Wedding Day/ Preview of Blissful Thunder

1 month post-Summerslam and Countdown to Cassie's and Trevion's wedding: 3 hours away

Cassie is in her room with her older sister and mother helping her with her dress while her bridesmaids are preparing in the separate room of the church.

Lauren: Biggest day of your life Cassie, how're you feeling?

Cassie: Honestly, I'm so fucking happy Lauren; I mean I'm marrying the man of my dreams, everything in my life has gone exactly as I've wanted it to, I mean the only thing that could wrong is if Trevion doesn't want to marry me.

Janet: Nonsense little cub, of course Trevion wants to marry you the young man is practically head over heels for you and I know you feel the same.

Lauren: And besides if he backs out now, he'll have to deal with the fury of the McIntosh family and its worst than having to face Braun Strowman and Brock Lesnar combined. And I'm pretty sure he doesn't want that.

Cassie: I'm pretty sure he fears you enough as is Lauren, no need to overdo it.

Lauren: You're no fun Cassie, its fun to ruffle his feathers that's the job of a future sister-in-law.

Janet is at this point finished tying the back of Cassie's wedding dress

Janet: There we go, now let me see my beautiful daughter in her beautiful wedding dress


Cassie: So how do I look?

Lauren: Like a million bucks, baby sister

Janet: I concur sweetie, Trevion's heart will melt when he sees you in that dress.

Cassie: Thanks family, lets go get the others and grab dad, its time...

Trevion, Fergal and his groomsmen are already at the altar and Tre himself is reciting his speech that he wrote for Cassie

Allen: Dude just calm down will ya?

Trevion: I am calm Allen, aside from the fact I'm getting MARRIED today!!! You can't tell me you weren't nervous on your wedding day.

Allen: Of course, I was literally quaking in my shoes when I got married; I'm pretty sure Chad, Doc, Mikaze, Roderick and Kevin all felt the same way when they said their I Do's as well. So again just calm down, you're making it worse for yourself.

Fergal: He's right lad, I'm pretty sure Cassie wouldn't want to marry you if you broke down into a thousand pieces.

Trevion: Ok, Ok I get it I have to pull myself together for my sake and Cassie's.

Chad: Ok are you sure you're ready for this Good Brother; remember married life is the best life Trevion.

Trevion(laughing): I'll be sure to remember that Chad.

Allen looks at his wristwatch and tells the groomsmen to leave so they can reunite back with the bridesmaids; about 40 minutes later, they all came back with Lauren opposite Fergal and Trevion upon the altar when Lauren whispered into his ear.

Lauren: First welcome to the family Trevion, and second you break my sister's heart... I'll break every single bone in your body.

Trevion: I'll beat you to it, I made a promise to you and your family that I would take care of Cassie to the best of my ability and if I ever hurt her, I'd hurt myself; So you don't need to worry about hurting me.

Lauren: Well you can you never be too sure; I thought I could trust Ron, but you've made Cassie even happier than before so whatever you're doing keep doing it Trevion, that's all I ask.

Trevion: You've got yourself a deal.

And at that moment the piano rendition of "Here Comes the Bride" and the doors opened with the sight of Cassie, her father Oliver and her mother Janet walking in arm-in-arm as they made their way down the aisle as everyone stared at the Australian beauty in her gorgeous wedding dress that hugged her athletically slender frame. As she made the walk towards her soon to be husband, she locked eyes with some of her closest friends including Alexis with her fiancé Matthew then she saw her fellow Australian Shane from the faction TM-61 who just happened to be the boyfriend of her day one Jessica. She then made her way up the altar when Trevion shook Oliver's hand and hugged Janet.

Janet: Welcome to the family Trevion.

Trevion: It ain't official until I kiss your daughter you guys... but thanks.

Oliver: Just take care of her okay?

Trevion nods and proceeds to lift Cassie's veil from over her face revealing her glowing face.

Trevion: Hey Perfection.

Cassie: Hey yourself cheeky.

