Page 7. Capital Riot

Asta:"Now listen up! I wasn't done talking! I'm gonna get results like nobody else and become the Wizard King! And prove you wrong!!!!"

Everyone just stared at him wide eyed and began laughing.

"Nice one Asta."

Alecdora:"And you, boy, do you hope to accomplish the same impossible task?"

"That's not impossible. It's just highly difficult, but that's nothing new to us dogs. For me, I'm gonna be the strongest Black Bull there is. I'll be the very best like no one ever was! And trust me! This dog is not just all bark! I got some bite as well!"

Solid:"The very best? The Black Bulls are the very worst. Bottom of the barrel."

"And look where we are. We got invited by the Wizard King himself! He himself asked for Asta and I to explore that dungeon!"

Solid:"Tch! Don't get in over your head!"

He got his grimoire at the ready and I got mine as well.

Alecdora:"Careful now, Solid, this boy is a lightning mage. Let me be the one to put him down."

"Who said I was a lightning user?"


"Vine Whip!"

A vine was created in my hand and I used it to smack Alecdora in the chest and sent him flying to a wall.

Fuegoleon: Interesting. At the exam he used lightning spells. But that's plant based magic right there.

Solid:"Insolent brat! Water creation magic: Sea Serpent Strike!"

He shot out a snake of water that was flying directly at me.


I used the vine in my hand to smack the water and it turned into droplets that fell to the floor.

Solid:"No! This can't be!"

"You wanna use that garden snake attack again? Be my guest. Look, you can insult me all you want, but my friends are a no go! I'll fight for their honor! And look at me right now. I just showed up two nobles from the big boy squads. How embarrassing."

I smirked at them as Noelle and Mimosa were smiling from ear to ear.

Nebra:"Leave this to me brother!"

Alecdora:"I'll take care of the other delinquent!"

Nebra:"Mist binding magic: Mist Spider's Threads!"

Alecdora:"Sand creation magic: Sand Armor Guard!"

A giant knight of sand wrapped its arms around and Asta and squeezed him as the mist began swirling around me and wrapping around my limbs.

Mimosa:"No! They're in trouble!"

Klaus:"Uhh... Is this necessary? I think they've learned their lesson."

Alecdora:"Quiet! Did I give you permission to speak?"

Klaus:"N-no sir..."

Alecdora:"Such behavior cannot go unpunished. Especially if it interferes with a grand occasion such as the Distinguished Service Ceremony banquet."

Solid:"Why so gentle, Alecdora? Don't tell me the Golden Dawn has gotten soft."

Nebra:"As for you boy..."

She spread her fingers and the mist began pulling my limbs. I grunted in pain as they were continously being pulled

Noelle:"Sister! Stop!"

Solid:"Restraining him is not enough. Presumptuous fellows like this need their lessons beaten into them."

Noelle:"Don't do it!"

Solid:"This will shut that mouth of yours for good!"

Noelle:"Please, Solid, no!"

Solid:"Holy Water Bullet!"

The blast was targeted at Asta and was quickly approaching but one of his arms broke free of the grasp and summoned his larger sword. He cut the sand knight down and slapped the attack back at Solid and brought him to his knees.

"Way to go!"

Nebra:"For that I'll pull your limbs even harder!"

"Then I should stop trying to humor you. Defog."

My grimoire released a massive gust of wind that completely dispelled the mist spell.

Nebra:"Wind magic too?!"

Noelle:"(Y/n)... Asta..."

I began rubbing my shoulders and laughed.

"Thanks. There was this knot in my shoulder and your spell helped me out. Maybe nobles are good for something after all."

Nebra:"Why you..."

Solid:"You'll pay for striking back at me! This time I won't show you any mercy!"

Suddenly, the room started to shake and the air became cold as Nozel approached Asta and Solid.

Solid:"Nozel, what are you doing?!"

Nozel:"Enough Solid. You shouldn't be so quick to use your magic against a mere commoner. Same for you, Nebra."

Solid:"They deserved it though!"

Nozel:"I said enough. Do you wish to sully the name of House Silva with your antics?"

Asta: The air... It's freezing. This ice cold pressure. It's different from Captain Yami's. So this is the captain of the Silver Eagles...

Nozel:"A pair of commoners who dare to defy royalty. I wonder how I should punish you?"

Asta was starting to break out in a sweat as Nebra backed up away from me. Noelle and Mimosa gulped in fear and I scowled.

No way am I letting that jerk punk me like this!

Klaus: Now he's involved too? This is spiraling out of control!

I began taking steps towards Asta and everyone watched.

Klaus: (Y/n)! Don't be a hero! You can't possibly win against Nozel!

Nozel:"Oh? Seems the dog wants to be punished first."

Asta: How can he manage to move under all this pressure? (Y/n), show them what you're made of!

Okay so this might be a challenge, but if I can beat a captain I'll show everyone not to mess with us.

He was glaring at me and I glared back.

Fuegoleon:"This has gone on far enough! What do think you're doing? Ganging up on a pair of lone youths like that? Where is your sense of honor?

