Episode 2 pt 1
(Y/N): Sup
Fiona: *blush* H‐hi
Sasha: Another vault hunter?
Rhys then let out a yelp and looked behind him
(Y/N): Is he alright?
Vaughn: He gets, uh, headaches sometimes. Probably just a glitch in his wiring
(Y/N): Oh really? I know someone who can fix that, although she's probably pissed at me right now and I don't want to die yet, never mind forget I said anything
Rhys runs upstairs and past (Y/N) confusing almost everyone
(Y/N): Huh..... so what's up with that map
They look at the map and Sasha yells 'Enhance' but nothing happens. Then Fiona yells enhance as well but gets the same results. They continue this process as Vaughn and (Y/N) watch
(Y/N): *in mind* These girls are making claptrap look brilliant..... was too mean?
Vaughn: Stop it. This is not how computers work! Where are you from? You..... you don't yell enhance at the screen
Sasha: Maybe I can bring up a legend or something
(Y/N): I don't think you should touch that
Sasha then touches it and the map disappears, making the device fall and break apart
(Y/N): Guess I'll go fuck myself
Vaugh immediately goes and checks on the device. He tries to grab it but gets shocked by it as soon as he touches it
(Y/N): Okay, stop trying to touch the damn thing!
Fiona then tries to grab the device as well but gets shocked as well
(Y/N): Am I fucking ghost to you people!
She then grabs the smaller piece and doesn't get shocked
Fiona: See, I'm fine. Although I don't understand why I'm not getting shocked
(Y/N): So now you decide to acknowledge me! *sigh* I should've just stayed at Sanctuary
Sasha: I'm sorry who are you
(Y/N): Are you fucking serious! Here this should help, I killed my girlfriends dad
Everyone: !!?
(Y/N): That sounded way better in my head, let me rephrase that, I Helped kill my girlfriends dad
Sasha: That doesn't make it any better
(Y/N): *sigh* I helped kill Handsome Jack. Does that help
Vaughn: Wait, you killed Handsome Jack, The Handsome Jack! Not one of his many doppelgangers
(Y/N): Well I killed one of them too, I'm sorry, are you hyperion?
Vaughn: Yes I am
(Y/N): Another one? They really are desperate if they sent you!
He aims his gun at his head making Vaughn scream. He quickly hid behind Sasha making her even more frightened than she already was
Sasha: Don't use me as a shield!
(Y/N): Dude you're making this way more complicated than it needs to be
As he was about to execute Vaughn a computer distracted all of them by booting itself up
A.I: Retinal Scanner Online. Security protocol engaged. Retinal scan required. Please step forward and identify yourself
(Y/N): My curiosity has been peeked. Don't go anywhere, I'll kill you after I figure out what this is.
He walks up to the computer and it scans his eye but declined him. While he was figuring out the computer the others were arguing with each other
Vaughn: We should leave, like, right now!
Sasha: I agree with him actually
Fiona: That map could lead us to a vault. We're not leaving till it tells us exactly where to go
Sasha: Fiona, I don't know if you noticed but, there's a Vault hunter already looking for one
Vaughn: Yeah and one that wants me dead!
Fiona: Maybe we can work together
Vaughn: Vault hunters aren't exactly friendly you know. They are animals, worse than bandits
(Y/N): Little man, I'm standing a few feet away, do you want me to kill you now or later
Vaughn: See!
She rolls her eyes and then starts approaching the Vault hunter
(Y/N): Maybe I should.... nah she probably hates me right now..... why is life a bitch
Fiona: Uhm, hello
He looks back at her and she gives an awkward laugh
(Y/N): I'm assuming you want in?
Fiona: If you wouldn't mind?
(Y/N): Yeah sure. Just don't backstab me or Lilith will show you there's fates worse than death
Fiona: Really? Just like that?
(Y/N): What did you expect? Some sort of initiation or something like that?
Fiona: Yeah actually
(Y/N): Oh...... well okay. First step of initiation is to unlock this computer, think you can handle that
Fiona: Please, I'm an expert thief
Fiona and her friends then search around while (Y/N) sits down and contemplates about life. She finds a strange cabinet and opens it to find a body
They get freaked out, except (Y/N), but still try and get the body out. Sadly the body was stuck so the settle wit the next best thing. What was the next best thing? Nothing unusual, just scooping out his eyes with a spork, you know what any normal person would do
After failing with the first eye she successfully scooped out the second one. She then puts it up to the retinal scanner and it unlocks. (Y/N) then gets up and patted Fiona on the back
(Y/N): Nice work. How'd you get it to unlock
Fiona: *blush* oh you know, just scooping an eye out
(Y/N): Huh
Sasha: That's it? Just, huh
(Y/N): Do you really want me to ask?
