Enter: Naruto and Soha Uzumaki
12 Years ago a nine tailed fox suddenly appeared. Its tails lashed out, smashing mountains and sending tidal waves crashing to the shores. Another nine tailed creatures attacked it and the battle nearly destroyed the village. The ninja rose up to defend their villages.
Ninja: Hold the attack and wait for the fourth hokage!
Ninja 2: It's getting closer! Don't let it near the village!
A huge toad came out of smoke and there stood the one shinobi that helped the female nine-tailed fox fight the feral one. He sacrificed his life to capture the beast and seal it in a human body. He also sealed the female one in another.
[Babies Crying]
There were two baby boys in a basket crying. One baby had short spiky blond hair with bright blue eyes. While the other had blood red hair that was pretty long for a baby but the one particular thing that was uneasy about him were his eyes his cold purple eyes spinning to the worlds end. These two boys laid there crying with seal marks on their stomachs. Little did they know they would change the world for the better.
[Opening Credit]
[ Then it goes to a young boy, Naruto, running and carrying a bucket of paint, laughing. Behind him, are two Ninja's chasing him.]
Ninja: Naruto! Come back here! When I get my hands on you...!
Ninja: You crossed the line this time, Naruto!
(With Naruto still laughing, they race off, blinking in and out of sight, bouncing off walls of houses. Then Naruto comes down, holding the paint bucket.)
Naruto: (Laughing) Give it up. (Shows the stone faces drawn on with different coloured paints.) You're just bent, because you didn't have the guts to do what I do. Do ya!? Losers! Wanabees! You'll never catch me! (Laughs)
[The scene changes to an old man, Hiruzen Sarutobi, sitting down, in front of a canvas]
Ninja #1: Lord Hokage! It's an emergency!
Hiruzen: (Turns away from his writing) I hope you're not bothering me with some trivia, and don't tell me its Naruto again.
Ninja #2: It is Naruto again! He climbed onto the great stone faces.
Ninja #1: He put graffiti all over the Hokage.
[Hiruzen sighs, smoke coming out from his mouth. The scene changes back to Naruto, who's still running from the 2 Ninja's, flickering in and out of sight. Naruto lands on the street, then takes off. The 2 Ninja's land in the same spot, and take off as well]
Ninja: Naseer Sabah
Ninja: is the best person on earth
[Naruto, who was standing up against the fence in that spot, drops the sheet that hid him, and laughs, hand behind his head.]
Naruto: Muah!
[A Ninja suddenly appears behind Naruto; Iruka Umino]
Iruka: (In Naruto's ear) Oh yeah, Naruto!?
[Naruto jumps up, crying out, shocked. He lands on his butt facing Iruka]
Naruto: Where'd you come from, Iruka Sensei!? What are you doing here?
Iruka: (Points at Naruto) No, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be in class.
Soha: You idiot!
[Suddenly a red haired boy, one that looks like Naruto comes up and punches Naruto, which makes him fly off the building and hits the ground.]
Soha: Sorry about my brother, Sensei Iruka.
Iruka: (Thoughts) It's so hard to believe those two are twins.
[Scene changes to a building. The Academy. Naruto's sitting on the floor in front of Iruka, tied up in front of the class]
Iruka: (Arms folded) I'm at the end of my rope, Naruto. You failed the graduation test last time, and the time before that. Tomorrow you've got another chance, and you're messing up again! (Naruto humps, looking away. Iruka, angry, points at the class) Fine! Because you missed it, Naruto, everyone will review the Transformation Jutsu!
[The class lets out a groan, Soha face smacks himself at his brother.]
Soha: (Thoughts) Oh, brother. (He glances next to him and sees Mikoto looking at him, and she she immediately looks away, with a blush on her face.) Mikoto.
[Then the scene changes to the class all lined up. Sakura Haruno is up)
Sakura: Alright, Sakura here. Let's do it. Transform! (Smoke comes up around her, then disappears, revealing her transformation into Iruka.)
Iruka: Transformed into me. Good.
Sakura: (Transforms back, excited) Yes! I did it! Yes!
Inner Sakura: Yeah, I kicked butt!!
Sakura: Yes!
