Page 13. Three-Leaf Sprouts
Over at the Black Bulls' Hideout, Sekke flew in on his broom to notify them of the backup call. They were closer to Magic Knights Headquarters than any of the other squads, but no one was answering the call, so he decided to ask them in person. The door was left ajar, and so he stepped inside, and the giant dirty living room gave off an eerie vibe as no light was present.
He walked around before Gordon stood behind him and tried introducing himself. Sekke thought Gordon meant him harm and screamed in terror before backing away from him. Gordon followed Sekke as he kept yelling before Sekke encountered Gray. With another scream of terror, Captain Yami stepped out from the halls and told Sekke to shut up.
Yami didn't know who Sekke was and assumed he was there to collect a bar tab of his. Sekke tried to reason with him and get him to understand what was going on, but Yami just squeezed his head and talked over him.
Your POV
?:"Neige, don't stand around like an idiot! Help me out here!"
The big guy with glasses called out to the scrawny mage with white hair.
He created more snowmen who tried to attack Asta.
Gauche:"These guys again? Reflect Refrain!"
He used one mirror to shoot out a beam of light that blasted through one snowman before hitting a different mirror and blasting through another. It continued onward for a bit as it completely destroyed them all.
Gauche:"Are you done yet?"
Gauche began to walk towards Neige, who only backed up in fear.
Gauche:"Die, feeble little wretch."
Neige used a binding spell that trapped Gauche in a ton of snow that lifted him several feet off the ground.
Asta:"Don't worry, Gauche! We'll save you!"
Gauche:"Save me? If you're trying to show off for Marie, it won't work!"
"Dude! Seriously?!"
Gauche:"I got everything under control. Or rather... we do."
Neige was suddenly shot in the back as he fell over. Behind him stood another Gauche.
Neige:"How are there... two...?"
Gauche:"Mirror Magic: Real Double."
Gauche explained that with this spell, he summons a version of himself from the mirror world.
Asta:"Okay, your magic is officially awesome, Gauche!"
It is pretty interesting, and no doubt Gauche knows how to use magic in a fight. I just wish he wasn't such a weirdo. He put down Neige as Asta turned his attention to Baro. He stormed over before grabbing by the collar of his shirt.
Asta:"How could you do something so screwed up?! You stole... their magic! Can you imagine if someone had taken yours?!"
Baro began to laugh.
Baro:"Except they didn't know, did they? If a bunch of snot-nosed brats lose their magic, that's their problem, not mine."
This set Asta off as he reeled his fist back and had a severely angry look on his face.
Asta:"Why you...!"
He threw a punch, but at the last minute, Sister Theresa called out to him, and he punched the wall by Baro's and cracked it greatly.
Asta:"The pain you're is nothing compared to what you deserve. You will find a way to fix this."
Theresa:"That's enough. Don't waste your energy on him. He's not worth the effort. What's important now is taking care of the children."
Asta:"Hey! Tell us how to make their magic return."
Baro:"Yes, I'll tell what you want to know if you just let me go..."
Asta:"It's time to quit stalling!"
Theresa:"You're scum alright. Through and through! Asta, use your sword to break the spell on the children, and you don't try anything funny!"
They stepped away from Baro as Asta began running down the aisle of children and tapping their heads gently with his sword to break the spell. The kids regained their senses and cried our for their parents, but Theresa and I calmed them down.
Luca:"Asta! (Y/n)!"
She ran over to us, and I pat her head.
(Y/n):"Sup? Are you doing alright?"
Luca:"Yeah! Thanks to you two!"
Gauche:"Hurry up and heal Marie's wounds, you old cow."
Theresa:"I was going to do that anyway, you uncivilized oaf."
She used her spell, Sacred Healing Light, to help the kids recover and stay warm as well.
Theresa:"Asta, (Y/n), weren't you two raised at the church in Hage Village?"
"Well, Asta was born there. I showed up sometime after, but yeah. How did you know that?"
Theresa:"Well, as it happens, Sister Lily once came to my church to train. She told me all about a young orphan who was in her care."
Asta:"Seriously?! You actually know Sister Lily?!"
Theresa:"One of the sweetest young ladies I've ever met."
Asta:"I know, right?! Wait! What exactly did she tell you?! Was it good?!
Theresa:"She told me you were little and noisy."
Asta gasped, and I couldn't help but laugh.
