Tannis perfect date
Everything seemed normal in Sanctuary....... well as normal as anything gets in pandora. Right now Tannis is scrambling through her many piles of paper
She kept walking back in forth while reading some notes. Meanwhile Gaige and Angel were just watching her
Angel: is she going to be alright
Gaige:I don't so Angel but I really hope so
Tannis then throws her papers and yells in frustration. She slams her head on the table and just lays there while mumbling
Gaige: I REALLY hope she'll be ok
Angel: all we can do is hope......... so have you guys decided what to name your baby
Gaige: we've been trying to figure out a name and I came up with (S/N) if it's a boy and (D/N) if it's a girl but.....
Angel: but what?
Gaige: (Y/N) said those are the dumbest names he's ever heard and he won't take care of a kid with a retarded names
Angel: well in his defense I wouldn't want to be related to someone with a name like that
Gaige: oh come on they aren't that bad are they
Angel: I'd rather be related to someone named Gay Bowser
Gaige: what why you so mean *sigh* I can't lie I would also rather be related to someone named Gay Bowser
Angel: I think Tina may know some people who might be able to come up with some names
Gaige: I think we should ask her but for now
She looks over at Tannis whose having a mid life crisis
Gaige: we should probably help her
Angel: yeah we should. Hey Tannis you doing alright
She lifted her head up from her desk and some papers were stuck to her face.
Tannis: if by alright you mean running by multiple theories in your mind where you fail miserably and end up isolating yourself from the world because of a broken heart and owning 50 cats thinking about the past and wondering where you ended up where you are now then yes I'm doing alright
Gaige: asking (Y/N) isn't that hard. Take me for example like seriously I just forced him to kiss me and bam we're dating
Angel: she isn't wrong I literally asked him after he saved my life and a very long quiz
Gaige: we were just making sure you wouldn't betray him
Tannis: well you see the way you two confessed to him was bland and boring
Gaige: just gonna act like I didn't hear that
Tannis: I want my confession to be romantic, because that's how the mood is supposed to be, and unforgettable, because let's face it yours was pretty forgettable
Gaige: I'm gonna act like I didn't hear that either
Angel: I don't think I needs to be this.... much
Tannis: but I want it to be perfect
Gaige: (Y/N) doesn't really like romantic things especial movies. The only time he's romantic is when it's a special occasion
Angel: yeah you can't really take him as the romantic type more like the 'I love you but don't expect me to show it' type
Tannis: yeah but I want to do this so could you please help me
Gaige: *sigh* I already said ok but i just think it's too much
Tannis: trust me I think I know enough about romance because I *gag* seen twilight
Angel: you didn't need to do that to yourself
Tannis: I regret doing that yes but I needed the information now I have set up a plan so now all I need is a location
Gaige: yeah goodluck with the location there's nothing beautiful about pandora
Tannis: Maya just came back from an adventure so I'll ask her. I'll be back
She quickly left the house in search for Maya while Gaige and Angel just stay there and started to talk. Tannis however was now searching for Maya by trying to talk to people
Key word 'trying' she was failing miserably. Every time she tried to approach someone she would puke and they'd avoid her
She then decided to just to knock on every door in sanctuary and hope it was the right one. She knocked on every in sanctuary till she had only on door left
She knocked on the door and immediately got ready to make a run for it. The door opened and revealed to be Maya in her underwear and Tannis just felt relieved
Maya: Tannis what are you doing here? I thought you hated being social
Tannis: oh no I despise being social but that's besides the point. The point is I'm here to ask if you know of any beautiful place
Maya: you really asking a lot here like seriously have you seen pandora
Tannis: well since you've gone some new I was hoping you found a somewhat decent place
Maya: well I guess there was this one place. It was a light house on an island and it seemed like a great place if I'm being honest
Tannis: thank you Maya I will inspect the light house immediately and if it's good enough I'll start the preparation
She quickly walks off to the fast travel station and looks for the light house. Meanwhile Maya just went back to her room where Lilith and (Y/N) were still asleep
She grabs her clothes and goes to the bathroom to take a shower
King crimson
Tannis was done setting up for her plans and quickly rushed towards (Y/N)'s house. When she got there instead of knocking she ran through the door and quickly grabbed him
(Y/N): oh hey Tannis what's up
Tannis: no time for conversation we need to go
She pulled him out of the house while Gaige just watched it all go down. She then went back to reading baby names for dummies while eating chips
(Y/N): Tannis where are we going?
