(ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ɢᴏʀᴇ • ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏғ ᴅᴇᴘʀᴇssɪᴏɴ • sᴜᴘᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ ᴇʟᴇᴍᴇɴᴛs/ᴍᴀɢɪᴄ • ɪɴᴛᴇɴsᴇ • sᴀᴅ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ •𝟷𝟾+)
Naruto's P.O.V
A constant sound of liquid splashing was heard as I stood blankly within the great confines of my shower, back at home. My body was incredibly filthy from the previous battle I faced, with it being covered in blood, sweat and tears so...
A shower was deeply needed..
But as I stood, alone, within the large tub of water, thoughts started to come at me in all different directions, my dull blue eyes steady rooted on the white wall in front of me.
My body stood motionless as the rush of hot steaming water from the shower head hit me dead on, coating my face, chest and hair, getting it all damp.
My face was blank, void of emotion as the dirty liquids that stained my muscular body slowly slipped down, falling onto the white tub below me.
But unfortunately as I stood in the water, all the blood that rested on my body was now starting to drip down onto the floor, coating the steaming hot liquid with its murky redness.
But, I could care less.
My mind wasn't focused on my surroundings at all. I didn't care about bathing for it felt different..
Someone, was missing..
And being here in this large space in silence, constantly reminded me of that. I closed my eyes, gritting my teeth in hurt.
Oh Hinata..
My heart was completely shattered, my chest heavy as my mind kept recalling the fact that she was indeed gone, kidnapped by the very same people that took my family away, that sealed me, away.
Many things ran through my head, worrying me, frightening me as I stood in the shower, minutes after minutes passing by. But..
I didn't care..
I whimpered, a thought coming back to my mind of a little while ago. Since Hinata is indeed somewhere I am not, I frequently connect with her. I look through her eyes twenty four seven to see what those bastards are planning on doing to her.
But the things that I heard and saw, were ones that have only pissed me off, further...
I clenched my fists as I just replayed it all in my head, back to the time one of those hunters spoke to me, directly.. .
"Seems we've finally gotten your girl, brat. Heh, it wasn't hard. We only followed the trail you so stupidly left behind. And now.."
"Your little peaceful time is over. Now that we have your, so called, precious human, we'll cut her up into tiny little pieces where you'll soon follow suit. Your fate will be sealed by hers. We'll send you and your little demon friend straight down to hell, screaming. The gate to this world and your hellish world will be closed forever. And the innocent little lamb you connected yourself with will be in a place you will never reach! Hah! Serves you right-"
As I heard those words from that idiotic bastard on Hinata's end, I..
A loud, crazed chuckle slipped from my lips, cutting my thoughts short. My naked body started to rock side to side creepily, the reddish water splashing against my feet.
Ooh.. Those words are an act of war..
Such a foolish human he is to allow me the ability to see his face. But good thing he did cause now..
He's going to be the first one I slaughter...
I don't care what I have to do. I don't care how many people I have to kill. I don't even care if I'm hurt in the process.
I will, get my Hinata back...
Safe and sound..
She's mine. She's one of the people I care about deeply. She's my...
Little one..
And I won't let anything fucking happen to her.. But.. I whimpered once more.
I was supposed to protect her...
I promised her that. I promised her many things, things that made her feel safe within my arms but now....
What was the point...
I broke, my promises..
And that alone has made me severely empty inside, nothing my pain and anger taking over.
My heart was slowly withering away the longer I remained without my lover.
The girl,that tamed me. The girl that loved me, for me. The girl that didn't cower away from my monstrous side. The girl that comforts me, touches me, holds me..
Cares for me..
Since the beginning of time, I have never, ever had anyone to care for me so deeply, so unconditionally. I've never had a real lover before. So the feeling I felt was..
I grew obsessed with the feeling.. Obsessed with...
I never wanted Hinata away from my sight, away from my arms, away from my touch..
I loved her so much, I couldn't stay away... I couldn't..
My thoughts stopped dead in its tracks and with that, I crashed, like a broken toy, onto the floor of the large shower below my feet, my huge tan body buried within bloody water which let off loud splashes.
