ch 1 the trap

(A/N):so not that many people vote so you'll be an assassin trained by zero because he wanted the challenge of being the mentor and you just happened to be near.Also I'll try to do a harem
(3rd POV)
(Y/N) and Gaige stowed away in a train that went to Windshear Waste but for some reason Gaige decided to start a vlog of her journey

Gaige:hello my 5 subscribers so right now we are on a train heading to Windshear Waste and I'm not alone I got my best buddy (Y/N)

(Y/N):are you really vlogging right now we're literally trying to avoid getting arrested

Gaige:don't worry well be fine they won't come all this way to pandora just for us

(Y/N):yea but why are you vlogging

Gaige:I thought it would be a good idea to share our journey well anyway I'll talk to y'all later

Suddenly they start hearing shooting and the door opens and a siren runs through

???:um who are you two?

(Y/N):oh you know just you average stow away

???:well be careful these loaderbots  just started attacking us

Then a loaderbot was about to attack her but a Fucking Rocket hit the bot. Then more bots started to show up and she used her siren powers to pick up a bot and threw it out the train.


???:*chuckle*thank you

Little did they know someone was getting jelly but it was short lived because a short but muscular man came in through the hole that the loaderbot was thrown through and started to shoot anything that moved like a fucking badass.
After a while you saw a loaderbot bot behind Gaige and it was about to hit her but you charged at it and take out a handle that makes a (f/c) blade come out

(A/N) the blade is (f/c) so yeah
You then jump ove Gaige and stab the bot in its eye and then jump off kicking it out the hole

???:you sure you're not a vault hunter?

(Y/N):nope that doesn't interest me anymore

Gaige: HOLY CRAP we should be vault hunters

(Y/N):you could be a vault hunter I'll just tag along with you

Gaige:alright but you'll still be with me right

(Y/N):ofcourse Gaige

???:sorry yo cut this moment short be we should head to the front also names Maya

And the big guy is Salvador

Salvador: Hello friend

After the introductions you head to the front and see the guy who shot the rocket and introduced himself to be Axton

Axton:hey who are these two?

Maya:just some stowaways but they can fight

Axton:alright anyway let's get to the front

As you all made your way to the front you hear foot steps and someone drops from above and you immediately recognize who it was


Zero:(looks at you)well then/this is a surprise/reunited at last

(Y/N):what are you doing here!

Everyone but zero and (Y/N):wait you know each other

(Y/N):yea Gaige this is the guy I told you about when I went to train

Gaige:oh that's you it's nice to finally meet you


Salvador:so this is the boy you told us about

Axton:well kid it's nice to meet you but we need to get to the front

They all agree and a you open the door you see the place littered with explosives and in the middle is a mannequin with the face of Handsome Jack

Jack?:it's cute how you think that you're the heroes of your own little adventure but you're not (spins to reveal the bombs are about to go off) welcome to pandora kiddos

Just then the train blows up and you black out
_______________________________________(time skip)(Y/N) POV)

I wake up to feel cold and something heavy on top of me you then hear Gaige make noise and assume it's her (spoiler it's not)

(Y/N):Gaige please get off me

Gaige:but I'm not on you

I then look down to see maya on top of me and not gonna lie ahead looks kinda cute when she's asleep but then started to wake up and we made eye contact



Maya:what's wrong

We stay like this for a bit and she finally notices and gets off of me with a blush

Maya:s-s-sorry I didn't realize

(Y/N):I-I-Its fine r-r-really

After this the others started to wake up but yet again someone was getting jealous but then you hear the most annoying voice in za wurodu (I already did it so you won't have too)

???:great another dead vault hunter (turns to the rest of you) wait you guys aren't dead! Yes I can finally get of this place and go home so from now on you guys will be my loyal Minions.

(Y/N):*in mind*I should've died on that crash

???:my name is claptrap

And you guys are going to help me get off this God forsaken place follow me.

Then you all decide to follow the robot for some unknown reason *cough*plot*cough*

Claptrap:man it feels nice to finally talk to someone again I used to talk to my friends before they all died or if they even existed in the first place.

After walking for a bit you all arrived at a door that claptrap opened and you all went inside and claptrap decided to talk again but you didn't bother listening this time. Instead you saw some money on a table and took it. But then you heard a loud roar

Claptrap:ahhhh it's a bullymong save me squire

Next thing I know a BIG MOTHERFUCKER comes down and grabs claptrap and takes his eye

Claptrap:ah minion one of you go grab the gun in a cabin and let's get my eye back

Claptrap then tries to make his way to a door but hits himself on the way many times but you go get the gun and decided that you don't need it

(Y/N):this bitch empty YEET

(A/N) I'm sorry I had to
*take 2*

(Y/N):here you go Gaige I don't need it (you toss the gun to her)

Gaige:thanks (Y/N) and I also have DT with me so more FIREPOWER
(A/N)(dt stands for Deathtrap)

(Y/N):alright let's get this idiot's eye back and get the hell out of here.

Gaige nods and everyone follows claptrap to find his eye but then (Y/N) noticed that they were following a blind robot.
Alright another part done hope you guys liked it and not that many people voted so I chose the harem option but it will be small
The harem will be Gaige obviously,
Maya, and lilith and if you don't like it you should've vote see ya

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