At this point one of Trevion's closest friends Casey, an ordained minister began to speak

Casey: We are here to unite Cassandra Ashley McIntosh and Trevion Alexander Butler in Holy Matrimony. Before we begin the vows I must ask who gives this young woman to be wed on this man on this blessed day?

Oliver and Janet: We do. They then smile at their pride and joy and then at Trevion.

Casey: Wonderful, now before we move on, is there anyone in the congregation who sees a reason as to why these two people should not be married today?

And as if on cue, Cassie's ex busted through the doors of the cathedral and attempted to ruin the single greatest day of the young McIntosh's life

Ron: I do stop this travesty you call a wedding!!!

Cassie: No No No!!! This can't be happening!!!

Trevion: Relax honey, I've got this(looking at Allen, Fergal, Matthew and Tom(Aleister Black, not Baron Corbin) You know what to do my brothers...

Then the four proceeded to take the uninvited trash out of the church

Ron: This isn't over Trevion, Cassie is mine and you know it!! Cassie!! CASSIE!!!

After a few muffled screams and after what seemed like an eternity, Matthew and the rest of the groomsmen returned to his side and Casey began to speak again.

Casey: Jealous ex I take it??

Cassie: You have no idea.

Casey: Believe me I do... but anyway is there anyone else who sees a reason that these two should not be wed today?

This time there's audible silence in the church.

Casey: Ok then before the rings are handed out, I understand Trevion and Cassandra have written their vows and would like speak them today. Cassandra, would you like to begin?

Cassie: Wow where do I even begin, I'll guess I'll try to keep it short; The minute I saw you Trevion, I knew my life would never be the same, I mean from the first date we ever had to the wacky and loving adventures in and out the ring; The moment we had at WrestleMania only pales in comparison to today which I feel is the greatest day of my life because I'm marrying my Prince Charming who has treated me nothing short of a Queen; I love you Trevion and I can't wait to see what the future holds for the both of us.

The crowd gushes at Cassie's speech and then Trevion begins to read his speech.

Trevion: Damn, I promised myself I wouldn't tear up at your speech Cassie but you got me. But here I go; Cassie, when I first you met you my heart fluttered and my heart usually doesn't do that. I met you through our common best friend Jessica and had it not been for her, we may not even be here at this point in our lives. So Jessica thank you. But to you Cassie, You're the first person I want to see in the morning, like staring into mesmerizing chocolate eyes while you flip your vivacious hair. Flip a coin into a fountain and make a wish for us Cassie. Because I made mine and you're my wish come true. I love you with every fiber of my being and I can only hope you feel the same way about me.

The crowd starts to tear up at Tre's sentimental speech.

Casey: Wow absolutely beautiful speeches from the bride and groom, and now its time for the ring to be handed out; Ring-bearer if you'll please approach the altar.

Cassie's nephew Joey then approaches the altar with the rings. Trevion ruffles his light blonde hair.

Casey: Thank you my kind sir.

He then hands Cassie platinum gold wedding band and Trevion the wedding ring he picked a month prior to the wedding.

Casey: Alright now then Cassie, if you'll repeat the vows after me

Cassie repeats the wedding vows and the minister repeats the process with Trevion.

Casey: In front of family, friends and associates I present to you the new Mr. and Mrs. Trevion Butler!!! Trevion, you may now kiss your bride.

Trevion: You don't have to tell me twice Case!!!

He then sweeps Cassie off her feet and places a long yet very sweet and delicate kiss on her lips and foreheads touch for a brief and the audience erupted into thunderous cheers as the now married couple made their way down the aisle and towards the limo.

45 minutes later....

The wedding reception was in full swing, couples were dancing, the toasts had been delivered, pictures of the Bride and Groom and their bridesmaids/groomsmen and after the bouquet had been tossed which had been caught by Alexis, Cassie had shared the traditional father-daughter dance while Trevion did the opposite that and shared the Mother-Son dance and since he had two mothers he did it twice over. Right now he had been dancing with his newlywed wife.

Cassie: So this is what all Disney Princesses felt like when they got their happily ever after?

