Special Chapter! Halloween!
Everyone was lounging around the dorms. Some people were in the kitchen while others were scattered about watching a scary movie. Some were hardly paying attention trying to come up with a plan, while others were watching the black and white film with unrivaled attention.
Ryoko and Bakugo were yelling how inaccurate and bad the movie was while everyone else shushed them. I was in the kitchen doing whatever. Kirishima padded your behind me as he looked over my shoulder. I was making various baked goods for Halloween. He smiled brightly.
"Looks good man!" He said reaching past me to grab a frosted cookie shaped like a bat. He made a bunch of noises as he ate it as I tried not to laugh. Going over I set the tray down on the coffee table and sat next to Ryoko who was on her stomach on the floor. I offered her a cookie and she took it without looking.
As she was eating her and Bakugo both shouted at the same time how that could never happen. I chuckled.
"It's just a movie Ryoko." I said as i looked down at her. She huffed and flipped to her back.
"I know but still." She said as she threw her hands up. It landed next to mine and I took it silently and rubbed circles with my thumb onto her hand.
She relaxed and smiled at me.
"We should scare them." She whispered. I tried not to smile. Grabbing my phone I sent a text to Bakugo. I watched out of the corner of my eye as he took it out and a wicked grin lit up his features. We made eye contact and nodded.
"I'll be right back guys I need to grab something from my room." I said as I stood up silently and made my way for the stairs.
Ryoko also stood up and wordlessly made her way to the bathroom. Bakugo stood up and walked towards the front door.
"Where you going Bakubro?" Kirishima called from the couch.
"To get some fresh air! I can't only handle stupidity for so long!" He called before he slammed the doors open.
Suddenly the lights flickered and went out. Some people started freaking out. Light filled the room as Todoroki activated his quirk and Momo created flashlights.
"What happened?" Tokoyami asked as he grabbed a flash light and turned it on.
"I think the power went out." Midoriya said as I grabbed a flashlight himself.
"Did we have a power outage?" Iida asked as light filled the room.
"I'm not sure. Someone could always go check." Momo suggested as she made a lantern.
"I vote Mineta!!" Mina shouted.
"What! Why me?!" The grape protested.
"All in favor!!" Mina yelled as she raised her hand along with everyone else in the class. Mineta sighed in defeat as he grabbed a flashlight and walked towards the door.
"Wait what about Ryoko, Gogeta, and Bakugo?" Ojiro said suddenly.
"Well Bakugo was outside to begin with so it wouldn't really have made a difference. Ryoko has a fire quirk so she should be out soon. I really don't think Gogeta will have problems." Midoriya reasoned as he counted the people in the room. They heard a girly scream come from outside. Then silence.
"What was that?" Hagakure asked.
"I think it was Mineta. He probably saw a spider or something." Sero suggested waving his hand dismissively. A few seconds the grape came in with his clothes torn, flashlight gone, and a few bruises.
"Mineta what happened?" Sero asked as the grape came shaking over.
"T-t-there was a h-huge h-hulking thing! It grabbed me! I couldn't see it! It was an animal, growling and snarling! I think it was a werewolf, it tore my clothes." The class listened in silence before they started laughing.
"It's true! It even cut the wall behind me!" He protested.
Suddenly they heard a noise from the bathroom. Followed by yells, an explosion, and a thump. They all froze. They all made their way over there.
By the laundry was Ryoko. Her eyes dead. Her chest not moving, scratches and blood was on the floor and on her body. Ash was on the walls. Her leg was underneath her like she fell backwards.
"I-is she dead?" Aoyama asked breaking the silence.
"Gogeta won't be happy about that." Kirishima whispered to himself.
"Someone check!" Mineta suggested from the back. Iida walked forward to check her pulse.
"It's very very faint." He said as he stood up. Momo started making bandages and medical supplies for Ryoko.
As Midoriya was wrapping her up and treating her the best he could they discussed what could've overwhelmed Ryoko in such a manner.
"Was it a villain?" Sero asked.
"How did they get in though?" Kaminari asked as he laid down on the floor. Meanwhile Todoroki was cleaning up the blood.
"Perhaps it was more than one. Or it could be another class trying to prank us." He suggested as he finished.
"But if it was a prank why did they hurt her so bad? Not to mention Mineta. But Ryoko's likable so it doesn't make sense." Momo questioned Todoroki. He simply shrugged. His emotions not changing in the slightest since the beginning.
"Just throwing out ideas." He said as he sat down on the couch.
"Where's Bakugo and Gogeta? You'd think they'd be in here by now." Kaminari said as he stared up at the ceiling.
"I didn't see Bakugo when I was outside." Mineta said as he sat in a chair staring at the coffee table.
Then upstairs they heard a commotion. Lots of bangs, thuds, grunts, and then the sound of shattering glass. Then the sound of something hitting the ground outside.
Everyone exchanged glances before Kirishima, Todoroki, Midoriya, Mina, and Momo all ran up and outside to check what it was. When they got out there they found, well me.
I had deep cuts running across my chest. A piece of glass in my leg. My clothes torn to shreds, and maybe a couple broken bones. I had just made it to my knees when they came out. Blood was all over the grass and I spit out a bunch.
"Hey guys." I said weakly as I managed to sit down and winced from pain.
"Oh my god!" Mina yelled as they all ran over.
"Ahh don't worry I've dealt with worse." I said as I tried to wave them off but to no avail.
"Who did this to you?" Kirishima asked as he watched from behind.
"I'm not really sure. I couldn't see anything. I just sensed someone before they attacked me and the next thing I knew I fell out of the window and had just managed to slow my decent enough so I wouldn't seriously hurt myself." I answered and winced as Momo applied some ointment.
