Chapter 8 Sports Festival! (Part 2)

At the end of the 15 minutes my whole class minus Midoriya was in a box reserved for our class to watch the battles.

Midoriya vs Shinso. The start of the battle was interesting. Shinso a kid with purple hair and big bags under his eyes was shouting insults at Midoriya. While Midoriya stood there not moving. At an insult aimed at Ojiro Midoriya ran forward and told him not to disrespect him. Midoriya then stopped. Shinso ordered him to walk out of bounds. Mind control huh. Just before he did so two of his fingers broke, snapping him out of the mind control. Midoriya fought hand to hand combat and threw Shinso over his shoulder and out of bounds.

Todoroki vs Sero was over in seconds. Sero shot tape and captured Todoroki and attempted to throw him out of bounds, but before he could Todoroki froze the tape stopped himself and created a huge iceberg that went out of the stadium. In other words it was huge.
"Geez!" I said our vision was almost completely blocked off by the ice. My classmates were shivering. "How are you guys so cold?" I asked looking at them. Bakugo tched and retorted he wasn't cold. While everyone else sweat dropped.
"Y-your n-not?" Tokoyami asked. His teeth chattering as he spoke.
"I was trained to survive extreme conditions. This is nothing." I told them, as stoic as ever. Mina came up and clinged to my arm.
"Woah!!!! He's so warm!!!" She said, throwing her arms around my neck. Kirishima jumped up after her and hugged my other side. Suddenly all of my classmates were surrounding me. We were in a big huddle with me at the center. I stood there unfazed but slightly nervous from all the attention. Everyone sighed in contentment at the warmth I gave off. When the ice was finally gone my classmates let go of me and went back to their seats. Well Bakugo never moved and he had been chattering the whole time.
"Thanks Gogeta!!" Mina called.
"Who knew he'd be so warm!" Uraraka said hugging herself.
"You good there Bakubro? You didn't even join the huddle." Kirishima said as he took his seat down next to me.
"S-Shut it shitty hair!" He yelled. His teeth chattered together. He was still cold. I sighed. I reached over Kirishima and put my hand on Bakugo I then transferred some of my heat to him. He stopped shivering.
"What the hell?!?!" He said as I took my hand away.
"I can transfer my body heat." I said. He looked completely dumbfounded and I tried not to laugh and failed.

