Chapter Forty Six

Pay attention to your heart. Even the best of deeds may come to nothing if the hearts are sick & corrupt. The heart plays a major role. Seek the Almighty’s help to rid the heart of major diseases - hatred, malice, envy etc. Keep purifying your intent.

She quickly got up and covered herself with a long hijab.

"Salma, it's dad..." Nasir's voice came immediately she opened the door

"What..." She opened the door wider

"There was an accident..."

"What?" She narrowed her eyes.

Chapter Forty Six
"Yes, Mr Jalal just called me" Nasir said

"Come on, let's go to the hospital then..." The both of them briskly walked downstairs and they coincidentally met Jalal outside, he told them not to let anyone know, especially Zafeerah because she'll be traveling out of the country in the morning.

When they arrived at the hospital, they were quickly allowed into the room and that got them relieved because that slightly meant Mr Muhammad Shehu was fine.

"Hope it doesn't hurt that much sir" Salma asked

"Yes dear, just a few scratches..."

"Dad, hope you are good"

"I'm fine Nasir, there's nothing really that huge, just a few scratches son" he smiled and looked at Jalal.

"Jalal, You should take them to Miss Mira's place tonight" Mr Muhammad suggested because it wasn't a nice idea to let them stay at home alone. Most of the staff were on a 3 day holiday, it was a way to let them rest, Zafeerah suggested it.

That night was spent at Alex's house because Jalal thought it won't be a good idea to let Miss Mira know about the situation, she might probably tell her daughter.

Salma was restless, she couldn't sleep the whole night because she had all sort of thoughts on her mind. By 1am, she decided to leave the guest room and stay in the parlor, she met Nasir and Jackson watching a movie so she joined in and slept off on the couch.

The next day, Salma got prepared early in the morning and told them she was going to the hospital, Jackson wanted to Join her but she politely declined.

Mr Muhammad has already been discharged but no one told Nasir and Salma. Salma got to the hospital and found out he has already been discharged. She found one sick patient who was an old lady.

"Hello ma'am, How's your health!" Salma greeted the old woman, making sure her smile never faded throughout their conversation. They talked for a while and the woman found Salma comfortable to talk her about her medical condition.

"I was diagnosed with leukemia, I don't know how I got it... I don't even pity myself, I pity the condition in which my husband and his wife are in, honestly"

"You have only one son?" Salma asked her and that, moment her eyes became teary, she turned to the other side and said

"Life happens to people in different ways, I've buried 6 children including my husband when I was in my early forties, fast forward to now when I'm in my early 90s and I'm still giving my only son and his family trouble"

Salma couldn't say anything, she didn't know what to say so she just kept quiet and looked down, she thought of how the universe is planning to show her something but she couldn't wrap her fingers around what the universe was tryna say.

"I'm sorry ma'am... I..."

"You don't need to be sorry dear, if you take a dive into the world, I'm sure you'll meet people who have through things that are worse than this..." The woman smiled and that smile was of a person who was contented with God's actions and decisions, a person who knows there's nothing that can be done when God says "yes" or "no"

"Just take a stroll round this Hospital and observe, observe the number of people that are on the verge of dying but their families are holding onto one tiny ray of light and that light is different for every family"

Salma just listened to the woman's words as she kept on chewing wisdom in her mouth, her voice was so calm and collected, she probably believes she has nothing to lose if she takes her last breath that moment, talking to a strange teenage girl.

"Basically, all you are saying still goes back to being hopeful and thankful, right?"

"Yeeesss... you get the point young lady, that's it! Let life do whatever it wants, let the universe do whatever it wants, you can't control those actions even if you wanted so... take a breath and live... live life and stick to one hope... I'm alive and healthy" she smiled again and looked around.

"Hmm, thank you madam" Salma uttered even though she was completely thinking of people that might be in worse situations than she has ever been in

"I'm leaving madam, I have to get somewhere"

"Take this paper and pen, maybe I'll meet you in the future" the woman said, Salma couldn't understand the kind of hope this woman was stuck.

When the woman noticed Salma's puzzled face, she smiled and said.

"You have no idea if I'll meet you in a different form... don't be quick to judge" she added

Salma excused herself and thought about how her mindset took a U turn in less than 45 minutes. Initially, she just wanted to drop the items she came with but decided to give the woman as a form of kindness since Mr Muhammad Shehu got discharged without their notice.

She walked out of the hospital lighter than she walked in, positive thoughts filled her mind and her heart felt like it was being mended back.

She looked left and right and decided to take a taxi to Mr Muhammad Shehu's house so she waved her hand and a taxi stopped. Without making any observation, she climbed into the taxi looking down at her phone, the taxi driver coughed and she raised her eyes and noticed the person sitting next to her was the same man in the hotel, during Zafeerah's wedding.