Theresa:"Of course, that wasn't the only thing she said. She also told me that you're a hard worker who doesn't give up no matter what obstacles he faces. A boy with a strong heart who makes her proud every day. And now I can see that all your hard work has paid off."
Asta smiled, and a blush crept on his face.
Asta:"You hear that, (Y/n)?! I make Sister Lily proud every day!"
"Good for you, man."
Theresa:"And as to how I know about you, (Y/n). Sister Lily wrote me a letter saying about a boy that Asta found alone in the woods. I was informed that you have no recollection of your past. Despite that, though, you quickly became friends with everyone in the church and helped them all out with getting food and chores around the church. She said you were remarkable and would grow from experience quickly. And I can see it rather clearly. You have some remarkable magic power dwelling inside you."
I smiled proudly as Asta pat me on the back. Our brotherly moment was quickly ended as we heard a yelp of pain. Across the cave, we saw Gauche kicking Neige before stomping on his head. It seemed like he wanted revenge for this guy hitting Marie.
Theresa:"Tell me, why did the two of you do this? These children are the hope of our kingdom. The three-leaf sprouts upon which our future depends."
Neige:"I didn't want this! I just wanted to make friends! It hurts! Baro, please! Tell me what I should do!"
Gauche still had his foot on his head as Neige began crying. Baro could only look on in disdain as his thoughts began racing. Soon, we heard a female voice that was oddly familiar.
?:"Ooh! Hello~"
"No... It can't be..."
Baro:"About time! You're pretty slow for someone who can use spatial magic! We hit a snag! Think I can get a little help here?!"
Near the ceiling of the cave, a portal opened up, and that crazy chick Sally popped out.
Sally:"Ugh! I'm so sick of your whining, but it looks like you brought me some presents, so I'll let it slide."
Sally jumped out from the portal and stood on by on a ledge with a tunnel behind her.
Sally:"Asta~ (Y/n)~"
Asta:"The Eye of the Midnight Sun..."
Sally:"I didn't think I'd see you two so soon~ HAHAHAHAHA!"
I looked up at her as she waved frantically at us.
Asta:"It's the crazy lady!"
Back at the hideout
Sekke was finally able to talk to Yami as he asked Sekke why he didn't tell him that Nean needed assistance sooner. Yami stated that no one knew what either Gordon or Gray were thinking, so sending them in for backup was out of the question. It was really up to him, but he didn't want to.
In Nean
One of the nuns told the parents to head into the church as they waited for everyone to come back with the children. Rebecca's siblings were still worried.
Noelle:"They may not look it, but Asta and Gauche are really strong. (Y/n) himself is a really powerful mage he's actually ranked higher than some of our other members. And we'll be getting backup from Magic Knights Headquarters."
With You
Sally:"I came when I heard the alert tool go off, but it seems like you haven't gathered much magic."
Baro:"Yeah, well, it's all their fault."
Sally:"Eh. It doesn't matter now."
Theresa:"Is it them, Asta? The terrorists that attacked the capital?"
Asta:"Yeah! She's from that same group."
Gauche:"You! My Marie was endangered because of you! I'll kill you!"
He shot a beam of light from his mirror, but Sally quickly used her Sticky Salamander spell, and the beam went inside its torso before being refracted upwards through its head thus rendering the attack useless.
Sally:"Can't you see I'm trying to have a touching reunion with (Y/n)?!"
"Why me specifically?!"
Sally:"Oh well, I'll just take you all! Dissection party!"
Theresa:"What kind of evil spell is that?!"
Asta:"Be careful. That spell is really strong."
"It is. She even managed to use it to take a hit from Captain Nozel of the Silver Eagles."
Sally giggled before jumping into the salamander and lunging at us. Asta launched himself off the ground and tried to get rid of the spell with his big sword, but the body was too gelatinous and would recover from any slice he made. Gauche tried using Reflect Refrain to destroy the salamander, but all his beams were warped and expelled from the spell's body.
Sally:"If you wanna break, Mr. Salaman, then you'll need something stronger!"
She then shot out a blob from the salamander, and it stuck to Gauche before pinning him on the wall.
"Stronger, huh?! Then I got something special for ya!"
I summoned my grimoire and got ready to use a spell, but Sally only giggled.
Sally:"Sorry (Y/n), I can't let you! But I got something for you as well!"
Before I knew it, weird sticky tentacles were wrapped around my wrists and ankles before pulling me towards the salamander.
I was put on top of the salamander's back as it held me down. Sally emerged from within the salamander as some of the gelatin was still clinging to her body.
