ch 13 wildlife preserve pt 2

After the small break they had they resupplied on ammo and moved forward. On the way they killed more animals but some more loaders came. They were the same as always but a super badass loader came in which is bigger and has rockets

(Y/N):wow hyperion is really running out of ideas

Gaige:I know right! Seriously who is there mechanic because I wanna kill him for making these disgusting machines

After that sad robot got destroyed they went into another door to find the specimen maintenance area. In it were a lot of animals and no signs of bloodwing

Maya:hey bloodwing isn't here

Mordecai:no he should be there.... go in further the uglies shouldn't be a bother just ignore them and find bloodwing

They ignored the animals but noticed some skaggs were a bit off. Probably the fact that it was giving off some electricity

They moved past to bloodwing and found nothing but feathers and blood

Gaige:oh mordecai won't be happy

Mordecai:why what happened

Jack:looking for bloodwing. Oh I moved her a few hours ago. Somewhere a little more.... dramatic

(Y/N):well shit now what

Mordecai:DAMNIT Jack's playing games with us. Wait a minute I'm seeing some commotion in the observation wing. Maybe they moved her there just keep pushing through the preserve

Moving trough the preserve they got another call from- oh you already know

Jack:hey you know what I just remembered *crunch* it's feeding time

As he said that the doors keeping the animals looked up opened and they were let lose.

(Y/N):what the fuck is up with those skaggs

Maya:mordecai did say they were experimented on

(Y/N):that makes more sense as to why they're like this

Before they could get any closer they killed them off with not much trouble. They may be electrifying but they're still skaggs so it's kinda easy. Only difference is that they shot electricity but other than that they were fine

As they moved they found more experimented animals like some slagged stalkers. And more electrical animals. They got weakened from some slagged stalkers but move on and it eventually wore off

After clearing out an area of skags and mechanics with guns they found a loaderbot as a receptionist?

Experimentation greater: if you hear any screaming stop listening so hard

(Y/N):uhmm ok thanks I guess

Soon after that encounter they found a warehouse with more mechanics with guns and more loaderbots. They killed them then came up to the observatory

Gaige:this is a big open area

Maya:ok and?

Gaige:if anything video games thought me is that in a big open area there's bound to be a boss

Maya:your really putting video game logic on here

(Y/N):it makes sense if you think about it


They moved more towards the middle and in the intercoms Jack came up

Jack:want bloodwing back huh. Shame. I've been doing some really interesting eridium stuff with her*giant hatch opening* hate to see her go. But heck with it you can have her back

Out of the hatch a giant fucking bird came out of it and it looked pissed off

(Y/N):holy shit

As (Y/N) was being shocked Gaige just looked at Maya with a 'I told you so' expression


Gaige:oh you already know

Maya:*groan* fine ok you were right

Jack:hahaha just give it up kiddos bloodwings got all the elements at her disposal. Fire! Electricity! Corrosion! Slag! And.... oh dam what was the last one

Mordecai:son of a bitch just weaken her and I'll hit her with a tranq

They shot at bloodwing more and more but bloodwing is one hell of a bird. She slammed the ground causing them to loose balance and releasing slag on them

Luckily they weren't hit but not so luckily loaderbots showed up to be cunts.

Jack:Fire...*bloodwing changes to fire* what else fire uhh

Bloodwing took off into the air and came to swoop down on the trio. They shot at her more and it looked to be working

Jack: ELECTRICITY.... electricity. Electricity, slag, fire, corrosion is coming up next what am I forgetting

And as Jack said bloodwing turned to an electrical bird. She shot electricity at the vault hunters and luckily it hit some loaderbots

Gaige:hmm I think I got an idea?

(Y/N):well what is it?

Gaige:not right now wait till she changes elements


Jack:corrosion...*bloodwing turns corrosive* corrosion.. yeah that one c'mon what's the last one

They kept shooting and bloodwing got noticeably slower. That was enough for Gaige to do her plan as she summoned DT

Gaige:ok *sweetly* (Y/N) sweetie can you come here real quick


Gaige:remember that plan I told you about

(Y/N):you didn't tell me about it but yeah

Gaige:yeah well what happens next just know that I love you very much

After that DT grabbed (Y/N) and THREW HIM at bloodwing


Luckily (Y/N) grabbed on to bloodwing but he was very pissed





Now with no plan and (Y/N) hanging off of bloodwing he was pretty much fucked. Bloodwing tried to shake him off but to no avail. Turns out (Y/N) had a good grip on him

(Y/N):*looks at sword* oh God damn it I'm really sorry bloodwing. Hey mordecai get that tranq ready

Mordecai:what are you gonna do

(Y/N):oh you know just stab bloodwing in the wing

Mordecai:I swear to God kid it better not be that bad

(Y/N):oh God I'm really sorry bloodwing *stabs wing*

Bloodwing:*painful screech*

Mordecai shot bloodwing with the tranq and she went down with (Y/N)

