ch 15 an opportunity

(Y/N) woke up the next day with Gaige on top of his chest so he slowly moved her to not wake her up. He got up and went to pick up his clothes from the floor. He didn't have any others because he lost them in the train wreck

He took a shower at least and put on his clothes then walked back into the bedroom to see Gaige still asleep

(Y/N):*moves her* c'mon Gaige it's time to get up

Gaige:*sleepy*mmhh five more minutes

(Y/N):you and I both know that five minutes turn into three hours so get up

She reluctantly got up and went to go take a shower and (Y/N) waited for her in the living room. When she was done they went to roland and on when they got there they found a lady they've never met before

(Y/N):uhmm hi?

Blood shot out of her nose so they walked up stairs

???:Tannis. That's my name

(Y/N):oh well hi tannis nice meeting you my names (Y/N)

Tannis:yeah same her

He continued to go upstairs and he didn't see her pass out on the way up. When he got there he saw everyone and a new guy already there

???:who are you slab

(Y/N):um my names (Y/N). And you are

???:the names Brick

Brick was tall and muscular two things (Y/N) wasn't. He was taller than Lilith and a bit of muscle but still Brick was intimidating

Lilith:hey where were you two last night

They both tense up as both Maya and Lilith looked at then suspiciously. They don't know how they would react if they found out what happened last night

(Y/N):oh h-hey uh hun how are you

Brick:wait a minute you two are together

(Y/N):yeah why

Brick:well that automatically makes you a slab in my book

(Y/N):what why?

Brick:if you can deal with Lilith you already have my respect

Lilith was about to kick some ass and it didn't matter whose ass it was she was gonna kick it. But luckily Roland stopped her

Roland:alright that's enough and if I'm being honest I have no idea how to get past a door that'll only open fro Jack

Angel:sorry to I interrupt but we've little time. Reach the city of opportunity to breach the final door to my chamber you'll need to be Jack

(Y/N):I don't think anyone is willing to get plastic surgery to look like Jack

Angel:no if you can kill one of Jack's body doubles in opportunity I can get you trough that door

Roland:as much as I hate listening to her Angel is the best lead we got. We already know not to trust her but
.... be careful

Lilith:oh and Jack is broadcasting to all six galaxies to migrate to his city so grab Moxxi's camera and show them what a bad idea that is

This time all of the vault hunters went -except lilith brick mordecai and roland- to get Moxxi's camera

Moxxi:oh you want my camera alright just make sure you get some naked skin or explosions bonus if you get both

They went to the fast travel station and lilith was waiting there for them

Axton:what are you doing here

Lilith:yeah on second thought I don't trust you with that camera *snatches camera* I know there's stuff about Moxxi here and I don't need you looking at them

(Y/N):you really think I would watch them


(Y/N):ok fine let's go

Fast travel- the highlands- Hyperion bridge

The traveled to the bridge and saw the bridge and a catch a ride right next to it. Convenient

(Y/N):guess I'm driving this time

The whole group expected for Gaige to say something about wanting to drive. But nope she just jumped on the back and sap there. Everyone was shocked

(Y/N):why are you guy's looking at us like that

Lilith:...... what did you guys do last night

Gaige:why do you want to now

Maya:because you've been really close to (Y/N) and you guys didn't fight for the driver seat

They just looked away and realized their mistake. They didn't know what to do

Axton:*le gasp*you didn't

They both turned red

Axton:oh my God you did

Lilith:what? What did they do Axton. Tell us

Axton:sorry lilith that's not for me to tell. But you can find out if you want

She looked over at the two and saw them driving off

Maya:(Y/N) it you're only making it worse for yourself

She got a ride and lilith got on it with her and drove after them leaving the other guys alone

Salvador:so what did they do

Axton:let's just say that they became adults last night

Zer0:I'm proud :D

King crimson

(Y/N) and Gaige arrived at opportunity before the others did so they waited. First came Lilith and Maya they weren't happy. Then came the bois they were proud

Lilith:ok we'll *the girls including (Y/N)* go do the things I need help with and you guy's go kill the doppelganger

Before they could answer she pulled you away and pulled (Y/N) away and Maya pulled Gaige away. Both of them were looking at the bois for help. They just looked away

King crimson

After causing havoc around opportunity they met up with the others. It seemed like they were in a good mood

Maya:what's got you guys so happy

Axton:look he might've not been the real Jack but damn did it feel good to shoot him in the face

Zero and Salvador just nodded in agreement but zer0 had a smile projected on his face

(Y/N):I'm kinda jealous now

Lilith:alright what ever let's just upload this so people don't come here

They went to the broadcasting center and plugged in the camera. It shows all of the carnage they caused and a lot of explosions

Axton:seems you guys had some fun of your own

Lilith:yes we did now let's get out of here

They ran back to the fast travel station and went back to sanctuary

Fast travel- sanctuary

Axton:ok so who's putting it on because I don't want to look and sound like Jack

No one said anything because no one wanted to be Jack at all

Axton:guess well decided until we get there

He put the pocket watch away


Jack:you thought you could hide from me angel? Say goodbye to your friends angel

The connection between Angel and the vault hunters was disconnected and they hurried to roland to save angel

Roland:you got what we need to get trough the last door *they nod* alright then let's go get ourselves a vault key. Lilith I'm gonna need you to stay here

Lilith:what why. Is it because angel told you I shouldn't go

Roland:if it's a trap I need you to be here to protect sanctuary just trust me ok

Lilith:ugh fine *to (Y/N)* you better not die if you do I'll bring you back and kill you myself

(Y/N):uhmm ok

Lilith:and if you live I'm tarring those clothes right off your body

Everyone sounded disgusted because no one wanted to hear her say that or imagine it

(Y/N):please don't they're my only clothes

Lilith:oh you know what I what I meant~


Roland:let's just go get claptrap to the door destroy a bunker with a lot of guns and a door that we can't open

Mordecai:that's his way of saying "were probably going to die"

(Y/N):thanks for the confidence boost there

Roland:meet us at thousand cuts and lets well start the assault

They went to get claptrap and then went to thousand cuts. Some wanted to just get the vault key but one wanted to save the siren within it

Oh damn next chapter is going to be nothing but fighting probably be a two part as well maybe three

Tina:will there be explosion

A lot

Tuna:then I'm cool with it let's get this party started

Anyway bye

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