Chapter 7 Fears
I went to my dorm. I collapsed onto my bed face first after dumping everything on the floor. Afternoon sunlight filtered into the room. Dust particles floating in the air as a square of sunlight lit up my floor. Casting a reverberating light around that illuminated the whole room. A spectical that only happened at this hour. I lifted my head up from my pillow and rested it on my arms.
That was to close. My class almost found out. I'm just glad All Might and the rest of the teachers went along with it.
I watched the dust slowly fall. And the light slowly move upwards as the sun began to set.
I'm glad no one else was in the square. How would I explain myself then? I don't even want to imagine it. I need to be more careful. Come up with excuses and believable stories so I don't expose myself.
Sighing I got up and padded over to my closet. I grabbed some fresh clothes and went to the bathroom. I continued to think as I stripped and went into the shower. After I finished making sure I was clean I got out and wrapped a towel around myself. I could see the steam around the lights and the perspiration on the ceiling and walls. The mirror was fogged up. Only a little bit being able to reflect image in front of it. I looked at my body in the foggy mirror. A chiseled muscular body, covered in water droplets. Covered in scars. Some from my father, the others from my various fights. I had a explosion shaped one on my left peck from Broly. The sword wound was on my right. I had an X shaped scar on my left side then went to the other side of my back. Like I had gotten stabbed all the way through. I had more on my back. I had a long diagonal scar running across my abs starting from my right pec to the bottom of my abs. My hair was wet and droopy. I sighed and put some boxers and pants on. I towel dried my hair as I left the bathroom and turned off the lights. I dropped the towel into my hamper before climbing into bed.
I was running.
What I was running from I had no idea. All I knew is that I couldn't stop.
The hallway was dark and devoid of life. My footsteps and pants echoed off of the smooth stone walls that surrounded me on all sides. The tunnel only went one direction and I couldn't go back the way I came. There was no light to be seen the way I was going. It was never ending. My legs felt like jelly. My heart pounded in my chest, threatening to burst out. The way in front of me barely visible.
But I was afraid the darkness behind me would consume me. I desperately tried to go faster, but that only seemed to make me go slower. It was like I was running in slow motion. I hated it. I tried so hard to go faster but it seemed like I wasn't moving at all. Like I was running in molasses.
I looked over my shoulder to see pitch blackness catching up with me, eating the tunnel. I turned back around and sped up. The tunnel was hot. Sweat poured down my neck and back. I was thirsty and tired but I had no where to go, and I didn't dare stop because of the darkness that was consuming everything.
Suddenly the tunnel fell away. I fell for what felt like forever. Surrounded on all sides by blackness. The only thing telling me I was indeed falling was my hair and clothes blowing upwards. I landed hard on my back. I single spot of light illuminated a small circle around me. I looked around me widely but I couldn't see anything. I saw a foot come into the circle of light around me. Then the person I dreaded to see the most came into view. I tried to run, crawl, scoot, I tried anything to get away from them. But I was unable to move. Like invisible binds held me in place. They opened their mouths. I stuffed my fingers into my ears and shut my eyes. Not wanting to hear what this person had to say knowing it would only be directed at my short comings, pointing out everything wrong with me and what I did. But it never came. I slowly opened one eye to look, but I noticed they were replaced with my father. I look of disappointment written on his face.
And somehow I knew his disappointment was worse than anything that person could ever say to me.
I opened my mouth to speak to him. To try to explain myself. To find out why he was disappointed but no sound came out. He opened his mouth to speak. His eyes were unloving and distant. I closed my eyes dreading the worst.
I sprang up in bed. Most of the sheets were on the floor, the ones that weren't were tangled up with my legs. I was sweating badly. The sheets below me were wet. Moonlight fell in through the window. Everything was silent. I looked at my phone. It was 4 in the morning. I ran a hand through my hair and let out a long breath I didn't know I was holding. My darkest fears and insecurities. They always presented themselves in different ways so I wasn't really sure what I was afraid of but I knew for certain that one was disappointing my father to the point he didn't love me anymore, just like- no. Not right now.
It's gone. It's ok. Your awake now. You're fine as long as your awake. Calm down. It was nothing.
I calmed myself down to the best of my abilities. I got up out of bed and went over to the window. I opened it and leaned against the sill. Fresh air washed into the suddenly claustrophobic and warm room. A gentle breeze blew across my face. I stared up at the sky. A half moon hung low in the sky. Casting its silver light onto my face. A few stars were scattered about. Instead I looked out over the city. Street lights and buildings lit up the night and went as far as the eye could see. It was beautiful in its own way. I could hear far away cars and honking as people went about their way completely oblivious to the boy watching over the city who just woke up from a nightmare. I stayed there for awhile.
"I guess I should try to get some more sleep huh?" I said to myself as I closed the window to just a crack to let fresh air come in. I threw the sheets over my bed and slept on the opposite side of where I had been sleeping before. I used the comforter as my covers. I drifted off into a light dreamless sleep.
As I walked to class the next day I was painfully aware of the lack of life. Footfalls fell onto my ears as I walked. Light streamed in from the huge windows that surrounded most of the hallways. I clutched the straps of my backpack.
Why is it always so quiet?
