Chapter - 19
(Y/N), Steve, Natasha and Rebecca are strolling through the mall trying to find a place to find out what's in the USB drive, (Y/N) was going to suggest the house but S.H.I.E.L.D definitely have a trace on this thing now, so they either already no about the house and it's unsafe to go back or going back will end very badly.
Natasha: First rule of going on the run is don't run, walk.
(Y/N): I know what I'm doing.
Natasha: Not you.
(Y/N) held his hands up in defence as Steve still looked completely guilty.
Steve: If I run these shoes, they're gonna fall off.
They finally found a tech store where they can hack into the USB, they stayed around the one computer, as Nat pushed all the right buttons.
Natasha: The drive has a Level Six homing program, so as soon as we boot up SHIELD will know exactly where we are.
Steve: How much time will we have?
Natasha: About nine minutes from...
Nat plugs the USB in the laptop and starts the program.
Natasha: Now... Fury was right about that ship. Somebody's trying to hide something. This drive is protected by some sort of AI. It keeps rewriting itself to counter my commands.
Steve: Can you override it?
Natasha: The person who developed this is slightly smarter than me.
(Y/N) looked over her shoulder, his eyes shricked.
(Y/N): What are you talking about... thats easy to crack...
Steve, Nat and Rebecca looked at him.
(Y/N): What, Tony Stark's my Father for god's sake, you think I didn't get some of the Stark genes...
Nat then stepped away from the laptop and held her hand out to it silently telling (Y/N) to give it a try.
(Y/N): Ok... give me two minutes.
As (Y/N) is doing his thing, a store assistant approaches them, but Nat and Steve manages to control the situation without the guy seeing that (Y/N) is basically breaking about 52 laws in 30 seconds.
Aaron: Can I help you guys with anything?
Steve panics a little and gets in between Nat and Aaron as (Y/N) still tapes away at the laptop.
Natasha: Oh, no. My fiance was just helping me with some honeymoon destinations.
She said hugging Steve making (Y/N) chuckle as Steve was not trained for this kinda situation... the guy can fight an alien army but when it comes to lying he crumbles...
Steve: Right. We're getting married.
He said unsure of it.
(Y/N): Say it once more you might believe it yourself.
He mumbled but Nat heard him and elbowed him again, this made (Y/N) jump in surprise as apparently Venom is taking a break and didn't tell him about Nat's elbow forcing its way to his side, the bad thing is it caught Aaron's attention.
Aaron: Are you Ok, sir?
(Y/N): Yeah, great... marriage is a beautiful thing.
He said not taking his eyes off the laptop.
Aaron: Are you getting married as well.
Rebecca: No, we got married last year.
Rebecca said jumping out of nowhere.
Rebecca: Were helping these two... this is my brother.
She said nudging Steve, (Y/N) at this point is so close to finding the location he just needs another minute or so.
Aaron: Congratulations. Where are you guys thinking about going?
Aaron tries to get a peak at the laptop as Steve tries to block him the best to his ability.
Steve: New Jersey.
Aaron: Oh.
Aaron looks at Rebecca.
Aaron: Where did you and your husband go?
Rebecca: Oh, he took me to London England...
Aaron: Nice...
(Y/N): Not really, a seagull stole my fries and a pigeon shat on me twice...
(Y/N) still hadn't taking his eyes off the screen as he continued to try and pinpoint this location as Aaron played 20 questions, Steve got a little worried tho as Aaron looked at him in recognition.
Aaron: I have the exact same glasses.
Natasha: Wow, you two are practically twins.
Aaron: Yeah, I wish.
Aaron then made a weird gesture at Steve.
Aaron: Specimen.
(Y/N) had to hold in his laugh as he is a few seconds away from finding the location.
Aaron: If you guys need anything, I've been Aaron.
Steve: Thank you.
Aaron then takes his leave as Steve, Nat and Rebecca huddle around (Y/N) again.
Steve: You said two minutes come on...
(Y/N): Do you want to do this?... No?... Then don't backseat hack.
(Y/N) then pressed a few more buttons.
(Y/N): See, boom.
The location showed up on the screen as it said 'Wheaton, NJ' Steve looked at the location.