Sally:"There you are, my pretty one!"
She was staring down at me with those crazy eyes and her tongue hanging out a bit.
Sally:"You look like an ordinary human, but you're not!"
With her tongue still out, she leaned forward towards the left side of my neck and licked in upwards motion. From my collarbone up to near the bottom of my chin. I shivered at the strange and cold feeling of her tongue and saliva dragging up my neck.
Sally:"You're special."
Without a second thought, Sally bit down on the right side of my neck harshly. I yelled out in pain.
Asta:"(Y/n)! Are you okay?!"
"No! It hurts! And it's freaky!"
Sally:"Your blood tastes not so ordinary! Ooh, I wonder what's in your system! Next, I need a fingernail sample."
"Wait, wait, wait!"
Since my nails were already trimmed, she was going to rip off more than necessary, and no doubt it was gonna be painful. Suddenly, the salamander began to well up with fire inside its body.
Theresa:"Flame Magic: Brilliant Flame Cross!"
The powerful spell caused the salamander to explode into bits and pieces as I flew through the air. I recovered in the air before landing safely near Asta. Theresa swiped at Sally, who tried to reach out for me.
Theresa:"Back off! You're not taking him!"
"That was incredible!"
Asta:"Heck yeah!"
Theresa:"Never underestimate Theresa the Crimson She-Leopard! Once a Magic Knight, always a Magic Knight!"
Asta:"Whoa! Did not see that coming!"
"Ditto. Wait, Crimson She-Leopard, does that mean you knew Captain Fuegoleon?"
Theresa:"Oh, Little Fuego?"
Asta:"Little Fuego?!"
Theresa:"Back when I was a Magic Knight, I was in charge of his education. He was a real mess back then, but he turned out alright."
Asta:"I don't know if you heard what happened to him, Sister. They..."
Theresa:"Yes, I know. And we will capture them!"
Gauche called out to her, asking to be freed, and so she freed him. Baro was muttering something to Sally before she used one of those giant syringes she used last time and injected something into Baro's neck. Soon, mud began pouring out from his nostrils, eyes, and mouth. His magic was overflowing and turned him into a giant mud monster. He punched the side of the cave as rubble began to fall.
Theresa:"(Y/n), Asta, Gauche, protect the children!"
"Yes ma'am!"
We stood in front of them as Gauche got on his broom and grabbed Marie, then flew out the cave.
"Is this dude serious right now?!"
The monster punched the ground and caused the ground to shake as Asta and I were sent flying back.
Sally:"I'm not letting you get away from me this time (Y/n)! You're all mine!"
"Seriously?! Why is just me?!"
Sally:"Don't worry, I'll be taking Asta too! I just think you're a little more valuable!"
"That's messed up. Asta is a catch!"
Asta:"Hey, thanks, man! Wait, don't try and pawn the crazy lady on me!"
Theresa made a leopard of fire and told the kids to get on its back. That way, it could evacuate them to safety. Baro walked over to Neige and was about to crush him under his fist, but Asta stepped in and cut through his muddy hand as the mud splattered on the floor.
Neige:"Why did you save me?"
Asta:"You can't die! Take responsibility for your actions! That's the punishment you deserve! Look, your own brother tried to kill you! He's sicker than I thought he was! My sword seems to work on you, so I'll cut you down to size!"
Asta spoke too soon as he rushed at Baro, but the giant mud monster regenerated his hand and tried to crush him. He dodged at the last minute and looked up worried.
Sally:"Your anti-magic is the cutest! But even that won't be enough to bring him down. You saw that dark magic tool! It makes the subject swell, swell, and swell with magic power!"
Asta:"She's a special kind of crazy!"
"You're telling me! Don't worry, Asta, I got your back! Razor Shell!"
I created a sword of water and dashed at the giant mud monster and began to attack alongside Asta. Our blades would cut through his body only for it to regenerate.
Sally:"(Y/n)! I got a present for you~"
She tried to capture me with gelatinous tentacles, but Sister Theresa stopped the attack with blasts of fire.
"Thanks, Sister!"
Asta and I continued our assault on Baro. Meanwhile, Marie began telling Gauche that everyone inside still needed help. And that the reason she isn't lonely when he's gone is because of all the friends she has in the church. They left the cave before encountering Marco and the kids who were escorted by Theresa's leopard construct.
Marie's words were enough to convince Gauche to return. With Marie reunited with some of the other kids, she told them that Gauche was going back to help. He left back on his broom and scowled.
