beach episode again

Currently (Y/N) and Nisha are trying to get the water wheel to start moving again. After taking care of some pirates who insulted Crazy Earl's mustache and called him wierd for cuddling they were allowed access to the water wheel

They turned the water wheel on and left. As they were leaving Crazy Earl yelled out "I miss you". Although it was nice to hear that they continued on

Once back at the elevator they were greeted with Maya who was waiting for them

Nisha: oh so you decided to come along now

Maya: I'm sure Moxxi can handle things while I'm gone

(Y/N): you're clearly underestimating the situation here but I wanna enjoy my vacation so let's get this over with

Maya: alright but I think it'll be fine


Scarlett and Gaige were currently on a pirate ship sailing around the sea. Scarlett had her pirate gear on and Gaige was still in her uniform

Scarlett: okay lassie today I'll teach you a little something on the pirates way of fishing

Gaige: there's a pirate way of fishing?

Scarlett: there's a pirate way of everything if you put your mind to it

Gaige: I don't think that's correct but it sounds cool so I'll play along

Scarlett: good! Now first instead of a normal fishing pole we use a massive one.

A giant fishing pole appeared with a magnet attached to a rope. Another thing to mention was that claptrap was attached to the magnet

Scarlett: now since we don't have any of my regular bait well have to settle for claptrap

Gaige: I like where this is going

Back with the trio

After the taking the elevator down they got an echo of lilith breaking the fourth wall.

Lilith: you know those animated echoes were there's a beach party episode. This is like our beach party every isn't that cool

That one sentence made (Y/N) love lilith more than he already did. Anyway they were in an aquarium and Hammerlock was going to be fed to a giant crab.

Hammerlock: if you don't mind hurrying because these savages are threatening to feed me to the crab

Savage: hey I'm not a savage

Hammerlock: oh you speak English

Savage: I graduated at the top of my class with honors so check your facts you dick

Maya: how does someone like that end up worshipping a crab

(Y/N): there comes a point in life when you stop giving a shit and just go with whatever

Nisha: you really want this to be over huh

(Y/N): this was supposed to be my day off but nooooo i have to save fucking Hammerlock now *sigh* after this I'm relaxing

After his little temper tantrum the varkin turned against them so they killed it and found another one. This one was a huge egg and once it hatched a badass varkin came out

They followed that varkin and killed anything that got in their way. Shortly after they killed it and lilith started to remember the good old days

Lilith: hey guys remember that ledge in Crawmerax lair

Mordecai: oh man the ledge

Lilith: yeah we could shoot him from there but he couldn't hit us. So good. So good

Brick: ahhh pearlescen

(Y/N): why are you guys acting like it was a video game or something

Mordecai: what are you on about

(Y/N): dude I've played a fuck ton of games and what you just explained sounded like a fucking video game bug

Mordecai: ....


Brick: ....

Mordecai: and you wonder why you don't get respected by the girls


Lilith: don't listen to him hun

(Y/N) then proceeded to cuss Mordecai out while Nisha and Maya debate whether they should calm him down or not. They decide to calm him down because he's already stressed enough

They then walk into the lair of Crawmerax and see Hammerlock tied up on display

Hammerlock: hello. It seems that I'm to be sacrificed to this beast. Could you look down to see if there's a crank perhaps? Something to lower me to the ground

(Y/N) then looked down and saw the massive open area below. He knew what was going to happen and git prepared for the boss up ahead. Maya and Nisha also knew what to expect because one had experience and the other a talk with Gaige about boss rooms

They jumped down and found the crank and spun it. Then Crawmerax appeared from the water and landed in the middle of the boss arena

Like crab-father like crab-son

(Y/N): I hate that I knew that there was a boss here

They started to shoot Crawmerax and spread out in order to cover more area. That's what you think happened right Haha no Maya phase locked the crab and (Y/N) teleported on its face. He then repeatedly stabbed the crab in the face till it was dead

Lilith: holy shit that was quick

Mordecai: that was awesome don't you think so Talon

Talon: *agreeing screech*

Nisha: I didn't even do anything..... I feel useless in this situation

(Y/N): if it makes you feel better you provided me a great view along with Maya

Nisha: well it's better than nothing

Maya: that also explains why you were behind us most of the time

(Y/N): can you fucking blame me

Hammerlock: if you don't mind I'd like to be free now

They then spun the wheel and Hammerlock proceeded to face plant on the sand

Hammerlock: Ow. I must thank you for saving me although I must admit that was rather anticlimactic don't you think

