ch 19 another rescue
Gaige and Tannis arrived at the wildlife preserve to save (Y/N)
Gaige:ok do you know exactly where he is
Tannis: he should be in a chamber near the tested animals
Gaige: well let's do this and hurry back to sanctuary. Angel still needs your help
Tannis nodded and they went in the same way as last time but this time a little more security.
The alarm went off and the scientists testing on (Y/N) got distracted for a second. That's all it took for him to start his plan
He teleported off his restraints behind a scientist and grabbed a scalpel then stabbed him. He looked at another and teleported in front of him then killed him
(Y/N):damn that was satisfying
The door opened and a group of mechanics with guns came out. The gun barrels were smoking with a wall riddled with bullets and one missing their gun
(Y/N):behind you
They turn around and were shot by him who was now behind them with a gun. They all died and he kept going
(Y/N):I need to learn how to do that on purpose instead of another accident
Back with the others
They kept shooting and more kept coming like they were expecting them
Gaige:where are they coming from
Jack:*speakers*did you really think I wouldn't expect you to come save him. Now you just barged in here and made my life easier
Tannis threw a grenade at the speaker destroying it
Tannis: wow this feels great. Is this how it feels every time you're shooting or killing people
Gaige:uhm not every time but yeah it feels like this most times why
Tannis: I kinda like this feeling I might go out more often now
As she kept shooting Gaige started to worry more about her sanity. But right now they came for a rescue
To (Y/N)
He kept walking down the halls trying to figure out where he was heading. He made it to a room and found his echo device and his pistol but that was it
He continued to walk till he heard some gunshots and hid. Hyperion workers were running towards the gunshots
(Y/N):It would be smart if I followed them
He did so and mad it to a room with a lot of hyperion workers hiding with guns. It didn't take a genius to notice that this was a trap so he went around them
With Gaige and Tannis
They were still shooting their way in and Tannis loosing more of what sanity she had left. But they soon made it to an area with skaggs all over the place
Tannis: we should be close now just trough that door
She pointed across the area with skaggs that had been experimented on. They tried to sneak past but that didn't go to plan and they were now getting ready for a fight
Gaige summoned DT and it shot lasers and slashed some skaggs with its claw. She then got on top of DT and shot any skaggs that got too close to them
Tannis got to high ground and used a fire element SMG. She also had some slagged grenades that helped kill them faster
They met in the middle still shooting at animals that got too close. Gaige took out a slag weapon she got a couple days ago. Tannis still had her corrosive gun and they both kept shooting. Soon they were all dead and now they made it too the door
Gaige:wow that was a lot
Tannis:you've delt with things bigger and stronger than skaggs
Gaige:yeah but I had three people with me and one of them was a siren. She kinda makes things easier and (Y/N) is really good at fighting
Tannis:those are just excuses to hide the fact that you suck
Gaige:yeah sure whatever
She went to open the door but she was tackled town before she could
???:stop it's a trap
DT grabbed him and threw him off of her. Tannis got her gun and aimed it at the guy. Gaige got up and did the same
Gaige:we don't know you
???:Gaige it's me (Y/N)
Gaige:prove it
(Y/N)?:I have a gambling problem
She ran and hugged him then noticed something wrong. She took a look at him and noticed he was deathly pale and his eyes were (F/C)
Gaige:*worried*what did they do to you
(Y/N):I'll tell you when we get back to sanctuary ok?
Tannis: I think we should go now
(Y/N):oh hey you're that girl who had a massive nosebleed. How are you
Tannis:*nosebleed* I've been better now let's go before I explode with another nosebleed
Gaige helped (Y/N) up and they went back to the fast travel station but there was a badass loaderbot waiting for them.
Jack:sorry but your not going anywhere. Now go back and make this easier than it needs to be
(Y/N):sorry princess that's not happening
Jack:well I tried to be nice. KILL THEM
In the distance (Y/N) could see the fast travel station so he grabbed Gaige and Tannis that caused her to have another nosebleed. They were suddenly at the station
Gaige:wait what just happened
(Y/N):no time to explain let's go
Fast travel- sanctuary
They were back in sanctuary and Tannis was still conscious considering how much blood she lost.
