episode 1 pt 3

Bossanova was staring down the vault hunters as they aimed their guns at him. Well not all of them Angel was there for the moral support

Bossanova: I got no idea what you're talking about Vault hunters

Scarlett: oh please we know you're lying

Bossanova: oh yeah!? Then where's your proof

Scarlett: buddy my whole reputation was built on lying and backstabbing if anyone knows a thing about lying it's yours truly *sarcastic bow*

Bossanova was about to respond but he then saw a hyperion briefcase next to him and picked it up

Bossanova: oh looks like it's our lucky day boys. Let's ride!

(Y/N): quit running you pussy

The vault hunters prepared to dodge only for bossanova to reverse out the building. They follow and kill all the bandits that appear in front of them

Shane: are these friends of yours

Fiona: *looking at (Y/N)* *in mind* every time I close my eyes
I wake up feeling so~

Shane: are you there. Hello!

Fiona: *snaps out of it* huh wait what?!

Shane: I asked if they were your friends

Fiona: oh no. No they aren't

Felix: what's going on

Fiona: the deal is over. I couldn't imagine how this could get worse

Felix: oh for the love of.... on my way

The vault hunters were still kicking bandit ass and the two hyperion workers quickly got out of the mess. Felix came to help and Sasha revealed her true identity to August

Fiona pushed the fan behind him so it would fall and trap him under but managed to shoot Felix in the process. As Fiona ran she decided to save her bullet and keep running

They made it back to the caravan and saw both the Hyperion workers trying to steal what they could.

Felix: are you really trying to steal our caravan

Rhys: now now hold on it's.... it's not what it looks.... okay it is, but I am really sorry, okay?

Sasha: Give us one good reason we shouldn't shoot you and drag your bodies out that door

Their caravan was shot and August came running towards them. He tried getting in and Fiona shut the door as they drove away

Sasha: so what do we do with them

Rhys: yeah Fiona what did you do with them? You know other than con us out of our money

Fiona: you weren't even super to be there

Rhys: well that didn't stop you did it? At least the money was real

MM: alright alright I get it. You didn't trust each other.

Fiona: as it turns out we had good reason not to. I'll give Sasha this much: from the start, she knew not to trust them while I just thought she was paranoid

MM: enough what happened

Rhys: yeah Fiona what happened

Fiona: we tried to throw them out

Sasha was trying to push Rhys out of the caravan while he scratched

Mm: what really happened

Rhys: no yeah that's exactly what happened

MM: oh. Continue

As Rhys was screaming his lungs out Fiona had her gun pointed at Vaughn. Rhys tried to bargain with them and stuck Nakayamas ID drive in his head

He passed out and later woke up and saw that the caravan was empty and went outside. He saw that they were at some bandit arena

Rhys: what happened

Fiona: we got tired of looking and learning so we decided to wander around the desert

Vaughn: I tracked the money while you were.... out

Sasha: crap the vault hunters are here

Fiona: REALLY!? I mean uh really

Sasha: uh yeah take a look

She hands her the binoculars and sees Zer0 jump down from a cliff along with Scarlett and (Y/N). Meanwhile Angel just flies down with her wings

Fiona: to make it worse they got a siren with them

Sasha: which siren

Fiona: she has wings and looks like she'll never seen the light of day

Sasha: must be a new one because I've never heard of her

Rhys then comes up with a plan and as he informs everyone on it they leave him behind. As he finishes he sees that everyone has left him once again

He joins them near the hatch and complains on how they left him. As he is going down the hatch with Sasha they hear a gun click and the hatch close

They ended up getting separated and one went into the arena while the others went underground

With Rhys

They continue onwards and they took out both guards that were, well, guarding. As Rhys tries to activate the elevator he let's out the skaggs that were locked down there with them

Sasha: hey what the hell are you doing

Rhys: I don't know it's all glitchy

He opens up more skagg cages so Sasha opened fire on them. He eventually got the elevator working and got on it. As Sasha was about to back into the elevator Angel came from above and picked her up to the elevator

She yelled and pointed her gun at her making her put her hands up

Angel: hey calm down I just helped you

Sasha slowly puts her gun down

Rhys: h-holy shit you're A-Angel

Angel: do I know you?

Rhys: I-Im a big fan of your father

Angel: oh really *takes a step back*

Angel will remember that

She failed to notice the skagg that was about to pounce on her. So when it did Rhys warned her and Sasha was about to shoot it

The skagg then died with a sword to the mouth. Zero then apparently from his Invisibility and cleaned his sword

Zero: watch your back

Angel: *cutely* sorry

Zero: *to Rhys and Sasha* can you let me know/ if you see a Gortis core/ we really need it

Angel: yeah it'll really help us out

Rhys: yeah. Yeah no problem

Zero: :D

They ascend to the top of the elevator and appear in the middle of an arena

With Fiona

After she closed the hatch they were confronted by a, surprisingly, nice bandit. He put them in the race and they are currently racing in the arena

Some bandits jumped on her and another jumped on the cart of hers. An wierd sound with a purple glow happened behind her before she felt the midget on her back get off

She was pushed to the side and the bandits in front of her were shot down Immediately. He then pointed the gun at her as she looked in terror

(Y/N): *checking her* hello there

Fiona: *blushing* uh h-hi

As this was happening Vaughn was freaking out and saw a claw heading towards them

Vaughn: GET DOWN

(Y/N) turned around only to get hit by the claw and hang on to it. He looked irritated and shot the bandit controlling the crane.