But I didn't give a damn.
My heart was broken. My anger was unwinding. And hatred..
Consumed me..
The hate that I felt for those hunters was something I've never felt before. It was..
That feeling was coursing through my veins, pumping itself into my heart and brain. It was growing stronger and stronger to the point..
I broke...
Tears like never before started to rush down my face which caused me to wail out, my body cradling itself as it sat submerged into bloody water, the salty liquid falling down my cheeks to soon join the bath water underneath me.
I cried, screamed and cursed as the emotions overwhelmed me, the longing to save Hinata too great for me to handle.
This feeling, is gonna be the death of me...
But.. I won't give up. I will try everything in my power to locate her, sense her, pinpoint her location to then, get to her...
And only then, will I have, my revenge...
Kurama's P.O.V
A sad look was posted up on my bandaged face as I stood hidden beside the bathroom door, loud manly cries heard from the inside of it.
My hand held my bandaged chest tightly as I just listened to Naruto mourn to himself, something I have never heard him do. Everything he was feeling was new to him, new to me...
Even this situation was new...
The demon hunters have seriously stepped up their game. They've planned this too well. Those bastards waited until we were all comfortable and then striked..
Konan, on the other hand, just had a stench of trouble surrounding her..
It was certainly no surprise when she revealed her true colors and tried to take out Naruto.
She was easy..
But the people we've dealt with today were sneaky beings that were hiding in the shadows, listening, watching, waiting..
And we didn't have a damn clue..
Now, Hinata's gone and their agenda is to kill her. And if they do that...
It's bye bye, to us..
There will be no other way to get ourselves back onto this plane of the world. It'll be..
We, would lose..
And we can never, let that happen...
I gritted my teeth harshly at such a dreadful thought, one that brought misery to my very soul..
I wouldn't know what to do if I was sent back to hell..
Not only will Naruto and I be trapped there forever, I will be forced to phase with him.
I will not be able to take such a form as I am now..
Everything will be different. Many of the perks we have now will be stripped away and only one thing will be forced upon us...
We'll have to torture, the damned..
And that, is a death sentence. But I shook my head quickly, trying my hardest to get rid of such thoughts.
That, will never happen...
I can't think so negatively. I have to hold my head up and do everything in my power to fix it so Naruto and I remain here..
Along with Hinata.
I smiled at that but a voice suddenly cleared their throat which snapped me out of my thoughts, my head whipping up towards the direction of the sound.
And I gulped hesitantly to find a puffy eyed Naruto standing in front of the now open bathroom door, a white, bushy towel propped over his right shoulder.
His chest was completely bare and the only thing that was on his body were black boxers, his eyes dull as he just stared at me.
I watched as he tilted his head, his eyes running over my hunched over form. "Ahh, well if it isn't Kurama. Aren't you supposed to be resting. Hm?" He asked with little emotion in his voice, his eyes blinking slowly.
I grimaced at the sight of him so depressed but I answered back anyway, a little afraid at being caught like this. But the look on Naruto's face reassured me a little..
He didn't seem like he cared at all.
I looked away and took a quick step backwards, giving the blonde demon before me more space "Y-Yeah I know. I just wanted to, check up on you. To.. see how you're doing." I responded back truthfully, soon looking back up at him to see how he took my response.
He only snorted, soon moving himself passed me to walk down the long hallway to make it back to his bedroom. "Kurama.. I think it's best if you take your mind off of childish things such as worrying for my well-being and instead, heal. You're no good to anyone injured. And besides, this talk is boring.. I have other things to do."
His words were strict, lacking amusement as he walked away without turning back, leaving me alone by the main bathroom.
I lowered my head at hearing such harsh words from him, my hand remaining pressed against my chest where bloody wounds still resided.
The bullets that were previously stuck inside of my body were all plucked out, courtesy of Naruto. But the process was very painful. I narrowed my eyes.
Very, very painful...
"Hold, very, still.."
