Scarlett and her pirate Booty pt 4
They made it to Mangys lighthouse after Scarlett explained why it was important. (Y/N) didn't really care till she started talking about sentient tacos, then he paid attention to every detail
After that he went back to not caring and just decided to run in guns a blazing and kill every pirate he saw. Maya just let him do his own thing because it would be easier for her if she did
Capt Scarlett: if you reach the treasure before me, which you won't by the way, you must be careful of the leviathan. I may have already mentioned it and Blade said it would die just to protect the treasure chamber
(Y/N): another big monster to fight shouldn't be to hard. Wouldn't be the first time we killed one
Capt Scarlett: you killed a big monster
Maya: it was supposed to be a God but he was actually pretty easy for a God
Capt Scarlett: YOU were actually useful
Maya: and this is were we hang up
Since she was irritated now she got ahead of (Y/N) and killed anything that moved. (Y/N) kept a good distance away from her just to be safe
They eventually made it to the lift that'll take them to the top of the lighthouse. As they took it Scarlett warned them that the leviathan somehow knew and for them to hurry it up.
Once they got up to the top they were surprised to see that it had grass on top. It was actually a nice sight to see
Maya: this place ain't bad
(Y/N): true that
Maya: might come back here for a vacation spot
(Y/N): it's nice
Maya: beautiful scenery
(Y/N): open
Maya: .....
(Y/N): ......
(Y/N)+Maya: it's a fucking boss fight coming up
Maya: *sigh* let's just get this over with
(Y/N): hopefully it doesn't destroy the lighthouse because it's quite nice honestly
Maya: we can only hope
They walked to the lighthouse and Maya was taking her time enjoying the place while it lasted. They go up the elevator and make it to the top to place the compass
Capt Scarlett: you did it it looks like the treasure is buried in wurmwater Haha I'll meet yah out there
Maya: we came all this way just to go back. Ugh back down the elevator
(Y/N): elevator takes to long
He then proceeded to jump off the side of the lighthouse. Maya agreed and jumped as well knowing they won't get hurt by the fall
Capt Scarlett: top notch my friend and don't worry I still need you to get past the traps in the treasure chamber *mumbling* and other reasons *out loud* just kidding
Then a lot of Scarletts pirate crew showed up for a betrayal
Maya: *sarcastically* look we've been betrayed who saw that coming I know I didn't
(Y/N): *sarcastically* it's not like she made it obvious
They start to kill her pirates with a bored look on their face. If anything this was a regular afternoon for them now. As they kill the pirates none of them noticed a very big fucking ship creep up behind them
An harpoon shot out and hit (Y/N) in the god damn leg
The harpoon reels back in pulling (Y/N) as well into the ship. Form the ship Capt Scarlett emerges with a cocky grin
She then flew away leaving Maya behind on the surprisingly not destroyed lighthouse. She ran to a fast travel station and quickly chose wurmwater
On the ship Scarlett has (Y/N) next to her with a chain around his neck and her holding it. He could escape but he wanted to see where this goes
Capt Scarlett: well that's one treasure down and one more to go. *looks at (Y/N)* your taking this surprisingly well
(Y/N): yeah somewhat between this adventure I stopped questioning things and went along with it
Capt Scarlett: well I got what I want and I'm happy
(Y/N): it's going to be hard to convince Maya not to kill you, you know that
Capt Scarlett: please what can she do?
(Y/N): a lot when she's mad. Be glad it's only her and not the rest
Capt Scarlett: I'll be fine. Now let's get that treasure
She went to the beacon of light at top speed hoping to get there before Maya did. Only to be swallowing by the leviathan
(Y/N): well that went perfectly
Capt Scarlett: relax it should take us to the treasure just sit and *le gasp* is that who I think it is
(Y/N): what are you on about- OH MY GOOOOODDD
Maya POV
I made it to where the light was only to be met with the leviathan and was swallowed by it. I'm now inside the stomach of the beast so I go further because i feel like my idiot's around
As I walk I buy some ammunition from one of Marcus's vending machines just to be safe. I jump down further and find Scarlett and (Y/N)
Maya: oh look she finally moved
Capt Scarlett: oh laugh it up but the bad news is the leviathan swallowed us but the good news is it's taking us to the treasure room but the BEST news is- you remember my pet Roscoe
Maya: don't worry (Y/N) I'll save you
(Y/N): it's ok take your time he's quite comfortable believe it or not
Roscoe charged at me but I rolled out of the way. I try and phase lock (Y/N) to me but Scarlett pulled him with a chain?
