Chapter Fourteen

The only people that can't handle the truth are those that suffer so much anxiety that they will live in denial, in order to prevent their illusion from being destroyed and feel more anxious. Sometimes it's better to just let things be, let people go, don't fight for closure.


"No wonder, I didn't even see the alerts, my phone wasn't with me through out today" he mumbled

"I'm changing that pin, Hammad is wicked" He added

"Nasir is a nice guy, easy going but there's something I noticed" Alex said

Jackson nodded his head, urging him to go on.

"Well, he's just somehow, I can't say yet though" Alex turned away

"Bro, you are something else, well, goodnight" he went to his room.

Chapter Fourteen
Third Person's POV
Days galloped into weeks and a lotta things have happened, things were not easy for the senior students,  exams were getting nearer each day, no time to waste, the teachers and students tightened their belts making their schedule really tight.

It wasn't easy for the football team, the coach used any chance he gets to train them, things were worse for them.

Nasir, Hammad and Jackson's bond grew stronger, they continued their studies in each other's houses, strangely, Salma became very close to them too.

They always had two hour sessions after school since Salma couldn't go to their houses. A nice Cafe near the school is where they all meet after school.

The workers at the Cafe got so used to them.

Zayn travelled back while Zainab was still in the city, although she doesn't really spend much time at home. Salma's mum, Rukayyah got used to the household chores being done by Umm Saira, Umm Saira got so used to Salma, it was if she knew her for years. Zainab talked to Mr Ahmad to allow Salma help Umm Saira with the dishes anytime she had nothing to do.

Zainab made Maryam clean her room by herself every weekend.

In school, things were good too, every student who had dreams for their future was so busy with exam preparations, Jax and Brenda didn't really have much time to cause troubles due to the football trainings, they always find ways to keep Nasir out of the team but each attempt failed miserably, the last time, they locked him in the players lounge, which caused him to miss the trainings, coach complained but he surprisingly let it slide, Brenda even stamped him through a rough chase, Nasir was injured but it wasn't so bad.

Hauwa, Amelia and Darby didn't really leave Salma alone, they continued taunting her but they learnt a valuable lesson when Salma stood up for herself, she didn't allow them get away that day, she talked back at them, she wasn't fully confident but better than before. They still continued taunting her indirectly, making it seem like accidents.

The boys really helped her with the confidence thing.

It's a Thursday, Salma and the boys were all walking to the football field, the coach called the football players for a short meeting, just a week before their last game as the school players.

"Salma..." Jackson called

"Hmm?" She looked up, her back pack strapped to her back.

"Can you please help me hold this bag, I'll collect it when we are back" Jackson stretched out his hand holding the bag

"That's what you say everyday and the poor girl ends up holding it through out" Hammad laughed

"Jackson isn't a gentleman" Nasir said in a serious tone.

"Ohh come oonn, that isn't true"Jackson whined while laughing knowing fully well they were right.

"I'll hold it" Salma smiled as she stretched out her hand.

Hammad looked around and pointed to a place gesturing Salma to go there.

"Go there, juniors are playing, you won't want them to unknowingly hit you with the ball" He walked backwards while talking to her.

He ran to meet up with Nasir and Jackson.

Salma sat down, she quietly brought out her phone and started scrolling through her social media platforms, she was so engrossed at what she was viewing.

"This poem is so good" she murmured to herself

She heard a group 6 of girls laughing, she raised her head and looked at them, she immediately started looking around her, these girls are just like Hauwa, It's obvious since they are friends.

"Heyyyy, the insect has left its cocoon" one of the girls commented, her comment made them laugh harder, it was as if someone increased the volume of a radio.

She went back to her phone, the girls continued to make sly remarks here and there, they could laugh at how a student dressed, the color combination and so on.

"Hi girls" Amelia said as she walked calmly to where the girls were sitted, she hugged each of them, in no time, there was space for her to crash in.

Salma's eyes were still glued to her phone, she pretended she hasn't seen them yet, she raised her head to check if her new friends were coming but there was no sign that they'd finish soon, no one has left the place yet.

It wasn't school hours but students were still in school, some chatting, playing football, having extra classes among other things.

Darby and Hauwa weren't with their friends, it was something unusual, they always hang out together.

Amelia stood up and walked to one of the junior boys playing football.

"Hey handsome" she said in a flirty manner, she weirdly moved towards him, the boy stood confused. Amelia is a senior and a really beautiful girl, chubby and a figure eight, she is short, one will hardly not notice her in a group of girls, she had an average length of scanty dark hair.

A lotta junior students like her, she had her ways in and out of things.

She stood on her toes as she whispered in the boys ears, he nodded and looked at Salma's direction.

She smiled and rubbed her hands slowly down his chest, he just looked at her with wide eyes open.

"I'll go on a date with you?"he asked perplexed

"Hmm"she answered in the affirmative

She slowly walked away, found her spot and sat down comfortably.

"Thank God, they are already coming back" Salma murmured to herself, she quietly stood up and straightened her hijab, she strapped her back pack to her back and picked Jackson's bag too.

The junior boys continued playing.

A ball was shot directly at where Salma stood, she didn't notice it as she was looking down, tapping her feet.

"Aaaahhhhh" Salma screamed as she fell down, clutching her stomach, She let go of Jackson's bag and her phone which were all in her hands.

Nasir and Jackson ran towards her, Nasir was still with the Coach.

"Jack, get that fool, I'm going to teach him a life long lesson" Nasir growled as he ran towards Salma.

Almost all the Junior students left the place immediately, they knew the consequences of what has been done.

"Are you alright?" Nasir asked

"Salma...Salma!" he knelt down where she fell clutching her stomach.