Naruto's voice was low and serious as I laid on one single table in an empty room located inside the mansion, my tan chest bare which revealed many deadly marks which were made by the hunter's a while back.
But also, five bloody holes could be seen, all located around my chest area.
The first one, was blown into my right shoulder. Another, was positioned underneath my left pec. The third one was located around the stomach area, another a little higher than that one. And the last one, was very close, to my heart which is the one Naruto was eyeing.
His red glowing eyes were filled with seriousness, despite how drained they looked.
I frowned at that but obeyed what he previously ordered and remained still. My arms were positioned flat beside my outstretched body, lying against the long wooden table I was told to lay on.
I watched the demon above me tilt his head, his hands working forward to try to pry the first bullet out. But, as I looked at his descending limbs I noticed he didn't summon any tools..
All he had available at the moment was his long nails which were sharp and curvy at the ends, my brown eyes widening at that.
I snapped my head up at him, watching as his gaze never wavered from the hole by my heart. I gulped..
Is he really serious right now..
The way he was going about treating me was a way that was a little too..
Dangerous and highly unsafe...
There was just no way. So, I shook my head at that, narrowing my eyes upon him. "Kit.. This is not-"
"Quiet, Kurama. Let me focus, damn it." He snapped back harshly, silencing my words which could knock some sense into him, his voice bouncing off of the four walls that surrounded the two of us. I growled lowly, not liking his snappy behavior..
I know that he's hurt and there's a lot, going on in that brain of his but...
Why can't he see that I'm hurting too..
That the pain, was mutual..
I cared for Hinata as well and I equally hate those demon hunting bastards, just as much a he did.
We're in this together...
I put up a frown once more but I looked back up at Naruto again, indeed watching as his concentrated eyes laid on the first bullet hole in my chest, one of his sharp fingers moving to poke the bloody tan skin.
I winced, glaring at him. "Kit... I know you're going through a lot.. I understand that and it's okay if you're not up for- Argh!"
My words were cut short when the blonde demon before me suddenly dug his sharp nails into my skin with all of his might, quickly forcing his sharp claws through my chest.
The pain, was unbearable, seething...
His fingers forced themselves through my bloody insides to land straight towards the bullet which laid comfortably beside my beating heart, my whole entire body wiggling massively on top of the wooden table.
But a large hand held me down, gripping my right shoulder tightly while the other was buried inside of my chest, soon launching out for the circular ball of death. But I screamed in response.
"Fuck! Holy shit!" I yelped out in pain which made Naruto grit his teeth, his eyes glancing up at my face.
He frowned at the sight of the pain held in my brown orbs, his actions quickly coming to a pause, for a moment. "I'm sorry, Kurama. Just.. just hold on." He reassured shakily and instantly went back to his digging which caused me to scream out once more but louder, his claws soon gripping the bullet. And he wasn't delicate in removing it.
With the same force as he entered my flesh with, he ripped his hand out of it causing my whole body to launch forward in response, my eyes widening and my mouth dropping for an ear shattering scream to let itself forth.
-Flashback Ended-
I grimaced upon recalling that horrible memory for it only grew worse and worse. Naruto was no longer the person he once was when Hinata was here.. He's now..
He's reverting right back to the demon he once was, before, he met the beautiful teenage angel.
He didn't care about being kind to me, to anyone rather.
His main agenda was to find ways to get his Hinata back.. I lowered my head..
No matter, what it takes...
Naruto's P.O.V
A deep demonic hum circulated itself around the large, darkened room I stood in which was filled with books, my body standing in front of a large circular table.
Many candles were placed in a certain formation on top, one that made a spiral, leaving space in the center of it all. But, inside the space laid two items..
Items that belonged to my little one...
To Hinata...
My eyes were bloodshot red as I stood alone in my library while proceeding to carry out many rituals, to whence I had to first learn.
It took lots of time, lots of reading, lots of training but I have finally done what my Mother has always wanted, for me...
To be able to wield immense power with just a chant. Power that could put down anyone..
She always wanted that for me. To not only be able to unlock the dark power inside of me but to perform rituals such as the one I was doing now..
