ch 2 an eye, bullymong, and midget

(A/n)I don't know what to put up top so if I don't have anything I'll put a meme just a heads up
(3rd POV)
As the vault hunters and and (Y/n) made their way towards claptraps eye they encountered many bullymongs on the way. But it wasnt a big deal seeing as there were 6 of them. Soon they made it to an area with some crates and Hansome Jack decided to call them.

Jack:hey there kiddos could you do me a favor and kill yourself thanks bye
(A/n) when it's like this they're talking over the echo device

(Y/n):wow he's pretty straight forward

Gaige:well what do you expect from a psychopath

(Y/N):I don't know never known one until recently

Claptrap:hey my eye it's close I see an incredibly handsome robot with his trusty minions (scared) so that mean that who ever has my eye is close

After he said that the same bullymong that took his eye now made it into a necklace and is wearing it

(Y/N):ok now why did he make it into a necklace i thought they were animals

Axton:who cares what they are let's just kill this big mother fucker

Then the vault hunters shoot the ugly bastard while (Y/N) strikes it with his sword because he doesn't have a gun.
After a while of shooting the bullymong to climb up and let the smaller bullymongs deal with them.
They make quick work of them and Axton shoots the big bullymong down with a rocket and it falls. Before it could hit the ground Maya used her powers to to catch the bullymong and (Y/N) stabbed the thing killing it.

(Y/N):damn nice shot and good job holding it still


Maya:no problem

Claptrap:Alllllright you did it now let's get this to Hammerlock so he can fix my eye

Claptrap then makes his way up a path to where the bullymong came from

Claptrap:follow me minions

They all reluctantly follow him but come up to a door

Claptrap:it's ok minions watch the master do his work

He goes up to a device that scans him but instead of opening it locks completely

Claptrap:well it was good knowing you all

???:here let me get that for you

The door then opens thanks to the mysterious person

???:sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier someone forgot to put me in the story

It was an honest mistake get over it but seriously I actually forgot

(Y/N):ok well anyway thanks mysterious person I don't know anything about

???:call me angel

After the introductions they went in the thing and were greeted with a lot of crates with some ammunition and money. But the middle opened to reveal a large chest.

Angel:you're gonna need this if you want to survive out there

In it was a shotgun, a pistol that looked like it fired fire rounds and an assault

(A/n) that's right strong weapons at the very beginning. Why? Because I'm lazy as fuck.

(Y/N) looks at the weapons and gives Gaige the shotgun and keep the other 2

(Y/N):*Whistle*Gaige heads up *tosses the shotgun to Gaige* for you. Think of it as a gift

Gaige:*giggle*thanks (Y/N) I love it

(Y/n):no problem girl anyway let's get this over with

After they got what was needed they headed out of the place and saw a small place littered with bandits and bullymongs.

Jack:hello pandora today some vault hunters came to pandora and now I will pay you handsomely to bring me said vault hunters to me dead or alive

???:you hear that boys looks like we're hunting some vault hunters today

Claptrap:was that flynt hey flynt guess whose back

Flynt:was that our claptrap I'll pay anyone who can bring me that claptrap unit

Claptrap:well I just made this way harder than this had to be oh well

After all that bull shit they all jump down and head to the small town or village and they headed in only to be attacked

Maya:what a warm welcome

(Y/N):I feel like they were expecting us

With that being said they all started to attack us. (Y/N) and Gaige took out the ones at the left of the left, Axton and zero took out some in the front and Maya and Salvador provided support fire. As the fight was going on a bandit jump down from a roof and tried to stab (Y/N) but was stopped by Maya with her siren powers and kill the bandit.

(Y/N):thanks I owe you one

Maya:*smirking*I'll hold you up to that one day

As they kill of the rest of the bandits claptrap finally gets in there and calls for his friend

Claptrap:hey hammerlock guess whoooo

Hammerlock:oh dear God don't tell who I think it is

Claptrap:yup it's your old buddy claptrap

Hammerlock:oh dear God

Claptrap:yup hey can you do me a favor and fix my eye please

Hammerlock:very well just let me turn off the electrical fence

Turns on the electrical fence

Claptrap:I knew my best buddy would come around *goes to Hammerlock* see I knew you lov-AAGGHHH

As claptrap was getting electrocuted everyone had a satisfied look on their face. Except Zero who just mad a happy face
(A/N)like this :D
Then someone came out of a house.

Hammerlock:oh hello I'm sir Hammerlock

Anyway just give me the eye and I'll put it back in

Then Maya gives him the eye and quite literally shoves the eye back into his socket. Then he starts to move and jumps up.


Hammerlock:oh God he's talking again

Claptrap:Minion you brought me back and for that I'm eternally grateful

They all then get dissatisfied faces.....except zero just -_-

Hammerlock:anyway thank you very much for clearing the are but could you do me a favor and get rid of the remaining bullymong in the area and kill this one midget riding a bullymong

They all look at each other and nod

Hammerlock:thank you very much to reach the midget go out the gate and go left

Axton:alright me and Salvador will take care of the bullymongs and you four go kill the midget

(Y/N):alright goodluck to you guys

Salvador:same to you my friend

And with that they head to kill the midget riding a bullymong. As they made their way to him they kill him they kill every bandit that got in their way. Eventually the come up to an electric wall.

Claptrap:hey I have a good idea if you run fast enough you can run straight through it

(Y/N):that sounds like a horrible idea and you should keep that to yourself

Gaige:so what do we do now

Hammerlock:there should be a fuse that is powering the wall just follow the wires

As Zero does that he shoots the fuse and the wall disappears. They soon get surrounded by bullymongs and make quick work of them. They then enter the cave that lead to the midget so when they exited the saw what looked like a bridge that could take them across. After they crossed they came across another bridge that lead into bandit territory.

(Y/N):you think he's in there

Maya:he should be

Gaige if not then we can beat the answer out of one

(Y/N):I worry for your sanity because of this place

Zero:let's get going/see how well you've improved

As they made their way through they encountered a lot of bandits but made quick work of them and made their way up. Eventually (Y/N) found a set of doors and went to open them, but was blown back by the midget riding the bullymong. He was about to fall all the way down but was caught by Maya.

(Y/N):thanks again *sigh* I guess I owe you another one

Maya:that's right can't wait to use them *grin*

As they were talking zero and Gaige were killing the rest of the bandits. That only left the midget and its pet. He went to attack Maya but you jumped in and cut the bullymong in half leaving the midget.

(Y/N):now I owe you one less

Maya:damn I could've used that second one

But seeing this chemistry made Gaige worry about something

Gaige:*thinking* damn maybe dad was right I need to tell him soon

Then zero came and finished the midget and gave a 0 to show it was no challenge

Zero:well that was disappointing/the next should be more of a challenge/hopefully

(Y/N):well I guess we should head back to the others

And with that being said they all went back to their friends. When they got back they saw the area clear of bullymongs and Axton and Salvador sleeping because tomorrow they gonna kill Flynt for claptraps boat. So they rested up for tomorrow.
(A/n)holly crap that was a long chapter. But I hoped you guys enjoyed and keep an eye out for another story that I will post after I'm done with it. I'll give you a hint but it won't give the whole thing away only what you'll be.
If you got it then congratulations bye.

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