Chapter 7: Demonic Distractions
(ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴍᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ • ғᴏʀᴇᴘʟᴀʏ • ᴅɪʀᴛʏ ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ • ɢᴏʀᴇ • 𝟷𝟾+)
Hinata's P.O.V
I slowly made my way to cheer practice, my bag placed on my back as I stared straight ahead, my body trembling still.
I made sure beforehand, that Kiba was sent to the nurse right away, just to be sure.
After the incident a while back.. I haven't seen Naruto since, which I'm glad for.
I smiled and walked into the gymnasium, the girls already warming up on the blue mats in the center of the room.
Ino did the moves slowly from where she stood, probably still worried about me.
I sighed at that...
Well.. here goes..
I quickly ran over to them, my stomach growling terribly but I ignored it.
I only have little time left here at school and then.. I'm free to go home and do whatever I like.
I sighed and waved my hand to get the attention of the Captain.
She stopped the music and turned to me, a very shocked expression on her face.
"Miss Hinata. What a surprise. I never thought you'd be late.. At cheer practice. What's the excuse?" She spat out making me whimper, my hands gripping my book bag tightly.
"I-I'm very sorry.. I um.."
I paused when my mind went totally blank.
I couldn't make up a lie, not this quickly. Unless she wants to hear the truth.
Which was, I had to suck off a demon to protect my Ex boyfriend.. And that, she wouldn't like or believe so..
I looked up at her again who stared down at me with an raised eyebrow "I-I went to the bathroom before, because of.. Ya know.. Lady problems." I said softly making some of the girls snicker, Ino staring at me worriedly.
Tsunade sighed and waved her hand to the locker room. "Alright, alright. Get dressed. You got off lucky.. We need you, after all." She said and winked at me making me blush, my shoulders dropping in relef.
"Thank you so much." I said with a smile and quickly ran towards the locker room across from the widely spreader gym.
I got to it in no time and opened the door, soon closing it behind me.
I blew out another sigh of relief..
Wow.. My hardwork really pays off.
I was no doubt about to get kicked off of the team. I have to do better at showing up at practices.
Even though..
I shook my head and strolled off to my locker, quickly opening it by turning the lock different ways to the correcr numbers.
A loud click soon came from it, the lock now open, granting me access insids.
I smiled and opened my locker and placed my bookbag in, taking out my duffle bag.
I looked behind me quickly to scan my surroundings, my paranoia coming back to haunt me again.
The Locker room ws completely empty, a bunch of green lockers surrounding me.
A bench was placed to my right where another rooom broke out, which was the shower room..
But we hardly go there..
I blew out a quick breath before pulling out my cheerleading outfit, quickly taking my clothes off in the process.
I carefully placed my heels in the bottom of my locker, my posture bent over a bit.
I hummed softly to myself while pulling down my dress, leaving me in only black underwear and a black bra.
I shuddered from the air blowing on my bare skin and then reached down for my duffle bag but all of a sudden, a whoosh was heard behind me making my eyes widen, my heart pumping faster immediately.
No way..
Why is he here.. right now?
I turned slowly around and indeed saw Naruto, his blue eyes shining red instantly at my pose.
He tilted his head and licked his lips at me making my eyes widen, my body frozen "You didn't think I wouldn't come back for more did you?" He asked and dug in his pocket for the bead again making me tremble, my fearful eyes trailing down to it.
"Please don't, place that thing back inside of me.. I have to cheer.. I can't possibly practice like that." I whispered out as my body stayed put before me, my butt up and out for him.
I couldn't move..
I couldn't move from this embarrassing position at all.
Oh no..
He clicked his tongue at me, his shirt completely bloody from his previous activities "No, little girl.. It'll only excite the fun. Just be still. You'll like it.. I promise." He muttered and moved my panties aside, seductively tracing his finger on my ass making me squeak out, a blush crawling on my cheeks.
"Please, don't. What do you want from me? This doesn't make any sense." I sobbed out as he then started to shove the bead back inside of me, his fingers twisting it to fit inside.
"It'll tell you in due time.. Let's just say.. I like playing with you, Hinata." He purred darkly making my body tremble, his words replaying in my mind.
He likes.. to play, with me?
Oh god.
My thoughts were interrupted when he shoved the bead deep inside of me making my eyes roll, my tongue licking at my lips in pleasure.
"Ahh, Ohh." I moaned out, the bead now bumping up against my inner walls.
Naruto grinned and then lowered himself to my ear, his long tongue licking at it making me whimper..