"Back to me and now, nothing and no one will save you from what I was paid to do to you"

"OMG, what are you doing, let go of me, leave me...hmm..." She screamed but in a minutes, her screams became muffles and she dozed off after 10 minutes, the anonymous man filled her nostrils with some sorta spray.

"Come, take a U turn and go back to the factory" the man instructed the driver.

"I wonder why this woman wants this girl's life to be ruined" the driver said

"That's none of my business, she's paying us to have a one in a life relationship with a virgin, God works in wonders" the man cackled

"Are you kidding me? Don't bring God into this, there's nothing godly about what we are doing" a third man in the front said

"Whatever! The girl is evil anyway, she legit broke her family"

"Well, that's kinda true, this girl unknowingly messed up most of her plans, innocently" their conversation went on till they got to the factory. On arrival, Salma was taken into an underground room in the factory where she was tied to a bed, the room had only one source of light that was dim. The man got out his phone and made a recording of her and send it to his boss, the woman called them and instructed them on everything they'd do to Salma.

"I want her out of that factory before 6pm... today!" Her voice blasted through the phone's speaker.

"Ok madam!" The man said

About 2 hours later, Salma woke up and struggled but couldn't get out of the chains, she screamed and cried but nothing and no one came for rescue.

Her voice broke and she became really weak when two of the men came into the room with their belts loosed.

"Get me out of this place! Who are you? Please..." She struggled

"Please... I beg you... I'm just a child"

"You are a ripe child, isn't she?" The man said as he turned to his colleague and laughed.

"What? No... please" she continued struggling when everything clicked, she knew that what they wanted will stain her for the rest of her life.

"Don't touch me! I beg you!" She shifted from him when he touched her face and that was it!

Life meant nothing to her, she gave up on everything. Couldn't believe her hopes were shattered immediately she got them mended.

The men drove her almost lifeless body out of the factory and dumped her body by the roadside in a scanty environment.

All the while, Mr Muhammad thought Salma was with Nasir while Nasir also thought Salma was with his dad.

Nasir called her phone but it was switched off, it was odd because she never let her phone go down.

"Jack, listen... Salma's phone is switched off.."

"Call your dad's line or Jalal's" Jack respond

"What, you didn't see her!" Nasir stood up.

Nasir explained that Salma left the house early in the morning, telling them she was going to the hospital. Mr Muhammad Shehu and Jalal immediately called the hospital and they were told she was seen in the hospital after a picture was sent to the CCTV management department.

Later on, the hospital's camera caught her getting into a taxi that had no plate number. Nasir and Jalal went to the hospital to watch the CCTV footage for anything they could lay their hands on. They noticed she entered a patient's room but when they traced the room. A tall nurse told the patient passed away in less than an hour ago.

Mr Muhammad Shehu called the police but he was told she couldn't be declared missing untill after Forty Eight hours.

"A girl's whereabout is not known and you are saying you can't declare her missing till after two day?" Mr Muhammad's authoritative voice booked through the phone.

In one swat, Mr Muhammad called a few contacts and her pictures were on every social media platforms and television stations.

The news got to her aunt and the next day, she came back.

Hammad, Jackson, Alex, and Samantha sat down with silence enveloping the room.

A few of their classmates called Nasir but he didn't pick the call because Alex told him not to talk to anyone about Salma missing, apart from the forces.

It's almost 24 hours and I can't believe nothing has been found.

"Who's it?" Alex asked when Jack's phone rang

"It's her aunt" he answered as he picked the phone.

"She has been found!" Zainab cried

"Thank God!"

"She's in the hospital!"

Hammad drove to the hospital in no time.

Nasir briskly walked into the hospital and straight to the room, with a nurse leading him to the room.

When he entered the room. He met his dad, Jalal, and Zainab. He knew nothing was alright when Zainab told them to go to the hospital.

"" Nasir stood with his mouth covered.

Hammad, Jackson, Alex, and Samantha just stood like there feet were rooted to the ground. No word came out of their mouths.

"Hello..." A young male doctor walked into the room with a few papers in his hands.

"Mr Jalal, I'm sorry but this patient has been raped!"

"She has a name, Salma... Salma is her name" Jackson stared at him.

"Apologies" the doctor turned

"Why's the world so unfair?" Zainab broke down.


End of Chapter 46, thank you so much for your reads and don't forget to vote, comment and share.

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You can contact me on Instagram and Telegram with @jimeh_khadijah as my handle respectively.

Thank you so much for your reads, hang in there for the next update.

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