Sasha: Actually, that's a good point
The computer then played a message from a woman named Athena who didn't seem like the most friendly person on pandora. It then played another message from General Pollux, the "dead" guy, who wasn't dead
(Y/N):.... That's rough buddy
Sasha: No way, he had to be dead when we... when you..
Fiona: Don't.... just don't
(Y/N): *thoughts* Why am I being reminded of Handsome Jack and his eyeball story?
Fiona: Guess we're going to old haven
Vaughn was going to tell Rhys about it but Rhys hit his head really hard then fell from the second floor.
(Y/N): Ha. He just ate shit!
Then Rhys pointed at the sky and saw shooting stars. Sadly those weren't shooting stars but moonshots from the hyperion base
Vaughn: We need to get out of here
Luckily Loaderbot was nearby and got everyone out of there. They then ran to the caravan, all except one
Fiona: What are you doing, we need to go!
(Y/N): Wait a second. Angel where are you two
Angel: Uh, I'm carrying Scarlett away from the action
Scarlett: Let me go! I still haven't looted everything yet
(Y/N): Do you see me?
Angel: Yeah I do
(Y/N): Good. Get over here, I have a ride
Angel then flew down to (Y/N) and hands him one Capt Scarlett
Capt Scarlett: Oh hey (Y/N), I felt like I haven't seen you in years
(Y/N): It's been a couple minutes
Capt Scarlett: To them it hasn't
(Y/N): What?
Angel: Can we go!
They got in the caravan and drove away from the stadium. As they drove away Sasha question Rhys and Vaughn. Meanwhile Fiona looked at the Siren and pirate with a surprised look
Fiona: Holy shit!
Capt Scarlett: What? Do I have something on my face
Fiona: No I just.... I'm a huge fan
(Y/N): You knew her but not me?
Capt Scarlett: Oh are you jealous of me (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Yeah a little. How do you even know her?
Fiona: It's kinda embarrassing
Capt Scarlett: We have time
The caravan then started swerving left and right to avoid the moonshots. They then drove over a big rock which caused them to bounce a little. Later they felt the ground shaking as if something big was chasing them
A moonlight then hit them which caused them to lose the rear end of the caravan
Capt Scarlett: *gasp* (Y/N) can I have that, it reminds me of Roscoe
They look back and see a giant monster, much like Scarletts pet Roscoe.
Fiona: Rakk Hive!
(Y/N): Find a smaller one then I'll think about it
They continue to drive away from the moonshots and now a Rakk Hive. Sasha helped Rhys while Fiona took care of the back with the Vault hunters
One of the bats crashed onto Fiona but was shot off by (Y/N). He helped her up and dusted her off
(Y/N): Pay attention
As they protected the caravan, a moonshot managed to hit them, they lost a wheel which caused them to spin out. The Rakk Hive got ahead of them and quickly turned around
Sasha: We can't stop that thing, not with these guns
(Y/N): Oh that's what you think
As he was about to get out and fight the Rakk Hive, Rhys stopped him
(Y/N): This better be good
Rhys: Just hold onto something
(Y/N): This better be good
Angel: We have nothing to lose. Plus I know you'll protect us
(Y/N): How can you be so nice all the times
Angel: It's just the way I am
She smiles and (Y/N) felt a hundred arrows pierce his heart
(Y/N): You're lucky you're cute
Capt Scarlett: What about me?
(Y/N): It's literally impossible to compare you two to each other
They hold onto the railing and Rhys used the boost to get them out of there. As they boost at the Rakk Hive a moonshot hits the Raak Hive, which was meant for them, and kills it
The second wheel comes off and Rhys falls off but he catches himself. Angel also fell but (Y/N) quickly held onto her tightly. Vaughn was about to fly out of the caravan but Rhys caught him and fell out as well
Fiona then caught him by the shoe but then the shoe FELL off as well. As this all went down Scarlett was laughing her pirate ass off because she was having the time of her life
So.... it's been a very long time. I owe an apology for taking as long as I did. I had no excuse other than I just wanted to work on other stories. I'm sorry that I made you all wait without updating you guys on this. I really am
Now worries, I'm back to where it all started, hopefully I can finish this lije I planned. Also a quick thank you for the ones who were here when I first started out this story. If you guys weren't as supportive as you guys were, I don't think I would've continued to write
Seriously I never expected my first story to be as big as it is today, I honestly expect just to get a couple views and only have a few chapters. Once again thank you and I'll see y'all in the next one bye
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