ch 9 Wilhelm and a tea party

After a short while they got the badonkadonks from the bandits it wasn't too hard just kill them and get them

Tina:hey my lines your skipping the best in the whole game

I'm not writing a scene qere it takes literally a minute to complete

Tina:people gonna get maaaaad son

Quit complaining or I'll skip more

They went back to Tina and gave her the badonkadonks so she can make the bombs

Tina:Awesome just a seco this gon be good

She pressed the button for the garage to close but she noticed the vault hunters still there

Tina:Get yo Butt out my workshop man I needs to be alooone for dis

Maya:is it really that important

Tina:yes now out

She then pushes them out of the garage and closes is. Later they hear all sorts of noise coming out if the garage

Tina:*singing*I'm a little tee pot bloody and cut! Here is my handle! Here is my butt


(Y/N):You ok in there


(Y/N):just being nice jeez

Tina:*singing*put a little bomb in the hot-ass damsel, blow stuff up and make people die

At this point the three of them were questioning her sanity even more

Tina:squishi-squishi-squishi-squishi.... oh daaamn you looking good ladies. Let's get to work

The garage door opens to reveal bombs strapped to bunnies

Tina:that's right twin sisters. Hhahhhhh take'em take'em take'em take'em

They take them

Tina:just put my damsels in the cho-cho track and SET THEM OFF good plan? Great plan!

(Y/N):well see ya later then

Gaige:yeah.... k bye

Tina:hey vault hunters hey hey hey hey vault hunters

Maya:were right here

Tina:when you're done come back I need a little help with sum. Ok?

Gaige:yeah ok well be back

Tina:coool ok now go do that shit

(Y/N):yup see ya later Tiny


As she yell that (Y/N) grew a slight grin on his face now knowing what to use to mess with her

King crimson

They arrived at the train tracks and set the bombs or mostly missiles ready to ser off

Tina:boosh just poke their belly when you want me to set the 'splosives off. I gotta get ready

They saw the train and pushed their bellies

Tina:oh snap son I hear the traaaiin 'cmiiiiing ..... count it down. Ten.... nine.

The rockets go off with the first hitting the track

Tina:I got bored

the second going off to the right hitting the train as the wreckage comes by later


Roland:well that's one way to hijack a train. The vault key still up on that ice shelf better climb that wreckage

Tina:*singing*climb that pipe to the train or you'll go insane wut-wut.. *normal* that's a rap song I wrote



(Y/N):is it too late to go to jail?

Gaige:unfortunately yes. Yes it is

Maya:c'mon let's go get that key. The faster the better

They climbed the train and search it but didn't find anything. They kept going till they saw an open area

Gaige:this is so a boss fight

(Y/N):oh most definitely

Angel:don't worry if Jack really wanted to protect the vault key he wouldn't put it in a train. He'd have Wilhelm guarding it

(Y/N):yeah this is most definitely a boss fight

Gaige:yeah she just confirmed it

Maya:will you guys chill out it's not that big a deal

As she said that a big ass robot appears

Angel:oh dear

(Y/N):you were saying

Said big ass robot was said to be Wilhelm

Roland:it's a trap. The vault key is not on the train abort the mission sorry soldier but you can't handle Wilhelm

(Y/N):Roland you underestimate us way too much

Roland:no do-

(Y/N) just hangs up the call and starts shooting a the big fucker

Lilith:you need to get out of there Wilhelm is too much for you

(Y/N) just ignored her and kept shooting along with Gaige and Maya

Ok so this is might be crap but bare with me

Gaige summons her DT to destroy the other robots while Maya and (Y/N) fight Wilhelm. (Y/N) runs behind Wilhelm and jumps on his back then starts stabbing his back. He goes to grab him but DT rips his arms off. (Y/N) then throws him out of the robot and Maya suspends him in the air with her power and all three of them shoot him. They stop when the clip was empty and he drops on the floor dead

Roland:you killed Wilhelm. Holy ahit Jack doesn't stand a chance

(Y/N):told you don't underestimate us now let's go

Lilith:(Y/N) you better have luck on your side because I'm going to kick your ass for making me worry

(Y/N):*scared*hey didn't Tina say she needed us yeah I think she did so let's go help her

Angel:wait pick up that power core if you put it on sanctuary will never need another battery again

Maya picks up the battery and inspect it

Roland:woah I've never seen this type of battery go ahead and bring it back

Jack:wow. Bravo. Champagne. Cheers. High-five. Slow clap. You got the damn power core didn't ya? You've been warned the kid gloves are coming off. Tighten up the big boy pants because things are gonna get really really bad for you vault hunters

(Y/N):he's just salty because we beat his best man

Gaige:guess he never lost before

(Y/N):yeah I highly doubt that. Anyway let's go see what Tina wants

Maya:why not go back home?