Ilda vs Mei. Mei basically used Ilda to show off her inventions to all the big companies. She walked off on her own after she was done declaring Ilda as the winner. I left halfway through the fight to go to the waiting room because my fight was up next. I sat there silently waiting to be called. I looked at my hand. Big, tan, calloused. With still healing scabs on the knuckles. I squeezed it shut. This whole time I've been trying to keep my battle lust under control but it was slowly getting free with the excitement of fighting myself. I took a deep breath. If my classmates did see me out of control and at full strength they'd think I'm a monster. A freak of nature who has no business being at their school. I tried to calm myself down, because I knew if that happened, I'd end up like Broly. Treated as a threat and kept locked up, even if I'm innocent.
"Gogeta and Kaminari to the stage." A voice said over the intercoms, snapping me out of my thoughts. I stood up and walked out.
The sounds of my shoes hit the concrete floor as I made my way to the fighting stage. A short walk later I walked out of the tunnel onto the grass. Sunlight invaded my senses. I brought a hand up to my face to shield my eyes. Cheers from the stadium went up around me as I made my way to the stage. Just like the world Martial arts tournament. I smiled to myself, thinking of all the stories my dad told me. I walked up a few stairs before I came to level ground. Kaminari walked up the stairs on the other side. I looked extremely bored and had my hands in my pockets. I stared at him. He seemed nervous but confident. I could already tell what his plan was.
"UP NEXT WE HAVE THE POWERHOUSE OF CLASS 1-A SON GOGETA!!!!! VERSUS CLASS 1-A'S ELECTRICITY USER!!! DENKI KAMINARI!!!!!! AND START!!!!" As soon as he said go I left an afterimage where I had been standing. Kaminari attempted to attack my afterimage with 1.3 million bolts of lightning only for it to go straight through it.
"WHATS THIS!!! Kaminari's attack went straight through Gogeta!!!" I appeared behind Kaminari, who was now dumb and karate chopped him in the neck. One hand still in my pocket. Knocking him out. I grabbed his collar before he face planted.
"G-GOGETA WINS WITH A STUNNING SHOW OF STRENGTH AND SPEED!!! HE BARELY DID ANYTHING!!!" I raised my fist to the air as I walked off dragging Kaminari behind me. The crowd cheering even louder than before. I deposited him with the robots. I walked out of the sunlight into the coolness of the tunnel.
Tap Tap
Tap Tap
Tap Tap
As I was walking back I sensed someone in the hallway, and as if to confirm my suspicions my lonely footsteps were no longer by themselves. I stopped and so did the person.
"Got something to say or are you just gonna stare at me." I said as I turned around. "Dad." I smiled as I walked over to him. He gave me a cheeky smile and held up his fist. I hit it with mine.
"Nice job son! Reminds me of how I beat King Chappa the second time around!"
"That's what I was going for!" I said laughing and smiled at him.
"So... How is it?" His face turned serious from the cheeriness it showed before. Knowing what he was referring to I answered.
"Under control for now. But it'll probably get worse as the fights go on." He nodded.
"Just tell me if it's getting out of control. I'm here to help you. Remember that." I nodded my head.
"How could I forget." I gave him a hug and waved goodbye as I ran off towards the direction of my class's box. As I entered I was swarmed with comments.
"That was so cool!!!"
"How did you do that?!?!"
"It was so fast!!!"
