ch 7 The Date

I woke up and saw 3 beautiful girls sleeping on me. Gaige, Lilith, and Maya. Two on the side and one on top of me but how the hell do I get up now they're blocking all my exist. Just my luck. Then I went back to sleep

King crimson

I woke up again to see that they were already gone. I sigh in relief an get up while still being sore

Me:crap they really fucked me up

I go outside only to see Maya there

Maya:oh good your awake*grabs hand* c'mon let's go

Me:woah woah hold up. You beat me and now were going somewhere?

Maya:hey I made that up by sleeping with you so calm down. Besides it's our date so let's go

Me:oh yeah I forgot about that. So what do we need

Maya:we need to head out and search for this guy who is killing people

Me:you can find anyone that fits that description in pandora. Also what kind of date is that!

Maya:look I've never been on a date so this is new to me

Me:well ok. Let's go do that mission and when were done let's go on a real date ok!

Maya:yeah let's go

King crimson

We killed the guy dr. Zed told us about and took his gun. Dr. Zed asked us to try it out on a few bandits so we did gotta say it ain't the best. After that we drove back.

Maya:so what are we gonna do for our date

Me:...... meet me at Moxxi bar tonight

Maya:why there?

Me:because it's the only place that I can think of where we won't get shot

Maya:well your not wrong. Ok well can't wait

We drove back to sanctuary and it was almost dark so we just went to Moxxi straight away.

Me:hey Moxxi can we get some drinks here

Moxxi:sure hun what will it be

Me:I'll get a (f/d) you should already know what this means

Maya:surprise me

Moxxi:alright I'll be right back

She left then it was just us two and there was an awkward silence between the two of us







Moxxi:here's your drinks have fun now


She walked off again

Me:this is awkward

Maya:yeah I know

Me:so why don't you tell me about yourself

Maya:well there's not a lot to know my life was actually normal till I came to pandora. Back home I was just another girl. But here bandits treat me as a goddess or they try to skin me alive

Me:*chuckle*seems that you have a great life

Maya:how about you. How was your life back home

Me:I was just an average Highschooler who knew how to kick you ass with a pencil


Me:yup being trained by zero really helped out. Nobody would fuck with. If anything they would be scared at the sight of me

Maya:wow so you were the cool kid in the school

I just nodded

Maya:also I've been meaning to ask Gaige but how long have you known each other?

Me:since we were children actually. She may have changed physically but mentally she's still the same kid I remember. You should've seen my reaction when I found out she replaced her arm with a robot arm

Maya:oh yeah how did she get that arm? Was it an accident or something?

Me:nope it was all intentional

Maya:*shocked* what

Me:yup she accidentally cut her arm with a saw then got the idea of cutting the whole thing off so she could summon DT whenevershe wanted with a robot arm. When I saw her without an arm I nearly fainted. After that I rarely left her alone being afraid of her doing something worse if I wasn't around.

Maya:I knew she was crazy but not that crazy. Sounds like she was lucky to have you around

Me:yeah also I would probably not even be in high school if it wasn't for her

Maya:so your telling me you were stupid

Me:yeah pretty much

Maya:looks like we learned a lot about each other today

Me:yeah I like this date were on

Maya:you know she likes you right

Me:you do too don't you?

Maya:u-u-uh h-how did you know

Me:are you fucking serious. Not every woman sleeps with you and fights for you just to be friends you know. I'm retarded but not that retarded

Maya:huh. Since when did you know?

Me:since we met lilith the way you guys fought for my attention gave it away

Maya:huh well since you knew why didn't you do anything about it

Me:wanted to see who would make the first move. By the way this date is going it looks like you'll be first

Instead of saying anything else she just grabbed me by the collar and pulled me into a kiss.

Maya:well it seems that I won the first kiss


Maya:so does that mean were dating now

Me:yeah I think it does. Congratulations your the first wonder who will be next

Maya:well lilith looks like she has confidence but Gaige might be nervous so you might have to make the first move

Me:meh if comes to that then I will. Speaking of which where the hell are they! I haven't seen them all day

Maya:now that you mentioned it yeah where are they

Me:we should probably check the house

We got up to pay and leave. When we made it home I saw Gaige and Lilith glaring daggers at me. I turn back and see that Maya closed the door as she left

Me:traitor*turns around*hi girls how are you

Gaige:*scary*you don't think I'm confident huh

Lilith:*scary*so she got you first huh

Me:uhmm no?

Gaige just walked up to me and did a forceful kiss and I nearly fainted by the lack of air


Me:*weakly*how can y-you scream after that

Then lilith did the same thing but not as forced

Lilith:I hate being last but I got what I wanted

Then Maya opened the door and peeked her head in

Maya:you all calm now?


Maya:so does that mean where all dating him now


Maya:good cause I'm tired and sleepy*picks me up* let's go to sleep

Gaige/Lilith:yeah let's

Me:*weakly* someone save me

Then they forcefully made me fo to sleep. Just my luck

Damn been a while anyway sorry I took so long kinda lost motivation to write and lazy as well. But I'm back and hopefully I keep writing but knowing me I'll get lazy again and take another break sorry not sorry. Anyway bye

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