Chapter 33 Interrogation and the Confrontation
"Who was the guard on duty?" I asked him. His face fell and he looked angry.
"Naoko Uragirimono." He said before he marched out of the room with me hot on his heels and very confused.
As we went to yet another level, I began thinking.
Naoko? But how? Why? Did I miss something? Did he really help him or was it someone else? But who else could it have been? Was there anyone else in the hallway? Damn it. I should've looked at that footage too. What questions should I ask? Should I be straight foreword? Make small talk? I don't know the best way to go with Naoko.
I looked up and realized that we had walked to the investigation rooms. Hikaru opened up one on the right and we entered. A small room with one way glass faced another room with 2 chairs and a table in between. A small door lead to the other room. The back wall slip up and Naoko walked out.
His normally jubilant face was fearful and stressed looking. Bags hung under his red eyes, and his eyes themselves made it look like he was a trapped rabbit. Naoko's normally curly brown hair was messy and tangled. He was slouching making his 6'3 muscular and broad build look much smaller. Looking at him made me sad. A person I knew so well looked miserable. I watched him as he sat down in the chair, tensed and nervous looking.
Hikaru observed me quietly. He looked sad himself, like looking at Naoko reminded him of all the memories we shared. Sighing and knowing this wouldn't be easy I walked forward and gripped the handle to the door hard. My knuckles turned white as I had a battle of wills. I braced myself and opened the door. I made eye contact with him and for a split second I watched the fear and worry melt away before it all returned.
I walked silently over to the opposite chair and pulled it out and sat down. We stared at each other for a few seconds as I debated how to start. Clearing my scratchy throat, I began to talk.
"So how are you?" I asked as I folded my hands in front of me. Naoko looked shocked, being used to being grilled with questions nonstop. He opened his mouth before he closed it again.
"I-I'm good. How are you?" He asked hesitantly.
"I'm conflicted but okay. Ryoko's doing well by the way. All Might is fine. Aizawa is still Aizawa, he fell asleep teaching a lesson the other day. Bakugo is... well, Bakugo. Kirishima is still a ball of sunshine. Todoroki is still as sarcastic and monotonous as ever. I really wish you guys could meet them all. They make excellent company." I said smiling as I told him the status of my classmates.
Now some may be confused. After my first few visits I ran into Naoko and Hikaru, and since then have made friends with them. They would help me with my homework and even teach me some military style of fighting. They were funny and made for great conversationalists. They love hearing about my life and classmates, along with my various battles and skirmishes.
He lit up and smiled his usual smile before he leaned onto his hand.
"Yeah I bet Ryoko is doing well. Have you made any progress there buddy?" He asked me smirking. I felt red in the face as I stuttered around my answer.
"I- a- um- I- n- I have no idea. She's to impossible to read." I said and hit my head on the table. He started laughing a hardy laugh as he leaned back in his chair. He wiped a tear from his eye.
"Are you here to investigate me or cheer me up?" He asked teasingly. I noticed the brightness in his eyes was back, and his natural smile was back on his face. He was no longer slouching but was sitting up straight and full of confident.
Glad to see he's back.
"Oh yeah. I'm supposed to be doing that." I said scratching my cheek as he laughed again.
"Ask away." He said with a wave of his hand. I smiled at him. Knowing that making small talk was the right way to go.
"Alright where were you on XX/XX/XXXX at 10:00 pm?" I asked making a list in my head.
"Guarding prisoner 24681." He answered with confidence.
"Alright. Where were you at the time of the power outage on the same day at 10:10?" I asked him. Folding my hands onto the table infront of me.
"I was guarding prisoner 24681." He answered.
"Alright. What did you do during the outage?" I asked him.
So far so good. He hasn't told a single lie yet. Please don't be the cause.
"Once the power went out. I no longer heard prisoner 24681. So I opened the door to check on him. When I opened the door he was standing right there looking at me. He lunged and grabbed my key card and keys and pushed me out of the room before he closed the door. Since he took both I couldn't get back in. Once I finally got someone else to come down he was gone. And I was taken into custody immediately. I have no idea how he escaped, or where he went. I tried not to talk to him. I answered his questions as minimal as possible or not at all. But no one believed me when I told them what happened. It is kinda embarrassing." He said laughing as he explained his story and his side.
He's... not lying. He's telling the truth. So Owari stole his keys, unlocked his collar and used his quirk to get out. But what's his quirk? Teleportation? No. That wouldn't make sense. Anyways that's a question for later. I'm just relieved he isn't lying.
I smiled at him a got up and walked over. He stood up as well.
"Holy shit kid! Quit growing!" He said smacking my arm. I laughed before pulling him into a hug.
"I'm so relieved you weren't lying." I said over his shoulder. I heard him laugh.
"Do you really think I would lie?" I asked laughing as we separated.
"No. But I needed to do this to clear your name." I said smiling. Gesturing to the window, Hikaru opened the door smiling like an idiot.
