Chapter 38 A couple of Visits
That morning I woke up and blearily stared around my room. I squinted my eyes in the bright light. I wanted nothing more than to sink back into the warmth and comfort of my bed. My eyes felt so heavy and I felt like I could fall asleep right there. But unfortunately I had to deal with people today and be social. Damn it.
I rolled out of bed and onto the floor. Taking my blankets with me. I groaned as I faced the floor in a heap. I laid there for another couple of minutes before I found the motivation to roll to my back. Then it took a few more minutes to find the motivation to actually stand up. Once I did I grabbed a random plain long sleeved shirt from the floor. I grabbed my phone and keys and stumbled into the hallway. I stretched and let out a yawn as I walked into the kitchen.
I passed by the couch where Gokhan was still sleeping. Not gonna lie I kinda forgot he was here. I shuffled into the kitchen and made myself some breakfast. No one would be awake yet. It was 6:30 in the goddamn morning. But I things to do so not an option for me. I ate slowly practically falling asleep at the table. At one point my head slipped out of my hand and slammed onto the table. I just let out a groan before I fell out of my chair and laid on the ground for awhile.
"I hate life." I muttered to myself. I finally got up after staring up at the ceiling and put my dishes away. I sat down at the counter and pulled out my phone. The first call I made was to All Might. I informed him of what happened and that Midoriya, Gokhan, and I would meet him around 8. Next I called UNDER to inform them I'd be stopping by later. Hikaru and Naoko were shouting at me through the phone considering I had called the general. I yelled at them back causing some chuckles. After I hung up with him I called my dad.
I stayed on the phone with him the longest. When I was done with the calls it was 7:30. Thinking this was as good as a time as any I walked into the living room. I pushed Gokhan off the couch and onto the floor. He grumbled and said something like fuck you.
"Get up. I don't have time for your attitude right now. I need to get things done today. We have places to go and people to see and I've still got more to do than that." I said kicking him lightly.
He grumbled before he stood up.
"You're an ass sometimes." He said as he passed by me and into the kitchen.
"First time I've heard that one." I called back as I walked into the elevator. It opened and I walked briskly down the hallway until I reached the right door. I knocked loudly. A few moments passed before the door opened to reveal Midoriya.
"Oh hey Gogeta." He said.
"Hey. We're meeting with All Might at 8, so I thought I'd come give you a heads up." I told him before I shoved my hands into my short pockets. He nodded and I walked back down the hallway.
I went downstairs to find Gokhan eating. I looked at my phone. 7:40.
Soon we were walking across the grounds joking about as we walked into the school. I lead them through taking various shortcuts.
"I didn't even know this part of the school existed!" Midoriya said as we passed through an empty gym. I chuckled.
"There's a lot in this school actually. I know the whole place, helps when you've lived here for the whole year." I told them as we walked out into another unknown hallway. I walked around two corners and we emerged near All Mights office.
"I'm so confused." Midoriya said looking at the spot where we came from. It almost looked like there wasn't even a hallway there from the corners.
I just laughed before I knocked on the door. All Might opened to door. Gokhan just kinda stared at him in shock. Can't really blame him. All Might has looked better. There's also a possibility he's never seen Small Might before.
"Hey All Might." I said.
"Welcome young ones!" He said loudly and opened the door enough for us to shuffle in. I leaned against the wall as Gokhan and Midoriya sat down on the couch. I crossed my arms. I was just here to observe.
All Might sat down opposite of them.
"So. I heard what happened from Gogeta. So from what I understand you're from another universe?" All Might asked Gokhan. He nodded.
"I'm just hoping to get back. My friends and family will be concerned if I'm gone for too long." He said. I didn't say anything but knew that there was the possibility that time was skewered. There was a possibility that everyone he knew was dead and years had passed. Or there was the possibility that time hadn't passed at all since his absence. There were just to many possibilities in uncharted waters.
"Interesting. And also from what I've heard, you have AFO?" All Might asked again.
"Yes. My All Might gave it to me." Gokhan answered.
"Then what happened to young Midoriya?" He asked. Midoriya looked interested to. Recalling our conversation from last night I figured that he was a villain from the way Gokhan spoke about him. Immediately his face fell.
"He's a villain actually." He said softly. All Might sensing his discomfort merely nodded and changed the subject.
"What's currently happening in your timeline?" All Might asked.
"We just finished finals." Gokhan answered.
"Well that changes things." I said more to myself than to anyone else.
"What do you mean?" Gokhan asked me. Everyone turned to look at me.
"We're a bit further ahead here. If my hunch is correct our timelines are almost exactly the same. Did the league of villains attack you when you went to the USJ building?" I asked him. He nodded.
I sighed. "Thought so. Did the press somehow break in?" I asked and he nodded again.
"Did Ilda's brother get paralyzed? Was there a fight with Stain?" I asked him and he nodded. I shared a nervous glance with All Might.
This means that the training camp hasn't happened yet and neither has the fight with All for One.
"Why? Does something bad happen?" He asked all three of us. I looked at the other two.
"I don't know what will happen if we tell him. This is uncharted territory. Nothing has ever happened like this before. I don't know what the consequences will be. He's from a different universe but our timelines are so similar. This could cause a butterfly affect or even worse consequences than that." I told them as I put my hands in my pockets.