(Y/N):oh shit

They both crashed down with (Y/N) being save by Maya with her powers

(Y/N):oh thank you Maya

Maya:no problem *drops him*

(Y/N):OOF. *to Gaige* oh and fuck you

Gaige:oh don't be such a baby you were fine. Besides it worked didn't it

(Y/N):you know what I'm just gonna ignore you

Mordecai:would you guys get the micro chip from her collar and get her back to sanctuary

Maya went to get the chip but as she did jack started to laugh

Jack:hahahaha oh now I remember the last element..... EXPLOSIVES

There was beeping and bloodwings head blew up along with the collar


Jack:that is why you don't screw with me. You and your little friend mordecai turn yourselves in or that dumbass bird is just the beginning


Roland:I'm sorry soldier but you need to get that upgrade chip to claptrap and well be able to get trough that first security door leading to angel

As they went back to sanctuary jack was gonna make fun of them but

Jack:God damn it I was gonna make this dramatic by playing a violin but I can't find it. BLAKE where's the bloody violin

They just ignored him and kept walking towards sanctuary

Jack:woah you didn't think you would get out alive would yah

That said a lot of loaderbots showed up but they weren't having it and destroyed all of them with help from mordecai who was still sniping. He one shoted everyone

They made it back to sanctuary thanks to the fast travel station. And Jack called again

Jack:ok ok I found it this is a song for mordecais stupid bird. In E *playing violin very poorly*......... alright you know what screw you it would've been HILARIOUS if I found it earlier. Shut up

(Y/N): well let's get this ti claptrap


Gaige:you guys think mordecai is going to be alright

(Y/N):it may take a while but he'll be fine..... I hope

They upgrade claptrap and he can now turn invisible. Turns out it was his birthday...... no one cared

They went to go turn in their mission and when they got back they found mordecai drunk and lilith and roland talking about the past

Lilith:remember when mordecai got shot in the shoulder so he hid behind cover and threw bloodwing to face those bandits on her own

Roland:heh yeah

(Y/N):guys I don't think now's the best time for this

They look over at mordecai who is so depressed

Lilith:right sorry about that

Mordecai:no it's ok..... I'll be at Moxxi's

Roland:anyway you can rest up now soldiers I've already sent zer0, Axton, and Salvador to get help. Rest up and wait for their return

Maya:finally I'm gonna go sleep *to (Y/N)* care to join me

Lilith:if he goes I go

Gaige:nope he promised me a date when we got back so we'll be leaving

(Y/N):yeah sorry girls anyway wait for me at Moxxi's Gaige I'll be there soon

Gaige:ok I'll see you there

With that she went to Moxxi's and (Y/N) found a spot were no one could hear him

(Y/N):yo Angel you there

Angel:yeah is there something you need

(Y/N):you want us to trust you again right?

Angel:more than anything

(Y/N):well if you want me to trust you you'll tell me why now?

Angel:what do you mean why now?

(Y/N):why betray Jack now. By the way he talked to you back at Overlook it made it sound like he cared about you

Angel:........ well that's........ that's because I'm not an A.I I'm a real person...... a siren to be more precise

(Y/N):.....damn that's something........ and he has you locked up in a building......

Angel:another thing I'm not only a person but.........





I'm Also his daughter

(Y/N):your his fucking daughter

Angel:yeah I am

(Y/N):so why would you betray him?

Angel:do I need as reason to. He's a psychopath. He has me trapped here against my will. He's not may father anymore

(Y/N):ahit..... was he always like that

Angel:believe it or not no he wasn't. He used to be kind, caring, and he would barely even swear

(Y/N):are you sure were talking about the same guy

Angel:*chuckles*yes I'm sure. Then one day he put on a mask of his own face and put me in this place. I don't know what happened to him but my father died on the moon and came back a monster

(Y/N):huh makes you wonder what could've happened that made him turn out like that

Angel:I stopped wondering that a long time ago

(Y/N):how long ago was that anyway

Angel:I don't know I was still a little girl at the time

(Y/N):wait you've been in that place since you were a little girl

Angel:yup can't remember the last time I saw the sky with my own eyes and not some computer screen

(Y/N):........ have you been to the beach

Angel:no? Why do you ask?

(Y/N):when we get you out of there and kill your dad I'll take you to the beach. How does that sound

Angel:........ I.... I would love that thank you (Y/N)

(Y/N):ok it's already planned so don't back out or die on me you hear

Angel:yeah I promise

(Y/N):that's good to hear. Anyway I need to go Gaige is still waiting talk to you later

Angel:yeah talk to you then. Bye

(Y/N) goes to get Gaige for their date and leaves Angel to herself thinking about the future.

Angel:I might need to talk to Maya and the other girls. Huh thank you (Y/N)

2000 words hope you enjoyed. Also nobody said no to Angel being in the harem as expected so yeah there you go she has a crush on you

Tina:but how you gonna prevent her death boy

Yeah she was going to die no matter what I did so I made it seem she poisoned herself right before the whole thing of killing her

Tina:that's some lazy shit

Well I can't do anything she's technically on life support through the whole game so there. Anyway that's all bye

Edit:yeah someone in the comments had a better idea so I'm going with that thank Crenin for that

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