She, would be proud...
I couldn't help but smile at that thought, my eyes warming up greatly.
Oh Mother.. How I miss you..
But as soon as that thought surfaced itself into my brain, my smile fell and instead a frown replaced it. I gritted my teeth, my mind growing dark and hateful once again...
I have to get back on task..
I will not let those demon hunters take away someone else that I love.
I won't let them kill Hinata..
So with that I turned my attention back onto the many candles that stood motionless on top of the table, all fully lit which provided the extremely darkened room, light.
Time was passing on slowly, day transitioning to night but all I have been doing, all my mind was occupied on was to find ways to locate Hinata.
That's all, that matters..
So, with a deep breath I quickly began the first ritual in hopes of finding my little one, my humming constant all the while.
By it, it awoke the room with a gust of coolness, fueling my ritual.
Soon, I placed my attention onto the two items of Hinata's in the center of all the fully lit candles, my eyes taking in both of them.
One, was a hairbrush and another was a bracelet. Both were very close items to Hinata which will do nicely for this particular ritual.
So, to access Hinata's location by using this kind of dark magic, I would need something personal of hers, as in something that carries her scent. After I find such items, I then will need to..
Burn them..
But using regular fire won't work.. I will need to use something a little personal...
My.. Fire..
Once I burn the two objects with my own personal fire, my mind will soon be opened up.
I will be able to see, Hinata's side..
My mind will leave me and instead transport itself to Hinata's location, allowing me access to see her surroundings..
It'll be better, than seeing through her eyes...
I would be able to see everything. I could locate anyone around her, and the place she stood in..
The only thing that I wouldn't know is her exact location..
I will only know Hinata's surroundings and that's it.
I gritted my teeth, a little disappointed but, I quickly shook my head, my mind growing desperate.
It doesn't matter...
Anything works..
So with that, I began the ritual.
In that moment, my humming started to grow deeper, dropping several octaves, causing the air around me to turn cool and daunting, my red eyes rooted on the candles in front of me.
And with a deep breath, I slowly pulled one clawed hand towards the first item which was Hinata's brush, my fingers curving along the handle.
Once the item was in my grasp, I pulled it up slowly, to soon.. burn it.
But I didn't move on to the next step without pulling the object up to my highly keen nose to get it a sniff, instantly getting a smell of Hinata's delectable scent. I groaned, my body twitching..
My body was yearning for her, badly. It just didn't feel the same when she wasn't here and that...
Angers me..
I want her here by my side always.. I gripped the brush tighter within my hand, humming...
I will have you again, my love...
And with that, a burst of red hot fire was summoned in my free hand, ready to be used.
The hot element slowly formed itself into a ball-like shape which will easily allow me to burn the small brush.
So, while keeping my demonic humming on replay, I took my gaze over onto the fire in my left hand and I smirked, soon bringing the selected item over towards it, slowly.
Everything was quiet in the room, except for my humming and the loud crackling of the fire in my hand as I proceeded on putting the girly object over the fire to, burn it.
Immediately the flames sought out for Hinata's brush and the item quickly hopped on the process to turn into ash.
The crinkling, grew louder as I watched in satisfaction as the brush slowly deteriorated, breaking down completely from the hellish fire which was slowly making its way upward.
I groaned upon that, a low whoosh made in the room from my actions. And once I heard it, I said what I needed in a language from home, accomplishing the third step in the ritual.
After that particular step was complete, I turned my attention to the last and final object..
Hinata's bracelet..
So, discarding my fire, I pulled my hand over to grab the bracelet in the center and then threw the burning brush into the circle, another whoosh made in the room.
Now in the center, the brush continued to disintegrate, the fire continuing to eat at the defenseless object.
A dark smirk slowly made its way on my lips at the sight of my success, my hand gripping Hinata's purple bracelet tightly, in which I personally bought her.
I pulled my gaze down at it, slowly twisting it with my sharp fingers to examine it... I sighed..
She absolutely loved this bracelet...
But, desperate times, cause for desperate measures and besides.. After all of this is over, I can give Hinata anything her heart desires.