Fiona jumped on the truck and moved the claw onto the truck where he got off. He then shit a bandit that was trying to kill Vaughn

(Y/N): in a way we're even

In the distance a big fucking truck came barreling through multiple smaller vehicles. In the driver's seat was none other than Scarlett having the time of her life


Fiona looked afraid and so did Vaughn who was pissing himself

(Y/N): well there's my ride. Goodluck

He jumped into the truck as it passed by and got inside with Scarlett. Fiona sighed and calmed down then saw that the briefcase was taken to the front of the bus.

Suddenly Zero jumped on the truck and positioned the claw up high and jumped on top of it. It crashed into Bossanova and knocked him down

Meanwhile the truck, that Fiona was on, was pulled upward and the briefcase fell off only for Felix to catch it. Fiona took her chances and jumped on the caravan. Felix turned around and saw Fiona

Felix: Fiona

Fiona: Felix what's wrong?

She walked up to him and he pulls a gun on her. She kept walking forward so Felix moved the caravan so she'd stumbled backwards

Fiona: I guess old con men are pretty rare. Looking at him back then, I thought I understood him. Maybe for the first time in my life. Didn't stop me from being pissed off

Felix: I hope one day you'll understand.... perhaps even find it in your heart to forgive me...

Fiona then noticed a truck in front of them and warned Felix about it. He swerved to the left and got the caravan stuck while Fiona was stuck at the very back.

Felix: I'm sorry Fiona. I hope one day you'll understand

Fiona: Felix don't do this. We're like family

Felix: we are family Fiona. That'll never change. Take care of your sister and keep her out of trouble

He opened the window and tried to crawl out of it as Fiona quickly made her way towards him. Once she did Felix was about to kick it down

Fiona then drew her pistol and shot him but still managed to kick it down.

Felix: tell Hyperion they can track the briefcase all they want. I'm keeping the money

As he opened it a slight beeping sound was heard

Fiona: Choke on it

The briefcase then blew up killing Felix in the process. Back in the arena Vaughn and Sasha were seeing the money float down and Rhys who was covered in blood ran towards it

Rhys: No no no! Okay... okay. Officially the worst day ever

Meanwhile with Scarlett, who witnessed the whole thing, she just smiled at the amount of fun she was having

Scarlett: oh my that's gonna leave a mark

(Y/N): you seem awful cheerful today

Scarlett: well it's not every day you get to run over bandits now is it?

(Y/N): yes actually. Yes it is

Scarlett: well do you get paid for it?

(Y/N): we all get paid for it!

Scarlett: what!? I don't!

(Y/N): well you obviously have poor taste in choosing jobs

She just scoffed and went back to running bandits over with her bigassmotherfuckingtruck. Back with Zero, who currently has bossanova repeatedly saying really, is about to get crushed by bossanova

He dropped his podium on him and impaled him but killed himself in the process. Rhys saw this and walked up asking if he was okay

He then walked out of it and revealed to be nothing but a hologram

Zero: Bossanova's dead/I don't think he was lying/Gortys is not here

(Y/N): well this was massive waste of time

Scarlett: speak for yourself I'm having a blast

Angel: well now what?

(Y/N): guess we go home empty handed

Moxxi: don't sweat it babe. That's one less bandit lord we have to worry about. There's plenty a' time for sweating later, once you come back to me for your reward

Zero: our quest is not done

Moxxi: my reward for you is gonna be long, hard, and powerful

(Y/N): I've had enough sex for a life time and I do not do butt stuff

Moxxi: it's a rocket launcher!

(Y/N): ..... you know you're surprisingly one of the tame ones

Moxxi: unlike the others I know of something called self restraint

Angel: hey I can restraint myself too

Moxxi: ofcourse you can sweetie

Angel: *angry pout*

(Y/N): never change Angel

Zero then left back to sanctuary while the others just kept driving. Eventually Scarlett ran out of people to run over and got bored

She stopped the truck and they got out of it. (Y/N) spotted Angel in the stands with a small flag waving it side to side

(Y/N): Thank you. Thank you we gave it our all *bows*

Scarlett: we? I did all the work

(Y/N): what?! I was there for moral support

Angel: I think you both did great

(Y/N): the Angel has spoken. WE both did great

Scarlett: oh shut up! So do we leave now or are there still some bandits I could have fun with

(Y/N): well we can search for a while

Angel: I'm okay with that

(Y/N): alright then well meet back here in a bit. Angel go with Scarlett and save any bandits from her

Angel: oh uh okay

They both went off to find any loot and/or bandits. (Y/N) went to the middle where Bossanova died to see if he dropped anything

To his surprise he found a Loaderbot just watching a hole in the ground. It turned around and looked at him. They both stared at each other for a while till one of them broke the silence

Loaderbot: hi!

(Y/N): sup!




(Y/N): so you come here often?

Loaderbot: nope. First time

(Y/N): you alone

Loaderbot: nope. My master is down there

He pointed to the whole and saw the bandit from earlier, Fiona, and some other new faces. They seemed to be looking at a map with the vault symbol on it

He decided to make a dramatic entrance and jumped down in front of them. They got startled and Sasha pointed her gun at him

(Y/N): *mumbling* fuck my knees *out loud* sup

Kept you waiting huh. The end of episode 1. I've had this in my drafts for a long time and I barely finished it. Sorry for the wait

Anyway since it's the end of the first episode I'll hit you with a choice. In the next episode people get separated the question is either who do you want to go

A. Fiona

B. Rhys

That's all for now I'll see y'all in the next one, anyway bye

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