Gauche: (Y/n) this. Asta that. The captain and all the other squad members are crazy about them. But back then, both of them were practically useless. I bet the both of them, along with the old hag, have given up by now.
He returned as Asta and I continued our assault on the mud monster.
Sally:"You two don't know when to give up, do you?"
Sally:"Come on, just forget about protecting them and let me capture you! I promise you we'll have so much fun!
Asta:"Forget about protecting them? No way! Not a chance! You'd have to kill us first!"
Asta then jumped up and sliced at Baro.
Asta:"Which isn't going to happen! I won't die! Not before I become the Wizard King!"
I smirked and rushed at Baro and aimed for his legs.
Theresa:"Asta! On your right!"
He looked over and saw Baro still had a free hand that was about to crush him. He was then saved by Gauche, who kicked him in his ribs and sent him crashing down to the ground. Gauche then used his Real Double to start his assault. Both used Reflect Refrain, which he called Double Refrain. Sally created another salamander as Gauche did the best that he could. Even with the double attack, Baro recovered.
Soon, he swiped down at Gauche and knocked him off his broom. The double disappeared after hitting the ground. Baro raised both fists and got ready to slam them down on Gauche, but Asta and I stepped in and cut straight through the hands.
Asta:"Why did you go after it alone like that?! We're supposed to work together! All three of us are squad mates! I protect you two, and you two protect me! That's what I call a fool-proof plan!"
Gauche pondered for a minute before smiling, then attacked Baro.
Gauche:"Fine. I guess I got no other choice. I don't know why, but Marie would be heartbroken if both of you died. So, I'll protect you!"
Asta:"Hey, we're doing you a favor here! We're friends, after all."
"Ehh... I mean..."
Asta:"Come on (Y/n)!"
"Alright, calm down."
Gauche:"Hold on, what's that?"
Asta's grimoire glowed, and he pulled out his smaller sword as it had magic inside it. Just like back at the dungeon with Noelle. He swiped at Baro as his sword unleashed a crescent shaped projectile. It cut through his fingers, but they regenerated soon after. Asta and I dashed around as we sliced at Baro as Gauche attacked from above when he got back on his broom.
Soon, Gauche's grimoire glowed, and he stepped back to let his mana recover. Asta and I continued our assault but it wasn't working.
Gauche:"Asta! Look at me. My left eye has been replaced with a mirror magic tool. I'll use the power it has inside to cast my new spell."
His eye glowed as a mirror appeared in front of Asta.
Gauche:"Mirror Magic: Mirage Brigade!"
Suddenly, a bunch of clones of Asta appeared, each with a pair of anti-magic swords of their own. The smaller swords had that mirror magic power stored inside them, and they all collectively attacked to break down Baro all at once with their power. I smirked and joined in with them as we all shouted, "Not done! We're not done yet!" The Asta clones even went after the sticky salamander. And with one final slash from the original Asta, the mud monster was defeated, as was the sticky salamander. I shared a proud smirk alongside Asta and Gauche.
All:"WE DID IT!"
All that left of Baro was his coat, which was stained with mud. Neige went over and clenched it tightly as he shed tears for his fallen brother. He soon stood up and promised Asta that he would atone for his sins along with his brother's. Asta smiled and said once he got that out of the way, they should be friends.
I smiled before looking in shock as a blade of light was lodged into his back. Neige fell over as a bright light shined within the cave.
"No... It can't be...!"
Asta:"(Y/n)... It's that light from before...!"
Gauche:"This magic power... I never felt anything like it before..."
Soon, Gauche had two blades of light lodged in him as he fell backward. Asta began to step forward as I looked at Gauche.
I didn't even see an attack coming!
Sister Theresa began running as multiple light blades were thrown at Asta. She blocked the attacks as they were all lodged in her before she collapsed.
"Sister Theresa!"
Gauche:"No! Old hag!"
?:"You have injured my compatriot. It's only fair that I return the favor."
"Damn you! Asta, this is the guy from the group's hideout!"
Licht:"I haven't introduced myself yet, have I? I am the leader of the Eye of the Midnight Sun. Call me, Licht."
I looked over and saw that his grimoire had a four leaf clover! Asta seemed to notice it, too. I grit my teeth and readied my grimoire. I doubt we could take this guy, but I could probably find some way to get us all out of here. Assuming this guy would even give us the chance.
End of page 13.
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