ch 5 the rescue
We were on our way to the fire hawk and save Roman from were ever he is. And on our way there I saw a ramp and me and Gaige knew what to do
(Y/N):Gaige you know what to do
Gaige:yeah I do
We then boosted towards the ramp
for mah boi ItWasDIO
The rest of the gang were looking at us like "what did we do to get here" but a siren was like "did I really just fall for a psychopath"
(Y/N):that was so worth it
Gaige:Haha I know right let's do it again
Maya:no not right now we need to find this fire hawk person
They went in and they saw a lot of bandits and that were flame resistant so they just trewh grenades at them. After that they went in and explored the cave. When they get in they see some bloodshot killing other bandits
Flanksteak:back off vault hunter this is between the bloodshots and the firehawk. When I get him I'll skin him alive and make him regret killing our kind
Angel:well that was....needlessly graphic
(Y/N):alright so how do we find this firehawk person
Zero:follow the flags/reach our destination/easy enough
(Y/N):says the mysterious ninja
Zero: :(
They then follow the flags and on the way they kill a lot of bandits and bloodshots. But they got some weapon s but (Y/N) didn't switch any of them out because his were stronger so Gaige took them. Ok so one problem with these stories should I tell the whole adventure on the way there or just the important parts because I honestly don't know so I'll try and figure it out
Angel:this is unusual the firehawk has harrassed the bloodshots for a long time but they have never set a large scale assault on the firehawk before. I wonder what's giving them such confidence?
(Y/N):who knows he or she is probably weak right now so they took their shot
Axton:he's not wrong. This is probably the weakest they've seen the firehawk they wouldn't miss their chance
Flanksteak:keep going BLOODSHOTS that demonic thing will ruin the Goddamn thing if it messed with us. I hope that firehawk chokes to death with his own feces
Angel:dude. Ew
(Y/N):that dude has some serious problems
Gaige:tell me about it
As we make our way towards the flags fyi there not even flags... we come across can you guess more bloodshots they just keep coming. Anyway as were walking Jack decided to call us again for some reason
Jack:you think the firehawk got roland don't you? You know I heard the firehawk liquefies bandits and drinks them like flesh smoothies. But nah I'm sure that your pal Roland's just fine. Ofcourse if roland hasn't been a dumbass in the first place he wouldn't have... whoops almost spilled that secret
She looked a little scared so I gave her a small hug. But she latched on to me and wouldn't let go. I saw her looking at Maya with a smirk and she looked jealous. I hope this doesn't mean what I think it means.
(Y/N):well let's get going Roland ain't gonna wait for us
We kept going and two big bandits jumped in out of the rocks and I was about to shoot when Maya just used her siren powers to crush them both
(Y/N):you ok there
Maya:*smile*yeah just needed to release some stress
Note to self never piss her off. We started to walk again and then Jack called.... again
Jack:let me explain something even if you DO rescue roland from this firehawk guy the crimson raiders ain't exactly long for this world. You know what I think you deserve a little hint my secret involves your pathetic resistance dying and me laughing heh-heh-heh A lot
(Y/N):why does he keep telling us his plan like some scooby-doo villain
Gaige:hey don't complain it make our life easier
Jack:she's right you know I'm doing you a favor
(Y/N):I thought you hung up
Jack:I gotta get more than just my lines in the game you know
Jack:don't worry about it kid
After what ever the fuck that was we ventured forward in search for Roland. After a long tedious battle between can you guess more bandits
We got a call from angel
Angel:this is it the firehawk hide out be careful friend there are bound to be traps everywhere
(Y/N):great just what we need more shit to fuck with us
Maya:what can't take the challenge
(Y/N):oh your so on
Zero:mistakes were made just now/big ones
Maya:what do you mean?
Zero:when he gets challenged/he will go all out
Maya:oh shit
As we head in a bandit gets hit with a trap
Angel:see traps don't let that happen to you
After those lame excuses called traps there was an earthquake
Jack:ooh you feel that. The sounds of those earthquakes marks the sound of my drill getting closer and closer the vault. That's the sound of progress baby
Gaige:ok we maybe want to hurry it up a bit
(Y/N):I think we can all agree on that one
Before we were interrupted we made our way trough the cave and saw a siren? What the fuck
(Y/N):yo hot lady seen someone named firehawk
???:*blushing* w-what
Before anything could be answered she quickly killed the two bandits
(Y/N):I'm just gonna guess you're the firehawk because you control fire
Lilith:wow smart one
(Y/N):thanks beautiful
She didn't answer but I did see a blush on her face
Maya/Gaige:not another one
I now know what they meant and it appears I got my own harem. I look at her and she was about to fall but I caught her
Lilith:*blush*um t-t-thanks I'm lilith but people call me the firehawk. I'm with the raiders like you. I keep the raiders in line while roland works on taking down Jack
(Y/N):would've never thought the firehawk would be this beautiful
Lilith:*blush*wow your just full of compliments handsome
(Y/N):I got more you know
Before things could carry on a jealous looking Maya pulled me out of there
Maya:ok that's enough flirting from you for today
(Y/N):oh someone's getting jealous I see if you want attention all you need to do is ask
Maya:*blush*what I'm not jealous
(Y/N):then why are you blushing
All she did was look away. I also noticed lilith looked jealous as well. That's another to the harem
Lilith:could one of you get me some Eridium it should be in my box
As the gentleman I am I grab it and gave it to her
Lilith:thanks bet your looking for roland. The bloodshots got him and made them cocky as well that's why there coming at me
Then an explosion went off behind her
Lilith:heh alright I'll see if I can phase blast a few of them for yah
Like she said she did and it was badass I then look over at Maya
(Y/N):can you do that
Maya:sadly no
One long ass battle against two waves of enemies
Lilith:hey could you pass me some more eridium
This time Gaige got the eridium
Lilith:thanks ever since the vault opened my siren powers have been getting a little more awesome. Now let's talk about saving my friend
(Y/N):alright well let's do this
Lilith:alright you head towards roland and I'll towards sanctuary to protect it I'll teleport you to the bloodshots base and get them by surprise hold still
She then started to glow purple and everyone but me teleport. Lucky bastards. But they didn't teleport too far like a few feet actually
Gaige:hey what gives why didn't (Y/N) teleport with us
Lilith:seems I didn't have enough power to teleport all of you or very far for that matter. Just follow that path and you'll make it to roland
Axton:what about you two
Lilith:we'll head back to sanctuary and help out there alright
(Y/N):ok just be careful guys. Especially you Gaige
Gaige:*blushing*thanks for caring
Maya/Gaige:but don't do anything with her
That said they left. Do they really think that little of me damn
(Y/N):well let's
Before I could finish lilith jumped onto me and made me catch her
Lilith:oh sorry looks like teleporting took a lot out of me. Can you carry me please
Wow she's more open about liking me than the others. And she's so lying
(Y/N):*sigh* alright let's go
I then carry her all the way towards the entrance and put her in the car and drive to sanctuary. This is gonna be a long day
1514 words not including these ones that's a lot. Anyway next chapter will be about you and lilith so here goes me making up some ahit for a chapter wish me luck. Also I finished this in one day wow. Anyway bye
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