Page 11. The Mixer

A/n: This is honestly my favorite Black Clover opening and it's the theme that got me hooked on the series for being so damn catchy.

Finral Roulacase of the Black Bulls had some concerns. Some very serious concerns.

Finral: What now? What should I do?

Was it a mission that had him so preoccupied?

Finral: The mixer tonight!

No! He was planning a mixer. A party meant to help men and women forge closer friendships.

Finral: Let's see, how do I want to arrange this? I already have three ladies lined up. Mmm, a line of ladies~ No! Focus Finral! You have to decide which squad mates to bring with you. Should I bring Asta?

He contemplated bring along Asta and thought how things would play out if he brought him along.


Finral: Ladies love muscles, but he may be too much of a muscle head. Next option!

He teleported away and checked on Magna. He was busy practicing a spell and Finral thought about it.

Finral: Maybe. Girls do love the whole bad boy thing.

Magna:"Hey ladies! Wanna see a real man's ride then check out my Crazy Cyclone, here! Just hop on and I'll treat ya to the full Magna experience!"

Finral: But Magna's more acquired taste.

He heard the sound of wood being hit and went to see what it was and saw that it was Gauche making a life size statue of his sister.

Finral: No. I can just see it now.

Gauche:"Take a look at my Marie. Have you ever seen anybody more angelic? No. Because there is no one that can compare to her."

Finral: That's one way to kill the mood.

Gordon was behind Finral and mumbled as usual.

Finral:"No one knows what Gordon is saying ever, so no."

He then hopped into a portal to look for another candidate. He checked out the weight room and saw Gray lifting and just shook his head.

Finral:"Maybe if I brought Charmy along she could liven things up. Like a mascot. Although..."

He thought about how she would just outright consume all the food in the restaurant and decided against it. He checked on Vanessa who was passed out on the couch as usual. His next idea was Captain Yami. Though he figured Yami would say some things that would put off the girls.

Finral: Hard pass.

His next option was Luck.

Luck:"A mixer? Sure, I'll go!"

Finral:"Great! Glad you're on board." Luck at least looks like he's sane.

Luck:"So what is a mixer?"

Finral:"This will be great..." But I need one more! And everyone else is a no-go! Wait! No! There is another!

Finral and Luck hopped through a portal and began running down the halls of their hideout.

Luck:"Ooh! Is this a warm-up for the mixer?"

Finral:"No! I can't believe I didn't think of him sooner!"

They came to a screeching halt when they saw (Y/n).

(Y/n):"Oh, hey guys. What's going on?"

Finral: (Y/n) is literally the best candidate! He may look plain, but he's honestly the best out of these psychos! Why wasn't he my first option?!

Luck:"Finral is taking me to a mixer!"

Finral:"Join us, please!"

(Y/n):"Yeah alright. I got nothing else going on so sure."

Finral cheered happily and they got ready to head out.

(Y/n):"So wearing our robes are okay?"

Finral:"We want to make it crystal clear that we're Magic Knights. The people look up to us. I see no reason not to use that to our advantage."

(Y/n):"Fair enough, I suppose."

Luck:"So what are mixers like, anyway? Do you think we'll get to fight?"

(Y/n):"I doubt that's what we'll be doing. But I've got no clue so who knows?"

Finral opened a portal and (Y/n) stepped through first, with Luck and Finral following soon after. But one more person managed to jump in unnoticed. It was Noelle.

Your POV

We walked down the streets of the village of Nean at a steady pace. I was still unsure of what we were doing, but with Finral leading the charge it definitely had to be something out of the ordinary. Although, I couldn't help but shake the feeling that we were being followed.

Noelle: What was I thinking skulking after them to some silly mixer! I got all worried because that cretin wants to indulge himself in a little lowbrow socializing. Ugh! No I am not thinking about HIM! He's a plain faced nobody and I couldn't care less about what he wants to do with his free time! Agh! Who am I making excuses to anyway?!

We finally reached the location of the mixer and it was at a tavern. Finral lead us over to table where three girls sat side by side. The seats across from them were vacant so we all sat down. Finral got drinks and prepared to introduce himself.

Finral:"I'm Finral Roulacase! 21 year old spatial magic user from Touta and a Black Bulls squad member! Hi there~"

He had created a portal and brought out three bouquets of flowers to hand to each of the girls. Two of them were actually appreciative of the flowers as the girl across from me just kinda said thank you in a dull tone.

Finral: Alright! I got them interested! I'm definitely getting a girlfriend this time! I just gotta hope Luck and (Y/n) can carry their weight! "Now who would like to go next?"

Luck:"I guess I'll go!" This shouldn't be too hard, right? Okay! "I'm Luck Voltia! 18 years old from Ibon! I'm a member of the Black Bulls, too! My favorite thing is life or death battles against super strong opponents! The bloodier, the better! And my motto is do or die!"