Natasha: You know it?
Steve: I used to. Let's go.
Steve then pulled the USB out as the four of them left the store.
Steve: Standard tac team. Two behind, two across, and two coming straight at us. if they make us, I'll engage, you hit the south escalator to the metro.
Natasha: Shut up and put your arm around me. Laugh at something I said.
Steve wasn't to sure at first but did it anyway as (Y/N) and Rebecca did the same but Rebecca laughed at him, the four continued there way out the mall, they came to the escolaters as Rumlow is coming up as their going down, Nat turns to Steve.
Natasha: Kiss me.
Steve: What?
Natasha: Public displays of affection make people very uncomfortable.
Steve: Yes, they do.
(Y/N): For fuck sake.
(Y/N) pushed Steve into Nat's grips as she kissed him and (Y/N) kissed Rebecca making Rumlow look away in embarrassment, as soon as Rumlow left Nat pulled away from Steve as (Y/N) pulled away from Rebecca, Nat then started to walk down the escalator.
Natasha: You still uncomfortable?
Steve: It's not exactly the word I would use.
The four then continued their way out the mall and into the car park, Steve walks up to a truck and tries to pick the lock.
(Y/N): What are you doing?
Steve: I'm trying to unlock the car...
(Y/N) just puts his fist through the window and opens the door.
(Y/N): Can you hotwire a car?
Steve: Hot... what?
(Y/N): Out the way.
(Y/N) gets in the truck and successfully hot wires the car, he closes the door and gets comfy.
(Y/N): Come on, were losing daylight.
Steve climbed into passenger seat as Natasha and Rebecca got in the back, this went a lot better then (Y/N) thought, he also doesn't know if he should be scared or not that Nat and Rebecca seem to be getting along, but about as he drove Nat then asked.
Natasha: Where did you learn how to steal a car?
(Y/N): Youtube... that place has a tutorial for everything.
Steve: We're borrowing.
(Y/N): Speak for yourself... I'm keeping this, the last car I had blow up...
Nat then put her feet up on the back of his chair as Steve went full Dad mode.
Steve: Take your feet off the seats.
Nat does so very slowly and with a mischievous grin.
Natasha: All right, I have a question for you, which you don't have to answer. I feel like, if you don't answer it though, you're kind of answering it, you know.
Steve: What?
Natasha: Was that your first kiss since 1945?
Rebecca: I two am curious.
(Y/N) just looked out the car window as for some reason that kiss pissed him off more than he thought it would, he has nothing against Steve, and (Y/N) trust Steve with his life... but seeing Nat kiss another man, nearly made (Y/N) tear down the whole mall, what (Y/N) didn't know is that Nat wanted to see his reaction when she brought it up and the one she got is the one she is looking for.
Steve: That bad, huh?
Natasha: I didn't say that.
Steve: Well, it kind of sounds like that's what you're saying.
Steve kind of sounded a little offended by this as (Y/N) looked at him.
Natasha: No, I didn't. I just wondered how much practice you've had.
Steve: You don't need practice.
Natasha: Everybody needs practice.
Steve: It was not my first kiss since 1945.
(Y/N) is at this point mentally and nearly physically banging his head on the steering wheel, he looked in the rear view mirror to see Nat looking at the back of his head.
(Y/N) *Thoughts*: Is she trying to get a reaction out of me?
(Y/N) looked back on the road as he tried to calm down, especially now he knows what Nat's doing.
Steve: I'm 95, I'm not dead.
Natasha: Nobody special, though?
Natasha continued to question Steve as she watched (Y/N), and she noticed every time she would talk about the kiss or basically ask about Steve love life, (Y/N) would fidget in his seat and she noticed his right thumb tapping the steering wheel in frustration.
Steve: Believe it or not, it's kind of hard to find someone with shared life experience.
(Y/N): I'm sure there's some nice ladies in some retirement homes...
He said not taking his eyes off the road and he sounded kinda pissed, Steve looked at him and wondered if he did something wrong, but he put it aside and he'll ask (Y/N) about when it's just them.
Natasha: Well, that's all right. You just make something up.
