ch 11 to sanctuary..... again

Turns out there was a fast travel machine was right beside them so they just walked to it expecting it to be easy. But this a game so it's never that easy

Fast travel:error the location [sanctuary] not found

Angel:oh no the phase blast must've taken sanctuary off the fast travel network....uhmm.... okay head to the eridium extraction plant I think I know how to get you back to your friends

(Y/N):*sigh* somehow I knew this was too easy

Zer0:quit complaining/it's more fun this way

Axton:let's go and get this over with

Angel:you know I didn't lie to you about everything. You guys are our only hope of stopping Jack. Roland, Lilith, and Mordecai.... he defeated them long ago. They can help you reach them but in the end.... it will be you who brings Jack down.

(Y/N):and what makes us so special to begin with. All we did was survive an train it doesn't seem that much

Maya:he's got a point we were never face to face

Angel:Jack is cocky with everyone he's just playing with you. But you all have greater skill than you lead on I know you can beat him

Gaige:you know I never had any combat experience before this just a school girl

Angel:but your a great mechanic. Maya is a siren. Two assassins. A soldier. And a guy with a shit load of guns

(Y/N):well that's one way of putting it

They soon went to the marked location on the map dealing with some annoyed needle stalkers on the way

And some HOT loaderbot. Basically they shot fire no big deal for these guys. After they were dealt with they found a hyperion base

Angel:if you can cross the river and steal a supply beacon you can get Sanctuary back onto the fast travel network. I promise as little as I'm sure that means now

Maya:depending on how this goes... well we'll see after this

They went into the base to cross the river but as luck would have it there was a shit load of loaderbots and some engineers who could fight. They took them down no problem because there's six of them so it was easy

But as luck would have it and EXP loader went up to the controls of the bridge and self destructed

Angel:damn you'll need to find another way across the bridge

Gaige:crap now how do we do this

Axton:how about you use your robot to fly across since it doesn't have legs

(Y/N):that's actually pretty smart good for you

Axton:go fuck yourself

Gaige:first of all his name is Death Trap DT for short and he can only carry I say like two of us

(Y/N):that's a weak ass robot

Gaige:I wasn't thinking about how much he can carry I was thinking about how cool I should make his weapons

Before this argument could go any further they were shot at by some loaderbots that were crossing what looked like a conveyor belt


Maya:alright Gaige you and (Y/N) take DT across and we'll take that conveyer belt


She summoned DT and jumped on it while it picked you up and glided across. As they did some supplies from the moon base were shot at the camp

Angel:see those supply drops you'll need to steal one of their beacons. You can use that to get sanctuary back on the fast travel network. Simple except not at all

When they landed the gate opened to reveal a constructor bot and more loaderbots on the other side

(Y/N):son of a-

DT threw (Y/N) and Gaige aside and went to deal with the loaderbots while the two delt with the constructor. They both shot at it and were doing a shit load of damage till (Y/N) knocked over a box with grenades inside of them

(Y/N):*grabs grenades* this looks powerful

He three the grenade at him and it took it down in an instant..... so he grabbed the rest of them and threw some at the loaderbots. When they were done the others show up and Gaige saw what looked like the controls to the bridge and pressed the red button that lowered the bridge

(Y/N):well at least we have a way back now.... let's go

They all moved towards the beacon and a big glutton thresher came and stole it and ate it

Gaige:*annoyed*oh c'mon it was right there we had it

Angel:*confused*did that thresher just eat the beacon...well you'll need to get it back so kill it

It went underground and came back up to swipe at them. Salvador and Axton were dealing with the loaderbots that came from hyperion, zer0 was dealing with one of its tentacles same with (Y/N) and Gaige and Maya were trying to get the beacon back

Zer0 being a badass cut the tentacle off no problem and looked cool while doing it. (Y/N) did too but not as cool as Zer0 did. Gaige then summoned DT and while the monster was distracted with Maya he took his claw and ripped the beacon out of its stomach

