Page 4. Our First Mission

Asta and I ran around the entire hideout doing chores when we here hanging the laundry outside.

"Wait! This is basically what we did at the church!"


We went to the dining hall to eat with everyone while Asta asked what a Magic Knight does.

"Hey Noelle."

She flinched and looked at me. Her face looked a little red, but I ignored that.


"Can you pass the salt?"

Noelle:"Oh! S-sure."

She handed it to me and I put some on my food before continuing to eat it. Magna made the other members explain to Asta what being a Magic Knight was about. Each one of them gave a different response. Vanessa said it was about meeting some fine gentlemen. Luck said you could beat up a criminal for hours and no one would stop you. Gordon said, by definition, something.

Noelle: What am I still doing here? How did I let them convince me to stay?

She tilted her head to look at me.

"Do you need something?"

She just looked away and I shrugged before finishing my food. Soon, Yami arrived and he and Magna went off on a mission. Asta and I wanted to tag along, but it seemed serious since only the big men were allowed. They also carried serious looks on their faces.

They left and I sighed.

"Man this blows. I want to go out on a real mission."


Asta, Noelle, and I went to the beast room to feed them. As we were down there, Magna and Yami came down there...nude. I wanted to rip my own eyes out after seeing that, but good news was I'd finally be able to go on a mission!

We were tasked with hunting some boars for the chief of Saussy Village.

Noelle:"Should I really be going?"

Magna:"Quit complaining! Royalty or not this is a mission!"

Noelle:"It's not that. It's just that I can't control my magic power..."

"If you go on this mission then you'll be able to get some experience and learn to get a grip on your magic."

Magna:"Haha yeah! (Y/n) knows what's up!"

Noelle simply nodded. Magna then tried to get Finral to transport us there, but he could only go to places he's visited.

Magna:"Alright! Then we'll go by broom!"

Asta:"Magna, sir!"


Asta:"I can't fly a broom!"


Magna:"What is it?"

Noelle:"Neither can I."

Magna:"What the hell?! Let me guess, you too?"

"I can fly perfectly fine on a broom."

Magna:"At least one of you isn't a total waste."


Noelle:"Don't you call a royal like me waste!"

Asta:"I don't have any magic at all remember?"

Noelle:"And since I can't control mine, flying a broom is out of the question."

Magna:"Ugh, fine. Then we can ride together. Time to meet my baby!"

We went outside to see his broom, Crazy Cyclone.

Asta:"Oh man! It looks so awesome!"

Magna:"I know right?!"

Noelle:"Try lame."

"It's got personality which is something you can't really argue with heh."

I had a standard broom in my hand.

Asta got on Crazy Cyclone and smiled widely.

Asta:"Oh man this is gonna be so cool!"

Magna:"Get on Noelle."

Noelle:"As if a royal such as myself would ever get on something so horrid like that broom."

Magna:"Ugh, fine. Just ride with (Y/n) instead!"

He lifted off the ground and Noelle looked stunned for a bit.


Magna:"Too late. Better catch up!"

He and Asta hollered before flying off into the distance. I hovered a few feet off the ground and shook my head.

"You ready, Noelle?"

She looked at me with a red face.

Noelle:"Alright! Just don't think I'm doing this because I wanted to."


She got on the broom and held onto my waist.

"Off we go!"

I took off into the air and began to follow Magna.

Noelle: This is so embarrassing!

Magna:"Try and keep up newbie!"

He laughed and picked up the speed. I just smirked and did the same.


I flinched and nearly fell off the broom.

"Ah! That was right in my ear!"

Noelle:"Well that's what you get for speeding up without a warning!"

"Alright, alright, I'll warn you next time. Geez."

Noelle:"Hmph! You better!"

She looked away and I felt her grip tighten around my waist. I felt my face heat up, but I shook my head and kept following Magna. After a few hours, we reached a forest near the village and landed.

Magna:"Alright newbies, go crazy!"

Asta:"Sir yes sir!"

"Right away!"


Asta and I then split off into the forest to take care of these boars. They were way different than any I was used to! These were magic boars that had fire on them. I was currently getting chased by three of them. I stopped and turned to face them. They glared at me and I smirked.

"You may be big and on fire, but you're still just a boar!"

I brought out my grimoire and the pages flipped and I looked at my spell. I nodded and smirked. I reached in my grimoire and grabbed a seashell. It then started to swirl with water before it form a sharp shape.

"Razor Shell!"

I dashed at the boar and cut it across its body all over. It fell soon after and toppled over. The other two stepped back and huffed.

"Don't try and run away from me now!"

I rushed them and took them down as well. Asta and I carried them back with Magna as he told us how Seihei put him in his place back in his youth while also teaching him what it meant to be a man. We reached a plateau and saw that the whole village was covered in mist that took the shape of a dome.

Asta:"Huh, this place has some really weird weather."

Noelle:"It's not the weather you idiot. That's magic."

Asta:"It is?!"

"Yeah. And whoever set it all up must be pretty strong."

Magna:"Yeah. Let's hurry and get to the village square!"

We began running towards the entrance of the village as fast as we could.

Noelle:"It's too thick. How are we gonna reach the square without getting lost?"

"Asta can just cut through the mist."