Gaige:wow we actually did it?! Ok now explain what the did to you
She look at (Y/N) and saw how he was somehow more pale than before and his glowing eyes were now dull
Gaige:w-w-wait what's happening
Tannis: he seems to be dying
Gaige:oh crap oh crap oh crap I don't know what to do
Tannis: take him to Dr. Zed while I figure something out
She summoned DT and it picked up (Y/N) and she did as she was told and bust right through the door. DT placed him in a bed that was right next to Angel
Dr. Zed: have you ever heard of oh I don't know knocking
Dr. Zed: relax I am a trained professional
He goes over to him and opens his eyes then flashes a light on them. He then looks at the holes on his arms caused by the injections.
Dr. Zed: ok *slaps him* wake up...... well I can't do much unless I know what they did to him
Gaige:*sob*w-what no-no I just got him back *sob* I can't lose him again *sob* I can't take care of a child on my own
She was so sad she didn't notice that Angel woke up and saw and heard the whole thing. She reached out to grab his hand.
Angel:*weakly* I.... I'm s-s-sorry it wasn't s-su-suposed to be like this
She grabbed his hand and they both started to glow. Their screaming could be heard through all of sanctuary. But when she let go (Y/N) had regained some color of his skin and Angel looked more alive than dead
(Y/N):what just happened
Gaige tackled him down
Before he could say anything she pulled him in for a long kiss. Dr. Zed looked away and Angel looked at the two jealously. Then she pulled away
Gaige: I've missed you so much. I thought that I would never see you again
(Y/N):I'm fine honestly
Gaige:you look fine as well. Before you looked like weeb who never saw the daylight
Gaige:oh nothing forget it I'm just glad you're back
(Y/N): ok I missed you too. Where is Maya?
Gaige:she's out doing missions and some other stuff
(Y/N):and why didn't you go?
Gaige:oh uh *nervous* there's something I need to talk to you about in private
(Y/N):ok *looks at Angel* oh and told you I'd get you out of there
Angel:yeah thanks but what happened just now
(Y/N):I don't know but I feel great
Angel:yeah same
Dr. Zed: I think you just absorbed some of the eridium out of her
Angel:what made you think that
Dr. Zed: oh I don't know maybe the fact that you both look better after that whole thing
Tannis: I believe he is correct
Out of nowhere Tannis came in with some eridium in her hand
Tannis: here try and absorb this like lilith does
(Y/N):uhmm ok?
He grabbed it and he did absorb it and more color came back and his eyes got brighter. But then faded tattoos appeared like Lilith's tattoos
(Y/N):ok well that's cool
Tannis:as I suspected you need eridium to survive *points to Angel* and you have too much eridium in your system
Angel:so that means-
Tannis:you both need each other to survive so I suggest you both stay close to each other
As she said that there was a hint of jealousy in her voice. Angel on the other hand looked like the happiest person on pandora
Angel:REALLY oh uh I mean really
(Y/N): well at least well get to know each other better
Angel:oh Gaige right? Can I talk to you tomorrow please
Gaige:uhm ok? *in mind* she likes him too I can feel it
(Y/N):well I'm gonna get some sleep. Haven't slept since I got to that place
Dr. Zed: yeah that's a good idea
(Y/N) tried to go to sleep but then he felt weight on his chest and saw that Gaige was sleeping on top of him
Gaige:shhhhh go to sleep
He didn't want to argue so he did and Dr. Zed was there a little mad that his work place suddenly became a hotel
Sorry it's late had a little trouble trying to make the power for (Y/N)
Tina: and you were lazy
That too anyway thanks to Crenin for the help with the powers so yeah anyway bye
Tina:hey I want back in on the story
Later bye
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