(Y/N):because I want to live the rest of my already short life before I walk into my death

King crimson

The trio made it back to Tina's house and she looked exited to see them

Tina:oh haii you guys done with that mission

Maya:yeah apparently this Wilhelm guy was supposed to be strong but it was easy to kill him

Tina:that's cause you got a lazy writer


Tina:oh nothing but anyway got a very important tea party coming up and my date is missing AND I AM NOT GOING STAG DON'T EVEN SUGGEST IT. his name is sir Reginal Bar Barnasby and he is purveyor in fun arts. I believe his mother won't let him come. You are to convince her to release him into my custody. Hehe

(Y/N):so just get your date to come here sounds easy enough

Little did he know that it won't be easy to convince his mother. As they got closer to his place Tina called to inform them even more about the party

Tina:sir Reginald is one of many guests who will be attending my tea party. I also invited princess Fluffybutt who has gazankas who you would not beliiiiiieve. You'll be around her later

They made it onto a nest of varkin with one big ass mother fucking varkin

Tina:please excuse ms. Bar Barnasby. She a Welsh

After killing his bitch of a mother you get sir Reginal who turns out to be a varkin in a jar with a top hat a fake eye and monocle with a mustache on. They grab him and go to the next guess

Tina:you got sir Reginal now get miss Fluffybutt and destroy some buzzards so you can make me a tea pot from the scrap the flamy bits should do

(Y/N):ok then where's a-

Tina:oh and get some crumpets on the way. Crumpets are cruuuunk

(Y/N):ok well we need miss Fluffybutt, a tea pot, and crumpets

Maya:I'll get the princess

Gaige:I'll get the tea pot parts

(Y/N):then I guess I'll get the crumpets. Well we should go get them. Later

He go to get some crumpets but first he give both of them a kiss on the cheek leaving them blushing

(Y/N):later loves

He jumped off the cliff in search for crumpets. After killing a shit load of bandits he grabs the crumpets he was looking for

(Y/N):finally so much work for crumpets

Tina:crumpets ohhh so many crumpets I'm gonna get high on crumpets

(Y/N):you need some help being out here alone can't be good for you

Tina:nah son I got the author here with me ain't that right boi

Quit destroying the wall every time you feel like it

Tina:nah son you guuud

(Y/N) couldn't understand what she was talking about nor could he hear the author so he thought she was crazy and made his way towards her

Tina:good your back now to invite the guest of honor*noticed hes not here*Gah I'm here throwing a tea party and the guest of honor is MISSING do me a flava and lure our guest of honor over here or I'll eat your babies. His name is Flesh-stick now get him

The vault hunters looked for flesh-stick and found him killed his buddies and lured him to Tina who electrified him and put him on a chair for torture

Tina:time for the partyyy. Your gonna be the waiter hit mister sparks over there to bring in mister Flesh-stick

(Y/N) pressed a button and here came Flesh-stick

FL:Haha I bet you're mommy screamed when she died

Tina:when your ready to start the party please smack mister Flesh-stick in his bitch face

Gaige punch said bitch face with her robotic arm so it hurts him even more. It didn't take a genius to tell they bot have history. Also a card in front of him that said "asshole that killed my parents"

Tina:also I invited mister FL's friends to come over so make sure they don't get too routy and break the generator so WHOSE READY FOR A MOTHER HUMPIN TEA PARTYYY

Like magic many of his friends came but the vault hunters kept them back so Tina could have her revenge

Tina:what was that princess I can't hear you over the sound of FL friends who are being quite rude

FL gets shocked and it sounds like it hurt but the vault hunters kept his friends away. This went on for a while and they learned that Tina watched her family die and couldn't help but feel bad for her. The party ended with Flesh-stick begging for her to stop

FL:I remember you you should be Dead

Tina:hmmm quite interesting Mr sparks what do you think

Turns on the machine and disintegrates him as he cries in pain

Tina:best tea party ever. K that's all I need you may go now

Maya:you sure you don't want us to stay

Tina:nope I'm good I just need to talk to a friend

Maya:alright well see ya later

(Y/N):you need something just call us alright


(Y/N):alright see ya later. C'mon Gaige let's go

Gaige:alright bye Tina*waves*

Tina:later suckas*waves*

As they left age turns and goes to talk to said friend who is sitting on her bed

Tina:ah that was quite the party don't you agree

Yeah..... you want to talk about it or something

Tina:nah I'm good hun I just wanna nap *jumps on bed with (a/n)*

Normally I wouldn't do this but just this once

Tina:boo I know you luv me

Whatever just be glad this chapter gave you a lot of lines like you wanted

Tina:trust me people's gonna luv it have some faith

Alright well I'm gonna take a nap later guys

Tina:later readers

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