He held her from her shoulders to make her sit up.

Her eyes were tightly closed in pain, she slowly lifted her upper body as she felt Nasir's hands on her shoulder.

"You fool!" Jackson held the boy who shot the ball, he punched him on his face and dragged him to where Salma and Nasir were.

"Rascal!" He shouted again as he hit him again

"I'm alright, it's ok" Salma said as she opened her eyes and sat up straight, her hands were still on her stomach.

"Are you sure? I clearly saw that shot, it was a wicked shot" Nasir  raised his head up

"Yeah, it hurts but the pain is slowly fading" she closed her eyes and bent a little.

"What made you do that?" Jackson asked the boy.

Nasir stood up and cleaned his pants.

"Calm down, calm down..."the boy trembled

"I'm really sorry, I'm so was a mistake" he looked down

"That wasn't a mistake" Hammad who just joined them said

"I clearly saw what happened" He said

"Senior Hammad...n...noo" the boy turned to Hammad

"You better start talking, I know your type" Nasir said, it was clear he was trying to control himself, his Right hand was in a knuckle while he put the other one on his waist.

"Well...the thing is..." He was talking when Salma cut in

"I'm fine Nas, I'm alright, it was a mistake, leave the boy"

"No, it wasn't, it wasn't a mistake" Jackson supported Nasir

"It was Amelia, Amelia...she...she..." he started talking

"I should have known" Salma said to herself

"It's alright, you can go"Hammad calmly said

Jackson and Nasir looked at him questioningly

"What do you want to do? Beat him up? when he clearly told you the truth?"Hammad asked.

Jackson and Nasir looked at each other, confused.

Hammad sighed and shook his head, he turned his head towards Amelia's direction, she wasn't so close to them anymore. She was staring at them to see what exactly the situation will turn into.

To her dismay, the boy walked away, they didn't do anything to him. She stomped her feet and put her fingers between her hair in clear frustration.

Salma walked quietly with the boys.

"You see Nasir..." Hammad began to talk as he put his hand on Nasir's shoulder.

"...this is clearly Salma's problem, she needs to put those things in their places" he hit a stone and removed his hand from Nasir's shoulder.

"Hmm, that's true, I agree with you" Jackson added

"Oh well, you are right, she should learn to do that" Nasir said

"Will you please stop talking as if I'm not here" Salma asked, irritated

They all laughed and walked to the Cafe, their usual spot, they all sat down.

"Does it still hurt?" Nasir asked

Immediately the words were out of his mouth, Jackson looked up and made funny gestures which made Hammad laugh.

Salma narrowed her eyes questioning them what the laughter was all about.

"I'm alright" she said

After an hour, they all looked exhausted, Jackson dropped his head on the table, which gained them stares from other customers.

"I'm tired"Salma packed her books and sat up straight.

"What did your coach say?" Salma asked, she wanted to ask them immediately after the fight but it didn't work out.

"You remember the first time you watched us play?" Hammad asked, Salma nodded her head and made a continue gesture.

"Good, Jax gave Nasir a rough chase, right?" He continued

"Yeah, I can remember he stamped Nas' feet" She sipped from her carbonated drink's bottle. They ordered Doughnuts and Drinks earlier on, Salma didn't take doughnuts, she didn't want to.

"Wow, good girl, you noticed" Nasir said and the boys all laughed.

"That's amazing, I mean you noticed it, Jax stamped him almost unnoticeably, only a few will know it was intentional" Jackson added as he munched his Doughnuts while closing his eyes.

"Jackson stop that" Hammad complained

"It's just so good, I can't help it" Jackson laughed

"Why are you leaving so early today?" The Attendant who is an older woman asked, she is so kind and generous. They've all gotten so used to her, once they didn't come to the Cafe after school, she collected their phone numbers when they came back the next time so she could check on them.

"Yes ma'am, Jackson, your gentleman here is tired and can't take it anymore" Nasir hit him by the side.

The old woman whose name is Madam Stella calls Jackson her gentleman, he always made jokes that always lift her mood.

"Ohh, yeah, my gentleman" She laughed, she knew it always made all of them laugh

Hammad winked at Nasir while Salma closed her mouth with her hand and laughed.

"Madam Stella" Jackson smiled as he walked towards her and hugged her by the side.

"Ok Ma'am, have a nice stay ma" Salma said as she followed them out of the Cafe.

"Always formal Salma" Madam Stella said, she shook her head

"She is a certified Introvert, didn't you know?" Everyone in the Cafe laughed

Jackson looked at Salma as her face changed for a few seconds when she noticed his eyes, she laughed and got out her phone.

"Who are you talking to?" Hammad asked

"My Aunt" she answered

"Why?" Nasir stopped walking and he faced her

"To come pick me up" I've spent my money and I can't walk today

Jackson offered her a drive with them but she declined

"I understand why she doesn't want to take a ride with us..." Hammad said

She looked at him and wondered what his reason is

"...buh you can at least take a ride with Nas since...?"

"No, she doesn't want to..."Nasir said completely annoyed, he always offers and she declines.

Hammad burst out laughing, he laughed till he stamped his feet.

Salma and Jackson turned to the other side and started laughing.

Nasir just kept quiet.

A Camry was parked a few feet away, the driver honked and they all turned after they all stopped laughing.

"That's my aunt" Salma said

"Bye"she raised her hand

"As-salamu alaikum Aunt" Salma opened the door and jumped inside.

Zainab switched on the engine when someone knocked on the window.

She raised her head and it was very clear she  was shocked to see him, she turned to look at Salma with her mouth wide open.


End of Chapter 14, thank you so much for your reads and don't forget to vote, comment and share.

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