"I thought your strength was supposed to be inhibited?!"
"Even if my strength was inhibited doesn't change the fact that I have experience. And lots of it. Someone could be stronger than me, but I could beat them simply because I have more experience and more skill." I answered as I sat down next to Kirishima.
"So even if I was weaker than all of you, I could still most likely beat you because of my experience and skill. It's as simple as that." My classmates fell silent. Knowing I was right. They never knew I had this side. This brilliant side. This experienced side. They wondered what I had gone through to be this experienced in battle since what they've seen of my fighting was flawless.

Up next was Mina vs Aoyama. Since Aoyama couldn't shoot his bellybutton laser for long, and Mina was agile, Mina won fairly quickly. She hit his laser with her acid and uppercut him in the chin.

Momo vs Tokoyami. Momo made shields to fend Dark Shadow off. And while she was trying to think of a strategy she didn't realize that everytime dark shadow hit her shields she was pushed towards the out of bounds. Which was eventually how she lost.

Tetsutetsu vs Kirishima. Since their quirks were so similar it ended up a tie when both of them collapsed from exhaustion. They continuously traded blows til they couldn't. The winner would be decided after Bakugo vs Uraraka by the means of an arm wrestle.

Bakugo vs Uraraka. This was probably one of the best fights I've seen so far at the festival. Uraraka kept Bakugo on the defensive. She stuck low to the ground, and each time Bakugo would blow her away, only for her to rush back again from a different angle. Most of my classmates thought it was brutal and couldn't watch. I could tell most of the crowd thought that too. She was obviously trying to touch Bakugo, but I noticed immediately what she was doing. And it was smart, I have to give her credit for that. At one point she tricked Bakugo by using her jacket. Bakugo still got her though. Eventually a c-lister pro hero from the crowd stood up and told them to stop the fight as Bakugo was simply bullying Uraraka. My eyebrow twitched from his stupidity. Luckily Aizawa shut him up.
"If the person that said that is a pro hero, I suggest you hang up your cape, as you obviously can't see that Bakugo is respecting Uraraka. And she's no frail girl either. She's fighting tooth and nail and the fact that you can't tell what she's been doing is sad. Which is why I advise you to look up." Immediately everyone's heads shot up to the sky. Where hundreds of debris floated. Bakugo looked surprised.
"Thank you Bakugo. For giving me a chance. And for giving me the distraction I needed." Uraraka presses her fingers together. Releasing the debris, which came raining down at high speeds straight towards Bakugo. While Bakugo was distracted by the debris, Uraraka came rushing in to try to touch him. He raised a hand up to the sky and crouched down. He then gripped his wrist with his other hand. And let off an explosion of massive proportions. Bigger than the one he released from his gauntlets. He destroyed all the debris and blew Uraraka back in the process. The resulting wind pressure hit everyone. She collapsed from exhaustion. When Bakugo came up everyone was giving him crap.
"Guys stop. If you can't see that he was respecting Uraraka then have an actual reason for how he was being unfair. I saw no reason. I give her credit. Her plan was brilliant and Bakugo respects that." I spoke up getting as annoyed as Bakugo.
"Exactly!! And she ain't frail in anyway!" He said as he sat down on my right side.