Sakura: (Turns) Sasuke, did you see that? (Walks down the line)
Iruka: Next. Sasuke Uchiha.
[Sasuke steps forward then transforms into Iruka]
Iruka: Uh, good.
[Sasuke transforms back, then walks off]
Iruka: Next. Mikoto Uchiha.
[Mikoto steps forward then transforms into Iruka.]
Iruka: Great.
[Mikoto transforms back, then walks off, next to Sasuke.]
Iruka: Next. Soha Uzumaki.
[Soha steps forward, weaves hand-signs-
Soha: Transform! [He then transforms into Iruka.]
Iruka: Uh, good.
Soha: (Transforms back and pants a little bit, but walks backs next to Naruto.)
Pineapple: This is a total waste of time.
Blondy: We always pay for your screw-ups.
Naruto: Like I care.
Soha: Oh, don't be like that Naruto. (He then squeezes Naruto's shoulder hard, while smiling threatening.) But if you don't do this right and I get in trouble for no reason, I'm taking all you ramen away for a week.
Naruto: (Smiling Nervously) Yeah, right 💧
He then walks forward with his hands in his pockets. Little did he know a blue haired girl was watching him blushing.
Blue haired girl: Naruto. Do your best.
Naruto: I can't let Soha down he's been waiting for me for a while. Time to pull out something I've been hiding for awhile.
Naruto: Transform!
A blue aura surrounded Naruto then smoke appeared. Once the smoke cleared it showed something no one expected.
[Girly Voice]: Ooh. Heh. ❤️
Everyone: HUH!
Soha: What the freak! I didn't mean this.
Iruka had a really shocked face then blood started coming out of his nose he then flew back.
Naruto:[Laughing] Gotcha! That's my sexy jutsu!
Big Headed Iruka: Cut the stupid tricks! This is your last warning!
Hours later At the Stones Hokage faces
Naruto: This sucks. Loser.
Soha: I can't believe you got me dragged into this Naruto. I could be reading about the village or the hokage, or jutsu. But no, you had dragged me into this.
Naruto: You and your stupid books you can never have fun.
Soha: I literally spend most of my day with you at school and a little after at Ichirakus I never get alone time.
Naruto: Whatever...
Iruka: Y'all aren't going home until you've cleaned off every single drop of paint.
Naruto: So, what. It not like there's anyone home waiting for us!
They both continued their work.
Iruka: Naruto? Soha?
They both look up at him.
Naruto: What do you want now sensei?
Iruka: Well, I was thinking, maybe after you both clean this all up. I could take y'all out for some ramen. The good stuff, what do you think?
Naruto/Soha: HUH?!
Naruto and Soha loved ramen they both were basically known around ichiraku ramen. If anything could win them over it's ramen.
Naruto: Now that's some serious motivation!
Soha: We'll have this clean in no time!
Cut to the Ichiraku Ramen Stand, It was night and the street lights were shining around the village. People were walking around, Stand running, people talking and chattering. And at the ichiraku stand there were Naruto Iruka And Soha sitting down eating ramen.
Naruto was slurping down his ramen like it was nothing. While Soha was eating nice ans with manners.
Iruka: Naruto.
Soha: Hm?
Iruka: Why would you do that to the Hokage faces? I mean, you know who the Hokage are, don't you?
Naruto: Course I do. (Slurps more ramen. Then finishes the whole bowl, letting out a sigh afterwards.) Everybody knows. They were the greatest Shinobi of their time, right? The best of the best. Undefeated Ninja champs. (Naruto pictures the stone face of the Fourth Hokage, that he'd painted on) And the Fourth Hokage's the one who saved the village from the Nine-Tailed Fox. He was the most amazing.
Soha: He's my favorite too, he also helped that other ninetailes fox to stop the feral one.
IIruka: Then why did you...?
Naruto: Cause I'm going to be greater than any of them. Me. Naruto. The next Hokage! (Points his chopsticks) A Ninja legend! Then everyone will have to stop disrespecting me, and look up to me. Believe it! (pause. Iruka sucks up the noodle hanging out of the corner of his mouth.) Uh, by the way, I kinda wanna ask a little favour, Sensei.