Leopold was behind Asta and I and he began laughing at us.

Leopold:"It seems Mimosa was right. The both of you are a pair of entertaining kids! Especially you!"

He pointed at me.


Leopold:"Today is your lucky day! I have decided to make you my rival!"

He began laughing happily and patted me and Asta on the shoulders.

Leopold:"What were your names again? Casta and Yin?"

"What? No."

Mimosa:"No Leopold, Asta and (Y/n)."

Leopold:"Ah, that's right! And what fine names they are, rival of mine."

Asta:"I'm sorry. I'm a little confused here."


Leopold:"Come on, what are you waiting for? This is cause for celebration! Now celebrate."



Noelle let out a sigh of relief as Asta and I eyed each other in confusion.

Yuno:"You two are related?"

Mimosa:"Yes. Fuegoleon and Leopold are my cousins on my father's side."

"Oh. That makes sense. But are you serious about me being your rival?"

Leopold:"Of course! I remember seeing you at the Magic Knights entrance exam. Brother and I thought you were a capable lightning mage, but after seeing you use so many different elements is spectacular! How long have you been keeping that a secret?"

"Uhh well... Pretty much the whole time?"

Leopold:"No wonder! You can outsmart your opponent at any time! Come on! Let's arm wrestle!"

"What?! Asta, take my place!"

Asta:"Why me?!"

"Because you got the muscles you dumbo!"

Asta:"Hey you're strong too, you know?!"

Leopold:"That's what I wanted to hear!"

"Hang on! I'm waiting for my food to digest so I'll have to take a rain check on that."

Sol:"It's amazing how dumb some guys can be, huh Char?"

Charlotte:"Mind your manners, Sol. And call me captain."

Sol:"Oh right! Sorry about that Char!"


Sol:"Don't worry about it! It won't happen again! 'Kay Char?"

Leopold:"Then I propose a thumb war!"

"You can't be serious!"

Leopold:"I am! It's just a friendly thumb war death match between rivals!"

"Death match?!"

Mimosa: Strong enough and brave enough to be Leopold's rival. That's my (Y/n)!

Hamon:"This is an awful lot of excitement for a banquet! Oh ho ho ho!"

Klaus: It seems everything has calmed down.

Nozel:"A royal has recognized a commoner as his rival? Truly?"

We stopped what we were doing and looked over at Nozel and Fuegoleon.

Fuegoleon:"Remember Nozel, the Wizard King himself invited this young man to the ceremony. He is a commoner, but we can still extend him a measurement of acceptance."

Nozel:"I would never expect such nonsense to be spouted from a royal. I'm sorry to see how soft House Vermillion has grown. You're a disgrace to the family, Fuegoleon."

Fuegoleon:"What did you say?"

Nozel:"As an eagle soaring through the sky, how could I accept such a mangy mutt running among the dirt?"

The room began shaking as both royals were releasing their mana to see who would yield. We then felt a large rumble and were confused when a mage ran inside the room.

Man:"Sir! We have trouble!"

Fuegoleon:"What is it?"

Man:"The capital is under attack!"

We all gasped as outside buildings were on fire and people were running from strange creatures. And it seemed as one person was controlling them and creating them at will. The mages outside tried their hardest to fight back but to no avail.

Fuegoleon:"What do you mean the capital is under attack?"

Siren:"I'll use my magic. Stone creation magic: Stone Model of the World. This will show us."

He created a stone model of the noble realm that was incredibly detailed that showed where fires were and even the voices and mana of people.

Alecdora:"For troops with this much power striking five places at once without us noticing..."

Fuegoleon:"Yes. A skilled spacial magic user must've brought them in simultaneously." Except, how can that happen? The noble realm's guardian mages keep a constant barrier around. Which should render it impervious to spacial magic. Did someone find a way to break through the barrier? Or worse, did a guardian mage turn traitor? In any case, this took extraordinary skill. "We need to figure out how best to allocate our resources."

Alecdora:"The Castle Town takes priority."



Asta:"People are getting killed and standing around talking about it isn't gonna help. I'm out of here!"

Noelle:"Asta wait!"

Klaus:"Just where do you think you're going?! We still don't have a grip on the situation! And besides, what will you do when you can't even sense magic power?!"

Asta:"I'll just go wherever its loudest!"

Klaus:"What are you some kind of animal?!"

Leopold:"HAHAHA! Now we're talking! Wait up Asta!"

The two immediately rushed out the door.

Fuegoleon:"Really Leo? Must you be such a child? Seems I'm going to have to take you in hand."

*sigh* "Good grief."

I began walking towards the open door when Noelle called out my name.

Noelle:"(Y/n), where are you going?"

"Welp, can't let Asta do all the work."

Fuegoleon:"Don't tell me you're rushing out with no plan."

"Guess I won't tell you then. Heh. Don't worry sir, I'll be evacuating the people to higher ground. But I'll also be fighting back against the enemy. Whoever they are. Whatever plan you guys come up with, I'll be sure to catch up with you guys and let you know if I find anything out."

With that, I ran out the door and got ready to spring into action.

End of page 7.

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