Chapter Forty Two

Choose your friends wisely. They have a huge impact on you; morally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Frankly, you must have good friends. Good as in, with absolute positivity.

"I'm 7 months pregnant... I'm expecting a boy!"

Salma screamed in happiness because Zainab has been married for years without a child and that's the best gift ever.

"I'm so happy"

"I know you'd be" they conversed for some time and ended the call after Salma talked to Zayn.

Chapter Forty Two
Third Person's POV
Hammad got back from his brother's introduction and he couldn't stop talking about the lady his brother was in love with.

"You need to see how he looks at her" his face beamed with a smile

"She must be very beautiful" Nasir added

They continued chatting for a while and at the end of begging from Salma and smacks from Nasir, Hammad finally agreed to show them pictures from the event.

He brought out his phone and unlocked it, he went straight to his gallery when a call him in.

"Who's it?" Salma dramatically gagged

"It's just some... hel..." Before he could complete his word, Salma snatched the phone from his hand and quietly said

"Can you please call back, he's pretty busy right now...hmm...yeahh... alright thanks for your understanding" she ended the call and looked at Nasir and Hammad staring at her unbelievably.

"Did you just do that?" Nasir rubbed his eyes

"Are you sure this is the Salma we know...the one from high school" Hammad asked, disbelief written on his face.

Salma just laughed and threw her head back.

"Come on..." She urged him to show them the pictures.

"This is Arianna and Arian..." He showed and pointed out all his family members when he got to his brother's fiance who wasn't allowed to attend the introduction but he had a picture of her in his phone.

"Zafeerah?" Nasir uttered even before Hammad could introduce her to them. Salma and Hammad just stared at him.

"Zafeerah is alive??" He narrowed his eyes and in not less than two minutes, he collapsed on the chair.

"Nasir... Nasir?" Salma stood up and dropped her head on his chest to see if he was breathing.

"Come on... please... let's go to the teaching hospital"

In no time, Nasir was taken to the hospital, his dad was called and he took the next flight with his wife.

His agent took him to the hospital and he briskly walked into the hospital while his wife, Fatimah tagged along.

"Sir, you have to follow the formalities..." A young nurse who was on the reception table politely said to him

"Come on... let's get started then" he walked back to her desk

"Are you serious Mr Shehu, My son is unconscious and all you care about is formalities?" Mrs Fatimah turned swinging her bag and making long strides, everyone in the hallway turned to look at her while Mr Shehu didn't even say anything to her.

"Thank you sir" the receptionist said

"Has he woken up?" Mr Shehu asked Hammad after they exchanged pleasantries.

"You! Whatever your name is... I'm quite sure you are the problem behind this... leave!" Mrs Fatimah out of no where just started screaming at Salma

"Ma... I'm really sorry...I... hmmm" Salma stuttered

"Fatimah" Mr Shehu looked at his wife, immediately Nasir started talking

"Zafeerah, she's alive... Zafeerah..." He continued talking but his eyes were still shut.

"Zafeerah?" His parents almost screamed at the same time.

"Do you know who he's talking about?" Hammad asked them but they ignored his question and held unto their son to calm him down.

"We can't give him any sleeping drug anymore, it'd be harmful to his system, try to get his attention" a young doctor who walked in on them calmly said.

"Hmm, Zafeerah...he continued stirring on his bed"

Hammad and Salma quietly walked out of the hospital room because Salma made a signal to him

"Listen, we all have no idea what's going on here but can you quickly call Zafeerah and ask her if she knows Nasir Muhammad Shehu?" Salma suggested.

Hammad quickly brought out his phone and dialed her contact. After making Salam to each other, Hammad went straight to the point and she told him she knows Nasir but she couldn't say anything regarding their relationship. On the other end, Hamid knew what was on so he didn't object to Salma taking the next flight to see Nasir, he also joined her.

3 hours later and the room had Mr Shehu with his head that was always held up high dropped down, Nasir was calm and he held on tightly to Zafeerah's hands, she cried and Nasir also cried. Hamid comforted his fiance but Hammad and Salma still stood looking at them wondering what was up in the room.

"Hmm, dad..." Zafeerah called out to Mr Shehu, her eyes blood red

"My so called dad..." She continued

"It's okay Zafeee" Hammad rubbed his hand on her back to calm her down.

Zafeerah lifted her head and asked Hammad if he called her mum and he told he did and she's also on her way.

"Dad... you told me Zafeerah is dead" Nasir was the one that asked this time.

"Listen... Nas... you both need to listen to me... I..."

"You have broken my trust dad, again" Nasir looked and more tears continued to majestically stroll down his eyes.

"Jalal... Please Jalal..." Mr Shehu turned to his friend who was also called, it wasn't that difficult for him to get to the hospital because he was on a business trip in the country. Mr Shehu was heartbroken and one look at him will explain it to anyone. Mrs Fatimah, his wife didn't say anything.

"Miss Mira" an elderly woman who was Hammad's mum age walked into the room and things became more confusing.

Zafeerah stood up and let the woman sit on the chair.

"God sees everything!" She smiled and looked at Nasir

"How are you son?" She rubbed his forehead which had lines of confusion too this time around.

"Hmmm...mum" Zafeerah started talking to her mother

"She's your mother?" Nasir asked

"Yes, she is...that woman over there is not my mother" she pointed to Mrs Fatimah's direction

"Hmm, Nasir...let me explain"

"No, dad... I don't need your explanation" Mr Shehu just quiet and used his eyes to beg Jalal for help.

"Hmm, listen" Jalal started

"Nasir, Mrs Fatimah is your mother but she's not Zafeerah's mum, look at Zafeerah's mum" he pointed to Miss Mira

"Wow, all my life has been a lie" his eyes got red and it was as if they'd be plucked out of their sockets anytime soon.

