ch 8 drunk and explosives
Most the story will be 3rd POV unless I say otherwise
(Y/N) woke up and he heard a conversation between lilith asking roland how he got captured
Roland:oh I was taking a leak and a bandit knocked me out
(Y/N) couldn't hold in his laughter and neither could lilith
Roland:please don't tell anyone
Little did they know that Gaige was doing her podcast (is that what she does) and now it's all over pandora and other places
Roland:anyway we need to find a way to get to Jack
Lilith:he means "hi" that's his way of saying "hi"
Roland:right sorry. Hi. I'll be honest we've losing to Jack for years taking out his men, eridium mines but ot hasn't been enough. But you six met Jack and lived. You fought rippers AND the bloodshots even saved my ass
Lilith:thanks by the way
Roland:if were going to survive we're good to need your help. Now we tought Jack wanted to open the vault to wipe is off of pandora but thanks to some Intel I stole from some hyperion compound I found out........... we were wrong
(Y/N):wut? Then what's he gonna use it for?
Roland:he's not gonna use it but control it
Roland:the vault Jack is looking for isn't an alien prison, or a cache of weapons but a living thing. An ancient, eridium warrior powerful enough to wipe out all of pandora
Lilith:that sounds bad
(Y/N):yeah no shit
Roland:but if we get the warrior first
Lilith:we could wipe out all of hyperion
Maya:yeah this seems too good to be true
Gaige:why do I feel like there's a catch
Roland:yeah that's the thing Jack already has the vault key...... he stole it from Tannis
Lilith:oh yeah she didn't vomit when she saw you did she? She does that sometimes
Lilith:tannis the lady downstairs
(Y/N):I haven't seen a lady down stairs
Roland:wierd I didn't see her either I'll check if she's ok later. Anyway I need you to meet with my spy in the tundra he's a good shot as he is a drinker so he's probably sleeping right now. I'll explain when you get out there
(Y/N):well I'll go since I missed out on the last mission you can stay or come with me
Axton:I'm staying
Salvador:I'll go to the bar haven't had a drink in a while
Gaige:you know I'm going
Lilith:I would go but I'm still tired from using too much eridium so I'll sit out
(Y/N):what about you zero?
Zero:I don't know/maybe I'll go/maybe I won't
(Y/N):.......ok well let's go guy or girls
With that said (Y/N) and two of his girlfriends went to the tundra Express while Roland went to look for tannis
???:*pst*roland over here
He went towards the sound and saw tannis hiding in a locker
Roland:what are you doing in there?
Tannis:I saw a guy come in here with lilith and I got this wierd feeling I've never felt before. My face felt like it was heating up so I hid hoping it would go away. After a while it did but when I saw the boy again it happened again. Do you know what this feeling is
Roland:don't worry about it you should probably talk to him tho. Also don't tell lilith about the way you feel*in mind* she won't be happy to find out someone else likes him
King crimson
The trio just made it to the Tundra Express and somehow roland knew so he called them
Roland:you'll have to wake up my man. He's probably sleeping off a hangover so just burn some varkins to wake him up
(Y/N):how did you know we were already here
Roland:I have my ways
Maya got out a fire weapon and started to shoot some varkins making them screech in pain. Later some dude with a wierd looking bird woke up
Mordecai:so sleepy..... so angry *drinks beer* so dead
Then the trio get a call from him
Mordecai:*yawn* hey vault hunter. Welcome to the Crimson raiders heh sorry you had to wake me up might've celebrate a little too hard last night after Bloodwing and I raided a hyperion convoy heh heh. Ain't that right Blood?
(Y/N):why does all of pandora know our number like seriously who told them
(Y/N) didn't see but Gaige was getting nervous because she may or may not have uploaded their numbers to the echo net
Mordecai:hehehehe easy girl. So a hyperion train is speeding trough the Tundra express. If my Intel is good and it usually is the Vault Key itself might be on board. My advice get the key, get drunk, pass out hehe
(Y/N):that is the best advice I heard in my life
Maya:your mot old enough to drink you know that
Gaige:how do you know how old we are?
(Y/N):and does it even matter it's not like we'll get arrested for it
Maya:well....... *sigh* your right
(Y/N):see so what's the problem?
Mordecai:sounds like you've never been hungover. Can't wait to see it
(Y/N):tch can't be that bad
Gaige:famous last words
Roland:as much as I liked to see that you need to get that key my old friend Tina can help talk to her
Gaige:you heard the man let's find this Tina
(Y/N):I got a feeling things are gonna get a whole lot more interesting
King crimson
Now arriving at the entrance of Tina's house which is a cave they get another call from Roland
Roland:Tina's a bomb maker and a friend of mine. I saved her life a few times and she save my life even more. She'll get the job done but here's a tip don't make any sudden movements near her
(Y/N):seriously it's like he's tracking us how else would he know that were here
Gaige:I think the word your looking for is plot
(Y/N):or creep..... but mostly the second one
Before they could touch the door it opened by itself
???:c'mon innnnnn your missing the fuuunnnnnn
Gaige just grabbed (Y/N)'s hand
Gaige:*scared* this just got a lot more creepier
Maya didn't mind anymore because she was the first
As they went in they had an interesting view of what was happening. A bandit tied up to a pole with a lot of explosives on him
???:All around the Sta-actus plant the stalker chased the bandit. The stalker thought 'twas was all and fun *jumps on detonator* POP
Tina:goes the bandit
Then the bandit blew up
(Y/N):indeed the worlds deadliest 13 year old
Tina:huh... oh haii. Roland told me you were coming I still owe him for all that butt crap with General Rancid. So you gotta hijack a train huh? Chiiilds play let me introduce you to my llllaadyyys
She then runs
Tina:running running running I'm running over her run-run-run-run-ruuun
She pressed a button then the garage door opened and she went inside
Tina:also I can tell you now that you guys love me in the story so I'll be around for as long as possible
And she'll self aware as to be expected from a psychotic 13 year old
Tina:this here is smushy snugglebutts and this is Felicia sexopants. These fiine ladies will help but I'm gonna need their budonkadonks first and they got stole from the bandits. GO GET'EM
She then went to her conveniently place bed and jumped on it
Tina:nap time
Another call from Roland
Roland:I know Tina can be odd
(Y/N)/Gaige/Maya:yah don't say
Roland:but she's the most gifted demolition expert on pandora just give her what she asks and I guarantee she'll hijack the train and get the Vault Key
(Y/N):now he knows when were done with our conversations ok
Then Tina woke up
Tina:*cute yawning noise* what's you still doing here go get my badonkadonks jeez
Maya:well let's go
Then they left to get some badonkadonks don't ask what they are because I don't know either
Tina:they're badonkadonks jeez
Ok yeah whatever
And that's the end hope you enjoy because Tiny Tina here now to fuck some shit up
Tina:yeah boi let's do this
Oh God she's evolving
Tina:shut up I know y'all luv meh
She's not wrong well get used to her and bye
Tina:later suckas
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