Chapter Forty Four

Give people time and space to do what they need to do. Stop micro-managing. You can advise and suggest but you can’t force anyone. You can pray for them to be guided and leave the rest to the Almighy.

"Having friends like you is a blessing, you are like family to me now maybe even better than some of my own relatives but then... that's how the universe works now, the bond of family is weaker than anything when given the chance to be weak"

"I love y'all" she concluded

"Aww, we are loveddd" came Jack's voice from Hammad's phone

"You called him?" She asked

"Of course, he did... couldn't miss such a moment.

Salma's POV
One week after my dad's death, my aunt, Zainab gave birth to premature baby, the doctors said she was shocked and that made her to give birth, she looked lost and lonely, I knew death was painful but my dad's death was a blow to me and my entire life. He died at a time I needed him most, died almost the same day I found out my entire has been a lie, it was devasting and I'd never wish for anyone to go through what I've gone through in the last seven days.

Families and friends left, the one was emptier because even in the presence, I felt it emptiness in me. Zafeerah is one hell of an interesting girl, she managed to always put a weak smile on my face although I just pasted it to make her effort count. Nasir, Hamid and Hammad always came to my house and instantly, Hamid and my uncle, Zayn became friends even due to the age gap, Alex couldn't hangout with his friend Hamid because their headquarters company was going through different problems.

Mr Muhammad Shehu too wasn't left out, he treated me like I'm his daughter, always came to say hi in the morning. The past seven days have made know the importance of family and friends, most importantly, friends who turn into family. On one of his visits, Mr Muhammad Shehu looked at me and said

"Salma, you are very young... about 18 or... plus minus 18 or at most 20..." I just looked at him and nodded

"Andd you've lost your dad at such a tender age anddd that's heartbreaking... really?" As he said this, he couldn't look at me, his eyes immediately roamed about but not at me.

"Every human being you see today... young or old, male or female... they've had life deal with them at some point and that's really okay... it's life and life has rules... besides that as Muslims, we need to believe in destiny, either good or bad..." I felt some kinda peace in me as he continued talking, lastly he told me he was just a call away if I needed anything, at any moment

"I didn't know your dad so much but I believe he's a good man, because look at you..." He smiled and I got his point, in a way though. I assumed he meant my manners or something else, I can't say anyway.

Umm Kulthum stayed with us for six days, on the seventh day, she got a final pay from Mrs Rukayyah, I didn't know what my faith will be because she was back into her business and controlling everything in the house. Her daughter came back on the 2nd day of my dad's death and I waited for her reaction if she was told about my dad not being hers but nothing outburst came and I finally knew she was aware because I tried to talk to her about it, she just smiled at me and walked away.

Back to my aunt, the baby was still kept in the hospital because the doctors said it wasn't healthy to be taken home. Aunt was a bit healthy not as required so she was also in the hospital.

I took a public transport to the hospital with prepared food in a food flask, I had a blue Egyptian style himar on. The world seemed so strange and empty, I never knew the death of one person could make the world so empty.

"Good morning aunt" I greeted my aunt when I got into the room. I took a glance at the baby that was in an incubator.

"Hmm, how are you?"

"I'm fine..."

"Heyyy..." My uncle came in with some of his family members, there were two elderly women, a young girl and Amir... ohhh my course mate. After exchanging pleasantries, they made Dua' for my dad and got really happy when they looked at the baby.

"Wow... God works in wonderful ways" Amir said

"I'm really sorry about that dad's death dear" the woman said, she was a female version of Amir. I didn't directly to him infact, I acted as if I didn't know him.

"This is Amir, My sister's son and this is her daughter...Nura...this is my sister and this is my sister in-law" he introduced them one after the other.

After some chitchat, Zayn told me Amir attended the same school as me but I just smiled and said nothing but Amir couldn't keep his big mouth shut.

"Haa, I know her uncle... she's my course mate" he widely smiled

"Why didn't you tell us?" His mum asked

"Children of these days, come on...Salma spend some time with them... you need it" Uncle Zayn's sister in-law, she looked like a really calm woman. I got the hint they wanted to talk about something in our absence so I just quietly stood up and walked out with Nura and Amir by my sides.

"Hmm, Hi..." I talked into the phone after excusing myself when a call came in.

