Chapter 37 Someone New
After cross over and all that jazz.
I sighed and blearily opened my eyes. Sunlight streamed in through the window. We had gone back to classes after the whole multi universe thing and I was exhausted from it. Not from the multi universe thing. Oh no, from school. School sucks. I had never thought it was possible to hate something so much, I was wrong. But luckily it was the weekend and I had never been happier.
I heaved myself out of bed. I grabbed my phone and keys before I stumbled to the door and opened it. I walked out into the hallway stretching and yawning. I went downstairs to see most of my class watching something intently on the TV. It was the new Spider-Man movie. I have no idea why they were watching it so early in the morning but they were.
I walked into the kitchen and made myself breakfast. I scarfed it down and put my dishes away before walking into the common room. People said hello but most didn't even look away. Peter was just meeting Quentin Beck. God I hate that man. What made him think it was ok to.... no spoilers, he's just gonna go on a rant like I did.
I sighed and got up and walked out. I walked barefoot across the grounds. I went to the wooded area close to the dorms. Walking a ways in I found my favorite tree and climbed it quickly. I sat on a tangle of branches and leaned back against it and closed my eyes. Feeling the warmth from the sun on my face. People liked to take walks in here. No one could see me because of the foliage. I could hear birds chirping and felt a small breeze on my face. Sighing in the relaxing place I put my mind at ease and relaxed my muscles. The leaves rustled with the breeze and I smiled. I soon nodded off to sleep.
??? POV
I was walking through the wooded area of UA near the dorms.
Come on. He should be here somewhere.
I looked up at the trees trying to find something hidden in the branches. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I sensed someone powerful nearby slightly off the path to the left. I walked in that direction before I stopped before a great tree. I could sense someone up in the branches.
I guess mom was right.
I didn't get closer though as I could hear his even breathing. I sat against a nearby tree to wait.
I can't believe I found him. I wonder what he looks like. Mom said he was a lot happier when he was younger. I wonder if that's true. He doesn't seem like the type to go to school. But I guess he was a lot different before that happened. How could one thing change a person so much. I wonder... if maybe... I can save him from the pain... mom said I could. But will I be able to do it? He killed a lot younger than I have. And I haven't killed anyone yet. It's just so frightening to think about. But it's for the greater good.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the boy stir. I looked up quickly. Trying to see him through the foliage.
"Hello." I heard a deep voice ask. His voice two in one. The same way I remember it. But it seemed happier and more trusting. I could feel tears well in my eyes.
"Hey." I said back calming myself down enough to talk.
"What's up man? Like to come here to clear your head?" I heard him ask.
"Something like that. I was actually looking for something." I responded and leaned my head against the trunk.
"Did you find what you were looking for?" He asked. I heard him move.
"Yeah I did." I responded and blinked back more tears.
"There's always something people are looking for. Did you really find it?" He asked again. I smiled.
He's the way mom said he would be.
"Not yet no. But I know I'll find it. Have you found what you're looking for?" I asked him. I heard a silent thud and looked to see a boy standing before me. No older than 17. Black spiky hair and obsidian eyes. He looked to be close to 6'0 ft tall. He was muscular and well built. His eyes seemed warm and welcoming. He smiled. He was wearing grey joggers but nothing else. I felt tears in my eyes.
It's really him.
He came over and sat next to me.
"Not yet no. Gogeta." He said holding a hand out. Awestruck I took his hand.
"Kazute." I said. He smiled and let go before looking up.
"Kazute, I like that name." He said. We sat there in comfortable silence, listening to the sounds of nature around us.
Gogeta's POV
When I woke up I could sense someone near me. They weren't moving but they weren't hurt. Freezing I called out.
"Hello." I said kindly. I heard a pause for a second.
"Hey." The voice said. It sounded like a boy. Maybe 18. He sounded trustworthy.
"What's up man? Like to come here to clear your head?" I asked.
"Something like that. I was actually looking for something." He responded. I sat there for a second.
He sounds familiar... I wonder why? Have I met him before. I feel like I would be able to recognize a persons voice from anywhere. I don't know him but it seems so familiar. Why?
"Did you find what you were looking for?" I asked. I moved so I was sitting up. I swung my legs down.
"Yeah I did." He said. I smiled hearing the lie in his voice.
"There's always something people are looking for. Did you really find it?" I asked again.
"Not yet no. But I know I'll find it. Have you found what you're looking for?" He asked. I decided I should reveal myself.
