Chapter 8 Sports Festival! (Part 1)

Two weeks later I arrived at the arena where the festival would take place. I found Aizawa quickly. He and Present Mic were in the announcing booth. I ran through the empty halls. My footsteps the only sound as it reverberated off the walls. How Present Mic convinced him to announce I don't know. After I finally reached the right door I opened it. Aizawa and Present Mic were seated. A control panel full of switches and buttons in front of them. I felt an urge to go and hit every control but I contained myself. I could see the crowd through the window that they were facing. Aizawa turned around. Anyways I told him he needed to increase the weight. He pulled out the remote and pressed a few buttons before I felt some of my strength disappear. I smiled at him.
"Don't need you destroying the whole stadium."
"You make it sound like I'm a monster." I sweat dropped. After bidding goodbye to them I ran through the halls, the eco of footsteps surrounding me. I sensed my classmates and headed that direction. I arrived at the locker room for class 1-A and walked in. I said hi to people as I put my bag and the case away in a locker. I sat down on a bench cross legged to think.
Putting these weights on and off again is getting annoying. Maybe I should make ones where you can change the weight remotely. Yeah yeah! Then I won't have to get new ones and I won't have to take them off all the time. Perfect! I'm just to smart sometimes.
Satisfied I smiled and stood up.
"Why are you so happy?" Kirishima asked as he came over with a smile on his face.
"I just had a good idea." I said smiling.
"My weights." He nodded his head.

Soon we were all out on the field waiting for it to begin. The sun beat down. High in the sky. It was a cloudless day. I saw birds flying overhead. They looked like swallows. I turned my attention to Midnight who was standing on a small raised platform in the circle of grass. All the first year classes were there. From class 1-C to general studies, even the support course. Midnight called Bakugo up as the first rep since he took first in the entrance exam.
"I'd just like to say. I'm going to win." The classes immediately started booing. He turned around to look at them. While my whole class started freaking out.
"It's not my fault you extras are just stepping stones to my victory." He gave them a thumbs down and I chuckled. He walked down the stage and stopped in front of me.
"You better not hold back."
"I really don't have a choice there Bakugo." He glared at me. I held up a fist.
"Bring it on. Let's see what you got." I smirked at him. He closed his eyes and smiled before hitting my fist with his.
"Your on. You better believe I'll win!" He then walked off towards Kirishima.

First up was an obstacle race around the outside of the arena. Everyone crowded around the tiny exit waiting for the three lights at the top to turn green. I waited patiently at the back. Once it did I took off and shot through the tunnel at high speeds. Knocking most people off balance. Then everyone got frozen.
I came out of the tunnel and saw him ahead. He turned a corner. Mineta was running after him. Then he got hit by a robot. That definitely made my day.
Is this what they faced in the entrance exam?
Cutting around the corner without slowing down I formed ki blasts in my hands I threw them towards the huge robot in front of me and zoomed over the top. Performing a flip on my decent. Once I got closer to the ground I started flying. Leaving the robots behind. I heard everyone struggling with the robots and a few explosions here and there. The wind blew my hair back as I squinted my eyes to keep dirt out.
"GOGETA TAKES THE LEAD WITH A STUNNING DISPLAY OF STRENGTH AND SPEED!!!!" Up ahead of me I could see a chasm with thin wires connecting pillars scattered throughout. I flew right over them. I sensed Bakugo and Todoroki behind me. I picked up my speed to the best of my ability. I ran into the pillars. Landing on them with one foot and pushing off with such a force it broke them, boosting my own speed in the process. This caused the fastest route to be unavailable. Sticking low to the ground I saw a mine field up ahead after I rounded another corner. I smiled.
Darting forward I jumped stomach first on a few cushioning myself with my hands. I hit several. A huge boom, and a massive pink explosion went off. My vision was obscured for a minute. I felt a small bit of pain on the front of my body but nothing major. I opened my eyes to see myself falling back towards the ground again. I used the momentum of the explosions to propel myself faster and obscure the vision of those behind me. I cleared the mine field with ease.
"I'm not teaching them anything. This is all them. They've faced tough situations before. And now they know how to react without hesitation."
There was a corner then a straight away. The entrance to the stadium coming up before me. I landed and ran the west of the way. As I entered the tunnel my footsteps bounced off the walls. As I reentered the stadium the sunlight blinded me as I ran out of the dark tunnel.
"AND GOGETA TAKES FIRST!!!" Roars and screams went up as I came into view. The whole stadium was on their feet. I looked up the the open roof of the stadium. I saw a figure sitting at the very edge. I smiled to myself. Full aware of who it was. As soon as I was able I turned to watch the screen. What I wasn't expecting was Midoriya over taking Bakugo and Todoroki. Soon all first 40 people had finished. I sat in the grass and waited patiently. Soon Midnight called us over. She spun the giant wheel next to her.
"Next up! The cavalry battle!" She then explained the rules. The hitch came with me. "The first place headband is worth 10,000,000! And they don't get a team!" All eyes turned to me. I smirked maliciously. Inviting the challenge. Now I didn't have to worry about finding a team. Also my weights would've been a problem. No one could lift me. Since Aizawa raised the weight and inhabitation I weighted 28 tons. It's a bit much but whatever.