Capt Scarlett: oh no you don't he's mine
Maya: why don't escape already
(Y/N): this is actually interesting I'm sorry
Maya: do you have some type of fetish for this or something
(Y/N): where the fuck did you get that idea from
Maya: that wasn't a no
(Y/N): *blushing* SHUT THE FUCK UP
I threw a slag grenade at Roscoe and unloaded on him. It sounded like it hurt so I repeated the same thing till it died
Capt Scarlett: You killed Roscoe oh well discretion is the better part of running away Haha till we meet again
(Y/N): that was anticlimactic
She goes invisible and takes (Y/N) with her but I see something drop as she ran. I go up to check it out and see it was her pistol
Capt Scarlett: ah damn it I dropped my pistol. Could you do me a favor and not grab it would you. That would be stealing and stealing is wrong
(Y/N): is this really coming from a pirate
Capt Scarlett: darling you're better when you don't talk
I grab her pistol and put it on my holster just to fuck with her
Capt Scarlett: ah you nabbed it anyway I'm disappointed yet proud at the same time
Maya: I mainly did it just to make you mad
Capt Scarlett: well you partially succeeded
I moved further down the leviathans intestines but somehow end up at it's mouth again. It vomits me out but I see no signs of Scarlett or (Y/N)
Maya: *sigh* guess it's just me
It screeched at me and I covered my ears. Then a mouth came out of its mouth
Maya: what kind of cheap Alien knock off is this
The leviathan started to throw boulders at me so I ran away from it hoping I could dodge. As I ran I saw several blue spots on it that yelled weak spots
I used Scarlett pistol and shot one of them making it screech. For once she actually became useful so I pull out a rocket launcher and shoot the ugly bastard
I start shooting every blue spots I see and eventually they all start popping. I can see it getting weaker the more I get rid of them so I destroyed all the ones on it's body and the last one was it's second mouth
I use all my strength and phase lock it's other mouth out and start shooting at it. It died shortly after it popped and I kept going to find Scarlett
Maya: that was a pain. Ugh as soon as i find Scarlett and (Y/N) I will kill them both
She moved on and went to go find the treasure
3rd POV
Maya walked out of the chamber holding Scarlett at gunpoint. Turns out she ain't much help without her gun so it was pretty easy to capture her
Capt Scarlett: calm down all I did was try and kill you
Maya: I should kill you right now you know
Capt Scarlett: but you can't and you know why?
Maya: oh please enlighten me
Capt Scarlett: well for starters your boyfriend is also now my boyfriend so there's that
Maya: no he isn't
Capt Scarlett: ask him yourself
(Y/N): I mean I don't hate her
Maya looked at him with the most yandere look in her eye
Capt Scarlett: oh c'mon don't you believe in second chances
Maya: yes i do with everyone else except Jack and YOU
Capt Scarlett: c'mon I'll be good I promise
Maya: alright but the slightest screw up *yandere* you're going to wish I killed you here and now and trust me you'll screw up and I'll be waiting
Though they couldn't see it trough her tough demeanor Scarlett was shaking in her boots. She crossed a line she wished she didn't
Maya: c'mon let's go back I'm done with this place
Fast travel- Sanctuary
They finally made it back to sanctuary and everyone was looking at Scarlett. Some knew her others were confused why she was in a pirate costume
(Y/N) immediately went to go see how Gaige was holding up. As soon as he got to Gaige he saw her and Tannis talking while Tannis was taking notes
As soon as they notice him walk in Gaige got up with a noticable belly bump and Tannis jumped out the window. (Y/N) hugged his girlfriend and she quickly kissed him
Gaige: what took you so long
(Y/N): I had a run in with a picture who kidnapped me and found treasure
Gaige:oh what did you bring back
(Y/N): I don't think you're going to like the answer
Gaige: *yandere* WHY
He motioned to the door and Gaige saw a tall woman who she presumed to be the pirate. Scarlett waved at her and Gaige turned back to (Y/N)
Gaige: *yandere* (Y/N) darling why did you bring back a tall pirate with you
Capt Scarlett: so this is the one you knocked up huh. If I knew school girls were your type I would've dressed up in my old uniform
Gaige: and who are you
Capt Scarlett: oh where are my manners my names Captain Scarlett *bows* and I might or might not backstab you in the future