Kirishima beat Tetsutetsu in the arm wrestle. They became friends after that. As he came up Kaminari told him good job.
"Hey thanks man. Looks like I take down Bakugo next." He said smiling. Bakugo unfazed with a scowl on his face told him
"I'll kill you."

Midoriya vs Todoroki. Ugh. Where to begin. Todoroki shot ice after ice and Midoriya broke it all, along with his fingers. All at least twice. They talked for awhile. Well more like Midoriya yelling at Todoroki that his fire side was his quirk and not his father's. Todoroki then lit up with fire. They went in for one final clash. Midoriya rushing at Todoroki. Cementose creating huge cement walls between them. Midnight releasing her quirk. Todoroki shot ice first which Midoriya sailed over then they both shot their quirks forward at the same time. The result ended up breaking the cement walls and blowing them apart into blocks. The wind pressure was extreme. Everyone tried to stay in their seats. Well except me. Once the dust cleared it was revealed that Todoroki managed to stay in bounds with an ice wall behind him. While Midoriya was all the way at the wall.

I went to the waiting room since they had to fix the stage. I sat there thinking.
I'm faster than Ilda. He'll probably try to run me out of bounds and would probably try to avoid causing me injury. If he were to try to attempt to attack me, which he probably won't do since I'm a pro, he'll do all kicks and no punching based on his quirk.
I smiled. I stretched as I waited to be called to the stage. The hallways dead. Echoing the sound of my footsteps. I entered the tuneless and could see the blinding light on the other side. Once again as I walked out cheers arose. I walked up the steps to see Ilda already waiting. I smiled.
"I'm guessing you've already thought of how this will go down." I said as I got into a defensive stance.
"Yes but regardless, I will still try my best." Ilda said as he crouched.
"That's all I can ask for." I said.
"WE HAVE CLASS 1-A'S SPEEDSTER TENYA ILDA!!!! ONE THE OTHER SIDE WE HAVE THE FIGHTER, THE POWERHOUSE THAT IS CLASS 1-A'S SON GOGETA!!!" Midnight and Present Mic said go. Ilda and I launched forward at the same time. I listened to his breathing. He reached his hand forward. I went right under it, his arm now next to my head. His eyes widened as he tried to kick me instead. I launched over him and did a backflip before kneeing him twice in the head then kicking him away doing another backflip in the process. He was knocked out cold. I turned around raised my fist to the air before walking off again.
'How is it?' My father's voice asked in my head.
'Under control for now.' I told him.
'Alright. You know where to find me if it gets out of control!' His presence then left my mind. I sighed as I walked back to the box.
"Dude! That was insane!! How are you such a good fighter!!"
"You haven't even used any of your energy beams yet."
"Those moves were insane!"
I made eye contact with Uraraka. I gave her a nod, acknowledging her skills. She seemed to get what I was getting at. She blushed and nodded her head back. I gave her a smile. I sat down between Bakugo and Kirishima.
"Dude! You've gotta teach me some of your moves!!! Your such a good fighter!!! I don't even know martial arts." Kirishima put his head in his hand and pouted a bit. I laughed.
"Sure man. I'll help you with anything. Martial arts could be crucial for you given your quirk. Just ask."
"Ok. How are you so good with the girls?" He smirked at me. I gave him a puzzled look.
"I don't see what that has to do with martial arts but I don't know. I just am." I answered unsurely. He chuckled.
"Cmon even I know this answer." I shrugged. He looked amazed. "You really don't know? Wow! How dense are you?"
"Pretty dense." I answered smiling at him.
He shook his head and smiled back. His tooth grin seeming to let off its own sunlight.
Is this man fucking human?
What a bright man! Be happy I made this God of sunshine your friend!
Shut up author! Quit interrupting the story!
Your the one waisting time arguing with me!
Arrrrgggg!!!! Be quiet!
Just admit that you hate when I'm right!
How can I when that never happens.
Rude!!! That's it no love interest for you! You'll just be lonely your whole story!
No no! Fine! I hate it when your right. Happy?
"I'll leave you hanging then."
"Oh cmon! I've been sheltered my whole life! You think I know how to read people!?"
"Yes. Dude you literally read us all the time. I can tell. Your eyes dart about a person and you can tell me something about them that I never knew. But you don't know why the girls are fond of you?" I shrugged again.
"That's different."
"It's because they think your hot idiot." Bakugo said from my right side. I blinked a couple times. He hadn't moved since I was last here. He was leaning on his legs with his elbows and was scowling.
"Aww your no fun Bakubro."
"Shut it shitty hair! I was tired of hearing this idiot try to figure it out!" I laughed as Kirishima pouted some more.
"I'm smarter than you or have you forgotten." I said snidely. An irk appeared on his forehead.
"AT LEAST IM NOT IGNORANT!!" He yelled at me.
"True. But at least I don't have anger issues."
"That you have anger issues." I deadpanned.
"Says the one who's yelling." I said smirking.
"SHUT IT!!!"
"Make me." I said leaning closer to him. A challenge lighting up in my eyes.
During this exchange I completely missed Mina vs Tokoyami. All I know is Tokoyami won.

Kirishima vs Bakugo. Bakugo let explosion after explosion off at Kirishima but Kirishima stayed strong. It seemed like Bakugo would tire out first. But then Kirishima took damage from Bakugo. Soon Bakugo was over powering Kirishima. With one last explosion and a die Kirishima collapsed. Knocked out.