Iruka: You want another bowl?
Naruto: (Shakes his head) Uh-uh. I... want to try on your headband. Come on, Please!? (Bows his head; begging)
Soha: Me too it would probably look cool on me!
Iruka: Uh... Oh, this? No way you can only wear the leaf headband when you finally graduate from the academy and become a ninja.
Iruka: You've got to pass the test tomorrow.
Naruto: That is so uncool.
Soha: Me and Naruto are gonna pass tomorrow. Ya know!
Iruka: Is that why you took off your goggles?
Soha: They looked silly anyway.
Naruto/Soha: Ugh...! I want another bowl!
[Iruka laughs]
[The scene changes to the next day, at the Academy. Iruka stands at the front of the class.]
Iruka: We will now start the final exam. When your name is called, proceed to the testing room. The final test will be on the clone jutsu.
Soha/Naruto: Ugh, That my worst technique!
Soha: I can control my chakra well, but for some reason I can't get this particular jutsu down.
Naruto: Great! I'm never gonna pass!
Student had done the test and now it was Naruto's turn.
[On the table sits a bunch of leaf headbands. Naruto walks up, gets into a stance.]
Naruto: (Thinking) Alright. Get it together, Naruto. You can do this. (Puts his fingers together) Believe it. (Wind picks up around Naruto. Out loud) Clone Jutsu!
[The smoke disappears, revealing Naruto, and he looks over to his right. Lying belly down on the floor, with its tongue out, is a Clone of Naruto. It's a little... pathetic. Naruto laughs nervously. Iruka has one of those looks on his face]
Iruka: You fail!! (Naruto flips out)
That was all that Soha heard and he knew Naruto had not been able to do it. He looked down in sadness he wanted his brother to finally pass.
Soha: That's number 3 he's gonna be devastated.
Naruto walked out of the testing room head down not wanting to look at Soha. He was so disappointed he couldn't do it and Soha's gonna hate him for it.
Teacher: Soha Uzimaki come to the testing room.
Soha was sweating hard he look at Naruto and saw how sad he was he also didn't see a headband. He had to talk to Naruto after this but not now he had to do this he had to pass.
Soha walked to the testing room and saw Iruka sitting down at the table with Ninja headbands in front of him. Sitting next to him was his other sensei Mizuki. During his time at the academy Soha felt that mizuki had something against him but wasn't showing it.
Soha: Alright time to become a Genin hopefully all my training paid off. Naruto is counting on you. Ya know!
Iruka: Alright Soha time to preform the clone jutsu. And make sure you actually try.
Soha: Yes. Iruka-sensei.
Soha did the necessary hand sign and actually did them fast.
Soha: Clone jutsu!
A yellow aura showed around Soha which shock Iruka and Mizuki. Once he finished the jutsu smoke appeared and then there was a clone... or he it was one. There was a clone of Soha but the clone was pale and looked dazed and was on the floor looking dead.
Soha: No... All that training just for this. Why?
Iruka: [Sigh] I really thought you had changed but you didn't.
Iruka: You fail! You still didn't try huh? Well guess what you not gonna become a ninja if you keep this up. This is the third time Soha the third time.
Soha: But I really did try Iruka-sensei!
Iruka: No... No you didn't. I'm really disappointed in you Soha. How are you gonna be the strongest if you don't actually try. I know you're waiting for your brother, but you always wait Soha. Naruto isn't a baby he can learn himself but you don't seem to understand that.
Mizuki: Hold on Iruka maybe we should give him another chance-
Iruka: No! He has to learn that if your just gonna keep waiting for something it's not gonna come.
Soha: I'm sorry I disappointed you Iruka.
Iruka's eye widened at what he had just called him. He didn't call him sensei. He always calls him Iruka- sensei.
Soha then ran out of room. And out to the swing he and his brother always hang out at.
Iruka: Maybe I was a little too hard on him. Maybe he really was trying that time.
Boy 1: See that?
Boy 2: Passed with flying colors!
Boy 1: They called me first!
Boy 3: I'm a ninja now.
Man: I'm proud of you, son. We all are.