"It could be useful for his timeline to know." Midoriya said. I shook my head.
"It's never good to know your future. The chances are you somehow prevent the thing from happening and something even worse happens or the thing still happens but it's sooner and much much worse. There's always consequences from knowing your future." I told them thinking of what Baba had told my dad. I still had no idea what that thing was and I didn't want to know. "Trust me on this. It's not a good thing."
"What if we hint at it?" All Might asked. I thought about it for a second.
"Fine but just small hints. Nothing more." I said in response he nodded his head.
"So I'm guessing you know about the training camp. While there an organization comes and kidnaps a classmate of yours. Then in response us heroes track down your classmate and I have a big show down with the boss. Was that good?" All Might said and directed the last part at me. I nodded my head.
I watched as Gokhan absorbed the information and as pieces started clicking.
"You can't tell anyone more than that though once you go back. We don't know what could happen if to much is revealed." I told him. He simply nodded his head in response.
"So is the reason your so small because you don't have AFO anymore?" Gokhan asked All Might. He nodded his head.
"I used up the last bit of power I had in that fight." He told him. Gokhan simply nodded his head. I glanced at the clock to see it was almost 8:30. We talked for another 30 minutes relating to Gokhan and AFO.
Soon we were waving All Might goodbye. Once we were back outside the dorms I clapped my hands.
"Ok! Now we're off! Tell everyone we've left would you Midoriya?" I asked him. He nodded his head and went inside.
"Where are we going?" Gokhan asked me. I smiled.
"UNDER to see Broly. Then we'll go see my dad." I told him. He nodded and put his hand on my shoulder. I teleported us to the base.
He spun slowly in circles taking everything in.
"Wow!" He whispered. Planes were taking off, landing, or being taxied. Troops were running by and tanks were being put in the hanger. People miled about paying us no attention since everyone here knew me. Soon Hikaru and Naoko came running up to us.
"Hey man! We were both so excited to hear you were stopping by! But uh, who's this?" Naoko said once he reached me. He slung his arm over my shoulders and whispered the last part.
I laughed.
"Hikaru. Naoko. This is Gokhan. He's from another universe. I had a run in with Owari and I think my energy mixed with his causing a rift that teleported him here." I explained to them. The whole base had been informed of his quirk at this point. They ahhed.
"Gotcha man. Well welcome to UNDER." Hikaru said with a wave of his arms.
"It's pretty cool." Gokhan said as we began walking inside.
"Guess so. So whatcha here for besides to see us?" Naoko asked me as we walked into the cool building. I rolled my eyes.
"To see Broly actually." I said. I saw Hikaru give me a look that said are you sure we can trust him down there I gave him one back that said yes now shut the fuck up. He simply smiled and ran off to get the general. A few minutes later they appeared.
"Ahh hello Gogeta. Good to see you again son! How are you? Who's this?" He asked me.
"Hello to you too. Good to see you too. I'm good. This is Gokhan, he's from another universe. Clash in energies created a rift." I explained quickly.
He nodded in understanding.
"Going down I'm guessing?" He asked me as we began walking towards the elevator. I nodded my head.
"Well you know the way. Have fun!" He called after us as we got on the platform.
"Do you know everyone here?" Gokhan asked me jokingly. I smirked in response.
"Wait you're actually do?" He asked me. I laughed and nodded.
"How can you just go walking around this place? What is this place anyway?" He asked me.
"High Security prison UNDER. Only the most dangerous people are kept here." I told him. He gave me a look I couldn't decipher.
"So let me get this straight. We're at a max security, top secret, government building, that houses the most dangerous criminals in the world. And you can just go strutting around the place?" He asked me. I gave a laugh.
"Well when you phrase it like that it sounds unbelievable." I said with a smirk. He smiled and shook his head.
"How do you have access to this place anyway?" He asked me.
"After I defeated Broly he came here. After awhile I decided I wanted to visit him. My dad pulled some strings and got me a visit. Since then I've bonded with the guards and other various people that work here and I've gotten access since I visit so much." I told him with a shrug.
"You're unbelievable. I kinda forgot Broly is a criminal here." He told me as the elevator stopped.
"Oh yeah. He's a pro hero in your universe right?" I asked him as we walked down the familiar concrete hallway.
"Yeah. He's my uncle." He responded. I nodded as we reached the door. I pushed it open and we walked into the familiar room where I've spent countless hours talking to Broly.
"He should be out in a bit." I told him.
There was always an extra chair in here in case my dad wanted to visit with me. We both sat down and not long after the wall opened up and out walked the hulking man I've come to befriend.
"Hello Gogeta." He said with a smile.
"Hello Broly."
A.N. 2184 words! Ajajajajsjajsjjsja. It's been like 3 months since I posted an actual chapter. Sorry bout that😬
Any who! Hope you liked the chapter. Next part of the crossover and whatever! I'm so damn tired rn.
Completely unrelated note but I'm gonna leave this account soon. I'm leaving the books and whatever. I'm gonna finish them up. There's only one arc after the crossover and it's the one with Kazute. I think it'll be a nice way to finish it off. It's been a joy! Haha jk hate you all! Kidding kidding. I'll check up every now and then. So I mean, guess you won't see the last of me?
I'll never disappear. Like Shadow2190 said, I'm his best nightmare. Fear me fuckers! I am eternal suffering.
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