Trevion: I don't know, do you feel like a Disney Princess?

Cassie: I do, but something's missing...

Trevion: What might that be?

Cassie pulls his face in for a kiss and seeming like an eternity they pull away.

Trevion: It's time to cut the cake you ready sweetheart?

Cassie: I was born ready!!!!

Having each cut a piece of cake and put their respective pieces into each others' mouths and they finally left in their wedding getaway limousine and right now they were packing their bags up for their week-long honeymoon trip they'd be taking to Italy... Cassie then decided to take a photo of her and Trevion and signify their newfound status as husband and wife.

@WWEPeytonRoyce- They always said married life is the best type of life and I want to experience it with my new husband @ThunderboltWWE, here's to the first of many journeys we take love!!!💓💓💓💍💍💍

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@SashaBankswwe- You're right girlfriend, married life is the best life!!! Congrats to you and your new hubby bestie!!!💓💓😍😍

@IconicThunder4Life- YASSS!!! CUTEST COUPLE EVER!!!😍😍😍😭😭😭💍💍

With that, the happy and newly married couple took off for the airport where they would begin the first chapter of their new lives.

END OF CHAPTER EIGHTTEEN!!!!! AND NOW A PREVIEW OF THE NFL x WWE Crossover titled "Blissful Thunder" which is the First of TWO Alexa Bliss stories, The Second one has yet to be titled but anyway here's a teaser for Blissful Thunder Enjoy!!!

In a spacious and luxurious apartment, a large-sized group of people had thrown a party and a young, muscular African-American man stood hand-in hand with beautiful woman who had luscious light blonde hair with pink-frosted tips. Now this young woman was at least 5 foot so the size advantage that her significant other had was definitely noticeable. Right now they were talking to the woman's best friend.

Nia: So Trevion, do you know where you're headed?

Trevion: Honestly Nia no. All I know is that their are five certain teams that want to draft me; The Giants, Cardinals, Browns, Jets and Colts, and I still don't know where I'm going. The fact that I'm the youngest Quarterback in the draft is already scary enough...

Alexa: Babe just relax... I know you're nervous but just tell us where you hope to play.

Trevion: Well if I had to choose which team out of the five, I'll choose the Browns; Mostly because they're close to home, two they desperately need a young QB that can actually get them some wins, and three the new coach is actually the former OC from Ohio State so that's a big bonus. Plus if you add the fact they got Odell Beckham Jr. and Richard Sherman in monster trades the past couple weeks, veteran leadership is a definite must if I'm gonna play there. Then add the fact it's close to your hometown.

Alexa: Well just know wherever you land, The Goddess will be there right with for ya my big bear.

Trevion: I appreciate it Lexi. Hey look they're finally starting the Draft...

Commissioner Goodell: With that being said The Cleveland Browns are now on the clock.

As soon Goodell left the screen and factoids about the Browns' miserable season were displayed and the trades they landed Tyrod Taylor, Jarvis "Juice" Landry and Odell in along with the signings of Richard Sherman and Tyrann Mathieu from free agency, the phone of the NFL hopeful and Alexa Bliss's boyfriend soon rang.

Trevion: Hello? Yes this Trevion..... Uh huh... Oh My God... Yes sir thanks sir.... I'll see you in a couple days...

Trevion then began shed tears of bliss, no pun intended, and right then and there Lexi comforted him.

Alexa: Vion? Everything okay baby???

Trevion: Yeah... just check the screen....

With that everyone in attendance peeled their eyes to the screen...
The draft pick chime sounds as Roger Goodell
Commissioner Goodell: With the first pick in the 2018 NFL Draft, The Cleveland Browns select.....

AND END PREVIEW.... There you have it; It appears Tre will be drafted to the Browns.... And in this Alexa Bliss love story, Trevion and Alexa have already known each other seeing as how they went to the same college as Lexi and as we all know, Alexis herself is a native daughter of Columbus Ohio. If you guys are fans are interested the Venus Goddess make sure you peep Blissful Thunder: COMING SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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