Chapter 6: The Old and The New

The child walked down the dark hallways, his footsteps silent as he looked around with a nervous look and scared eyes. He didn't like walking down the hallways of the castle alone when the candles were dying and when no maid or servant seemed to be working. His home was too quiet, and he hated it.

He despised of the one who ruled and owned the castle. Hated the blank walls and lack of colour and ornaments. Only rows after rows of candles and an odd painting of a family member: the same family member. Never anyone else, just that one person who seemed to be the most important of all. The castle was also cold, never warm or nice. Never like a wonderful home which he esteemed to be in. More of a prison, an inescapable cell.

The butlers and maids were ordered to stay silent. He couldn't talk to anyone without being beaten or getting in trouble. So he'd sit in the corner of his room and speak to himself, cry to himself.

There was only one person in this dreaded place who would comfort him and listen to him. An angel so wonderful and lovely unlike everything, everyone else.

His mother. A sweet woman who listened to him and always smiled at him no matter what. She would soothe him when he was terrified, would wipe away his tears and kiss his cheeks.

She was a vampire, the only way she could relate to the child's father.

And though people saw vampires as cruel, bloodthirsty creatures, she was certainly an angel.

The child smiled as he walked, but couldn't help but keep the fear that lingered in his eyes and concern in his mind. He hadn't seen his mother for hours... even when he asked the maids and butlers they just solemnly shook their heads and went back to their duties.

He hadn't seen his father, not that he wanted to see that horrid man. The man who gave him his name and looked down at him with such disappointment and hate that he wished he was dead. His father dispised of him from the day he was born. And he hated him too.

The hallways got colder and he eventually stopped at his father and mothers bedroom. He wasn't too sure on why they slept together. How his mother could even stand being in the same bed as that wicked man was a mystery.

The boy stared up at the dark oak doors, swallowing nervously, not wanting to knock and possibly see the man he hated the most. But then again... He wanted to see his mother, he missed her and was worried.

So he glanced around and reached for the doorknob, pushing it and earning a small creak.

He was met with darkness. His eyes immediately glowing and he huffed, walking out and returning with a candle, holding it out into the room.

The candlelight only lit up some of the room, reflecting off some of the glassware.. but also... small puddles of liquid that were on the floor?

The boy raised a brow, "M-Mother..?" He asked, his voice quivering as he stepped in. His feet immediately made contact with the liquid and he cringed at the feeling, stepping over it with a look of distaste which was weird for a vampire.

He squinted his eyes and raised the candle.

Then he saw the sight that would haunt him for years.

His mother was there, laying on the bed. He stepped closer and saw.

Her dress, white like snow was stained with crimson blood, scratched and ripped. Blood had trickled down from the corner of her mouth. And there was blood everywhere.

Dripping from the walls, covering the floor and soaking the bed. The sheets of the bed ripped apart and laying in shreds.

And under the blood on the walls were claw marks as if a beast had unleashed itself within the room with true hatred and rage.

But he recognised the claw marks.

Tears started to run down his face and he trembled, stumbling forward. "M-Mother...?" His voice quivered, his eyes wide with terror. He reached over to her, resting his hand on her side to feel a cold, still body. He started to shake her, pulling her closer as more tears slid down his cheeks. "M-Mother!!

"N-No... t-this... it's just a bad dream!!"He cried to himself, squeezing his eyes shut and trying his best to pinch himself hard enough to leave this horrid dream.

But it would never happen.

It was all too real..

The tears kept coming.

"N-No.. W-w-ake up!" He started to shake his mother's limp body, his eyes wide now. "Y-you c-an't leave me- Y-You can't be de-ad! I-I need you!!"

His voice broke as he started to sob frantically.

He didn't want to lose her. She was the only one who ever cared for him, ever tried to help him. How could he imagine a life without his mother?

He'd be left alone with a non-existent family and a father who hated him. He didn't want to think about that.

But that was the only thought in his head, surrounding him and fading out any other thought and memory that tried to get to him. So overpowered.

And his once clear tears started to fade into black.

Who could have done this... What kind of monster could do this to such an innocent, wonderful person?

He knew who.

Rage and hatred started to take over and he laid his mother down with trembling hands that had started to turn into something like claws. He stumbled back, panting, tears dripping from his chin.

And then there was a click. The door opened with a creak followed by scuffed, heavy footsteps which stopped abruptly.

The boy trembled and slowly turned around to be met with the person he suspected.

His father stood there with calm, narrowed eyes. His mouth a straight line as he stared at his son. "What are you doing in my ro-"

The boy snarled. "Y-You did it. Didn't you." He couldn't help it when his voice started to quiver. "Y-You... k-k-illed her..." His father hardly reacted.