Man acting is hard.
They helped me stand up and carried/lead me to the commons. When we walked in everyone who was in there gasped at my state. I smiled at them and they set me down next to an injured Ryoko.
I stared at her silently as something filtered across my eyes.
"What happened?" I asked silently just enough so they could hear me.
"We don't know. We found her in the bathroom with some bad cuts on her." Kaminari said from the floor. I simply nodded and said no more.
Parting my lips silently I whispered so silently, that no one in the room could hear me.
"It's going as planned." I said. I saw the flicker of an eye lid as response and I winced. I pulled out the glass shard. My whole class screamed as they watched me pull out a 4 inch piece of glass out of my leg.
"Bandages! Bandages!" Hagakure yelled as bandages were flung at me as blood began squirting out. I wrapped it silently.
"Why would you pull it out?!" Kirishima asked with a mix of horror and fascination.
"I didn't exactly want a shard of glass stuck in my leg." I answered as I finished wrapping it. I set the shard next to Ryoko as I leaned back into the couch.
Suddenly Ryoko opened her eyes, but they were white. She grabbed the shard and lunged at my classmates while I rolled off of the couch then under it. While my classmates screamed and ran from the deranged girl with a shard of glass, someone else walked in.
His face was covered with a black and white mask that had blood splattered on it. Long claws protruded from his fingers. Grenades were on his belt. He wore a trench coat and black cargo pants. He walked towards my class silently. Except they couldn't freeze with Ryoko chasing them.
With a wave of his hand she stopped and stood stalk still. My classmates watched horrified as he came closer. With another wave the lights came back on. The mysterious man reeled back his hand like he was about to attack my classmates. People started screaming. The lights went off for a second. I crawled out and over to the man. Quickly I pulled on the trench coat and I was already wearing black cargo pants. I grabbed the claws and put on the mask. He quickly disappeared into the kitchen. Then the lights came back on.
They saw horrified that the man had grown and looked even more terrifying.
This is so funny.
I smiled to myself under the mask. Then I waved my hand and a commotion came from the kitchen as pits banged together. Bakugo walked out, his eyes grey, clothes torn, blood on his clothes. He held a knife in hand. He wordlessly walked towards my classmates. Ryoko did the same. They were cornered.
"It looks like this is it guys!" Mina cried as I stalked closer and raised up my hand. I thrusted downwards towards the class before I started laughing. They all froze as they watched this mystery villain break down laughing. Then Bakugo and Ryoko started laughing. My class watched in horror and fascinating as I collapsed to the ground laughing.
With a chuckled I stood up and removed the mask. They all gasped then started yelling at us while I laughed again.
After they calmed down, Ryoko, Bakugo, and I sat them down to explain. We stood infront of the TV.
"Ok so whose idea was this?" Iida asked as he stood behind our classmates. I raised my hand and smirked.
"Guilty as charged." I said smirking. They all looked flabbergasted.
"Ok so how did you plan all of this?" Momo asked as she sat up straight on the couch.
I scratched my cheek.
"We didn't. When we were watching the movie right before I got up and left to go upstairs I thought it would be fun if we scared you. I told Ryoko first and then I texted Bakugo. So I went upstairs. Ryoko into the bathroom. And Bakugo outside. Bakugo cut the power after about a minute. In that time I gave him the fake claws, mask, and trench coat so when someone came outside to check they saw him and assumed it was a villain." I said as I gestured to the stuff.
"But where did you get it?" Kirishima asked. Disbelief written on his face.
"That's a bit of a longer story but it was in my closet. I jumped out my window and ran and gave it to him. Next was Ryoko's incident. That was all fake blood and cuts, they weren't even real. She did cause the explosion and the ash on the floor though." I explained like this was something typical that happened. They looked at me like I was crazy.
"Ok but where did she get the blood from? And how did she create the wounds?" Asui asked as she tilded her head to the side. Ryoko smiled.
"I used makeup. You'd be surprised. As for the fake blood that was simple. Gogeta threw some in through the small window in the laundry room." She explained as she rocked back and forth on her heels.
"How did you lower your pulse?" Iida asked as his hand shot straight up.
"That. Oh that's easy. I can just do that. It takes some practice but it's possible." Ryoko said.
"Then after that I was upstairs. I caused all the commotion as I did a fake fight with an invisible opponent. I then jumped out the window. That glass shard really did get stuck though. As for the cuts and gashes. Those are minor at best but with some fake blood and makeup they look really deep." I explained.
"When you guys took me in Ryoko was awake and was aware of everything. I removed the shard to give her a weapon while Bakugo waited outside." I said as I jabbed my thumb at the shard.
"But what about their eyes?" Mina said pointing at her eyes.
"Eye contacts!" Ryoko exclaimed as she held up a case. "I have a bunch." She said as she put them back in her pocket.
"But when Bakugo heard you guys screaming he came in. I rolled under the couch when Ryoko was attacking you guys so my disappearance went unnoticed. When the lights went out Bakugo and I simply switched clothing and he went into the kitchen and put the contacts in and grabbed the knife." I explained.
"You guys should've seen your fucking faces! It was priceless!" Bakugo said chiming in.
"Wait so where was Bakugo this whole time?" Mina asked.
"I was outside in the shadows so I could watch you guys but not be seen. Fucking retards!" He said smirking.
"Best Halloween ever!!" Ryoko cheered as she walked over and took a cookie.
My class sweat dropped but deep down it was the most fun, and scariest time they've ever had.
2327 words!!! Happy Halloween everyone! Hope you liked the special chapter!! Don't get a stomach ache!!!
I think I'm gonna have Broly make an appearance in the next chapter. Does that sound good?!
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