Naruto and Soha were by a tree. Naruto sitting on the swing was devastated. Soha was sitting under the tree, with his head down. They were both listening to all the praise that all the other students now ninja were getting. While they got all the hateful words.
Soha: Maybe were not cut out to being ninja.
Naruto: I don't know.
Soha: I don't understand. Why us why?
While they were sitting down kids saw them sitting at the tree and began talking about them.
Girl 1: There. You see them?
Girl 2: It those brothers. I heard they're the only ones who failed.
Girl 1: Hmph. Well, it serves them right.
Girl 2: Just imagine what would happens if they became ninja. I'm mean they're the one who-
Girl 1: shh. We're not allowed to talk about that.
Soha: Hey!
The two girls look at Soha as he was glaring at them.
Soha: If you got something to say-
Say it too our faces!
The girls get scared and run away scared. Soha stops looking angry and looks down. Mikoto was looking at Soha sadly.
Mikoto: ..........I'm sorry.
[There's a noise beside the two brothers, and they look over. There is Mizuki. Over near the students, Iruka is with the third Hokage, Hiruzen, and they are watching Naruto and Mizuki.]
Hiruzen: Iruka. There is something we need to talk about.
[The shot returns to the swing, but Naruto, Soha, and Mizuki are gone. The swing stops swinging.]
[It's sunset, and Naruto and Soha are sitting on the ledge with Mizuki.]
It was sunset and Naruto and Soha were sitting with Mizuki on a roof.
Mizuki: Iruka-sensei's tough, but he's not against you.
Soha: It doesn't feel like it.
Naruto: Why? Why only us?
Mizuki: He wants y'all to be strong with all his heart, but that will never happen if he goes easy on you guys.
Mizuki: He's like you guys, you know. No parents, no family.
Soha: But this time I really wanted to graduate. He didn't believe me.
Mizuki: Heh. Then I guess I have to tell you.
Soha/Naruto: Huh?
Mizuki: It's a secret, but I'm going to let you in on it.
Soha/Naruto: A secret?
[The scene changes to Iruka laying down on his bed, the moon outside his window is full. Thinking back]
Hiruzen: Iruka.
Iruka: What is it, Lord Hokage?
Hiruzen: I know how you feel. You grew up just like Naruto. Without knowing the love of a Mother and Father. The warmth of a family.
[Iruka remembers back to the night the Nine-Tailed Fox attacked the village]
Ninja: It's getting closer! Don't let it near the village!
[A young Iruka is being carried away]
Young Iruka: Let me go! My Mom and Dad are still fighting back there! Ah!!!
[The scene changes to a close up of the Nine-Tailed Foxes eye. Then it goes back to Iruka in his room]
Mizuki: Iruka Sensei. Wake up!
[Mizuki's outside Iruka's door. Iruka opens the door]
Iruka: What? What is it?
Mizuki: You need to come to Lord Hokage's right away. It's Naruto and Soha. They stole the sacred scroll.
Iruka: You mean the scroll of sealing? No!
In the middle of A Forest
Naruto: Let's see. The First one is multi shadow clone jutsu. Ugh, not this again! It's my worst jutsu!
Soha: Hold on it a different version of the clone Jutsu. This is way different. Come on let's train. We'll show the were fit to be ninja. Ya know!
Naruto: Right! Believe it!
[Cut to a bunch of Ninja are grouped together in front of Hiruzen)
Bekkō: Lord Hokage! This is not just a prank. This is a serious crime!
Iwana: The scroll contains secrets that were sealed by the first Hokage. Secrets known only to our village.
[Iruka and Mizuki run up, joining the group]
Yajirobee: If it falls into the wrong hands, they could destroy our entire way of life.
Hiruzen: Alright. Bring Naruto and Soha here at once!
All Ninja's: Sir!
[All Ninja's disappear with a rush of wind in front of Hiruzen. The scene changes to the village. Iruka stops on a building, panting and looking around.]
Iruka: (Thinking) Where would he go?
[The scene changes to another part of the village, where Mizuki is running]
Mizuki: (Thinking) Now that I told everyone what Naruto and Soha did, I can eliminate them. They'll be glad they're gone. (Smiling evilly) And of course I keep the scroll for myself.