KILLED HER!?" He screamed in wrath, black tears pouring down his face as his wings ripped out from his back violently. Lunging at his father, claws outstretched.

But before he could even lay a claw on his father he was grabbed, swung around and slammed into a wall with a loud thud and cry of anguish. A hand wrapped and gripped around his throat as he started to squirm, digging his claws into his father's arm. Blood dripped onto the floor.

His father stared at him with cold, hate-filled eyes. "How dare you."He snapped with a voice laced with corruption. "How dare you accuse me!?"He yelled, hurling his son into the already beaten wall with even more force and earning another cry.

"Accusing me when I provide you with food. With a home. With education." He grinned and threw him against the floor. A wet thud.

"How disgusting." He purred, kicking the boy's side. "Just like your mother." A sick smile.

And then he turned, only giving a glance to the mangled body on the bed before disappearing into the hallway.

Leaving his son trembling, crying and broken on the floor. Laying in his tears and his mother's blood.


And alone.


Fallacy stared at the door of his and Encre's room. Silent, his eyes glowing solemnly, staying alert. He couldn't sleep, his body wouldn't let him even though Encre had wanted him to get some rest. Every time he laid down and tried to at least get a minute of sleep he'd suddenly get a nightmare or relive a horrid memory from the past.

Like... that horrible incident when he was 9.

The vampire King gripped his hands into fists, trying not to stab his own hands with his already forming claws. His whole life he had been surrounded with hate and suffering and a constant appearance of death. Death... The only one who ever seemed to stay in his life.

As well as his father. Satan in the bones.

Death always lingered, always seemed to follow him around. He could hardly care anymore...


Fallacy looked down at Encre who was sleeping peacefully, breathing softly. He reached over and caressed her cheeks, sighing softly.

He had a son and a child on the way...

He wasn't going to let them die. He wouldn't go down without a fight.

Quietly he pulled away and got out of bed, his body weak and drowsy because of the restless night. Stumbling across the room he opened the door, glancing back at his artist before leaving swiftly.

His eyes glowed in the darkness, dragging his cape behind him as he looked down, thinking to himself.

Macabre's words lingered in his mind, but he was right, he did need some guards around here. He closed his eyes slightly, breathing out sharply through his nose.

Of course, he could fight well along with Macabre and Cruzar. But they weren't always here... Jasper sometimes trained with Carlos, but the two were still too young to properly fend for themselves.

The maids were helpless... The Vampire Council would never try and help him... Maybe Marvul would try and do something to help..? He doubted it.

He could never really understand that strange skeleton. He was... an interesting character, never really fitting into anything. As if... he wasn't from this world.

Fallacy snorted and shook his head, what a heretical thought.

He stopped in front of Macabre and Cruzars room, glancing around before knocking quietly.

The door opened and Macabre was standing there, all dressed and armed, his arms crossed as if he had been waiting for the Vampire King. 

Fallacy blinked before walking in, seeing that Cruzar was also already dressed and armed. "Uh... Are you going to attack me or something?" He asked uncertainly.

The thieves shook their heads solemnly, Macabre sighing softly as he sat down in a seat, leaning back and adjusting his hat over his eye slightly. Cruzar watched nervously, glancing over to Fallacy before rubbing at his eyes.

Macabre stared at the ceiling, "You need guards. That's why you've come to us."

A nod from the Vampire King who closed the door behind him and leaned against it, crossing his arms as he stared down at the red carpet. "You probably know that what I already have is nowhere near enough."

Cruzar and Macabre exchanged glances and a look before Macabre got up, clearing his throat.

"That is why I am offering permanent places of myself and Cruzar. We will work, fight and bleed for you. All to make sure that your family, your friends, everyone you love dearly are protected." Cruzar nodded a little. "We are giving up our proper freedom and will to roam the world in order to help you. No matter the consequences.

We work as none other than friends."

Fallacy stared at him and Cruzar with slightly widened eyes before a soft smile grew across his face, walking over to the two who watched with confidence in their eyes.

"No. You will work with us. As a family." His eyes warmed and his tone softened. "In return, I will allow you to live here for as long as you want. You can leave whenever you want and do whatever you must to ensure you do plenty in your lives.

And if you must leave forever? Then I will not stop you from doing what your souls tell you."

The two Spanish thieves nodded with new-found smiles as they watched the King.

Fallacy smiled back, his eyes glowing softly with magic. 

"Now. Let's see what we can do~" Macabre purred slyly, his eyes glowing darkly under his hat, being answered with nods from Fallacy and Cruzar who all had the same look.

And so they discussed.

And planned.

For what waited for them ahead.

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