I'm going to catch up with Asta."

Mimosa:"Please be careful!"

(Y/n):"Don't worry, Mimosa! These guys are nothing compared to Mars. This will be a piece of cake!"

She smiled brightly at him as he jumped onto a roof once again before dashing away.

Mimosa: So courageous... Oh (Y/n)~

Yuno: (Y/n), I won't let you get too far ahead of me!

(Y/n) prepared to jump towards another roof, but his foot was suddenly caught by something and pulled him down to the pavement. He crashed down harshly and groaned in pain.

Mage:"Well, look at what we have here!"

He sat up to see a mage with dark shadowy hands wriggling off his back.

Mage:"I found myself another Magic Knight to toy with!"

(Y/n) got up and dusted himself off before getting into a fighting stance.

(Y/n):"Huh, you're actually a person. I figured you would be another one of those corpse things."

Mage:"Oh, you're referring to Rades, huh? His wraith magic is a hell of a thing."

(Y/n):"I see. So that's what it is."

Mage:"Indeed. While he causes destruction, I'm here doing some looting! But it seems that you Magic Knights always want to get in the way!"

(Y/n): Sorry Asta, I gotta take care of something on my side!

The mage laughed to himself and brushed his hair aside as a puddle of dark magic swirled underneath his feet. Shadowy hands emerged from the puddle, and some held weapons like swords, spears, and spiked clubs.

Mage:"I'll bring you down like the rest!"

He motioned his hand forward as the hands shot out towards (Y/n). (Y/n) was quick to act and began dodging the attacks with ease and ran alongside the wall of a building before jumping at the mage. The mage merely cackled as another hand grabbed (Y/n) by his torso and tossed him aside.

Mage:"There's no way you can step a single foot near me! I'm untouchable! Especially since..."

The floor started to feel weird as (Y/n) looked down to see spatial magic was about to pull him in. The mage across from him smirked and laughed.

Mage:"You Magic Knights are all so predictable! With Rades's magic, we could create a massive diversion to get all of you Magic Knights away from the capital! It was so damn simple! BWAHAHAHA!!!"

As he gloated prematurely, (Y/n) jumped out the magic portal's grasp and landed several feet away from the mage. The spatial magic ended, and (Y/n) left the mage completely floored.

Mage:"What?! How?!"

(Y/n):"That spell is pretty weak if I'm being honest. Especially if you got the reflexes for it!"

Mage:"Tch! Doesn't matter! All the other Magic Knights have been sent elsewhere! Your capital doesn't stand a chance!"

(Y/n):"Then I'll just have to pick up their slack!"

(Y/n) wasn't the only one who escaped as Yuno's grimoire reacted accordingly and helped him avoid the spatial magic. He was currently fending off a witch that was absorbing the mana of random citizens. Yuno and the witch flew through the skies as she launched countless curse bullets at him. He did his best to deflect them, but he was, unfortunately, struck by a few.

His vision was getting hazy, his body was going numb, and even his hearing was starring to fail. With his back against the wall, Yuno had a moment of clarity. He didn't care about proving himself to members of the Golden Dawn or making that power that helped out in the dungeon his own. He wanted to do anything to not lose to either Asta or (Y/n)! With all his senses cut off, he was finally able to sense the flow of mana through the world.

His power flowed into a massive ball of wind as he floated across from the witch.

Yuno:"Wind Spirit Magic: Sylph's Breath!"

The giant ball of wind magic crashed into the witch and sent her crashing into a random tower. Yuno chased after her as the witch tried to find a way to steal mana. There was only one option in the spot she landed, Charmy. Charmy snuck past (Y/n) and the others when they arrived in the capital. She hung around to eat the delicious foods and found the head chef who made her a very special meal.

The witch was so desperately in need of mana that her body was practically withered. And all she could say was, "Give it to me..." Charmy being blissfully unaware of the massive situation going on outside thought the witch wanted her food.



Charmy then stared at her with the most serious look she could mustered and repeated what she said.

Charmy:"I SAID NO. Cotton Creation Magic: Strike of the Sleeping Sheep!"

A giant sheep of cotton was created and delivered a nasty punch to the witch and caused her to go flying out the tower. Charmy pat herself on the back as she protected her food, then gasped in horror as it was falling out the open hole of the tower. She chased after it and stopped when she saw Yuno using his magic to carry the platter. He handed it back to her, and for once, her focus wasn't on the food but on a person instead.

Due to his vision still being blurry, he couldn't really make out Charmy's shape.

Yuno: A kid? That tremendously strong magic... Was it from her? Oh! A Black Bulls robe... Then it really was her!

Yuno's body gave out after using that massive spell and fell forward. Charmy created a giant cushion with her magic, and Yuno practically fell on top of her. He was laid out on the cushion with one arm over her torso.

(Y/n) stood his ground against the mage and cracked his knuckles.

(Y/n): I'll beat the snot out of this guy and go find Asta!

The mage shot out more shadowy hands as (Y/n) finally opened up his grimoire and got ready to attack.

End of page 8.

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