Tannis: there's no time for explanation. I've been waiting and planning nonstop for this day and I won't let anything ruin this
They made it to the fast travel station and Tannis chose their destination
Fast travel- light house
As Tannis covered (Y/N)'s eyes and leaded him
(Y/N): Tannis why are you covering my eyes
Tannis: I already told you that there's no time to explain
(Y/N): I highly doubt that
Tannis: alright were here. Are you ready
(Y/N): not like I have a choice so yeah I'm ready
She removed her hands and (Y/N) saw that the light house had been redecorated. The whole place had holiday lights and a nice table with food in the middle
She then lead him towards the table and sat down. (Y/N) meanwhile was still shocked at how much effort she put into this.
(Y/N): damn Tannis this is a lot of effort
Tannis: yes I know. You have no idea how much torture I went through to get this right. Eventually you start to notice a pattern when it comes to romance movies
(Y/N): you didn't need to-
Tannis: I cannot tell you how many times i wanted to kill myself while watching Twilight
(Y/N): ok Tannis just stop. You're trying too damn hard right now. You didn't need to go this far
Tannis: but isn't this how you win ones heart. Oh no there must've been a missed calculation. That's it we'll be back next tim
She gets up heads towards the fast travel station but (Y/N) quickly gets up and grabbed her hand
(Y/N): no it's fine
Tannis: no I need this to be perfect
(Y/N): Tannis there's no need for that it's fine
Tannis: no it's not. I've ran the calculations and the scenarios in my head and it's already failed
(Y/N): Tannis will you shut up about the fucking calculations and just sit down
She just looked at him and eventually went to sit back down
(Y/N): *sigh* Like I was trying to say you don't need to try this hard
Tannis: but-
(Y/N): just listen please. Those fucking romantic movies you saw are cheesy as hell and if you were trying to make this date like that then I can tell you now I would've fucking hated it
Tannis looked down ashamed
(Y/N): but in flattered that you'll do this much just to get me to fall in love with you
She looked up at him with teary eyes
(Y/N): if you really love me that much then yes I'll go out with you and who knows maybe we'll be more than a couple
She smiled a bit and they went back to eating the meal that she prepared. Although it was cold by the time they started eating
But the date went great, not as perfect as Tannis would've liked but it was great. They talked for hours and Tannis eventually started talking about her studies, although (Y/N) wasn't interested he listened anyway
Eventually it was time for them to go back to sanctuary but Tannis just needed to get something out of her chest
Tannis: (Y/N) can I tell you something
(Y/N): sure thing
Tannis: I don't know how. I've ran the-
(Y/N): Tannis please-
Tannis: please listen. I've ran the calculations and there should be no scientific way that I should've fallen in love with you. I've ran through everything and none of it lead me to an answer. But I'll do as you said and shut up about it so just this once I'll look over it and ignore it. I guess what I'm trying to say is.... is...... is that I've actually fallen for you
She gives (Y/N) a heart warming smile and he gets mesmerized by the sight. He quickly grabs her and pulls her into a kiss. Although she's shocked at first she melts into it and returns it. No lust just passion
They pull away but they are still in each other's arms. They stay there both with smiles on their faces
(Y/N): gotta say Tannis this was by far the best confession. I don't think I'll forget this one at all
Tannis: then I guess this date really was perfect after all *in mind* suck it Gaige
(Y/N): yeah guess you could say that
They then head back to sanctuary hand in hand and go on with the rest of their day together
Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I guess you could say I got a new hobby. I've taken up skateboarding which takes a lot to learn so I had no time to write. But since it's no nut November I've got a lot of time now
Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see y'all in the next one bye
Tina: hold up little cuties. Angel and Gaige asked me for help on baby names so I'm asking you all. So give me your best. That's all bye
Ok? Anyway see y'all next time and I'll leave this meme here
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