While everyone was gathering their teams I thought about my defense strategy. I would probably just fly. And if a team did manage to reach me or fly in any way my defense is beyond flawless. I smiled and laid back. My hands supporting my head. I stared up at the sky. A few lazy clouds wandered across. The sun set a little bit so it wasn't directly in my face. I sighed. I missed the mountains. The cool summer breeze playing across my face as I stared out at the swaying branches. A sea of green surrounding us with solitary mountain peaks popping up everywhere. The sound of rushing water so near but so far. The sunsets that painted the sky a different way each night. The bright morning sun shining through my window telling me it's a new day. The first bitterly cold wind that told me winter was coming soon. The cool autumn days as the leaves changed and fell from the branches. Me spending hours running through the woods and treetops. Jumping into huge leave piles when I saw them. The solitary crunch of the leaves as I walked through the speckled forest. Light dappled through the branches and remaining leaves. The first snowfall that never stopped amazing me. Spending hours out in the snow. Only to come back when the sunset to find supper and hot chocolate waiting for me. My father smiling at me as he did one finger handstand push-ups in the living room. The quiet blazing fire at night. The next day me inside spending time reading a book next to the fire. In the spring time when everything came back to life. The stream coming alive and telling me all the things that happened while it was frozen. The birds coming back singing their happiness that the cold was gone. The trees growing their leaves. The flowers blooming, while I heard hundred of bees at work making honey and gathering nectar. The sun slowly coming up earlier and setting later every day. The animals slowing came out of hiding after sleeping for so long. Announcing their presence with loud crashes that would quiet down soon enough. The warm sun as it met my face as I flew around. Exploring the ever changing forest. Mount Paozu. My home. I missed home.

I tied the headband around my neck, because according to my dad it's your most vital area (TFS) and the thing you have to protect the most but you know, it's my dad. I started on the fighting stage, all teams were aimed at me. Bakugo looked like he was going to kill someone. Todoroki had his calm, serious demeanor about him. They're lucky they haven't seen me serious yet. I show no mercy and don't hesitate to finish my opponent off, something I got from my dad's friend Vegeta.
"GOO!!!!" Midnight and Present Mic yelled. All teams came for me. I shot into the sky at incredible speeds until I was at a hight no one could reach. Maybe 40 feet in the air. I then hovered above the stage as the teams stared up at me. Figuring they have no hope of reaching me they turned their attention to the other teams.
15 minutes went by. And while teams tried to come after me no one managed to get my headband. The closest had been Midoriya's team. Who had Uraraka and a jet pack. But with my defense they didn't get close.

I stopped flying all together. I angled myself to fall head first at an angle. I was moving incredibly fast. I heard a few screams. At the last possible second I pulled up and landed with a boom. I landed on both feet spread wide apart. No damage was done to the stage. I stood up completely fine to the amazement of the crowd. I crossed my arms to wait. Present Mic announced the placement of the teams. Me in first. Todoroki in second. Bakugo in third. Midoriya in fourth. And Shinso in fifth. We had an hour before they announced the final event. I walked out of the arena to think. I saw my father here watching me. Up out of view but watching none the less. So there was at least someone to stop me if I got out of control. But that was unlikely to happen. Finding a cool passage way that faced the forest I walked out. I entered the forest and climbed a tree. I then sat there, trying to compose myself and control my urges. It reminded me of home in a way. I liked it.

50 minutes later I walked into the arena only to see the girls in my class wearing cheerleading outfits.
"What the hell are you guys wearing?" I asked as I walked up with my hands in my pockets. I stopped before them and looked down at them. They all turned to face me. Some of their faces burned red.
"Mineta and Kaminari tricked us girls into wearing cheerleading outfits for their own nefarious purposes. But we decided to make the most out of it." Momo answered me. I snorted.
"So your just playing into their hands?" I tilted my head to the side and gave them a quizzical look. Immediately some of their faces turned red.
"W-well t-technically y-yes. B-but we're h-having fun r-regardless." Uraraka stuttered. I gave them a closed eye cheeky smile. Their faces became even more red.
"Well as long as your having fun it's ok then. But I'll keep an eye on those two for you!" With a wave I walked off. The girls started talking immediately. I smiled to myself. I must really have an effect on them.
"He's so polite."
"More like gentleman."
"I love his smile!"
"He's so innocent!"
"He seems to really respect women."
"Which is a good thing!"
"Glad he's not a perv."
"Do you really think he'd be that type?"
"No but still."
"Kinda makes me glad we have someone like him in our class."
"I'd say so."
I found Kaminari and Mineta. They were snickering and had a perverted looks on their faces. I clasped my hands to their shoulders and squeezed. My face becoming dark.
"We need to have a chat."

A few minutes later I shoved both of them towards the girls. They bowed deeply.
"Now apologize." I said crossing my arms. They started shaking.
"W-We're sorry."
"W-we w-won't d-do it a-again!" They then ran off at top speed. I looked after them curiously. The girls started laughing.
"There's a sight I never thought I'd see!" Mina said throwing her arms up in the air.
"Thanks Gogeta!" Momo said bowing.
"We owe you one!" Mina cheered again. I waved them off.
"It was my pleasure. I've never liked perverts. Hopefully now they'll leave you alone. If not you know who to call." I turned around and waved to them over my back.
Finally Midnight announced the last event. One vs one battles. Ojiro from my class wishes to resign since he didn't remember anything that happened during the Calvary battle. Instead Tetsutetsu of class 1-B was moved up by the insistence of his team. I looked over the fights. I was in the first bracket fighting Kaminari. I smirked.
Easy dub!
We were given 15 minutes to think of a strategy.

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