(Y/N) is so close to driving this car into the closet lake, he then wondered what Rebecca is doing and looked in the rear view mirror to see her asleep... no wonder Nat's doing this, she's just trying to get a reaction out of (Y/N) and it is so close to working.
Steve: What, like you?
Natasha: I don't know. The truth is a matter of circumstance. It's not all things people all the time. Neither am I.
Steve: That's a tough way to live.
(Y/N) looked back at Nat as the two made eye contact.
Natasha: It's a good way not to die, though.
(Y/N) just sighed and looked back to the road.
(Y/N): It wasn't like that Nat...
Natasha: Sure it wasn't.
(Y/N): It wasn't... I...
Natasha: You left me... Alone... you said you wouldn't leave me.
(Y/N): Your bosses were trying to kill me... what did you want me to do?
There was a moment of silence as Nat let a few tears fall.
Natasha: Took me with you...
(Y/N) looked at her as he could see her with tears running down her cheeks, the rest of the car ride was silent as Steve and Nat fell asleep and (Y/N) just had the open road and his thoughts, which is a bad combination, but after a few more minutes they arrived at the location and (Y/N) woke everyone up.
(Y/N): Hey, were here.
They all got out the truck and approached the locked gate.
Steve: This is it.
Natasha: The file came from these coordinates.
Rebecca got out the car and followed as (Y/N) stayed in the car for a second longer, he knows what he did, but he thought it was best for her... maybe he did make the wrong choice... (Y/N) got out the car and approached the gate as Steve looked at the name of the place.
Steve: So did I.
(Y/N) looked to the left of the gate where Steve, Nat and Rebecca are looking to see the name 'Camp Lehigh' 'U.S. Army Restricted Area', Steve walked up to the gate and gave it a shake.
Steve: Locked.
(Y/N): Are you serious?
(Y/N) walked up the gate and crushed the lock in his grip, he throw away the brocken lock and pulled the chain out the fence and kicked it open, (Y/N) didn't even look back as he just walked into the compound.
The four walked around the compound for a good few hours and they still haven't found anything.
Steve: This camp is where I was trained.
Nat is holding up a device telling her if their getting closure to the signal or not, as she walks beside Steve, Rebecca's just behind them, and if their being honest... they don't know where (Y/N)'s gone, Nat's starting to think she went a bit to far with the winding up.
Natasha: Change much?
Steve stops to look at an old flag pole.
Steve: A little.
Steve then has a little flashback of when he first joined the army, all the way back to when he is a scrawny little lad, he's brought back by Nat.
Natasha: This is a dead end. Zero heat signatures, zero waves, not even radio.
(Y/N) then lands next to Steve making the girls jump but Steve managed to make it look like he expected it.
(Y/N): No, look...
Rebecca: Where were you?
(Y/N): Birds eye view...
He said pointing up to the building.
(Y/N): But seriously, look...
(Y/N) points to a old looking bunker, Steve noticed it but the girls are still a tad confused.
Rebecca: It's just an old bunker.
Steve pats (Y/N) on the shoulder as they make their way to it as the girls follow behind.
Steve: Army regulations forbid storing munitions within 500 yards of the barracks. This building is in the wrong place.
Rebecca: Ok, but how did you know that?
She asked (Y/N), (Y/N) just shrugged and Steve and (Y/N)walked up to the door, this time Steve broke the lock of with his shield.
(Y/N): Well look at Captain America, we can add breaking and entering to your naughty list now...
(Y/N) the forcefully opens the door, as the four make their way in, (Y/N) and Rebecca have Venom and Toxin ready, Steve has his shield up and Nat... Nat's just ready... the four walk down some stairs just to find a normal looking work space with computers, desk and chairs around the place.
Natasha finds the light switch and she turns the light's on making a old S.H.I.E.L.D logo appear on the opposite wall to them.
Natasha: This is S.H.I.E.L.D.
The four started to make their way in the room.
Steve: Maybe where it started.
The four just look around, (Y/N)'s getting pretty bored at this point so he starts using one of the chairs to speed down the hallways, Rebecca and Nat laughed at him as Steve chuckled but continued to look for anything to help, Steve entered a room that looked to be for the files and Nat and Rebecca follow as (Y/N) still looks for things to fuck around with.