His mana flared up and a stray lightning bolt began to fry some meat on the table. I glanced over and saw that Finral was appalled at what Luck said. He looked at me with pleading eyes and I sighed. I stood up from my seat and looked at them.

"Hi, I'm (Y/n) from Hage Village. I'm 15 and I'm also a Black Bull. I aspire to become the strongest Black Bull there is and prove everyone wrong about my squad!" There, I told them my dream. That's always a good thing right?

I looked over and saw that it was unfortunately not enough to lift up their moods. I glanced back at Finral and mouthed a "Sorry." Finral shifted the attention to the girls and asked them to introduce themselves.

Erika:"I'm Erika and I work as a dressmaker."

Helene:"I'm Helene and I work at a barbershop."

Rebecca:"Rebecca and I work at a restaurant."

Rebecca was the one across from me and her tone was still pretty dull. Finral could easily tell they weren't interested and tried to keep things flowing.

Finral:"So, wanna hear about what we do as Magic Knights?"

Helene:"Yes! That would be wonderful!"

Erika:"Yeah! Tell us everything!"

Finral was about to speak but I could just tell that he did pretty much nothing recently. In fact, I saw him repeatedly using his spatial magic for Yami to get around the hideout easier. Whether it be for the toilet, the bathhouse, or even his own bedroom. So Finral passed it off to Luck. Which was an awful idea. Luck talked about how he fought some bandits and beat them into a bloody pulp.

He was about to keep going about his brutal ventures, but Finral luckily cut him off.

Finral:"(Y/n)! Let's hear about your mission!"

"Oh! Well, do any of you know about the attack on the capital a few days ago?"


"I was actually there."



Finral: Yes! (Y/n) with the comeback! My savior!

"The capital was under attack by these things called wraiths so I went around several districts evacuating people and destroying those things."

Erika:"What was a wraith like?"

"They looked like humans, but their skin was gray, decaying, reeked of absolute garbage and had such gross looking teeth ready to bite down on me."

And after I said that, it grossed them out.

Finral: Noooo!!! He was doing so well!

Noelle: Maybe I didn't need to keep an eye on things after all. The mixer doesn't look like it's going well. "Not that I care! (Y/n)'s social life has nothing to do with me!"

Man:"Excuse me, miss! Over here!"


Man:"Another round please!"

Noelle:"Go get it yourself. I'm busy."

Across the tavern, Sekke was attending a mixer himself and then asked for a refill. Noelle shot a blast of water at him and his buddies which earned a thumbs-up from the girls they were with.

Luck:"Wow! So that's the magic you use to cut hair?!"

Helene:"Yep this is it! Here, see?"

She demonstrated by using a magic scissor construct to snip off some of her hair.

Luck:"Wow! It doesn't take much magic power, but your control has to be stellar! Show me more!"

Helene gasped lightly and blushed a bit.

Helene:"W-well if you want me too..." His eyes are so genuine! How can someone that bloodthirsty be so cute?! And why does it make my stomach all tingly? Oh no! Do I have a secret love for dangerous men?! "Hey Luck, do you think I could see your magic too?"

Luck:"Yeah sure. It's kind of cramped in here so let's go out front, 'kay?"


The two got up and exited the tavern as Finral and I stayed seated.

Finral: Nice. Well done, Luck.

Huh. That's not what I expected, but good on him!

Finral:"Anyway, the sun rises so beautiful there you wouldn't believe it. I'll use my spatial magic to take us there sometime. How does that sound?"

Erika:"It sounds good actually."

Finral:"Oh, your mug's empty. Another round please!"

Erika: A little flashy and not really my type. But he's the best of the three. He looks like a noble and spatial magic can come in handy. Plus he's attentive.

Finral:"Well, shall we go to the veranda?"

Erika:"Sure, that'd be nice."

Finral and Erika got up and left thereby leaving me alone with Rebecca.

Urgh! So awkward! Why is she staring off to the side like that? Is she mad? Is there something on my face? I can handle wraiths and a Diamond Kingdom mage, but not the awkwardness between me and a girl?! No way! This will make me stronger!

Before I got the chance to speak, Rebecca spoke up.

Rebecca:"You don't have to try so hard to make conversation, it's okay. Getting all dressed up and coming out was Erika's idea. She thinks I need a man for my siblings' sake but I don't even want to be here! I spent the entire time worrying about my brothers and sisters back home."

"Wow, how many siblings do you have?"

Rebecca:"Three little brothers and two little sisters."