(Y/N): dude just don't

Hammerlock: anyway for your next quest I require

???: SHADDAP this is sparky Flynt son of captain Flynt and I have hired six people you vault hunters have wronged. Together we will have our revenge. Now please find the first assassin somewhere on the island so we can have our revenge


Maya: *worriedly* you know why don't you just sit this one out

(Y/N): no it's fine

Nisha: *worriedly* I actually agree with her on this one. Just take your time off we'll handle this one

(Y/N): you sure

Maya: we'll be fine trust us

(Y/N):........ *sigh* alright then but be careful

Nisha: aw look at you worrying about us. Don't worry cowboy well be fine

(Y/N): you won't make me blush that easily but still be careful

Maya: we'll be fine now go and enjoy the rest of your vacation

(Y/N) than gave them both a kiss and proceeded to go back to the rest of the group

King crimson

(Y/N) made it back to the beach and saw an interesting sight to say the least. When he got back he saw a giant shark hanging off a rope dead. Next to the shark Scarlett and Gaige were standing up proudly

(Y/N): what the fuck happened while I was gone

Scarlett: ah (Y/N) you're back. Well as you can see we've caught a shark and I gotta say Gaige did great for her first time

Gaige: at first I had my doubts but that was actually fun

The shark started to move and then claptrap fell out from the shark covered in saliva

Claptrap: n-n-never again

Scarlett: oh quit being a baby it wasn't that traumatizing

(Y/N): well it's good to see you two getting along with each other. Anyway I'm gonna check on the rest of the girls. You two need anything?

Scarlett: you could let me play with your treasure~

(Y/N): maybe later

Gaige: I need help coming up with names

(Y/N): alright we'll do that in a bit. I'll be back in a bit

He then went on to check on the rest of the girls starting with Angel. She was currently having a hard time trying to make a sand castle

(Y/N): you doing alright

Angel: *turns around* (Y/N) I don't know how to make a sandcastle *sniff* it looked so easy to make but it's to hard

(Y/N): *hugs her* calm down Angel. Making a sandcastle is way harder when you're first starting off

Angel: *sniff* really

(Y/N): yeah just keep trying and you'll get it down right. I'll help you out as well just let me check on the rest of the girls alright

Angel: *smiles* alright

He then pecked her forehead and went off to look for the other girls. He found Tina who somehow got to the beach having a tea party with princess Fluffybutt

Tina: I bet you thought you wouldn't see me again huh? Well suckas must suck to suck because you can't get rid of yours truly

(Y/N): who are you talking to

Tina: girl don't worry about it

(Y/N): I'm a guy

Tina: girl you'll always be a girl to me

(Y/N): ok just don't blow anything up

Tina: no promises

He then left only to hear an explosion a small while later

Tina: that was princess Fluffybutt not me

Choosing to trust her instead of question her insanity, he found himself in a bar where Moxxi was. She was currently in her regular uniform and serving people drinking

(Y/N): man I thought I would get to at least see some skin

Moxxi: if skin is what you want I could always let you borrow one of my cameras

(Y/N):......... please tell me you're not joking

Moxxi: you tell me hun

(Y/N): if you're not then I'll like to borrow one when we get back to sanctuary

Moxxi: sure thing hun just come by the bar when you can

(Y/N): cool. Anyway I'm gonna help Angel with a sandcastle, feel free to join in when's you feel like it

Moxxi: I'll be sure to drop by

He left the bar and stopped at a small cottage where Tannis was currently inside of. He went in and saw a fuck load if papers on the floor. He then saw Tannis asleep on a stack of papers s he grabbed a blanket and covered her with it

King crimson

After helping Angel with her sandcastle she had a small sensation of accomplishment. It was then ruined by Lilith tackling (Y/N) destroying the sandcastle in the process

(Y/N) scolded Lilith -surprising I know- and she apologized. After that everyone enjoyed their day at the beach. Later Maya and Nisha came back with some notes and gave everyone a note

Every seemed to be happy with the note they received and then (Y/N) got his

Dear asshole

You thought you'd never hear from me again but you were wrong bitch. Anyway you owe me now cunt since I took care of your problem with that wierd assassin who wanted to be the harem king or something. Anyway you owe me now so yeah also you're a bitch


(Y/N): huh never thought I'd hear from him again....... I'm so far behind on jojo

Ho ho Extra made a return, bet you didn't expect that did yah. Anyway I might start on tales of the borderlands soon and I might just upload it on this story

Anyway that's about it so I'll see y'all next time bye. PANDORU PANDORU

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