I jumped down from the tree landing with a light thud. I looked to a nearby tree to see the boy I was talking to leaning against a tree. He had tears in his eyes but looked happy. He stared at me in a way I couldn't describe. His eyes held a kindness and pureness I've only seen in people a handful of times. I could instantly tell he was trustworthy. He had dark brown almost black spiky hair similar to mine with pink tinges at the ends. He had dark grey eyes like mine. He looked familiar.
He even looks familiar. Have I seen him around the school maybe?
He was wearing a plain blue T-shirt and a open flannel over it, he had on jeans and tennis shoes. I went over and sat next to him and leaned against the tree
"Not yet no. Gogeta." I said holding a hand out to him. He looked at me in a weird way and shook it.
"Kazute." He said. I smiled and looked up.
"Kazute, I like that name." I said. We sat in comfortable silence for a bit as we both relaxed and enjoyed having the presence of another human being around.
"Do you go to school here?" I asked him finally.
I've never seen him before. So chances are he's a third year since I never see them. But there's a possibility I have since he seems familiar.
He nodded his head.
"Yeah. 3rd year. You?" He asked me, but it sounded like he already knew the answer.
Ah. That explains it. I've probably seen him talking to other people and that's why he's familiar.
"1st year." I answered. I sat up and thought for a bit. "You know you look really familiar." I said. I saw panic cross his face very briefly before he composed himself. I almost didn't catch it.
"Really? Guess I just have one of those faces." He said calmly. Suddenly my stomach growled. I pulled out my phone to see it was 9:30.
"Hungry?" He asked. I nodded my head.
"You?" I asked. He smiled.
"Famished." He said before he stood up and offered me a hand. I took it. Once I was standing I realized he was taller than me. It was hard to tell sitting down. He let go and we walked through the woods.
"Wanna get some food?" I asked him pointing towards my dorm. "We've got lots of food." I said. He looked at the building before he nodded and followed me along the sidewalk.
"Just be aware of my classmates. They can be very nosy but they should be distracted for at least a couple of minutes before they notice you." I said to Kazute as we reached the doors.
"Why's that?" He asked. I chuckled.
"They're currently all watching Spider-Man FFH." I explained. He smiled and I pushed the doors open to see my classmates still watching Spider-Man. They were closer to the ending now, and well I won't spoil it but it made my blood boil.
Kazute soon became invested himself. He leaned onto the back of the couch and stared intently at the TV. I rolled my eyes and smiled before walking into the kitchen to make food. I walked back out and no one had noticed him yet.
He looked at me and I gestured him over to the table. He gave one last glance at the TV, deciding whether he should pick Spider-Man or food. Food eventually won out and he walked over and sat down.
"I love that movie." He said pointing at the screen and sighing wistfully.
"I do too. But it always gets me so mad." I admitted.
"Oh same! I get so fricken mad. Tom Holland is a great actor though. He always seems so genuine in his movies." Kazute said.
Fucking finally. Why do I always have so much trouble finding people who appreciate Tom as an actor. At this point it's just me speaking. Don't diss him and we won't have a problem.
"Ugh thank you! People don't appreciate him enough. I loved RDJ as Iron man though. I swear he is actually Tony Stark." I said to Kazute. Food completely forgotten as I got into my element of expertise. My expertise. You're borrowing my knowledge
Shut it. You wish you were as smart as me.
While that may be true. I'm not nearly as dense. I'm still dense. But not that bad.
That's because you made me dense!
I know! But I have to give you guys a good relationship to make up for the one I'm lacking! It's called development.
I- I can't. I simply can't.
"Right! He's so fricken good. He plays the character so well. And I love the fact they made him a mentor/father figure to Peter. Even if Marvel won't admit he is a father figure." Kazute said as we glanced at the screen occasionally to see what was happening.
"I know. He totally is. And it's adorable. I feel like Peter learned so much from Tony. Not just science and stuff like that but about being human." I said as I actually remembered I had food infront of me.
"I know right. The fact Tony knew the perfect area for Peter before Peter even knew himself, I thought was mind blowing. Especially since Peter wants to be like Tony. And Tony already knows Peter is so much of a better person than him. They have some really touching moments." Kazute said. We were both in our ELEMENT.