"Hey I can relate to that! Although, we're not related by blood or anything. I've got six siblings actually. Some little rascals that honestly brightened up my day. Know that I think about it, I'm honestly kind of missing them. Me and two of my other siblings didn't get along most of the time, but we still had fun. And where we lived we all were cramped up in a room. Now that I got my own room, I got all the space I need, but I kinda miss the constant snoring that I was so used to. It became white noise to me that helped me sleep."

Rebecca:"Oh I get it! They can be so annoying, but then you miss them when they're not around."

"And without them I don't think I'd be doing this whole Magic Knight thing."


Noelle:"Hey wait! She's actually laughing now?! How can this be happening?!"

Noelle was shaking and tore apart a glass plate clean in half and the tavern owner was shocked.

Owner:"Hey, I gave you a job since you were begging but you deny customers their drinks, send them flying, and now you're breaking my plates! What kind of serving girl are you?!"

Noelle:"That's enough out of you."

"Yeah. You see there was this kid that lived at the church who found me alone in the woods. I unfortunately lost any memories I had of who I was. I only knew my name. But despite that, I was taken in and had a family to call my own."

Rebecca:"Oh dear. Have you had any luck getting your memories back?"

"Nah. But I'm not actively trying to seek out who I was. I'm loving the life I'm living!"

Rebecca:"That's good to hear."

"And I can't say I'm surprised you're the eldest. You definitely give off big sister vibes."

Rebecca:"You seem like a big brother yourself honestly."

"I'd like to think of myself as the mild child. Especially since two of the other kids are my age. Asta and Yuno. Both of them are Magic Knights too! Asta is also a Black Bull. You should definitely meet him sometime! He's a bit of a loudmouth, but he's got a good heart."

?:"Well, well..."

I looked over and saw some fat drunk guy walking over to our table.

Drunkard:"Having some over here are we? Huh, Mr. Fancy Magic Knight? Whoa, you look kinda puny. They letting just anyone join? I ought to give it a shot if they let someone like you in!"

"Someone like you would probably break the brooms they hand out."

Drunkard:"Tch! Well now, you must think you're some big shot if you're going after a beauty like her. What's she want with you anyway? Got a thing for Magic Knights?"

Rebecca just scowled at the guy as he hiccupped and kept eyeing her.

Drunkard:"You look familiar... Ah! I know. You work in that restaurant with the kid strapped to your back. You're always sweating your tail off surrounded by a bunch of brats! HAHAHA! Those your kids hanging around, huh?! Did your man leave ya high and dry?"

Rebecca:"No! I am not their mother!"

Drunkard:"No wonder you're trying to land a Magic Knight! That sure would make your life easier! Well, you're pretty enough! You want a man that bad then let me help you sweet cheeks!"

Rebecca was then grabbed by the shoulders by the drunkard who laughed as I got up from my seat and grabbed the man's arm.

"Listen old man, you better let her go or else! You don't know the first thing about that woman!"

Drunkard:"Ooh! I'm so scared! I'm quaking in my boots! What kind of spell are you going to throw at me Mr. Magic Knight?"

"I don't need to waste a spell on a piece of trash like you!"

I lifted him up off the ground and tossed him across the tavern and watched him crash on top some people and break a table. The owner came by and started to cry about his table so Rebecca grabbed my arm and dragged me out the tavern and we ran for a while before stopping in an alley.

Rebecca:"You were really great back there! Thank you so much."

"No problem. It's what I do. Sorry if I ruined the mixer for you."

Rebecca:"You didn't though."

I rubbed the back of my head embarrassed as she stared at me.

Rebecca: He may not look like much at first glance, but there's something about this kid.

She noticed that I saw her staring and she looked away with a small tint to her cheeks.

Rebecca:"Hey (Y/n)... Do... Do you have anyone who's special to you?"

"Special to me...? I..."

Rebecca: He?

Noelle: He?

"I... Can't say that I do. Not at this moment at least. I've been so preoccupied with mission after mission that I don't have time for anything like that. But who knows? Maybe I'll find that someone."

Rebecca:"Heh. I hope you do. I'll be rooting for you."

"Yeah? Thanks!"

Rebecca:"Hey, you should come over sometime and meet the kids! I'd think they'd like you!"

"Sounds good."

Noelle:"He doesn't have his heart set on someone?" Wait! This means that...

Rebecca: ...He's available! I say that I'm rooting for him, but that's only because I'm going to try hard!

Noelle: So what if he's available?! That doesn't matter to me! Not a single bit! Nope! Not at all!

"Even if I didn't ruin the mixer for you, I probably did for Finral. It was his idea for dragging me out here. But hey, plus side is I got to meet you, Rebecca!"

Rebecca's face grew red and her heart skipped a beat.

Noelle: You can't be serious! Stop it this instant! You... you... you idiot!

Rebecca: He's good...

End of page 11.

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