"Are you serious?" Nasir asked me when I told him Amir and I were kinda related.

"I'm coming, just a few minutes" before I could object, he ended the call.

Aunt Zee didn't talk much at all and I'm so scared because she needed to be very strong and healthy since she just gave birth maybe Uncle Zayn got his sister to talk to her because I remember aunt Zee told she had only one in-law that loved and that could be the woman.

Amir kept on talking non-stop, his sister was very quiet, she either smiles or nods her head and go back to her phone, maybe she's the type that have their lives on the screen. I was being punished by Amir with his noise until Nasir and Hammad got to the hospital.

"Bro... what's up"

"I'm good, how far, how are you dude?"

The three of them exchanged pleasantries they boyish way. After that, Nasir asked Amir why he wasn't in school

"Well, I can't not visit my favourite aunt after such series of events happened"

" you've known we are kinda related?" I asked him

"Yeahhh, that was why I wanted to get to know you" he smiled

"Get to her??" Nasir looked at him with his brows raised

"Not that way man, take a chill pill" Amir brushed Nasir's shoulder as if there was some dirt on it

"You both are into each other and we know" Amir added, when he blurted that out, Hammad just bursted out laughing at Nasir's reaction.

"Dude...?" Nasir rolled his eyes

Nasir's POV
Things got changed at home, my mum signed the papers and left the house without looking back, she threatened my dad with the media but somehow everything got to the media ans Zafeerah's picture was on every damn paper.

Headlines like the popular billionaire of Shehu Corporations has a daughter" or
Shehu Corporation's CEO has a female daughter who's almost a medical doctor.

Different questions were being asked, Zafeerah was once caught off guard, questions were thrown at her but she got lucky enough because Uncle Jalal was around the premises.

Miss Mira and my dad forgave each other and I was so surprised Miss Mira converted after Zafeerah was sent back to her.

"I converted because I wanted to, because I found peace in Islam, I found Salam in Islam" she told me when I asked her why she converted

"After I got pregnant, your dad refused to get married to me unless I converted and I didn't..." She smiled at me, I noticed she always had a smile on her face.

"Why didn't you somehow get Zafeerah and I meet when..."

"I found out your mum is a dangerous woman and she could do anything to get what she wants" she answered my questions before I even got to complete my sentence

"Wow" Zafeerah said

After series of questions, Miss Mira told me to leave the past in the past, I should move on and deal with present. I gave in and got really comfortable around her, Zafeerah has always been the best sister.

Zafeerah's wedding was planned very fast and it was in a week. Her future in-laws were obsessed with her, Hamod's always had to call and ask if she needed anything in the decorations or traditions for the wedding.

When Salma told me about Amir being her relative, I kinda got jealous but I was embarrassed when almost everyone knew I had a feeling towards her.

After our short hangout, we all set a date to go back to school after Aunt Zee's baby was named.

"We need to get back as fast as possible, exams knocking at our doors" Amir said

"Doesn't she talk? Nura...?" Salma asked and it was pretty awkward because Nura raised her eyes and laughed at us. She clearly heard Salma even though she had her ears plugged.

"Hmm, I talk... I'm just not interested my project to deal with" she removed the earpiece from her ears and dropped her phone in a tote bag that was placed on the table.

"Let's talk..." She looked at all of us

Amir dramatically

"Project? What does that..."

"I'm writing my Master's Degree project" she smiled

"Master's what?" Salma and Hammad said at the same time

She just smiled and ended up laughing at our reactions, picked a bottled water and gulped in. She told us she had her first degree and took up her master's immediately.

"I want to be called Prof Nura" She said with her eyes filled with some kinda light and happiness that's seen in eyes of people that talk about what they love and what makes them happy.

She told us about a few challenges here and there and ended up telling us it was achievable, we just needed to work towards our dreams.

Amir laughed at Hammad who told him he looked like the elder one

"Yeahhh...yeahhh, whatever" Amir raised his hand and dropped it backwards.

We went to see aunt Zee and the baby when Nura, Amir, his mum and their aunt were about to leave


End of Chapter 44, thank you so much for your reads and don't forget to vote, comment and share.

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You can contact me on Instagram and Telegram with @jimeh_khadijah as my handle respectively.

Thank you so much for your reads, hang in there for the next update.

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