"Geez man. You gave us a scare there! Be happy Gogeta's a living lie detector and everyone here trusts him more than they trust themselves." Hikaru said as he walked over and clapped Naoko on the back. Laughing and talking we exited the room and out to the hallway.
"I guess I should probably tell the general huh?" Hikaru said snickering as he got out his phone and put it on speaker.
"Lieutenant. What is it?" I heard the general say. Hikaru gestured to Naoko.
"Hey there General! How you doing?!" I called into the phone.
"Naoko! Lieutenant what's the meaning of this?" He called angrily over the phone.
"Good news general! Gogeta stopped by and interrogated Naoko! He was telling the truth so we let him out! Hope you still have his stuff!" Hikaru said into the receiver. Naoko smacked him at the last comment.
"Gogeta?! Is he still here?" The general asked.
"Hey general!" I called leaning over so the phone could pick up my words.
"Gogeta my boy! How are you?" He asked me.
"I'm doing well general! Just doing an investigation of Owari!" I called.
"Good! Bring him back when you've caught him yeah?!"
"Alright! Behave you 3. Talk to you later." The general said as we began laughing.
The two escorted me out of the compound as we laughed and talked the whole time.
"Oh! Tell Broly I said hello!" I called to the 2 as I waved.
"Yeah sure!" Naoko called back. With one final wave I teleported back to the dorms. I sighed as I sat down on the bed. It was late. Later than I thought. It was around 6 in the afternoon. I went downstairs because I was starving.
"Hey Gogeta! Where were you man?" Kirishima asked me as I walked in.
"Are you ever in your own room?" I asked him as I went into the kitchen.
"No." He said laughing. I made myself dinner as quickly as possible and ate it as quickly as possible.
"Holy shit man! That was a lot of food! That was under a minute!" Kirishima cried after he witnessed me wolf down my food.
"I was really hungry." I said scratching my cheek in embarrassment. He laughed.
"Well I've got some more work to do." I said as I stood up. I washed my plates, much more slowly than I ate. I then went back upstairs. Once I was in the safety of my room I called Nezu.
"Hello." I heard him say.
"I went to the compound and discovered how he got the collar off." I said into the receiver. It was quiet before he said to come to his office. Not feeling like running I teleported there.
Some of the pros jumped when I appeared. Not all of them were there like that morning.
"Ah Gogeta. How'd it go?" Nezu asked as I sat down.
"Pretty good. When the power went out. The guard watching him opened the door to check on him. When he did Owari grabbed his keys as key card before he pushed him out and closed the door. He unlocked his collar and got out somehow. He didn't go through the hallway though. He escaped from his room. But I have no idea how." I said with simplicity. The pros looked impressed.
"Did you interrogate the guard?" Aizawa asked.
"Yeah. Did you guys?" I asked. The pros nodded.
"He told us the same thing but we didn't believe him. Why did you?" NightEye asked.
"I can tell when a person lies. Also I know Naoko, so it's easy for me to tell when he's lying. And he would never lie about something like this." I explained.
"There's no way. How can you tell?" A pro asked. I just shrugged my shoulders.
"It's kinda hard to explain." I said not really sure what to do.
"How about this. Is this a lie? I was born in January of year XXXX. I went to (some random middle school) before coming to UA. My mother's name is Akina and my fathers name is Nikko." NightEye said.
"All lies apart from your parents names." I answered immediately. He looked surprised.
"He's right." NightEye said after everyone looked at him for an answer. Woahs came from around the room. Suddenly All Mights phone rang. He answered quickly.
"Hello." He said before being silent. "They found him." He said. I stood up quickly from my seat. "They saw him go into an abandoned building on 9th and main." In a flash I was gone.
In my room I quickly pulled on my fighting stuff. Bringing my fingers to my head I felt around town trying to find the right energy.
I snapped my eyes open and was gone. I appeared on the road infront of a building. It looked to be about 2 stories and was completely run down. The windows were so dirty you couldn't see through them. The doors were barely on their hinges and the roof was caving in. Knowing it would be stupid to go running in, I went up to the rooftop of a nearby abandoned building. Looking through the hole I saw someone walking around the building. Moving things and grabbing a table before he started putting things on it. Various weapons were laid before him. I flew off of the roof and to a window where I hovered. Looking through I saw a corner in which I could enter unseen.
I flew around the building to the back right corner. I silently cut a hole big enough for me to craw through. I climbed through and appeared behind what looked to be a bookcase covered in a tarp. Sneaking forward I peered around the bookcase. I got a clear look at him. Sure enough it was him. I looked around the room quickly. There was a bar to my left that was closer. Getting onto the floor, I army crawled towards the bar and froze when he stopped movement or made movement in my direction.
I got there and crouched behind the bar. I heard him muttering to himself as he walked towards the bar. Thinking quickly I dove into an open space in the bar. I watched his scarred hand reach over the bar to my right. I felt my heart hammering in my chest, and I could hear my heartbeat in my ears. I suddenly had the urge to cough.