"Because my power, is coated.. In that bead. I can control it, anytime I want. Which means.. When you're "cheering" I can have it thrusting inside of you, nonstop. Threatening to make you cum right then.. And there... Just don't get distracted by it and you won't get embarrassed." He whispered making my eyes tear up once again, my mind and body tired of his torturing, meaningless games.
I turned back around and stared up into his red eyes with anger, teary one. "What for? What are you hoping to gain from this, this, bull shit? I whispered out harshly making his eyes widen, a disbelief smirk forming on his face.
"And to think I thought you were innocent. Nope.." He chuckled out making me growl, he completely ignoring my questions.
He always do that..
I hate him..
He then suddenly pushed my body back around making me fall back into the lockers, my lower body back up again.
His hand then immediately reached out and grabbed my panties again but instead of taking them off, he stretched them upward, against my lower area, his eyes squinted as he stared at my pleasured expression.
I kept my eyes closed and moaned loudly, my panties rubbing against my opening and clit nicely, causing pleasurable friction to arise.
"Mmm.. Please.. Please answer me. Answer me, please." I whimpered out as I held my locker tightly, my duffle bag on the ground.
He chuckled and tilted his head, once again finding amusement in pmy misery and pleads.
He then, suddenly let go of me causing me me fall helplessly down on the floor with a loud yelp following..
He chuckled down at me once more, my body lying stiffly on the floor..
"I'll tell you, everything you wanna know after school.. If, you're willing to come to my house again, Hinata. He said and grabbed my duffle bag, and placed it in my hands on the floor.
He smirked darkly and with that he vanished away, leaving me broken on the floor.
I cried into my hands, my duffle bag becoming soaked as well.
Oh no..
Why did I have to go to that stupid party?
Why did I have to meet him?
Why can't I be, happy?
None of this would've happened if I didn't even said yes to Kiba's request.
I wouldn't have known Naruto existed.
I sighed and finally stood back up, rubbing my tears away from my eyes.
I have.. to find out a way to stop Naruto.
To weaken him, at least...
Hopefully it'll work, and I'll be free..
Once, again.
A Few Minutes Later
I walked out of the locker room shakily, the bead rubbing against my inner walls as I walked.
This, isn't going to work.
But I have to do this.
I stumbled out on the mat where the other girls were sitting and sat beside Ino, who stared at me worriedly.
"What took you so long? We sat here and waited for you about 10 minutes. What's going on? Was is it, that demon boy again?" She whispered out as Tsunade continued to talk about the new stunt we have to do today.
I nodded and scooted up towards her without, causing the bead to move inside me.
"Yes.. He came to me and made it much more harder for me to perform today." I whispered and looked up at Tsunade who continued to talk.
Ino stared in shock at me but looked at my body, studying me "And that would be what? Why is he messing with you like this? What did you do?" She whispered harshly, her eyes narrowed but I only shrugged, a taken aback look on my face.
"That's the thing Ino. I didn't do a damn thing. He just wants me for his own reasons, and no matter what I do or say. I can not, escape from him." I whispered out to Ino, noticing that her eyes were widen.
I looked up and saw all the girls around me, staring back at me, my eyes widening as well.
Tsunade cleared her throat and narrowed her eyes at me "Hinata... Do you have, something to add?" She spat making me gulp, my cheeks burning bright red in embarrassment.
"N-No, Ma'am. I'm sorry." I apologized making some girls start to laugh, my embarrassment flowing through the roof.
Tsunade shook her head and raised an eyebrow, one finger poking at her cheek. "Hmm.. Let's see. I want you, Hinata.. to demonstrate, the play we're going to do. You're one of the top. Which means you can do it no problem, right?" She said making me and Ino's eyes widen, a gulp passing through both of our throats.
Oh god...
Should I just tell her... I'm not feeling good?
No.. Then I'll lose my place as best..
I have to do this..
I nodded shakily and stood up carefully, to not bring pleasure to myself.. And also embarrass myself again.
I breathed out a sigh and passed by the girls on my row, my eyes straight ahead.
All the girls stared at me intently, studying my every move.
I stood off to the side on the mat, my eyes staring towards Tsuande.
She nodded and soon started to count, the girls turning to stare at me.
I nodded and was about to move but the bead, inside of me started to thrust inside of me at a speed that made my body tremble, my eyes widening.
I stood stiff at my spot and closed my eyes, whimpers flowing out of my mouth.
Tsunade stopped counting and gasped, her worried eyes now studying me "What's the matter, Hinata? You did it before, right?" She acknowledged which sounded a little distant to me but I nodded.
"I-I'm sorry. I can do this." I whispered as I tried to tough through the feeling.
