Chapter 35 More Fears, More Nightmares

I laughed and gave him an understanding but bewildered look as I took his hand in mine. "I promise we'll have you back home before anyone notices you're gone." I said smiling.

"Oh please, you don't know what Aizawa will do to me if he sees I'm not up by 7:00." Gokhan said rolling his eyes at the thought. I laughed.
"Oh trust me I know. It's horrible." I said in a low voice. He turned to my classmates and sighed deeply.
"I'm sorry if I caused any trouble for any of you." He said before he did a small bow.

"Oh hey it's fine man. Just don't do that again! You scared the living daylights out of us!" Kirishima said with a bright smile. Bakugo tched and turned his head with his usual scowl on his face.
"Dimwit." He muttered to Kirishima. Ryoko still didn't look like she trusted him. She was hiding it well but I could read her. She was on edge and keeping an eye on him. She also seemed to doubt his intelligence since he almost got himself killed, albeit on accident.

While everyone was talking to temporary addition to the class, Aizawa came up next to me.
"You'll be incharge of him while he's here. Keep an eye on him and figure out how to get him back. We don't know his intentions. And find Owari quickly, he's already caused enough trouble as it is." He said before he stalked out the doors.

With a sigh I lowered myself onto the couch to wait for the commotion to calm down. Ryoko came over and sat next to me. She handed me a Senzu without a word.
"Thanks." I said before popping it into my mouth and chewing it. My cuts and bruises healed and cleared up and the cut on my forehead stopped throbbing.
Probably wasn't wise to ignore it for that long.

I reached up to find the blood on my face was either sticky or dry. I lowered my hand and sighed.
I have to wash all this blood off soon, but I can't do that until I settle mr. social over there.

Gokhan came over and sat in a chair closer to Ryoko. He leaned forward and offered her a hand and smiled.
"Can we forget what happened in the past 10 minutes?" He asked her nicely.
It's like a completely different person... I guess I can't talk, but still, the switch in behavior was so sudden, he's nothing like the guy I was talking with when I first got here.

Ryoko stared at him for a second or two. Noticing she wasn't going to move anytime soon, I nudged her with my elbow. She shot me a glare before she rolled her eyes and sighed. She grasped his hand and shook it twice before letting go.
"Fine. But I'm keeping my eye on you. If you're not careful enough around this one you could die." She said as she jabbed her thumb at me. I pretended to look offended.
"I can't believe you would say that! Please. Me kill? Never." I said smirking. She rolled her eyes and smiled.
"Have fun dealing with him. He's insufferable." She said as she leaned back into the cushions.
I couldn't do so unless I wanted to get blood on it.

"Trust me. If I can handle mister KING EXPLOSION MURDER over there I can handle anyone." He said jokingly. I could here Bakugo yelling his usual insults but Gokhan ignored him. He got up and made his way towards Midoriya where he said something quietly.
"That's what he thinks." Ryoko said to me smiling.
"Oh hush. He doesn't need to know." I said pushing her playfully as she snickered. We bickered back and forth while I heard Gokhan say that he needs to talk to Midoriya outside.

"Everyone off to bed. We don't need Aizawa yelling at us." I said as I stood up and shooed everyone off. There was some grumbling but everyone obliged.
"Oh hey Momo. Can you make a blanket and a pillow for Gokhan?" I asked her before she went up. She said sure and made a few blankets and a pillow. I thanked her before I teleported up to the roof.

I laid down on the edge with my hands behind my head as I looked at the sky and listened to the two boys below me.
"Izuku do you know about One For All?" I heard Gokhan ask.
Ahh. That's right, he has it. Could he have sensed the fact Midoriya has is from the simple fact he has it to? Must be.

"What? H-H-how do you know about One For All?" Midoriya asked, his stuttering and nervous behavior getting the better of him.
"I know about OFA because I have it. But I want to test your abilities... Tatakai right here right now. Well if you want." Gokhan said. I sat up and swung my legs over and held onto the edge. I looked down to see him in a fighting stance as Midoriya stood across from him a few feet away.

He seemed nervous but smiled none the less as he took up his own stance. Green lightning flickered across his body. Gokhan did the same and released his tail to move it. I took a deep breath and hopped off of the roof. I landed in between them with a thud, but no damage was done to the grounds. I don't need Aizawa getting mad at me again.

"As much as I would love to see you two duke it out, let's save it for another day shall we? It's 2 am, I'm tired, everyone is tired, and Midoriya doesn't need more broken bones. How bout tomorrow? And we can talk to All
Might then too?" I said as I put my hands on my hips. Gokhan looked over to Midoriya confused.

"Wait broken bones? Midoriya, real question quick, can you actually fight in your current state?" Gokhan asked him as he walked closer to me. I looked over at Midoriya to see his head down and his fists clenched.
"I can't abuse my arms anymore. If I use my arms more than what they can handle then I won't be able to master it completely." He said as he looked up at us. Gokhan and I exchanged glances.

Gokhan suddenly grabbed his bag-
Wait where did he get that from?

-And pulled out a senzu. He walked over and gave it to Midoriya.
"Here. In All Mights words 'EAT THIS!'" Gokhan said as he face shifted. I facepalmed.
"I can't believe you just said that." I said sighing.
"What?! When he gave me OFA he shoved the hair down my throat. Shoto has a video of it." He said while smiling fondly. I wrinkled my nose.
"What's up with your All Might?" I asked actually concerned. "Also Midoriya can use like 5% at most." I said jabbing my thumb at the much shorter male.
Dang it! When are Midoriya and Bakugo gonna have their fight? I wanna see it!! Probably after he leaves.