Me vs Todoroki. I walked down directly to the stage. Todoroki stood across from me.
"WE HAVE CLASS 1-A'S DOUBLE QUIRK USER SHOTO TODOROKI!!!! AND WE HAVE SON GOGETA!!!! THE MYSTERY BOY FROM CLASS 1-A!!!!!" Todoroki was as cold as ever. I smiled at him.
"Why are you always so cold Todoroki? I mean sure you've been through a lot, but is that an excuse to be cold to everyone you come across. Take me for example. Sheltered my whole life. And put through battles no kid should go through. But here I am. Happy and positive. What happened for you to be so cold? For you to have no hope? For you to be filled with resentment and hate for one man? If you keep that hate, you'll tear yourself apart. I've seen it first hand. You've gotta get over it Todoroki, before it's to late." As I talked I rushed him. Flying close to the ground. He shot ice after ice at me. I dodged and blew some apart with punches. I appeared behind him and punched him in the back as I continued talking.
"That's none of your business!" He said as he regained his balance.
"Oh but I think it is. After all. A hero doesn't only save someone physically but mentally as well. We are training to be heroes." He shot more ice at me. I charged ki blasts in my hands and threw them forward. They hit the ice and exploded. Dark blue flames on the ground. Black smoke. I walked through both. Unscathed.
"Show me that fire Todoroki. Prove to your father you aren't him by using his quirk in your own way. It's yours after all. Make it yours!" I charged forward in a sudden burst of speed. I grabbed both of his hands.
"Show me your strength!" I then head butted him hard. He went flying backwards. He stopped himself with an ice wall. He looked up. Frost covering his body.
"Be your own person!" I charged up to more dark blue ki blasts. These ones larger than the last ones. They blocked my hands from view. Todoroki lit up his fire side once again. He shot ice towards me. I dodged. The ki blasts still in hand. His fire shot forwards in a blast. I had been up in the air. Flying at him at an angle. I slid past the blast. Almost riding along it. I flipped over him and turned around. I launched one ki blast then the other. They exploded on impact. Once the dust cleared Todoroki was knocked out. Cheers filled the stadium. I walked over and slung one of Todoroki's arms across my shoulders. I brought him to the infirmary.
"Hello! I don't think I've seen you here yet." A short, gray haired woman said as I walked in. I chuckled.
"That's because I don't get hurt easily."
"Which makes my job easier! Set him down over here please." I put Todoroki down on the bed.
"Hmm. You seem to know what your doing. Minimal damage was done to him while still knocking him out. You sir have excellent control of your powers." She said as she inspected Todoroki.
"That's the idea anyway." I rubbed the back of my neck.
"Oh don't worry dear. I know all about you. It's a wonder how strong you are." She said. After she was done inspecting Todoroki she gave him a kiss. His minor injuries healing immediately. I chuckled nervously.
"Hopefully I'll never have to see you at the infirmary. We'd all be in trouble then." She said as she turned to me.
"That will probably only happen if I can't get these weights off." I lied. I still have a few trump cards up my sleeve after all.
"Yes I know." She waved me out of the room. Telling me she needed to get some work done. By the time I got out of there Bakugo had already won against Tokoyami. Which wasn't hard to see since Dark shadows weakness was light. We were given 15 minutes before the battle would start. I got to the waiting room and stretched.

A few minutes later I walked out. The sun was beginning to set. But light still poured into the stadiums The sound of the crowd was defining.
I walked up the steps.Fire went up from all four corners. Illuminating our faces. Bakugo was scowling. I was neutral. No emotion on my face. A blank stare. Blank eyes. Just blank.
"And BEGIN!!!!"
Bakugo took off for me. He launched his right hand forward. I redirected his attack to the side of my head. An explosion went off behind me. Blowing my hair forward. Then punched him in the stomach. He stopped himself with an explosion before he flew back at me. He launched an explosion in front of me. He went over the top. He launched an explosion at my back. I dropped to the ground and rolled until I was under him. The back of my shirt was burned and had small holes. He looked down. With my hands next to my head I pushed myself upwards and kicked him in the stomach. I landed on my feet. I got in my father's fighting stance. Bakugo landed a couple feet away. Holding his stomach.
"Oi! Your holding back!" He crouched down. His hands glowing red. This time I went after him. Appearing in multiple places. My moves unpredictable as I went from one spot to the next. He tried to follow my movements but eventually lost me. Leaving his legs exposed. I attacked him from behind. Kicking him in the back. Upside down in the air I charged a dark blue ki blast and launched it at him. It hit him in the back. He went flying forward. He grunted stopping himself. He turned to face me. He was still scowling. He launched himself into the air. He then started spinning and using explosions to propel himself.
"HOWITZER IMPACT!!!!" He then launched a massive explosion at me. Just as it hit me I teleported to above the stadium. I was panting.
That had some kick to it. My uniform is in tatters.
I tore off the remainder of my shirt which had been blown to bits. No one knew where I was. While Bakugo was looking for me I teleported in front of him.
"Boo!!" I exclaimed before I punched him 9 times and then kicked him in the stomach. He went flying out of bounds. But I had been moving to quickly for anyone to catch my movements.
"GOGETA WINS THE FESTIVAL!!!!" Suddenly the stadium was in uproar. I stood there for a bit. My face and upper body on the big screens. I smiled widely. I could hear screams. Probably from the fact I was shirtless. I walked over and picked Bakugo up and walked him to the infirmary.

