ch 16 saving an Angel
The vault hunters meet claptrap at thousand cuts and see him spray painting himself with the words "claptrap was here". When he was finished he turned to them
Claptrap:you ready to go
Maya:wouldn't be here if we weren't
Claptrap:well minions we've come here to tag this whole base. It'll take him minutes to wash it all of MINUTES I say hahahaha
He said as he walks or more like rolled passed the death wall. Then he noticed that they weren't following anymore
Claptrap:hey you coming or not
Axton:we can't you idiot
Claptrap:oh right you're not a hyperion robot I forgot that sometimes
He goes over to a control pad that was right next to the wall and pressed some buttons
Claptrap:aaaannd open
He deactivated the wall and they go through
Brick:I got some buzzards heading your way slab
Claptrap:don't worry minions I'll protect yah
There was a small explosion right in front of him and he got scared
Claptrap:ah no I won't
He ran off turning invisible as he ran a turret appeared and started to shoot at them while loaderbots came from some moon shots
Jack:oh got trough the first wall huh. Well it won't matter the bunker is still gonna kill yah but none the last cute
Axton destroyed the turret with a grenade and they pushed forward past all the destruction. Some slabs in buzzards were aiding them as they made their way towards Angel. A constructor bot appears and Axton pulled out a rocket and shot it at the robot destroying it.
The gate opened to reveal some mechanics with guns shooting at them. They quickly took them out and kept going up the cliffside dodging some moon shots while doing so. They eventually made it to another gate
Brick:they ain't rolling out the welcome mat how about you destroy those turrets so they open the door
(Y/N):I don't think that'll work but hey it's worked before so fuck it
They destroyed the turrets and surprise surprise the gate opened and badass loaders and mechanics came out. Gaige summoned DT and Salvador went full gunserker blasting everything that moved
In front of them was a badass constructor bot and it was bigger and a piece of shit to deal with as well. It took some time but they destroyed it. It only took like fifty rockets. Then they went up the stairs to continue forward
Jack:hey you wanna know how I got my hands on that vault key. See a few years back Wilhelm and I paid a visit to your little friend tannis. And we beat her for hours and ripped it out of her broken fingers
(Y/N) didn't know that much about tannis considering they only had one encounter. But he still felt bad for her because as far as he knew she was nice
Jack:BUT we let her live because that's what heroes do. They show mercy
Maya:what kind of hero beats someone for something they want
(Y/N):a very fucked up hero
As he said this he was thinking of a certain fire hero who is also a terrible father. But anyway they made it to an elevator that took them up to the bunker and Brick sent some slabs to help
Brick:eyes to the sky slab I'm sending in some buzzards
Said buzzards were destroyed by turrets that were shooting all the buzzards down
Brick: slab you need to destroy the cannon they're tearing up your air support
They saw a ammo dump and resupplied on ammo. Convenient. As they kept going they saw a forcefield blocking a door
Angel:that forcefield is blocking the entrance to my quarters. You need to destroy the bunker in order to get past it
(Y/N):sounds easy enough
Angel:it's not
They went up the stairs to another open area with loot boxes and Gaige already knew what was coming.
Jack:alright that's enough kitties. Brick and his mouth breathers couldn't bust my bunker. And neither could you
They quickly destroyed the cannon that was destroying their support and made their way towards the middle. But more cannons appeared so they worked quicker on destroying the cannons. Everytime they destroyed a cannon lasers would appear so they had to jump over. After the cannons got destroyed jack came up on the speaker
Jack:did you really think I would protect angel with a couple of bots and some lazy turrets. *bunker starts to move* see your not at the bunker right now. The bunker isn't a place
Jack:that's the bunker. Meet BNK-3R the greatest defense bot ever built. Designed her myself. Now do me a favor. DIE
The BNK-3R went up and shot at the group with rockets. As it did that it also shit some moarders at them making them move. Axton brought out his rocket launcher and shot at the BNK-3R
(Y/N) and Zer0 focused on the loaderbots since they didn't have any weapons that could deal with that thing. They did a great job taking care of the enemies surrounding them
Gaige summoned DT and he was shooting lasers at the BNK-3R causing a good amount of damage. But other than that she couldn't really help with it
Maya had a corrosion weapon and focused on taking down the BNK-3R and on occasion shooting loaderbots. Overall she focused on the big flying weapon
Salvador went ape shit and took out everything. He shot the damn thing with weapons you didn't even know he had. Pretty sure he did the most damage
After a long time of shooting and nearly loosing all of their ammunition they destroyed the BNK-3R and it exploded with a lot of loot. And money something (Y/N) would use for later on a certain machine
Angel:with the bunker gone you can get into my quarters now please hurry
Axton:before that *pulls out pocket watch* whose going to be the asshole
(Y/N):not it
Gaige, Maya, Zer0, Sal:not it
Axton:....... you assholes *puts it on* testing testing oh God I sound like an asshole already
(Y/N):you're acting like you didn't before
Axton:*sounds like Jack* oh eat shit asshole
Gaige:wow you even act like one
Axton:I'm done with you guys let's go save this bitch
They laughed at him and went to go save Angel
OH HO HO this is were I end it because I'm a lazy asshole
Tina:well your right about the asshole part
Fuck off also sorry about not updating yesterday I was like really fucking lazy and didn't want to do shit
Tina:well you did release like five chapters each day so I guess it's kinda deserved
For once you agree with damn I must be dreaming anyway that's all bye
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