Why is it I'm always alone?
Why am I always alone in this dark world?
I walk a path no one else can.
Maybe that's why I'm always alone.
I arrived at class before anyone else and went to my desk. Sunlight poured in through the windows. I faced the other way and put my arms on my desk then my head and promptly fell asleep and didn't hear people arrive.
A few minutes later Aizawa came in. I woke at the sound of his footsteps. Blearily looking up, completely aware of the blinding sunlight on my face. As I tried to focus on his blurry figure he spoke,
"Sit down. Your battle isn't over yet." Everyone tensed. Meanwhile I was trying to blink the sleep from my eyes. Another villain attack? "You have the U.A. sports festival coming up."
"THATS COMPLETELY FUCKING ORDINARY!!!" Bakugo and I shouted. My sleepiness completely gone. "FUCK OFF!!!" We we're both standing. Pointing at each other.
"Wanna go mountain boy!"
"Yeah let's go asshole!" We both marched over to the other. We grabbed each others shirts, I cocked my fist back and Bakugo had is hand back.
"Stop it both of you." Aizawa commanded. Obviously tired from the sound of his voice. Grumbling I let go of Bakugo's shirt and walked over to my seat and slumped down and crossed my arms and gave Aizawa my attention.
"This is important. The festival shows the pros what you can do, and that's how you get requests for your internships. It's crucial you do well in these. You have three chances. Use them wisely. So to prepare for it, everyone gets two weeks off. After the festival will be your internships. Those are a week. Got it? Good. Class dismissed." Excited I stood up and grabbed my bag.
"Gogeta. C'mere." Aizawa said. He was in his sleeping bag on the floor. I walked up to him. "Your new weights/inhibitors are right over there next to my desk. You will train with these got it."
"Yes sir." I approached his desk and saw what he was talking about. A case was set next to the desk. I walked over and grabbed the handle. When I started lifting it I knew this would be no easy task. It at least weighted 20 tons. I hefted it up.
Holy shit!
"Hey buddy watcha got there?" Kirishima came up and put an arm on my shoulder. I looked over at him. He had a closed mouth smile on his face. His smile blinding as the sunlight.
What's with this handsome god of sunshine? He's to much.
*Dramatically puts hand to forehead.*
*Face palms*
Shut up author. Your interrupting the story.
I'm just waiting for you to make a fourth wall break during the story.
Like that would ever happen. I'm to sophisticated for that.
"My new inhibitors/weights."
"Oh yeah, I meant to ask you, how much did your other ones weigh?" I gave him a questioning look before responding.
"One ton each." I watched as his mouth fell open and I smirked.
"O-one ton?!" He repeated. Our class turned to look at us. Smirking I said,
"What's so surprising? These are 5 each."
"E-EEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" My class bombarded me with questions while I answered smirking. I felt my phone buzz. I pulled it out of my pocket to see a message from my father.
Dimmering oaf (Courtesy Of Vegeta)
Hey son! I want you to put
on those new weights
And run home!
See you soon!
I had already texted him about the two week break.
"Alright guys. As much as I love being bombarded with questions I need to head home."
"But you live 400 miles from here. It'll take you ages to get back." Kaminari said. I closed my eyes, crossed my arms and turned to the side and looked over my right shoulder. Sunlight lit up the right side of my face. It shined into my eyes to reveal that my eyes weren't completely black. But rather multiple shades of grey and black that were swirled together. The pupil barely visible next to the iris.
"That's what you think." I said. I bent down, and put the case down and opened it. I put the weights on my ankles and wrists and stood up. Making sure my bag was secure, I gave my class a two finger salute. I walked over to the door. I knew there were a bunch of people there. Grabbing the door handle, I slammed the open the door as hard as possible without breaking it and tried to look as intimidating as possible. Which I guess isn't very hard for me. Everyone who had been waiting froze under the intensity of my stare. The sunlight illuminating my back to make it look like I was glowing to those in the hallway. I radiated power and authority.
"Out of the way extras." Bakugo and I said at the same time. We looked at each other. He had come up next to me. Suddenly Uraraka, Midoriya, and Ilda were freaking out behind us. I turned back and saw they still haven't moved.
"Why are they here?" Mineta questioned. I glared at him. Not believing his stupidity.
"To scout the competition you shit head." Bakugo said from next to me.
"We are the ones who survived a villain attack after all." I said. I faced the crowd. With my eyebrow twitching and a crazed smile on my face I told them,
"Get out of the way before I make you." Suddenly a path was cleared. Before I left I gave my class another two finger salute then was gone. The kids who had been standing there were blown back from the wind. My class looked out the window to see a trail of dust growing longer and longer.
"Man he's something else. I wonder how strong he is?" Kirishima said to mhmms from the class.
"It's a good question, but we definitely lucked out." Uraraka said.
"But just because we have him in our class doesn't mean we can let our guard down. That's why we're becoming heroes". Tsu reminded everyone. As I was running I smiled to myself. She was right. And the fact is, they can protect themselves just fine.
A.N. 2301 words! I tried to be more descriptive with this one. I find more details help me picture better! Tell me if you guys are enjoying it! Constructive criticism is always welcomed!
This is personally one of my favorite chapters
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