I can give her two thousand bracelets, if she wants.
I need this, to find her..
So I will do anything..
So with that, I summoned my fire again and redid what I first had done, soon throwing the burning object into the center.
Both objects were now burning and all the steps were complete, my humming increasing, louder and louder.
The air was becoming thick as ice now, my eyes closing shut so the ritual can finish out.
The only sound my ears picked up was the roaring and crackling of the fire as it slowly tore apart Hinata's objects, burning it until the brush and bracelet was no more.
And once, that happened, my body suddenly grew stiff and before I knew it, I collapsed with a thud on the floor below me, all the fire from the candles immediately, dispersing.
A low groan was made from where I laid upon green grass, my clawed hands running against it softly. But what I felt brought confusion, my eyes blinking open quickly.
My body whipped up in surprise and I took this moment to look around at my new surroundings which my mind was seeing now.
But, what I saw made me highly disappointed..
There's, nothing...
My red eyes blinked rapidly at that, both of them directed towards a grassy field ahead of me, rustling trees surrounding my sitting form. I tilted my head.
There's no way Hinata's here..
There was absolutely nothing...
No hideout..
No building..
No.. Hinata.
My mind was just, stranded in an unknown place. I cursed, my body hopping up on its feet.
Nothing but grass was held underneath me as I moved to a different position, my eyes steady looking around. I gulped..
Did I, do the ritual correctly?
I remember reading that if the ritual was performed correctly, my mind would end up in the location of the person of my choosing. That I could teleport my mind to anyone I want to and see anything that they were doing.
So why...
I looked around at the forest that surrounded me, absolutely confused at the moment. I gritted my teeth, soon bringing my feet forward to get to the bottom of this. I only have a few more minutes to take in 'Hinata's' surroundings so..
I have to get as much out of this as possible...
So with that, I begin to walk around the place, taking in the blank rustling forest, the faint path that laid here and, something else..
While taking my body forward, towards the grassy field ahead, I suddenly was stopped. For I had bumped into..
A wall..
An invisible one...
My body smacked harshly against it which made me groan. "The hell?" I whispered in confusion, slowly pulling my red glowing eyes upon the barrier in front of me, my head tilting once more..
A forcefield...
I gasped in surprise at that, my hands quickly pulling themselves up to run along the invisible barrier, a large grassland seen on the other side of it.
Harshly, my large clawed hands began to push against it from where it stood randomly in the forest.
But as I steadied pushed against it, all the invisible wall did was simply push back, keeping me out.. I smirked, chuckling at the discovery I found...
This is, the place...
Those hunters are only keeping, me out..
But no matter. With my level of strength and power...
I can get through anything..
So with that, I came up with a new plan. One that could get me through this ridiculous wall in no time.
So simply, I pulled both of my hands flat against the barrier in which the hunters placed up and began to summon a bit of my dark magic.
I plan to force my way in.
So while keeping my hands positioned by my face, I summoned an overflow of my power which attached itself onto the wall, spreading, growing, festering on it.
My eyes were closed shut all the while as my dark magic did its best to overwhelm the barrier, a grunt passing my lips in the process.
"Argh.. Come on.." I whispered, continuing with my action.
It took a while and an insane amount of power but once I got my black magic to fill up the entire wall, I gave it a push with both of my hands which officially cracked it wide open, finally allowing me to see what I came here for.
Immediately once the barrier was gone, the real building was seen which made me gasp..
The hunter's hideout was now there, visible for all to see. And my red glowing eyes soaked it all, in.
The building was a very large and tall one, one that took up an concerning amount of space in the peaceful forest around it.
On the sides, of the white old building, stood tall pillars, ones that were also large and tall.
The building's size could almost rival, the size of my home.
I growled lowly upon seeing it up close and personal like this, my body growling bloodthirsty just at the sight of it..
Two guards were seen positioned stiffly in the front gates of the hideout with huge swords that looked longer than their whole entire bodies, my eyes darkening upon that..
This, is it...
The hunter's hideaway spot.
The place where Hinata, is being held captive...