(Y/N):and that's fucking disgusting

Gaige:YESS GOOD JOB DT ugh you need to be washed

Angel:got the beacon good! We can use it to request an uncalabrated fast-travel unit from the moon base. You'll need a quiet place to set the beacon. Head to the town of Overlook. Thanks to the mining from Hyperion the skull shivers appeared so they shouldn't disturb us

They headed towards Overlook and Roland and Lilith just found out that Angel betrayed them.... they're mad

Jack:ahh this is so frustrating see this is what I get about you bad guys. You know the heroes are gonna win but you just don't die quickly. Man ugh example this one guy in ne have right. The city is burning *chuckle* people are dying left and right yadda yadda yadda. This jackhole rushes me with a spoon hehe a freaking spoon and I'm dying laughing right? So I scoop out his stupid eyeballs with it and his kids are all like whaaa and he can't see were he's going bumping into stuff Haha i don't know where I'm going with this the moral is your a total bitch

You should hear it for yourself it's better that way

(Y/N):um ok

They continued to walk and eventually found a catch A ride station. (Y/N) and Gaige were about to get in the driver's seat but noticed that both were heading to the same seat

(Y/N):what do you think you're doing

Gaige:uh driving

(Y/N):no you ain't you drive like a maniac

Gaige:oh like your any better and besides you drove last time so it's my turn

(Y/N):no I didn't you drove last time so it's my turn

As they started to argue the others left with no remorse for the two knowing they could handle their own

(Y/N):alright then let's handle this with rock paper scissors

Gaige:alright just don't get mad when I beat you

(Y/N):I never lose

King crimson

As Gaige was driving with a smirk on her face (Y/N) was in the back being a little bitch because he lost

Gaige:I told you not to get mad

(Y/N):shut up

They soon made it to the others who were fighting were fighting hoards of loaderbots

Jack:Angel that's enough you can stop pretending to help the bad guys now. Angel!

Angel:we don't have a lot of time until Jack realizes I'm not helping him anymore defend that beacon

More and more hoards came and they were defending the beacon. (Y/N) snuck behind some and killed them then started to unload on the rest when they spotted him. Gaige did the same but not as sneaky so she immediately brought DT

Jack:now if you can't even handle these loaders you're really going to disappoint me

They took hoards after hoards of loaderbots and Jack was getting more and more pissed

Angel:shit they denied our request I'll see what I can do

Jack:*pissed*send in those constructors and kill them NOW

The constructor came down and everyone focused their fire on that except for a few. Salvador went full gunsurker and pulled out two machine guns and unloaded all of it on the machine. Axton pulled out a rocket and fired at it as well

Gaige summoned DT again while Zer0, Maya, and (Y/N) protected the beacon. After they destroyed the constructor they went back to protecting the beacon

Angel:I shut off the oxygen supply in the moon base so they should send it pretty soon

Jack:God damn it Angel what are you doing those are the bad guys.... I'm sending everything I have at you EVERYTHING

More and more loaderbots came and the group kept fighting as much as they could. They even sent a badass loaderbot which is a bigger loaderbot with bigger guns. Maya was getting tired of using her powers, DT was low on power and they were all running out of ammo


The fast travel station landed in the middle of Overlook

Angel:let me set Sanctuary as a station

As soon as she did the group took it and left ro sanctuary

Jack:Angel you and I are gonna have a serious talk

The group made it back to sanctuary and stayed quiet for a good minute

Gaige:....... wow

Maya:"wow" that's all you have to say

Gaige:yeah! Also what happened we left you guys alone for like five minutes

Axton:Jack found out what we were doing and you know the rest

Salvador:I'm tiered so I go get drunk

Axton:I'm going with yah

(Y/N):well I'm tiered as fuck so I'm going to sleep*walks away* later

Zer0:I'll see what I'll do/see you all around

With that they all walked off and Maya and Gaige just went with (Y/N) to sleep

(Y/N);*opens door* finally peace and quiet

Lilith:*yandere*oh hey hun *tattoos glow* remember what I said about making me worry

(Y/N):ah shit

Say what a story on Sunday yeah I got bored so I made this hope you enjoyed

Tina:yeah he we had nothing better to do... hey when do I come back to the story

When you're important or when I feel like it anyway bye

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