Gaige: ...... ok I approve of this one
(Y/N): *shocked* wait really
Gaige: yeah she seems cool
(Y/N): oh I was expecting to the shit beat out of me but cool. Anyway I need to go Maya's waiting for me
Gaige: what are you gonna do
(Y/N): something that the author won't like to write
Kill me
(Y/N): I'll be back and you girls get to know each other. K bye
He then left the two to themselves to get along
Gaige: so
Capt Scarlett: so
Gaige: you want me to make you and arm
Capt Scarlett: If you don't mind this pick gets really annoying sometimes
Back with (Y/N) he was preparing himself for one of the most exhausting nights of his life. He got in the room and was immediately pulled in and the door slammed shut
LEAMON I wanna fucking die and to make it worse it's (Y/N) POV
Maya threw me on the bed and immediately began to strip. I followed shortly after and she immediately jumped on me. She wasted no time and smashed her lips on mine
I could feel her trying to force her tongue into my mouth but I retaliated. Suddenly I felt my tongue lock in place and she slipped hers in. We were in a heated make out session for about two minutes till we pulled away for more air
Maya: let's try something~
(Y/N): do I have a choice
Maya: nope~
She pushed me down and put her pussy in my face that made me get hard. I then felt my *cough* DICK *cough* go in her mouth. She started to suck me off and I guessed that she wanted me to lick her due to her dripping right now
She bobbed her head at a constant rhythm while I licked her and eventually forced my tongue in her. I explored the inside of her till she came on my face. I even felt my end coming and before I could warn her I came inside her mouth
She pulled her head back with nice pop sound and she swallowed all of my cum. She then positioned herself above my *cough* DICK *cough* and pressed against it
Maya: I've been waiting so long for this~
(Y/N): please tell me you got pills
Maya: relax it's a safe day. Why do you think I wanted to do it with you now~
(Y/N): where did you learn this
Maya: I like to read a lot of stuff~
She then went down making me go inside her. I could tell she was a virgin due to how tight she was. She started to go up and down at a good paste but I wasn't gonna let her do all the work
I quickly flipped her around causing her to yelp and immediately started to thrust. She started moaning and the faster I went the more pleasurable her moans sounded.
She pulled me down to a kiss and forced her tongue in again but I let her this time. I started to feel my end come and she did as well due to how wet and tight she got. She then came all over my *cough* DICK *cough* causing me to come inside her
We released each other with a string of saliva and I noticed she had a but of drool coming out of her mouth
Maya: I hope that wasn't all because I'm still horny~
(Y/N): I know I'm not done you sirens can go for hours
Maya: you're part siren too you know
(Y/N): I know so I can't use the excuse that I'm tired
I suddenly felt a pair of hands go across my neck. I hoped to any God that it wasn't Lilith but apparently he wants me to die
Lilith: room for one more~
(Y/N): ah shit
Maya flipped me around as she continued to ride me while Lilith got on top of my face with nothing on. She sat on my face and made me eat her out
Hearing both hot sirens moan was a real turn on and only made me harder while Maya got even tighter. As I continued to eat Lilith out I could feel my end coming same as Lilith and Maya
Lilith: I-I I'm fucking *moan* close
Maya: *moan* m-me too
Maya went faster and Lilith squeezed my head between her thighs and they eventually came as well as me. We were breathing heavily but that didn't mean it was the end
Lilith: *breathing heavily* wanna..... switch
Maya: *breathing heavily* yeah ...... sure thing
They swinging places and made me go for 30 more rounds till we got tired and called it a day. I don't think we're gonna be able to move tomorrow
There's the lemon you guys wanted with Maya and a surprise visit from Lilith. I'll do one for the other girls- probably -later but right now I'm gonna shower my shame away.
I hope you guys liked this and I made a Gaige reader x Rwby x Jojo story. I don't know how that's gonna work but I'll figure it out..... hopefully. Also how was the my second lemon good or bad. Anyway that's all bye
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