My heart was racing, itching to search inside the place for her so, I took a step forward. Many steps forward...
But I couldn't do any for I suddenly felt my vision grow extremely fuzzy and soon, all I saw, was darkness..
"Kit, kit!"
"Are you alright?"
"Hey, Naruto!"
A loud masculine voice shouted constantly over my fallen, unconscious form, slowly bringing my mind back to my body.
I groaned in response, my vision all blurry so it was hard to make out anything. My body felt so weak at the moment, I couldn't move right away. But I do remember what I saw and that, is..
Highly important..
I found the hideout that the hunters laid hidden in..
I saw the place where Hinata was..
That, has gotten me one step closer into finding her altogether..
I just have to work harder.
But first...
I finally opened my now blue eyes slowly to the fully darkened room and looked up at the worried fox man above me who steadied shook at my large body.
Kurama's eyes were a glowing red, so he could see better within the severe darkness of the library, my hooded eyes glancing up at him.
He furrowed his eyes down at me as I only laid and stared up at him, a smirk held on my face.
I watched as he blinked rapidly, my chest and neck lying comfortably across his arms, my legs now left to lay against the soft carpet, which was very comfy by the way.
Kurama gulped, giving my body another shake. "Kit, are you alright? What happened? What are you doing in here?" He asked with the same worried emotion held in his voice which honestly sounds pretty amusing to my ears, my smirk only widening.
He immediately spotted it and raised an eyebrow, eying me as if I had lost it. Which I believe I had.
In response, my hand started to slowly make its way up Kurama's shoulder as if the limb was a snake, slithering up his muscular form until it landed on the side of his cheek, cupping it in a playful manner.
I watched as his eyes flew wide open, staring down at me now with a startled look.
I only laughed crazily upon such a look directed at me, soon giving his tan cheek a caress. "Why I'm fine, Kurama. Why wouldn't I be?" But as soon as those slurred words escaped my mouth, the fox man threw me over onto the ground, leaving me to cackle and guffaw all by myself.
He stumbled away, surfacing back onto his feet in a fright, his eyes staring down at me in disbelief. "Wh-What the hell, is wrong with you?" He screeched out, keeping his red beaming eyes on my form which was creepily pulling itself up on its feet, my hands moving to grab a hold of the table for support.
But at the sound of his words, my body stiffened up, my blonde hangs covering my eyes completely.
I chuckled darkly, gripping the table even tighter, so tight, my nails stabbed themselves into the fine wood, damaging it.
"What's, wrong, with me, you ask? Hah... what's wrong, with me.." I whispered, that line over and over again as I slowly pulled myself up to a stand, my arms moving over slightly onto the table, accidently knocking down candles in my wake but...
I didn't care...
I didn't care about anything other than the words that left Kurama's mouth.
I chuckled once more, my whole entire body trembling, covering up my rage. "What's wrong with me? What the hell is wrong with me, huh? What the fuck kind of question is that, Kurama, huh?" I snapped, banging my fist on the table while I was at it, knocking over a few more dull candles.
My eyes were not directed at Kurama but at the floor which frightened the fox man even more, his eyes widened upon me.
For a while, he said nothing, only looked at me, for he was blown away by the new being I was becoming.
Madness as well as insanity is finally pulling me under.
And Kurama saw this..
Kurama saw all of this..
The orange haired male shook his head, pointing one finger towards me. "Hinata, wouldn't want this for you, Naruto. Yes she wants to be saved but not by some madman in the process-" I slammed my hand on the table again, interrupting him.
A loud growl ripped it's way out of my chest and filled up the highly darkened room, only our glowing eyes the only thing visible. "Don't speak to me about what Hinata wants. I'm, the only one doing something to save her at the moment. You're doing absolutely nothing but stepping in my way. Don't you see? I care nothing for my sanity! Hinata only matters and I won't stop until I save her!" I yelled crazily, revealing that I have completely lost my marbles but I didn't give a damn. What I said was what I meant.
Who cares..
Who cares about anything else when the person that convinced me to care is gone and in the hands of my enemy..