[The scene returns back to the forest. Naruto is in front of the small hut, Naruto and Soha were on the ground breathing heavily from the training. Then a figure started to walk over to them.]
Iruka :[laughs] it's all over
Soha and Naruto started to laugh and Iruka got confused.
Iruka: Huh?
Naruto: Got us already. Not bad.
Soha: You're Quick, Sensei.
Naruto: I only had time to learn one technique.
Soha: I learned about three.
Naruto: Wait, really that's so cool Soha!
Iruka:They've been out here practicing. I can tell how hard they've been working.
Naruto: Listen Iruka-sensei, Were going to show you this amazing jutsu, and you're gonna let us graduate. Then everything will be okay!
Soha: That's the way it works, right?
Naruto: Anyone who learns a jutsu from this scroll passes!
Iruka: Huh? Where'd you get that idea?
Naruto: Mizuki-Sensei told us about it. Believe it!
Soha: He told us where to find the scroll, and this place...
Iruka: Huh? Mizuki?... Huh?
Iruka looked behind him and saw multiple kunai coming their way.
Iruka: Look out!
He then pushed Naruto out the way which knocked him and Soha out of the way. Then all the kunai hit Iruka .
Mizuki: I see you found our little hideaway.
Iruka: So that's the way it is, huh? I should've known.
Mizuki was crouching on a branch above Naruto and Soha.
Mizuki: Naruto! Soha! Give me the scroll, now!
Naruto: Wait a minute.
Soha: What going on?
Iruka: Naruto, Soha, don't let Mizuki get the scroll! It contains forbids jutsu the could put this village in grave danger. Mizuki used you both to get the scroll for himself, for his own power!
Mizuki: Naruto, iruka's just trying to scare you because he doesn't want you to have the scroll.
Naruto: Huh? Uh...
Soha: I trust Iruka he has no reason to lie.
Iruka: Stop lying, Mizuki! Don't let him trick you guys!
Mizuki:[Laughs] Oh, I'll tell you who's really lying...
Iruka: No Mizuki!
Mizuki: They've been lying to both you your whole life. Since the decree 12 years ago.
Naruto: What decree?
Mizuki: Everyone knows except you two. Iruka's trying to hide it from you even now. He's do anything to shut me up.
Soha: What is this decree? Why does everyone else know about it?
Iruka: Don't tell Them! It's forbidden!
Mizuki: The decree is no one can tell you guys the nine-tailed foxes is inside both of you.
Soha: W-what?
Mizuki: The fox spirits that fought each other and killed Iruka's parents and destroyed our village have taken over your bodies. You are the nine-tailed foxes!
Iruka: Stop it!!
Mizuki: They've all Been sneaking around, hiding things from y'all your whole life.
Soha: N-No...
Mizuki: Didn't you think it's strange how they treated you guys? Like dirt, like they hated you for just being alive!
Soha: No...
Naruto: No...
Soha&Naruto: No, no, no, no!
A blue and yellow aura started to envelop Naruto and Soha.
Iruka: Naruto, Soha!
Mizuki: That's why you guys will never be accepted into this village. Even your beloved sensei hates your guts!
Soha: NO!!!
Young Soha: Grandpa, why do people never talk or look at me it makes me sad?
Hokage: I'll tell you when your old enough to protect yourself.
Young Soha: What!
Hokage: Yes.
Young Soha: Awww!
Young Soha: Hey Grandpa can you train me.
Hokage: No Soha You're not ready yet. Maybe when you get to the chunin exams I'll think about it.
Young Soha: Awww!
Hokage: [Chuckles]
-End of Flashback-
Soha: So, that's what he was trying to avoid telling me that I one of the nine-tails in me.
Mizuki: Die, you Nine Tails brats!
Mizuki then threw a Shuriken at Naruto and Soha. They tried to run away. But it was coming in to fast.
Iruka: Naruto, Soha! Get Down!
[Naruto does, covering his head with his hands while Soha gets in front of him. Then, Naruto and Soha looks up. Iruka is above them, the Shuriken sticking out of his back. Iruka coughs a little, in pain. Naruto and Soha, with drops of blood on their cheeks, looks up at Iruka shocked. So does Mizuki.]