We rose up from the floor on podiums. Me in the middle on the highest. Bakugo to my right second highest, and Todoroki and Tokoyami to my left, the lowest. I still didn't have a shirt on.
"I AM HERE!!!!" Midnight and All Might said at the same time.
"You spoke over me."
All Might presented us with the medals. Bakugo was a bit mad though.
"I DONT WANT THAT TRASH!!" He yelled as All Might tried to give him the medal. He was chained at the moment. He had been yelling ever since he woke up.
"Think of it as a wound!" All Might exclaimed as he tried to give it to Bakugo again. He thrashed around wildly. "Just... there!" He managed to get it stuck in Bakugo's mouth. I bursted out laughing. He got even madder.
"Good job young Gogeta! I expected nothing less from you! Quite the display of your prowess!" All Might said to me as he gave me my medal. I smiled at him.
"Thank you."
"ALL RIGHT ALL TOGETHER NOW... GOOD JOB!!!!" All Might yelled.
"PLUS ULTRA!!!" The crowd yelled.
"All Might you were supposed to say Plus Ultra!" Midnight whisper yelled.
"Sorry I just thought they did such a good job!" He then shot out of the stadium. I sighed. I jumped off the podium.
'Come see me when you have the time! I'll be waiting!' My father called. I smiled to myself. I walked to the locker room alone. When I got there some kids were getting their things. I waved to them before grabbing my bag. I walked out as soon as I closed the door I sensed Todoroki coming. Turning around there he was, standing in front of me. I gave him a smile.
"Why'd you do it?" He asked. His normal cold demeanor was replaced with curiosity.
"You'll have to be more specific. I do lots of things." I said as I started walking. He followed next to me.
"Why did you help me? Encourage me to use my fire? I don't understand why someone like you would help me." I turned to look at him. Before I could see hatred and resentment in his dual colored eyes. Now they were softer.
"Why wouldn't I help you is the better question. We're all human. We're aspiring to become heroes. That means helping people if I'm correct. And as I saw it you were a person in need. A hurt lost teenager, drowning in his own hate and resentment who needed a hand. Believe it or not, everyone needs help. No matter who they are, or where they come from, everyone needs help. And I saw a lot of my younger self in you. So I can recognize someone drowning in hatred. Take it from me, get rid of it. It won't do you any good." He stopped but I kept going. I waved goodbye to him over my shoulder. I was satisfied knowing I help a classmate out. I locked onto my dads ki and teleported to him. He was sitting on the edge of the roof of the stadium. Over looking the stage. One leg was dangling over the edge while the other was tucked up by his chest. He was facing the sun. It slowly set over the horizon. Painting the sky warm colors. The few clouds in the sky moved across lazily. Goku turned and smiled at me as I sat down next to him.
"Nice view." I felt the warm sunlight on my face. I let out a content sigh and closed my eyes.
"I know right! Nice job by the way. You executed those battles perfectly and your ki control was excellent! I'm proud of you." I turned in surprise. To look at him. He had a soft smile on his face. He pulled me into a hug. "I know I haven't always been there for you. Which is why I'm trying my best now. You can always talk to me. I love hearing from you. It makes my day. Please tell me how things are going alright. I know I'm not the smartest but I can still help with things. I love you." My eyes started watering as I clutched the back of his gi. I cried into his shirt. It was the opposite of my fears. In a way it lifted a weight off of my shoulders I didn't know that was there. I knew my fear wasn't gone yet. No fear can ever really disappear. New fears replace old ones or add to the list. Just like how kids are scared of the dark when they grow up they'll no longer be afraid of the dark but what can happen in the dark. I knew this fear would never go away. I'd always be trying to please my father. Whether he wants me to or not. I just don't need more disappointment in my life. Which might just be my real fear but you never really know what your truly afraid of. I've come to know this well.

A.N. 4933 words! The longest one yet! I'll probably never top this one again in terms of words. Hope you guys like it! Tell me if you have any suggestions!

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