Tsuande let out a soft sigh, shaking her head in pity.. "Well, alright then..." She said and nodded her head, getting me back ready again..
Come on.. I have to do this..
Everyone's watching..
I blew out a deep breath and looked up at her, my legs trembling.
Tsunade then, started back counting again and that was my signal to do the moves.
I twirled around slowly, raising my hands and pumping them in the air, the chant I had to say in the back of my mind.
The bead wouldn't stop moving inside me, touching my womb lightly.
I clenched my thighs and bend down, raising my hands up and then down to the counting.
Ino stared at me in worry, my moves slow and off beat, Tsunade sensing something wrong..
So.. she stopped it .
"That's enough, Hinata. Whatever's wrong... I'll let you go see the school nurse. Or.. You can just sit out this practice. Just take it easy, hun." She said and nodded her head at the golden bleachers behind her.
I stopped immediately and sighed in relief, my body relaxing alreafy.
"Th-Thank you so much. I'm so sorry. I'll make it up tomorrow." I said quietly and scurried by her towards the bleachers, the girls on the mat whispering to each other about my performance.
But I couldn't care less, the bead had long now stopped and was now, motionless inside of me.
That stupid Naruto.
He makes me so mad.
The way he's trying to get under my skin and mess up everything good I have in my life is pissing me off.
I don't like it.
I sat down slowly on the bleachers and shuddered, looking up at the other girls who were now standing up one by one.
Ino stared at me and smiled faintly, signaling her hands in a texting position "Text me.. Later." She mouthed and nodded on which I nodded, now staring down in my lap.
My high slowly went down which felt exhausting to me.
It took everything to not perform like everyone else..
I hate sitting out of cheerleading practice.
Cheerleading is my life.
I sighed and relaxed myself, the bead starting back to movena bit..
But it wasn't too fast..
I looked back up at the girls and smiled, Tsunade clapping her hands to keep up the beat as they all did the dance I tried so desperately to do, their performance much better.
I smiled and looked up at the clock on the wall on the right hand side of Tsunade.
Almost time to go.
Well, almost..
Naruto's P.O.V
I sat in class with a blank stare on my face, the teacher upfront talking nonstop on what we had to do.
But.. Everything he was saying.. Didn't matter to me.
All I was concentrated on, was finding a meal.
I didn't want to be around Hinata right now.. Seeing how hungry I was.
I'll fuck around and eat her too soon.. The time will come and right now.. I'm just feeding the turkey.
I'll get her to the point she's so desirable.. Every muscle in my body will want her.. To feed on her soul.
That's what I want..
But something inside of me..
Something small is telling me to not kill her..
To hold back on eating her..
Which is odd.
I never had that happen before..
But, If I don't.. I'll just be prolonging the inevitable. One day.. I know I'll kill her..
But.. the whole situation, just feels so weird.
A loud sound of someone lips snapped me out of my thoughts, my blue eyes snapping to the sound immediately.
A teen girl who was known for being messy winked at me, passing me a small note, her desk right beside me.
She then looked straight ahead sneakily, leaving the note on my desk.
I smirked and grabbed it, opening it up revealing small writing.. Which said..
Can you meet me after class. I really want to talk to you ;)
I chuckled and closed the peice of paper closed, the girl glancing at me, a blush now staining her cheeks.
I winked at her and grabbed my pencil and started to write something back...
No.. I have a better idea. Just follow my lead, Beautiful...
After I finished writing, I shift it her way, she immediately opening it up and reading it.
She blushed innocently while reading it, nodding when she was done.
"O-Okay." She whispered out as her brown eyes stared deeply into my own, her burgundy hair placed up into a high bun, revealing more of her freckled pale face.
I smiled faintly, my hunger growing at the idea of meeting her.. Alone.
Mmm.. Seems my lunch fell right into my lap..
This must be my lucky day..
I licked my lips but then shot my hand up, the teacher stopping mid sentence and turning to me, his eyes narrowing a bit.
"Yes. Uzumaki?" He called and I cleared my throat, standing up from my seat.
Well.. Guess I'll start the plan now..
I winked down at the girl and raised my hand behind my back, snapping my fingers at the same Tim opening my mouth, to act as though I was going to talk..
But the sudden abrupt movement beside me, caught everyone's attention instead.
The girl beside me, was now vomiting, lots of it spilling nonstop out of hwr mouth and plopping on the floor.
Everyone screamed and yelled as she gagged and threw up more green liquid, my eyes cutting back at her deviously..
The teacher's eyes widen and he snapped his head up at me, my head turning towards him.. "Uzumaki. Your question can wait. Get her to the nurse, immediately. I'll call her parents." He declared and rushed to the phone at his desk.
