ch 12 the wildlife preserve

As (Y/N) and Gaige were sleeping the others were having a serious discussion upstairs. If you're wondering why they're sleeping..... well (Y/N) is sleeping off the pain from a beating he got from Lilith and Gaige just wanted to sleep with him

Roland:glad you guys are ok but Jack is getting closer and closer to opening the vault and we still don't know where it is

Angel:I can help you with that

Roland:you?! damn it we told you to never contact us again

Angel:will you please just hear me out

Lilith:sure let's listen to the crazy computer that just tried to kill us

Maya:guys as much as I don't like it she's trusting. How do you think we got here

They stayed quiet for a couple of seconds

Roland:*sigh* fine make it quick

Angel:thanks... I know where the vault key is. It's with me

Roland: ok

Angel:the key naturally changes itself every two hundred years. Jack is patient but he's not that patient... he's been using my power to forcefully charge the vault key with eridium. If you find me you find the vault key. The vault key is housed in my AI control core atop thousand cuts. It's protected by three impassable security hurdles. The first can obliterate any non hyperion entity passing through it

Lilith:Competitor deterrence field what like a death wall?

Angel:it's field of pure thermosonic energy programmed to automize any unauthorized personal

Roland:so yeah a death wall

Angel:beyond that lies the second hurdle. A defense bunker outfitted with the most high tech weaponry hyperion can afford

Roland:that doesn't sound good

Everyone:no shit sherlock

Roland:I'll be quiet now

Angel:past the bunker you'll have to get the final hurdle a door that will only open for handsome Jack. This will be the only opportunity to steal the vault key and stop Jack from controlling the warrior. I'm out of time do what you will but promise me this....
Do not allow lilith into my chamber

And like that she was gone

Lilith:what the hell is that supposed to mean

Axton:it means bot to let you in

Lilith:yeah I get that idiot but why not. What if it's a trap

Rolan:if she was luring us into a trap she would've made it sound a little bit more possible

Lilith:if were taking that bitch down I'm coming... trap or not

Roland:if anyone's going to shut her down it has to be you soldier *points at the group* get to the hyperion preserve. I think I know how to get past the first hurdle go there and I'll have someone meet you

With that they left not before Maya went down to get (Y/N) and Gaige

Maya:hey guys get up we have to go

Gaige:*groan* five more minutes

(Y/N):I literally can't move a muscle

Maya:you made me do this *flips over the bed*



Gaige:I'm still tiered

Maya:oh good your up so we can go now

She grabs (Y/N) by the wrist and drags him to the fast travel station while Gaige follow at a slow place

Fast travel Highlands - outwash

Turns out the author is too lazy so it's only Maya, Gaige, and a badly hurt (Y/N) on this journey this time. He was still being dragged and complaining

Maya:would you quit whining

(Y/N):I can't my whole body hurts. You try getting your ass kicked by a pissed off lilith

Maya:oh come on it's just lilith and she wasn't using her siren powers it could've been a lot worse

Gaige:guy's wait up and quit leaving me behind

Maya:walk faster

(Y/N):what's up with you today?

Maya:it's just a lot has happened the past week. I need some time off

(Y/N):everyone needs some time off. Tell you what when this is over let's go somewhere


(Y/N):I don't know the beach? Been a while since I've been to one

Maya:yeah ok some time in the water could be nice

(Y/N):good now *kisses her* quit complaining

Maya:*blushes* s-shu-shut up. Your complaining not me

(Y/N):awe are you blushing

She gets a brighter blush on her face and tries to hide it but can't. Gaige saw this from afar and rushed over and took (Y/N) away out of jealousy

Gaige:ok that's enough your hogging up all to yourself you know. And when will you take me on a date huh

(Y/N):alright when we get back to sanctuary I'll take you some place ok?

Gaige:ok now I'm happy. Let's go

They soon made it to their destination the Wildlife exploitation preserve and got a call from roland

Roland:I bet you're friend claptrap can get past that hyperion forcefield he's out of date tho he needs an update. Mordecai will have what you need
I know I forgot to put it like this but just imagine it is bc I'm lazy

(Y/N):by the way he's putting it. It makes claptrap sound useful..... he must be high or something

Maya:he's got a point tho he is technically hyperion and he might be useful






Oh how low we have fallen

Gaige:just accept the fact that he's useful at this one thing

After (Y/N)s semi depression happened they met up with mordecai

Mordecai:hey over here. Yeah I heard about sanctuary. Sorry I missed the action I saw some hyperion movement in the Tundra express so bloodwing and I checked it out. Then realized we were walking into a trap. Bloodwing gave me time to escape but the bastards grabbed her and brought her here. You see bloodwing had the chip to upgrade claptrap so you'll need to get her back. Head in there and I'll help from afar goodluck

They headed to the entrance and tried to get in but it wouldn't open and the security system sent in more loaderbots

Mordecai:crap hold them off while I think of something

A shit load came out so they took cover and killed most of them but more kept coming. This went on for a while till mordecai had an idea

Mordecai:ok try crippling one of them they should open the door

So they did about half of them were broken but still operating and the door opened to reveal more loaders. They went in search of bloodwing it was a big base so it would take a while

They took on a lot of enemies and pushed up ahead while taking cover and some occasional support from mordecai. Gaige summoned DT to help and shot fucking lasers

(Y/N):since when could he do that?

Gaige:I made some upgrades to him can't have him be out of date like a certain robot I know

Back in sanctuary a certain robot felt more depressed then it already was. But no one cared

Back with the main group they finally made it inside the wildlife preserve it seems like the animals got out. Everything was broken and there was a lot of blood

Mordecai:welcome to the wildlife preserve where Jack supposedly built this to help animals. But that's bs he's really using it to do experiments on animals which gives us more reason to get bloodwing out of there

Jack:oh hey you're at the preserve. I was gonna do something to lure you in to kill you but you saved me the trouble so thanks for that kiddo

They ignored because at this point they were used to him calling them at any point. But they were more focused on trying to not get eaten by the animals in the preserve

After killing or more like massacring a crap ton of animals they made it inside the facility and closed the door behind them

Maya:jesus that was a lot

(Y/N):I'm gonna need a long shower after this is done

Gaige:can we take a quick break. That was a lot of shit happening in the span of ten minutes

Maya:alright but then we hurry to bloodwing before it's too late

Gaige:oh thank God

She sat down and Maya did the same while (Y/N) went to go resupply on ammo

(Y/N):*in mind*how the hell did I go from Highschooler to being a vault hunter. Jeez life threw one hell of a curveball at me

Tina:what that's it!!!

Yeah it's gonna be a lot to write in one go so this will be a two part

Tina:you lazy mother fucker

Shut up I'll try and release it Tomorrow but no promises. Also should Angel be in the harem I kinda ignored her due to her not so bright future. Tell me what you think




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