The trio in the room look around.
Natasha: And there's Stark's father.
Steve: Howard.
Rebecca: Wait, so that makes him (Y/N)'s grandfather?
Steve and Nat nodded as they looked at the pictures, Steve is drawn to the one showing Peggy Carter, Nat spotted his gaze.
Natasha: Who's the girl?
Steve didn't answer and just walked off as (Y/N) came into the room and jogged to catch up to him, Nat and Rebecca walked slowly behind them as Steve took this opportunity to find out what's wrong with (Y/N).
Steve: So, what I do?
(Y/N): You didn't do anything...
Steve: So what's up, with you... I mean you normally have a bad attitude but this is different.
(Y/N) stopped and looked at him.
(Y/N): So, what your the Avengers therapist now?
Steve just looked at him, and (Y/N) cracked.
(Y/N): Fine you want to know? I still love Nat and I can't be with her because I love Rebecca, so instead of sorting all this out Nat decides to fuck with my head and play games... So what can I do!?
(Y/N) then punched a nearby shelf making it loose a little as he and Steve heard a draft coming through, Steve looked to see Nat and Rebecca nearby, so they definitely heard what (Y/N) just said.
(Y/N): Steve, gimme a hand...
Steve looks to see (Y/N) getting ready to trey and pull the shelf out, Steve gets the idea and joins him as the two pull the shelf out the way, to show a small corridor with two metal doors at the end.
Steve: If you're already working in a secret office...
(Y/N): Why do you need to hide the elevator?
Natasha pulls out a device that can scan fingerprints, she holds it over the keypad for a second and it tells her the code is '8539' Nat puts in the code and the elevator opens, the four get in and it takes them below ground.
Eventually the elevator comes to a stop and the doors open, (Y/N)is the first to step out and Steve closely follows, about ten steps in the elevator doors shut leaving the four in this unknown underground base, (Y/N) walks up the the really old fashioned computer system at the end of the room, as he steps up the lights around the room turn one, giving everyone a good look at the room around them, (Y/N) continues to look at the main computer system as the others look around the room.
Natasha: This can't be the data point. This technology is ancient.
(Y/N) looks down on the console to see a very nice USB port, he whistles gaining everyone's attention.
(Y/N): Bit out a place, huh?
(Y/N) looks to Nat.
(Y/N): Give me the stick
Natasha gave (Y/N) the USB and he puts it in the port, this turns on all the computers around them making the wheels turn and the tapes play, Steve, Nat and Rebecca look around as (Y/N) stares into a camera that just started to move.
He then backs away from the computer when it starts to speak, the four stand in front of the main screen as a message appears on the screen.
Initiate System?
Nat then approaches the system and types 'Yes'.
Natasha: Y-E-S spells yes.
She presses enter and the computer starts to power up, (Y/N)'s got a very bad feeling about this place.
Natasha: Shall we play a game?
She smirks at herself in the computer screen then turns to Steve.
Natasha: It's from a movie that was really...
Steve: I know, I saw it.
The computer then started to beep as a face appeared on the screen.
Zola: Rogers, Steven, born 1918.
When the face fully appeared Steve looked like he recognised the face as (Y/N) really didn't care at this point who or what this thing is, (Y/N) just wanted to get answer, but what the computer said next did catch his attention.
The camera then panned to Steve's right and looked at him.
Zola: (L/N), (Y/N) Anthony, born 1987...
The camera panned to his right to Natasha.
Zola: Romanoff, Natalia Alianovna, born 1984...
The camera panned to her right.
Zola: Wolfe, Rebecca, born 1986...
Natasha: It's some kind of recording.
Zola: I am not a recording, Fraulein.
(Y/N): I think you offended the poor sap.
(Y/N) then started to look around the room inspecting all the equipment as the computer continued.
Zola: I may not be the man I was when the Captain took me prisoner in 1945. But I am.
Another screen to everyone's right turned on to show a man that only Steve recognised.
Natasha: You know this thing?
Steve then started to walk around the main computer system as he told the others what he knew about this computer man.