The kids around me stared in shock as the girl threw up constantly, no end to it, her cries echoing loudly across the classroom.
The floor around her was starting to be covered in the fluid making me wrinkle my nose in disgust but I grabbed her up, snapping my fingers again making her stop, her hand coming up to wipe her mouth.
She stared in horror at me, a gulp passing through her throat.
I shook my head at her and began walking out of the classroom, kids whispering all around about the incident that just happened.
I grabbed the doorknob and pulled the door open and exited out of it.
Once I closed it back, the girl screeched in my arms making me look down at her "What?" I spat and she trembled and started to hyperventilate, fear radiating off of her weak mortal body..
"H-How, did you get me to vomit like that? I wasn't, sick.. And I didn't eat anything either." She whispered out in shock as I slowly walked.. Not to the nurse but to the bathroom..
Where I can feed from her.
I sighed and stared down at her, my eyes flashing a deep red "It's because I'm a demon and right now, Samantha. I'm going to kill you." I admitted making her eyes widen, tears slowly forming, at one.. seeing my red eyes.. And for two.. saying her name...
"Wh-What?" She whispered out on which I grinned, but vanished and stepped into the girls bathroom, setting her down.
She immediately backed up into the wall behind her, my broad body blocking the exit for her.
She curled into herself and cried "N-No. St-Stay away. Don't come any closer!" She screamed out loudly making me sigh, her petty pleads starting to get a little annoying.
I want to feed from her.. So why would I stay away?
Silly girl...
I smirked darkly, revealing my sharpened teeth to the young woman.. "Hush now. It'll only hurt a little bit but.. You, my dear are going to fuel me.. You'll make me stronger. Now hold, still." I instructed and entered into her mind, keeping her to hold still.
I exited out of her mind to peer at her as she stayed frozen on the wall, tears falling.
I smiled and vanished in front of her making her screech, her body jumping "Please.. I-I-I don't wanna die." She pleaded making me tilt my head at her, her eyes showing great fear.
She's actually.... Scared.
That's good..
That's really good..
She'll be put to really good use.
I grinned but decided to end this quickly.. To put her out of her misery.
I grabbed her shoulders tightly and pulled her forward, her cries ranging out loudly.
I ignored her and began to suck out her life source, her eyes widening and her arms falling limp beside her.
She stared at me blankly, some of herself still there while the other half..
Well.. was absorbed into me, turning into my energy, and food.
She whimpered and fell limp into my arms, her neck out in the open for me to feed from.
I usually just take my time eating..
Eating everything her little body possesses but.. I dont have time for that...
Her neck.. will have to do..
I smirked and with that, I opened my mouth and launched down onto her neck, sinking my teeth into her flesh and eating from it, blood flowing heavily down her neck, staining her clothes.
I laid my hand down on her chest and dug it in her skin, grabbing a hold of her heart.
She screamed loudly but kept still, too weak to move otherwise.
Tears flowed down her eyes at the excruciating pain she felt, her life slowly draining away from her.
I grinned and with a sharp pull, I shoved her heart out of her chest, which made her eyes roll, her body falling out of my hands and hitting the white tiled floor loudly.
I moaned and stared at the bloody heart in my hands, my eyes flashing back blue.
Wow... That was amazing..
I then, looked down at the now dead girl on the floor and soon, threw her heart back on her, licking my lips clean from her blood.
I brought my fingers to my lips and licked them clean, moaning from the taste...
Mmm.. Now that's all over with it..
I gotta get back, to Hinata..
Hinata's P.O.V
I sighed in boredom as I stared at the girls cheer, they all doing the stunts without me.
Surprisingly nothing happen.. As in the bead inside of me.
Which.. I'm thankful for.
Tsunade finally stopped the music and cheered, clapping her hands wildly "Good job girls. Today was awesome. Now, practice will start at the same time tomorrow." She informed and the girls nodded and walked towards the locker room, my eyes watching them go.
I sighed and stood up, watching as Tsunade walked over to me, a small smile on her face. "Well, Hinata. I hope you get better. We couldn't do half the stuff I wanted without you. So rest well, tonight, okay." She said and grabbed my hands, pulling me up towards her.
I smiled and nodded "I-I will, I promise. I won't let you down again." I said and she nodded, raising her hands to run it through my hair.
"Alright then, Hinata. I'll be looking forward to it." She said and with that she let me go and walked away, towards the hall where the girls locker room was, leaving me alone.
I watched her go and began to walk towards the locker room too, my eyes down casted.
I walked with a frown, my mind once again wondering.