Naruto: W-Why?
Iruka: Because we're the same. (Iruka remembers back to when he was a kid, with no parents) When I lost my parents, no one seemed to care. They didn't have time for me. They just forgot I was there. (You see a young Iruka, trying to cross water on a rope, but he's acting stupid, losing his balance. The other kids are laughing) My grades dropped. I became the class clown. (Young Iruka falls into the water, then he comes back up) I just wanted them to see me... (The young Iruka laughs, scratching his head, and the rest of the kids laugh) ... And know my name. My school wasn't good enough to get the attention, so I did crazy things (Young Iruka sitting in the corner of a room, by himself) And then I had to pay for it. It was hard. (Back to the forest. Naruto and Soha are looking up at Iruka. Tears fall down onto their cheeks.) I know that's how you feel, you teo. (Iruka is crying) You feel lonely and it hurts inside. And I could've been there for you more. (Naruto and Soha sit up a little) I let you down. I'm sorry. No one should have to suffer that much. No one should be alone like that. (Naruto's lip trembles, while Soha tears leak tears.)
Mizuki: (chuckles) Don't make me laugh! Iruka always hated you. He was orphaned because the Nine-Tailed Foxes killed his parents. And that beasts are now inside you. He'd say anything to get the scroll from you.
Soha: Naruto, Run!
[Naruto gets up, and runs with Soha following him.]
Iruka: Naruto! (Reaches out) Soha!!
Mizuki: (Jumps down, laughing) You know once they make up his mind, nothing can change it. (Iruka's hand drops. Naruto and Soha are still running) They're going to use the scroll to take revenge on the village. (Stands up straight) You saw that look in his eye, didn't you? Those are the eyes of a beast.
Iruka: (Pulls the Shuriken out of his back. Begins to stand) No. Naruto...Soha.... (Begins to turn) Isn't like that! (Throws the Shuriken)
Mizuki: (Dodges the Shuriken easily. It goes up into the trees) You're a joke. As soon as I eliminate Naruto and Soha and get the scroll, I'll be back for you. (Mizuki jumps away)
The Hokage is in his office sitting anxiously watching his ball and watching Naruto and Soha.
Hokage: This is bad. Mizuki has a big mouth. He made Naruto feel so bad and Soha so angry. Worse then he's ever felt. All of this could unleash the power inside of both of them. If Naruto keeps tampering with the scroll, the seal that locks the fox spirits inside both Naruto and Soha could be broken and the beast could come out. If that happens, I fear for us all.
Back at the Forest
[Back to the forest. Iruka is running after Naruto, through the trees. Naruto and Soha are still running. Iruka comes up behind them]
Iruka: Naruto! Soha! (Naruto and Soha look at him) Everything Mizuki said was a lie. Give me the scroll. Hurry! (Iruka comes up in front of the brothers.) They're coming after you two to take it away.
[Naruto and Soha stops on a branch, then jumps, right into Iruka, sending Iruka flying back. Both land on their feet, and slide to a stop. He's panting, hard]
Iruka: (On his hands and knees) It can't be... (Naruto takes the scroll off his back, and backs up to a tree, sliding down to the ground) How did you know, Naruto and Soha? (Iruka looks over his shoulder)
Mizuki: (Smoke goes up around him, then disappears, revealing Mizuki.) ... That it was me, and not Iruka?
[Soha dissapears ands Naruto chuckles, then smoke goes up around him, revealing Iruka, and beside him is a small log]
Iruka: Because I'm Iruka.
Mizuki: (Stands up) You're a fool. (Naruto and Soha are revealed, sitting behind a tree off to the side, holding the scroll.) Why are you protecting those freaks?
Iruka: I don't care what you say. You're not getting your hands on that scroll.
Mizuki: As of you could stop me. Don't you get it Naruto and Soha are just like me.
Iruka: How's that?
Mizuki: They want the scroll for their own power and their own vengeance. That how beast are. They'll pour all their rage into the scroll and destroy everything.
Iruka: Your Right.
Soha: I-it's true
Naruto: Iruka- sensei never believed in me.