Kurama stood silently in his spot after my screams of nonsense, his eyes staring back at me in disbelief.
His face, held large amounts of hurt on it which was unbearable to see so, I kept my eyes away. I was not going to take back my words for, I had meant them.
Every last one of them..
Silence soon took over our conversation which helped calm my emotions down, my chest heaving from all the screaming I was just previously doing.
But Kurama, wasn't done with our conversation just yet, his body taking a step forward to grow closer, to me.
He frowned, also letting out a deep sigh. "Kit... I know, what you're going through, hurts. I know that it pains you greatly that Hinata is no longer here and that's, alright. It is alright to feel the emotions you feel, Naruto. You love the girl very much. And the girl, loves you. But I, also love you too and I can't stand to see you fall apart like this. Beating yourself up about this is never the answer. It will only pull you farther and farther away from finding and saving Hinata. You need, to clear your head. I'm only worried about you, that's all. A-And I just wanted to help you during these harsh times. I never wanted to harm you, or bring you down. I know there's work that needs to be done but.. Please, let me back in. Can I at least, help you?" He asked sincerely, pulling at my heart strings which summoned a whole team of water works, several sniffs made to keep them hidden but..
It was no use.
Many of those goddamn water droplets fell from my red animalistic eyes to stained my cheeks, trailing it to soon fall down onto the carpet below me. I was indeed hurt..
Kurama's right...
What, am I doing?
Hinata would've never wanted me like this. So unstable even reason, couldn't tame me. She never wanted that for me and neither should I...
I shouldn't like to be, this...
Kurama's right. These pain filled emotions are normal to feel. They, are a sign of the love I have for Hinata..
I have to fight, for her...
I can't let these emotions control me..
I won't. I can't let it. But.. The pain I felt at the moment was undying, ceaseless as I just thought about how deranged I've been lately. To Kurama. To myself.
To the whole world...
It was simply too much to bear. And I wailed out because of it, dropping down to my knees in a broken fit.
Kurama immediately gasped and ran to my aid, quickly moving to sit beside my crying form, one of his hands reaching out to grab a hold of my shoulder which was what I needed, all along.
Someone to be there for me...
That's, what I want..
Many tears shed down my tan face as I now sat huddled on the floor of my dark library, completely overwhelmed by sadness and guilt.
These emotions were all so new and unbearing, I couldn't take it. It felt like it was eating me alive, desperate to get out in some way.
I moved up to grab that hand that gripped my shoulder tightly, supportingly, my own hand grabbing Kurama's to comfort him as well.
Soon, I turned towards him altogether and gave him a faint smile, indeed showing him that I have seen the error in my ways and that it needs to be fixed.
I sniffed. "Kurama.. Thank you for everything. I'm so, so sorry for the way I've been treating you lately.. It's not fair. It's just, not fair.. You never wanted any of this either. And the last thing I need is to push you away. I need you. I need h-help, Kurama.." I admitted shakily while keeping my head lowered so my blonde hair could cover up my extremely hurt eyes, a small smile coming upon Kurama's face by my words.
He let out a deep sigh and sent a pat to my shoulder, reassuring me. "Oh you're alright, kit. I know you don't respond well to grief, to loss and it's okay. Some of us, don't either. But.. We will fix this. Together. We will get Hinata back, I promise." He said with a determined head nod, his words once again warming my heart.
I turned back to him slowly in response, revealing my sorrow filled red eyes once more, the doors to my heart once again opening up. And it felt..
I allowed myself to smile and trust Kurama's words. They were ones that were filled with strength, light and love. They guaranteed that we will, do everything in our power to get Hinata back and I trusted it.
We will, get Hinata back.
So with that new mindset, my smile grew larger and I gave Kurama's hand a pat, now fully, restored.
"Thank you Kurama. Thank you so much. Now, let's go save... Hinata.."
Well that's it for this chapter.
Tell me how you feel about everything that's going on.
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But anyway, I hope you enjoyed!
I'll see you next time with more juicy, sad and crazy content! 😏😢🤪
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