Hopefully I can convince Naruto to get the bead out inside of me..
I really don't want to miss anothwr day of cheer practice..
But, just then, my thoughts were interrupted when my head slammed straight into a hard chest making me gasp, my walking coming to a stop.
I looked up slowly and hesitantly and saw that it was.. Naruto.
He stared down at me with light blue eyes, his shirt completely covered in blood making my heart drop.
"Hey, Beautiful. So, how was practice?" He asked mischievously while eyeing my clenched legs, my eyes straying away from him.
"I-It.. was awful. I-I, just, want to leave." I whispered out honestly and tried to walk passed him but he slid over, blocking my path for me to walk.
I frowned and bit my lip in worry, his one, right eyebrow raised up at my attitude..
"I think I can help with that. I can take you back to my place. I can make you feel better." He said and grabbed a hold of my arm making me gasp, my hair rising up at the feel of his hand on my skin.
"N-No. I thought, you said I could go after school." I said worriedly but he shook his head, smirking slyly at me.
"Well.. I changed my mind. Come on.. You know you want to. And besides.. If you come, I'll tell you everything this time. I promise. Demon's word." He said and lifted up his hand and added fire to it, his eyes turning crimson.
I gulped as I eyed the burning, raging fire in his hand, the flames not once burning him a bit.
I knew it..
He can, hold fire in his hands.
That's insane.
He's playing with me..
I gulped but lowered my head, slowly giving in "I-I'll go.. with you. If only you'll let me do what I want. I don't want to become your prisoner." I snarled out angrily making him grin, his sharp teeth exposed completely to me.
"Of course, Princess. I wouldn't expect anything less. Let's just get going then." He said excitedly and I nodded slowly but then thought back to Ino.. And my, other friends.
Oh no..
They'll be so worried...
I gulped and looked around him at the girls locker room, slowly coming up with a plan to talk with, Ino.
I looked back at the demon in front of me and smiled sheepishly, his eyebrow raising "I-I.. Uh.. Left my bag in the girls locker room.. I got to go get it." I said and quickly ran passed him, leaving him before he could say anything else.
He stared over his shoulder at me, his red eyes tracking me as I ran away "Well, make it quick. Or I'll come and get you." He shouted back making me gulp, my body running cold.. but I continued to run, running to the back of the gym and busting through the girls locker room, my feet stepping on grey tiled floor.
The girls changing looked up at me, startled but kept on doing what they were doing.
Ino spared me a glance and came running up, panting softly. 'Where have you been? You need to stay with people as much as possible. Who knows what that demon thing could be planning." She warned and I nodded, taking her advice in account.
But.. I had to make up a lie..
I have to.. for her sake..
I smiled and nodded at her, my mind thinking up for one.. "Thank you so much Ino. But, Uh.. My Father asked me for his assistance at his job. I have to leave a bit early today.." I lied, causing her to raise an eyebrow, her arms crossing over the other.
"Are you sure, Hinata? Your Father only called you out once and that, was last year." She said in worry, trying to test me, but I shook my head, waving my hand and passing her for my bag in my locker.
"Yeah. He just called me Ino. Don't worry. I'll text you when I leave." I said and she sighed but nodded, turning towards me.
"Fine. You are, with your Father. So, you'll be safe." She whispered out to reassure herself on which I nodded, my hands slowly opening my locker and grabbing my stuff out.
I then, closed it and turned back to her, casting her a small smile "I'll text you.. And call you soon. Alright?" I said and she nodded, smiling softly too.
"You better. With all that's been going on, I'll have my phone on me at all times." She said with a wink making me smile.
Of course..
Thanks Ino..
I nodded, smiling faintly "And tell the girls too.. Okay?" I added on which she nodded, placing one hand on her hip.
"Of course I will, Hinata." She commented making me smile, and with that, I walked passed her, casting her one more look before walking out and towards the exit of the gym.
I walked slowly and sadly, my eyes staring down at my feet.
Oh god..
I just lied to my best friend..
Ugh.. I wish I never have to do that..
And as on cue, a whoosh was made beside me making me glance towards my right, catching a glance of Naruto.
God.. He's starting to get really.. annoying.
He walked beside me as well, eyeing the things I held. ""Ready to go now?" He asked and I nodded, his arm coming out to scoop me up, my body held up bridal style by him now.
I cried out because of that making him chuckle.
But not a minute later, he vanished, taking me, with him..
Alright, there's that!!
A little gore, a little mature stuff..
Yeah the whole bit..
So.. I hope you enjoyed.. 💞💞
And please...
Comment and Vote!! 🖤💜🧡
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