ch 17 saved an Angel

They made their way towards the door and it scanned Axton who was wearing the pocket watch

Computer:bio scan complete. Hello sexy awaiting password

Angel:the password is "I love you"

Roland:that voice modulator better have worked because if not this will all be for nothing

Axton:I love you

Computer:access granted

Jack:considered this your final war- no consider this MY final warning. Turn around and I promise I'll make it quick but I swear if you take one more step every soul in sanctuary will die staring at their own lungs as I RIP them from their chest

They ignored him and kept walking taking the elevator down.

Angel:eridium alone could never charge the vault key. It needs a catalyst to awaken its power. It needs ...... a siren. Jack acquired his siren catalyst a long time ago. He kept her hidden from the world for years but now finally you'll see her free

The elevator reached the bottom to a cave with one gate

Angel:I detect you're getting close hurry up and reach me. You must get the vault key and deal with me

They went in but before they did (Y/N) didn't feel right about this. He felt like something was wrong so he made a call before hand. Then followed them in. They reached a room with one button to open the door

Angel:executing phase shift

The whole room disappeared and there was nothing but an empty void. The key appeared in front of them

Angel:the key is here but to truly stop Jack from waking the warrior you cannot just steal the key... you must destroy his catalyst you must destroy

The vault key dissapeared and from the darkness a beautiful girl with glowing tattoos and wings appeared

Angel:me. Jack's spent years pumping me full of eridium using it to charge his key and manipulating everyone. Destroying his eridium injectors that keep me..... alive will stop the key from charge and will stop a lifetime of servitude. Now


Angel is pulled back into a room and a shield is protecting her. It's also keeping her there so she can't escape

Jack:what the hell are you doing. Angel?!

Angel:stopping you you piece of

Jack:Rgrh language

Angel:the eridium injectors destroy them

They shoot them and (Y/N) while hesitant also started to shoot them

Jack:augh no you don't shields up

The injectors are shielded and they stop shooting

Angel:I'll try and expose the injectors just hold on

Jack:bandits keep this up I'm heading down there myself. You hear me

The alarm goes off and shit is starting to get more intense

Angel:he's lying he's too much of a coward to do it himself

Loaderbots started to come out as they started to defend angel from you. They kept shooting and Angel informed that she couldn't stop them and to hold on. Shock fields generators came from the ground and started to shock them

While they were fending off against the swarm of loaderbots (Y/N) the chances to talk to angel

(Y/N):why didn't you tell me you were dying

Angel:if I told you you wouldn't have done it

(Y/N)your damn right I wouldn't. There has to be another way I promised you I would get you out of here

Angel:there isn't I have too much eridium inside of me it's killing me

(Y/N):......... so what if we took it out

Angel:I don't know how but I won't have enough time to make it. As soon as those injectors are destroyed I will die

(Y/N):I think I know of a way to get the eridium out but I need someone to come over. I hope she gets here fast enough

With that he goes back to shooting leaving angel in confusion as to who he was talking about. But (Y/N) made another call it was quick and he went back to shooting

Angel kept trying to take down the shields but couldn't. As they were fighting they got surprised when they saw roland come out of nowhere

Roland:hey up here need a hand

A bridge appears out of nowhere and roland is standing on it

Angel:roland I need you to lower the shields on the eridium injectors

Roland:uh did I miss something or is Angel a SIREN

Angel:I meant NOW roland

Roland:right I'm on it

He goes to deactivate the shields by fucking with the wires on the top

Jack:so this is how you get to me bandits you gotta kill an innocent girl

Angel:that's how he works. He'll try to guilt you to make it think it's your fault don't listen

Roland:shields down now shoot the injectors

Half of them shot the injectors while the other focused on defending themselves from the bots. Roland moved to the next injector and threw a turret down to help you out

Jack:you're endangering my baby girl. This is my vow every friend every child every person you passed on the street to I'll kill them all

More and more loaderbots kept coming and roland managed to lower the shields for the second injector

Jack:sweetheart everything you could ever want is within these walls. Angel do you have any idea how much I've SACRIFICED for you. The bandits I killed the people I manipulated.... everything was to protect YOU

They destroyed the second injector and the bridge that lead to them was gone and roland fell

Roland:oh crap. Damn it now what do we do

Lilith:how you doing

Lilith teleport in and everyone was shocked except for one

Roland:lilith what the hell I told you not to come

Lilith:yeah and I didn't listen. Besides I got a call to come here and I know what I have to do so let me do it

She teleported Roland up to the hatch and opened it. Then started to mess around with the wires till they could get the shields down

Jack:please can you hear me. Please don't kill my baby girl

They kept shooting and roland got closer to shutting down the shields

Jack:do you know what you're doing who cares about the God damn key. You've gonna end the life of an innocent girl

Angel:Jack ended my life long ago. This has to end NOW vault hunters

Roland took the shields down and they shot at it. Angel screaming in pain as she got down. She was going to say something but lilith grabbed her hand and they both started to glow

After a while she let go and angel looked at her in confusion

Angel:what did you do?

Lilith:gave you some time. Tannis she's heading your way

She teleported her away


Roland:uhm what did you do

Lilith:I think I saved her life

Roland:well either way Jack just lost his only way to awaken the warrior. Lilith take the vault jey to tannis I'm gonna


Roland was shot trough the chest by JACK of all people. He fell to the floor dead


Lilith:ROLAND I'm gonna

She lunged at him but he put a collar on her and she was at his control. (Y/N) went to cut his head off but he shot him in the leg

Jack:tut tut how does the old saying go "don't pick a fight with a man whose got nothing left to lose" well I'm gonna show you how much you have left to lose *picked lilith up* and I got the worlds most powerful siren to do it *points gun at (Y/N)* and a little test test subject as well

Maya:*pissed*if you even

Jack:lilith kill the vault hunters we've got a date to keep with the warrior

She goes to do that but instead she teleported them away now it's only them and Jack

Jack:well I guess it's time to go

He picked (Y/N) up by the hair and dragged both of them away

Jack:you know I always wanted to put eridium and the blood of a siren in someone just to see what would happen. But I would never do it to Angel. Good thing I have another siren I don't care about

Lilith:you sick bastard

Jack:oh hun you don't know the half if it

He dragged them away to God knows where


The others were back at sanctuary safely

Lilith:are you ok did I get you to sanctuary

Gaige:were fine but where are you and (Y/N)

Lilith:I don't know me and (Y/N) were separated. He said something about experiments and took some blood out of me

Maya:crap what do we do

Axton:right now we need to get to mordecai

Maya:yeah ok then we check on Angel

Gaige:ugh I don't feel-

She couldn't finish because she vomited and held her stomach tightly. She had an idea of what was wrong with her

Maya:hey are you alright

Gaige:no I'm a little nauseous

They kept going and Gaige was still holding her stomach she wasn't sure but it was most likely she knew

There you go Angel is ALIVE and you were kidnapped

Tina:but why boi

Well let's say I have something in my mind that should make Angel more important in the story. That's all you get out of me anyway bye

Tina:you and your suspenseful waiting anyway later succas

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