Midoriya stared at the little green been in his hand unsure of what to do. Gokhan, taking both of us by surprise, lost his patience and proceeded to shove the bean into Midoriya's mouth while screaming
"TASTE THE POWER HAHAHAHAHA!!!!" At the top of his lungs. I choked with laughter, and soon I'm on the ground laughing my head off.

"Oh- my- god!- his- expression- was- priceless!!" I managed to get out between wheezes and laughs. When I pictured his reaction again and the way Gokhan said it, I bursted out laughing again.
"Oh my god! I'm gonna pee myself!" I said in between laughs, which caused me to laugh harder. Gokhan soon joined in on my never ending laughing. Midoriya swallowed the bean and his bones went back to normal.

He threw a few punches and kicks but still seemed horrified after what just happened.
"That was the funniest thing ever." I said in between breathless laughs. I snickered before standing up and brushing my pants off. Which didn't do much.
"Ok well I'm going to bed. Everyone else did to, and we need to get you situated. It's either sleep in my room or sleep in the common room on the couch." I said to Gokhan after I finally calmed myself down as we headed for the door. He said couch and frankly I don't blame him. I handed him the blankets and pillows.

I watched him get settled in before I headed upstairs to my own room. I walked through the silent dorm. I reached my room and unlocked it silently before slipping in and closing the door again. I let out a sigh and went into the bathroom. I stripped of what remained of my clothes and got in the shower to wash the blood off. I watched as the soap and pink tinged water went down the drain. After making sure I got all the blood I stepped out and dried myself off.

I put on fresh clothes and picked up my pants before throwing them away. I walked over to my bed before flopping face first into my pillow. I closed eyes, and I knew immediately it was gonna be one of those nights. I drifted off and soon found myself in the hell that was my subconscious. I tossed and turned as new and old things came and went.

I ran down the narrow tunnel. Never ending and never beginning. It was hot as sweat pooled on my forehead. I had been running for ages, but I don't know from what. The walls turned jagged and got even closer. Darkness surrounded me, only a slight blue tinge allowing me to see. Suddenly I was freezing. I ran even slower. I couldn't run faster, I couldn't get out. I couldn't escape. I slowly turned to ice there in that dark place. In a place no one would find me. I let out on final breath before everything turned black.

I was stuck in place. Invisible chains holding me in place against a wall. People I knew and loved walked by, giving me looks of disgust or barely looking at me at all. Then one person I never expected to see again appeared.

She looked at me with those dark eyes. She opened her mouth and said the one word that caused my whole world to crumble. "Hirviö." I felt everything in me break. All of it. Everything I rebuild. The things that she didn't crush already. Everything fell.

Then someone else came by. She paused, her eyes dark as the night sky. She said the one word I never wanted to hear uttered from her mouth. "Monster." And then she was gone. Gone as quickly as she showed up that one day. Vanished into the nothingness that surrounded me. Into the darkest corners of my mind. Waiting to strike me again when my guard was down. When I trusted people again. When I trusted humanity again. Waiting to strike me at my darkest hours. To poison me against the very people I've sworn to protect. To poison me against the people I'm closest to.

I recalled something someone once said to me, she was an old fortune teller my dad knew from the days of his childhood.
"He's either going to save humanity, or end it. It all depends on the boys future, at one point he will get hurt worse than you can imagine. And that will be the deciding factor. It will either make him stronger or poison him against humanity, and I don't blame him for it." She said to my father. I wasn't supposed to overhear but I did.

I woke with a start. I jolted upright and held my head as I waited for the images to disappear. The hell that was my mind retreating back into the darkness it came from. I threw off the sheets and made my way over to the balcony. I opened it and leaned onto the railing and looked up.
Control it.

The person I call mother flashed through my head.
Don't lose control.

I squeezed my eyes closed. Ryoko flashed through.
Don't reveal yourself.

My power skyrocketed for a second as my control slipped. But I lowered it quickly enough so my father wouldn't notice.
Control it!

I clutched my head in desperation.
Don't become the thing she always called you!

I started hyperventilating when I heard a voice next to me.
"Hey what's wrong? You seem stressed." Gokhan said to me. I let go of my head and looked at him in surprise. He was sitting on the railing.
Did... he feel my power skyrocket? That means he was awake. Did he fly up here? He had to. He couldn't have gotten into my dorm without a key. I probably didn't sense him approaching because I was a bit focused.

I chuckled a bit as I stared up at the sky again.
"Stressed is one way to put it." I said and sighed as I began to feel my mind calm down as I once again was in complete control.
"It looks like you have something on your mind. Wanna talk about it?" Gokhan asked me while looking confused and concerned. He hopped down and leaned onto the railing next to me.
Should I really trust him with this? I barely know the guy, let alone anything about him. Heck I've only told one classmate after weeks of getting closer. But... something about his eyes... makes it seem like I can trust him with this, not much, but a bit.

"It's kind of a sensitive topic. I need to ask you a question first..." I looked him in the eyes as he nodded. I turned back and looked up. The stars twinkling at me from above. "Do... you ever feel like a monster?" I asked. A breeze went by blowing my hair back from my face.

A.N. 2360 words! Hope you guys liked the chapter! A little heart to heart the next chapter! Read it from Gokhan's POV in Shadow2190. Big shout-out to him. Lots of planning in the works! I'm going to bed...

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