Steve: Arnim Zola was a German scientist who worked for the Red Skull. He's been dead for years
Zola: First correction, I am Swiss. Second, look around you. I have never been more alive. In 1972, I received a terminal diagnosis. Science could not save my body. My mind, however, that was worth saving, on 200,000 feet of databanks. You are standing in my brain.
(Y/N) then found another chair and put it in front of the screen, he then sat down and asked very nicely.
(Y/N): Looky here, twee boy... I do not have the patients to sit here and listen to you blable, so how about you tell us what we want to know or I'm going to unplug ya... do we have a deal.
Zola: In good time young Stark, in good time...
Steve: How did you get here?
Zola: Invited.
Natasha: It was Operation Paperclip after World War II... S.H.I.E.L.D recruited German scientists with strategic value.
(Y/N): Operation Paperclip? Who comes up with these?
He pushed the desk making the chair slid backwards and he just put his feet up and tried his best to maintain so patients as the Swiss scientist told them his life story.
Zola: They thought I could help their cause. I also helped my own.
Steve: HYDRA died with the Red Skull.
Zola: Cut off one head, two more shall take its place.
Steve: Prove it.
At this point all four of them are staring at the main screen as Zola started what looked like a highlight reel for HYDRA during the War.
Zola: HYDRA was founded on the belief that humanity could not be trusted with it's own freedom... What we did not realise was that if you try to take freedom, they resist. The war taught us much... Humanity needed to surrender it's freedom willingly...
(Y/N) is already getting a little bit frustrated at this guy mainly because he's bored but all so the fact he tried to take away the freedom of mankind, Steve is also starting to get riled up.
Zola: ... After the war, S.H.I.E.L.D was founded, and I was recruited. The new H.Y.D.R.A grew. A beautiful parasite inside S.H.I.E.L.D. For 70 years, HYDRA has been secretly feeding crisis, reaping war, and when history did not cooperate, history was changed...
(Y/N)looked at the screen as many pictures with the Winter Soldier came flashing on the screen, Rebecca followed a lot of the story, but she doesn't no as much as the others so she's just staying quiet and trying to understand.
Natasha: That's impossible. S.H.I.E.L.D would have stopped you.
(Y/N): No they wouldn't...
The trio looked at him as he had realized something.
(Y/N): HYDRA killed them... the original S.H.I.E.L.D founders... S.H.I.E.L.D never even fully existed, it was just HYDRA hiding under a blanket...
The screen showed a picture of Howard Stark with his eyes crossed out and another picture of Nick Fury with 'Deceased' stamped across the page.
Zola: Accidents happen... HYDRA created a world so chaotic that humanity is finally ready to sacrifice its freedom to gain its security. Once a purification process is complete, HYDRA's new world order will arise.
A picture of the heavily armed helicarriers are shown on screen, as Rebecca looks horrified she grabs (Y/N) hand holding it tight.
Zola: We won, Captain. Your death amounts to the same as your life. A zero sum.
Steve punches the screen breaking it and turning off the picture of Zola, but he just appears on a smaller screen to the side of them.
Zola: As I was saying...
Steve: What's on this drive?
Zola: Project insight requires insight. So, I wrote an algorithm.
Natasha: What kind of algorithm?
Rebecca: What does it do?
Zola: The answer to your question is fascinating. Unfortunately, you shall be too dead to hear it.
A noise comes from behind them as a metal door closes over the only way in or out of this place, Steve throws his shield only for ito the bounce off the metal and fly back to him, Nat's device starts to beep as (Y/N) goes to the computer to try and open the door.
Natasha: Guys, we got a bogey. Short range ballistic. 30 seconds tops.
Steve: Who fired it?
Natasha: S.H.I.E.L.D
Zola: I am afraid I have been stalling, Captain. Admit it. It is better this way. We are, both of us, out of time
As (Y/N) has been trying to get the door open Venom knows there is no time.
Venom: Let me...
(Y/N) relaxes allowing Venom to take over, Venom uses his tendrils and pulls Steve, Nat and Rebecca towards him, Venom puts them down and covers them as he spreads himself into a makeshift shell to protect them all, as soon as Venom fully covered everyone, the bunker exploded and destroyed everything inside the building...
(To Be Continued)
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