"Oh don't even get me started on touching. I never thought a movie would make me so sad but it did. When Peter dies in Infinity war. Ok if you didn't know this by you, you has been under a rock my friend. Spoilers. I was so fricken sad. It was so sad! You can see the pain on Peter's face! He realized long before the process actually started but if you think about it, his incredibly fast healing was probably trying to repair the damage as he was being dusted. Imagine how painful that would've been! Most of my classmates were crying. It was horrible. We all bawled for like an hour. I personally was in a corner crying." I said with pride. I am not ashamed I cried when he died. That was sad. I cry every time I see it. Tom sounds so broken! And you can see the pain on his face! My cinnamon roll.
"Oh I know! I have never wanted to jump into a TV so much when I saw that! I wanted to give him a hug. I hated it when he kept begging while being held by Tony. That hits different man!" Kazute said. I swear we were gonna start crying from just talking about it.
"Damn it I'm gonna start crying. Not to mention how broken Cap was in Endgame!" I said wanting to change the subject from Peter's death.
"That was heart breaking to. But I feel like they didn't do Cap justice. He seemed different in the previous movies! And what happened to 'I'm with you til the end of the line.' End of the line my ass." Kazute said rolling his eyes. I laughed.
"I know! That made me mad! I'm pretty sure Marvel is denying that Cap and Bucky were in love. I mean come on. Cap literally broke like 7 laws, fought half of his friends, the other half got imprisoned because of him, and saved Bucky even after Bucky tried to kill him and his friends. If that ain't love. I don't know what it." I stated matter of factly. A look of realization hit Kazute. His eyes got big and he opened his mouth before he was interrupted.
"Look put guys. Gogeta is going on a rant again about Marvel and Cap." Ryoko said as she walked by into the kitchen. I laughed.
"That's Ryoko." I told Kazute. Something I didn't recognize passed in his eyes before it was gone. She walked back in and over to us.
"Gogeta what have we said about picking people up off the street." Ryoko said as she scrutinized the new boy. He looked at her the same way he had looked at me. He even looked like he stopped breathing.
"I didn't find him off the street. I found him in the woods." I responded snarkily and folded my arms. She rolled her eyes and smiled.
"Well what's mystery boys name?" She asked as she sat down next to me.
"Kazute." He said smiling and offered her his hand. She took it.
"Ryoko." She responded. She seemed less hostile.
"Yeah he told me." Kazute said pointing at me.
"Huh?" I asked. I had zoned out, and got lost in thoughts of Marvel. Mostly about what would happen if Peter lived with the Avengers.
Wow. He must be good and trustworthy if Ryoko trusts him already.
"Do you go to school here?" Kirishima asked seemingly coming out of no where.
Where are they all coming from?
He nodded.
"I'm a 3rd year." He responded. The class ohhed.
"Who can't you make friends with Gogeta?" Todoroki asked as he passed by. I just laughed and rubbed my head.
"Go put on a shirt." Ryoko said shoving me off my chair, prompting me to fall on to the floor with a thud. I laid there on my back for a second before I scoffed.
"Rude." I said pouting.
"Go." She said pointing. I smiled and picked myself off the floor before making a break for the stairs. She rolled her eyes.
When I came back down Kazute was talking and smiling to everyone. He saw me and smiled. He stayed for lunch, mostly which was filled with arguments about different things. Like normal. Everyone waved him off as he left the dorm and walked toward his own. I stood leaning against the door frame watching him go when Ryoko came up next to me.
"I like him. He reminds me of you." She said as she watched him walk away with me.
"I guess he does." I said not really registering what she said until later when I realized the similarities myself. I never thought Kazute would play a big role in my life but boy was I wrong.
A.N. 2768 words! Ok done! Gosh. I like this a lot better than the last. Kazute actually kinda has a personality. Did you guys like it better. I know I did. Ok I'm tired and my dog is not. So this will be fun...
Denki: oh a snake, how lovely, come here let me admire you.
Sero: who will win, one electric boi or one slithery boi?
Bakugo: *hiss*
Denki: wait this seems familiar
Bakugo: eheheheheh
Mina: jeepers
Kiri: jinkies
Gogeta: zoinks
Ryoko: ruh roh
Bakugo: *le stab*
Denki: FUCK-
It seemed appropriate.
Me: I need the souls of the innocent to keep myself awake. Anyone want to volunteer themselves or a loved one.
Gogeta: you need S L E E P
Me: I NeeD soULS ANd cofFEe
Gogeta: *throwing blanket* S L E E P
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