"Let me take you on a short trip to the past. Miss Mira somehow got pregnant with Zafeerah but outside wedlock that's before they could get married. Marriage was the last thing because your dad wasn't willing to get married to a non Muslim for reasons best known to him. 6 years after she gave birth to Zafeerah, your dad got married and took Zafeerah away from her mom, Mrs Fatimah promised on her life to take care of her but after she gave birth to you and saw how attached you were to Zafeerah, she made it a mission to separate you, everything seemed abortive until she got her hands on a tape that had your dad and Miss Mira doing private things, she used that and the fact that the Media doesn't know about Zafeerah to make your dad have no other choice than to lie about her death, the news, the body and everything was just set up...that was the easiest way to get you separated because she was scared that..." Jalal kept and was about to continue when Miss Mira interrupted him

"Scared of what? Wealth and inheritance?" Miss Mira's was clouded with dark for a second but she immediately smiled and shook her head

"You mean Zafeerah's accident was fake?" Nasir asked

"Yes... son" a soft voice came through Mr Shehu's lips, Nasir didn't snap at him because the puzzle was slowly getting solved.

"You had slight illnesses and mental health issues which resulted in having you live away from anything that reminds you of Zafeerah..."

"Boarding school" Nasir completed his sentence

"Mrs Fatimah" Miss Mira smiled at her

"Listen to me, I don't regret anything, got that?" She stretched her finger at all of them.

"Salma, I know you made this drama, it was your idea to call Zafeerah, right? Let me break it to you as well, Mrs Rukayyah is not your mother Salma, her only daughter is Maryam!" Everyone in the room looked at her unbelievably

"Are you mad?"

"I am mad and your blood is my only cure, I shall make y'all suffer!" She gritted her teeth and stormed out of the room.

"She isn't saying the truth, she's just kidding" Salma smiled

Nasir was so stunned that he just kept quiet and sat up on the bed with his legs crossed. Salma and Hammad just stared at him, they both couldn't believe the life of a billionaire's family was this scattered and in pieces.

"Nasir..." Mr Shehu called out to his son

"It's okay dad, I'm okay and I'm sorry" Nasir said without lifting his head.

"I think we should let him rest" Jalal suggested, they all slowly walked out. Hamid held Zafeerah's hand and led her out of the room. Only Hammad and Salma were left in the room.

"Nasir..." Hammad called out his name

"Don't pity me" he sternly said

"I don't" he stood up and walked out of the room leaving only Salma and Nasir in the room in the company of no sound except Nasir's heavy breathings.

"Hmm, Nasir... it's okay, right?" She asked

"It's not and I don't think it'll ever be Salma" he surprisingly let down his facade

"It'll be okay, I know it will" she walked to a chair beside his bed and sat down

"I don't think I have the strength to, all my life has been a lie...all my life I thought I had a dead sister where as she's alive and healthy" tears started strolling down his cheeks

"It's okay to cry, you can cry"

"I don't know why I'm crying in your presence" he chuckled

"Because I'm THE Salma" she stressed on the which made him smile weakly

"Life will always be are you so calm?"

"I don't believe your mum" Salma said

"Hmm, what if it's true?" He asked her

"If it is, I'd be glad then"

The next day, they all traveled back to their homes, Miss Mira, Zafeerah, Hamid and Hammad went to the Hassan's house. When everything was narrated to Mr Hassan and the entire family waited for his reply because Miss Mira had already talked to her daughter about the possibility of her wedding being called off. Zafeerah took it slow on herself and decided the creator will choose the best for her.

"Hmm, this is life for all of us and I can't do anything to oppose your wedding Hamid... Zafeerah" Mr Hasan smiled at them.

"Thank you so much dad!" Hamid said, the room was dead silent to hear what Mrs Hassan will say

"Come on...we have a wedding to plan!" She laughed and walked to Zafeerah.

"You might have been my daughter and I might have been in your place, a woman is for a woman" she hugged her and the entire family hugged each other.

On the other end, Salma got home and her dad was surprised to see her because he didn't expect and she didn't tell him anything. In the presence of Nasir and his family back in the hospital, she didn't show much interest in what Mrs Fatimah said but immediately she got home, she walked into the parlor without salam and stood. Rukayyah and her dad looked at her perplexed at her behavior. Salma thought about every possible scenario and decided Mrs Fatimah couldn't just come up with that kinda talk, she must know something and she got attracted to her words when she realised Mrs Rukayyah and Mrs Fatimah have being hanging for long and that means it's not a lie.

"Dad... who's my mother and where's she?" She asked, Mr Ahmad stood up abruptly, Rukayyah joined him.

"What do you mean?" Rukayyah asked but Salma ignored her.

"Salma, what do..."

"You know what I mean"

"Have you lost your mind?" Mr Ahmad took long strides to where she stood and she didn't even take an inch away from where she stood.

"Dad, you know what I'm talking about"

"I'm asking you a question and you are..." He raised his hands but before his hand could land on her cheek. A voice stopped him.

"Don't... you'll regret it" Zainab walked in on them, Salma already told her before she came. Her bump wasn't so big but she walked slowly and Zayn walked behind her.

"The girl deserves to know" Zayn supported his wife

"Wow, so it's true and no wonder" Salma tried to run to her room but she got gripped by her uncle.

"I want to go to my room" her eyes were swelled up, she struggled to get loose from his grip but he didn't let her.

"Mr Ahmad, are you my dad..." When the words left her mouth, the entire room was quiet.

"... I need to know, are you my dad? Life is Life, all my life has been a lie..." She dropped down and silently cried.


End of Chapter 42, thank you so much for your reads and don't forget to vote, comment and share.

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Thank you so much for your reads, hang in there for the next update.

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