Asta:"Don't be silly (Y/n). You can't cut mist with a sword."

Magna:"I'll give you silly! Your sword cuts through magic right?! Well use it to cut through this magic mist!"


Asta began swinging his sword through the air as Magna told him the directions to go in. We soon reached the square and saw the villagers huddled up on the ground. They were all covered in dirt and many were bruised up a bit. Some were crying and others were praying.

"Oh crap! Above them!"


There were icicles floating in the air above them and they soon fell below.

Magna:"Explosive Scatter Shot!"

Magna rushed on ahead and launched his spell to destroy the icicles.

Boy:"The Magic Knights are here to save us!"

The villagers looked up and saw us four and smiled, but frowned when they saw Magna. They averted their gaze to something else and it happened to be the chief who was currently bleeding out on the ground.

Asta:"You! Who are you?!"

He ignored Asta and didn't answer, but one of his lackeys spoke up.

Mage:"I hadn't heard that the Magic Knights would be here."

?:"The Black Bulls. The most rowdy, undisciplined, and heretical group of them all. Dealing with these riff raff would be a waste of precious time."

Asta:"You think you can just ignore us?!"

He ran right at them as one of the grunts used a mist spell.

Mage:"You're a fool if you think I'll let you approach Master Heath so easily. In the mist be lost."

Asta:"RRAH! You're the ones who need to get lost!"

Asta cut right through the mist which surprised them all.

Asta:"I want to know why you're trying to massacre all these villagers! I need an explanation now!"

The guy, now revealed as Heath, went on to explain how there were three realms in the kingdom. The noble realm, the common realm, and the forsaken realm. Saussy Village was I the last category and he believed that because of that, these villagers were nothing more than beasts that couldn't use tools. He was mainly trying to dispose of the useless beasts.

Asta:"You may think of them as nothing but useless beasts, but I'll do whatever I can to protect them!"

Heath:"Hmph. Ice and mist compound magic: Endless Ice Cage."

He and one of his grunts sent their magic through the air and the mist swirled around the villagers as icicles formed in the air. Asta and Magna destroying the icicles, but couldn't see much of them through the mist.

Noelle tried to attack Heath, but her lack of magic control made it difficult.

Heath:"A Magic Knight that can't even control her own power. The Black Bulls must've been desperate to accept this one. And you, boy, what about you. You're making no attempt to help these pathetic beasts. Perhaps you're the smarter one of your crew. But that isn't saying much considering who you joined."

"Ah screw you! You want me use my magic, then you got it! Defog!"

My grimoire flipped to a random page and glowed green as a massive tornado swirled out of it and began taking in all the mist that surrounded the entire village.

Mage:"What?! How is he able to do that!?"

The tornado dispersed and everything was visible now.

Heath:"Wind magic. I see. But what can you do to protect those beasts behind you?"

Icicles were launched at them and I grit my teeth.

"Wide Guard!"

I clapped my hands together as a brown glow came from the grimoire and a light brown barrier surrounded the villagers.

Mage:"Huh?! That's not wind magic!"

The attack was blocked by the barrier before I let it down.

Heath:"Just what kind of mage are you?"

"Me? I'm a mage that fights for everyone! No matter what! I'm also a commoner from the forsaken realm! So what if I'm a Black Bulls member? I'll just show you what a beast is truly capable of! Flame Burst!"

My pages flipped and glowed bright red as I shot forth a speeding ball of flames that hit a mage square in his chest.

Noelle: (Y/n), Asta, and Magna are all fighting as I stand here doing nothing. I'm royalty with greater magic power, but I'm being completely useless.

As I fought back, I heard the sounds of rushing water and turned to see Noelle surrounded in a dome of water that protected everyone inside from the icicles.

"Holy crap Noelle! This is incredible!"

Her face went red briefly before she smugly flipped her hair.

Noelle:"Of course it is. I was the one who created it after all."

Asta took the chance to lunge at Heath and jab him in the chest, but he killed Asta's momentum with some ice and stabbed him back.


"Oh that's it! It's my turn! Agility! Bulk Up!"

My body glowed brightly as I felt myself getting lighter and tougher.

Noelle:"(Y/n) wait!"

I dashed at Heath as he created a spiked wall of ice. I grit my teeth as my fist glowed a dark orange and I punched right through the wall.


"I'll smash through your puny ice!"

Asta:"I'm not done yet!"

Heath reacted by erecting another wall of ice that stabbed Asta and knocked me away.

Heath:"Persistent little idiot aren't you?"

"He isn't the only one!"

I ran and managed to punch him in his back and made him grunt in pain. Magna walked out of Noelle's spell and smirked at us.

Magna:"Time for a baptism Asta!"

Magna poured his last bit of magic energy into a spell and threw it at Asta who reflected it back at the rogues. The flames then binded them, but one managed to get away.

Asta then passed out and fell asleep.

"Heh, you did good buddy."


Magna was going to question Heath but he used a magic item to kill himself and two of his grunts.

A burial was given to Seihei. And Magna and Asta gave some words of inspiration to a kid that wanted to be a Magic Knight like Asta. The bird that always pecked Asta came back with a strange looking stone. I doubt it's important though.

End of page 4.

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