Soha: He thinks I'm some beast. Some kind of freak!
Iruka: That is how beasts are. But that's not who Naruto is. That's not who Soha is either. They're nothing like that. Naruto is a one of a kind, works hard puts his whole heart into it. Sure he messes up sometimes and everyone jumps on him. But his suffering only makes him stronger. That's what separates him from being a beast. Soha is one of the only students that actually pays attention, but in the end he always waits for Naruto. He's one the most loyal people I've met and he's just as hard working as Naruto. He's kind hearted and helps everyone even if they push him away. He's smart and loves his comrades. That's what makes him Soha.
Soha and Naruto start to tear up after hearing all of this.
Iruka: So you're wrong they're nothing like the nine tailed foxes. They're Naruto and Soha Uzumaki of the village hidden in the Leaves.
Both Naruto and Soha start to full on cry.
Mizuki: Hmph. You really believe that drivel? Iruka, I was going to save you for later, but I changed my mind.
Mizuki threw his huge shuriken at iruka. Iruka closed his eye accepting death. But soon there were two kicks to Mizuki's head one from the back and the front. They were both Naruto and Soha.
Iruka: Naruto. Soha.
Naruto and Soha stood up and so did Mizuki.
Mizuki: Not bad for little punks.
Soha/Naruto: If you ever touch our sensei............We'll kill you!
Mizuki was mentally shaking but wasn't going to show it.
Mizuki: Such big words. I can completely destroy both of you with a single move.
Naruto: Take your best shot fool.
Soha: We'll give it back to you a thousand fold.
Both Naruto and Soha did a hand sign
Mizuki: Let's see you try! Show me what you can do, Nine-Tailed foxes!
Soha/Naruto: Shadow Clone Jutsu!
Then thousands of clones showed up mixed with Soha and Naruto some were on trees some were on the floor. But they all focused on Mizuki.
Iruka: Naruto, Soha. Those aren't just illusions. They're solid clones. They've mastered an extremely advanced jutsu.
Mizuki looked around confused.
Mizuki: Huh? Wha-What is this?
Then all the clone began to talk trash and call him over. Mizuki got so confused that he fell on the floor.
Naruto: If you're not coming, then we're going to come after you.
Mizuki then screamed in horror as every single clone started to attack Mizuki.
Soha/Naruto:Twin Uzimaki Barrage!
Moments later Mizuki laid there face bashed in form the brutal beat he had just gotten. Naruto and Soha smile brightly at Iruka.
1aruto:[laughs] Sorry, I kind of got carried away.
Soha: At least we got rid of this traitor.
Soha then kick Mizuki one last time.
Soha: Anyway you okay Iruka-sensei?
Iruka: Yeah.
Iruka: They're amazing. Naruto wants to surpass all the Hokage and Soha wants to be Called the strongest in the world. I'm starting to believe those dream will come true.
Iruka: Naruto, Soha come here a minute. I've got something I want to give you
Back at the village
Man 1: You're telling me no one can find Naruto or Soha?
Man 2: Not a clue.
Man 3: This is bad news. We've got to smoke them out or something.
There was panic all over the ninjas faces. Then the Hokage walked out.
Hokage: There's no longer any need to worry.
Various men: Lord Hokage!
Hokage: The scrolls safe. Naruto and Soha will be back soon.
Back in the forest
Naruto: Sensei how much longer?
Soha: Yeah, your starting to give the wrong ideas.
Iruka: What?!
Iruka: Anyway you can open your eyes now.
They both opened their eyes only to see Iruka hold Naruto's goggles.
Soha: Huh?
Iruka: Congratulations. You graduate.
Naruto and Soha had a look of surprise on their faces.
Iruka: And to celebrate I have a surprise. We're going out for ramen tonight.
Usually they'd be screaming in happiness but they weren't now.
Iruka: Huh?
Soha and Naruto smiled.
Soha/Naruto: Iruka-sensei!
The both tackled him down laughing like a normal family would.
Iruka: Hey, that hurts.
Iruka: Naruto, Soha this is only the beginning. The road gets tougher now that you're a ninja. But if I told you both that, it would ruin the moment, so I'll tell you later. Over ramen.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!
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