Seriously! Now! Now I need to cough! You've got to be shitting me.
I waited as long as I possibly could. Until I couldn't anymore. I coughed silently into my elbow but he heard.
"Who's there?" He called. I heard him grab some thing off of the table. Thinking hard I tried to remember what it sounded like.
Gun. Easy.
I didn't answer.
"I know you're there. So come out and play." He said. I heard the crinkle of tarp as he crept closer and closer.
So much for the element of surprise... Well it's not completely lost.
Getting a horrible idea I smiled to myself. As fast as possible I dashed out of my hiding place over the counter of the bar and stopped right in front of him.
I wonder how horrifying that would look. One second there's no one in front of you, the next there is.
With a scream, Owari fell backwards and landed hard on his back.
"Where the hell did you craw out of?" He asked me as he pointed the gun at me. Smiling I said "Straight out of hell." His face dropped.
"Who the hell are you?" He asked as he scrutinized me more.
"Oh we've met!" I exclaimed excitedly. Realization dawned on his face.
"Ahh. You're that lad that stopped by to visit me one time." He said as he stood up.
"I guess you found me. Although I shouldn't be surprised. I could tell you were very smart for your age. That visit was wonderful. You made very good company. But I'm guessing you're here to bring me back to UNDER." He said as he walked towards the table as I stayed put.
"Yeah. If you could come quietly that would be great." I said with a huff knowing that wouldn't happen.
"As much as I like you. I can't do that. I've got plans. Big plans. That I've cultivated for years in that cell. And now it's time to act. Try to stop me if you can." He said as he spun around. He shot the gun. Everything turned into slow motion. With a few large strides and a swipe of my hand I caught the bullet and was infront of him again.
"Wonderful! You're so fast. But I wonder what's your quirk? Although I'm guessing you're wondering what mine is? I'll tell you if you tell me." He said as he spun around towards the bar.
"Hightened abilities and energy manipulation." I answered without hesitation.
"Oooooo. Someone wants to know. Alright I'll tell you since you didn't even hesitate. I can open portals to other dimensions, from there I can summon anyone I want to here, where they'll be under my control until I send them back of course. They can only stay here for up to 24 hours. Now you know! So what are you gonna do about it!" He yelled laughing maniacally. Black Portals opened up everywhere. Throughout the whole room. On all sides.
Oh no! I don't have time to fight an entire army. Especially if it's some of the strongest people ever. That would give him time to escape, and if anyone gets out that could cause mass panic and take up even more of my time. But how should I close them all? I got it, I'm pulling a Vegeta.
Gathering my energy, I prepared myself. I built it up as high as possible.
"What are you gonna do hero!!?" He cried as he began to float. The ground was shaking. The rafters began to crack. Things around the room began to fall over and break.
It's now or never.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" I yelled as loud as possible.
Damn it that hurt.
At the same time. All the portals began to glow white. My body was letting off a blinding yellow and white light. Owari observed me with fascination and horror. The whole world was shaking. My body was screaming in pain. My head felt like it was about to burst. I screamed my throat raw. I heard it split into two voices. One monstrous and one my own. My eyes turned white. A huge explosion emanated from my body. White light expanded and went everywhere.
I heard ringing in my ears. Everything was white. I couldn't hear a thing. Once my vision cleared I could see I blew away half of the street and all the abandoned buildings. Owari was no where to be seen. Huffing and puffing I floated down to the ground where I collapsed.
"Damn it." I muttered as I punched the ground. I closed all the portals and that's what matters.
Sighing I sat down and ran a hand through my hair. My pants were torn. My vest was in pieces. I shrugged it off. I had cuts and bruises everywhere. There was a nasty one on my forehead that ran down the side of my face. I could feel blood in my eyebrow. Sighing I got up and called the police then Nezu.
"Nezu. I know his quirk." I then told him exactly what he told me and what happened, and how it was either let him summon thousands of people to distract me and cause chaos or blow up the street.
"You did the right thing Gogeta. Police are on there way as I understand."
"Ok stay there. You'll have to answer their questions."
"Okay." I said. I looked up from the crater and saw police lights. I flew up and out and landed infront of them. As once climbed out of his car, he looked at me, at the crater, than back to me.
"What the hell happened?" He asked as he got out to look. The crater was a mile in diameter. I explained in detail what happened. He wrote everything down.
"You beat Stain didn't you?" He asked me. I nodded my head. "Thought so. Geez man. That's one crater I'll tell you." He said as he pushed up his hat. "We should take you to the ambulance." He said after he glanced at me.
"Nah I'm fine." I said waving him off.
"Are you sure? Those cuts look bad." He said. Police were milling about investigating the scene and witnesses.
"Yeah I'm sure. I don't want to get in the way." I said smiling. He huffed.
"If you're sure. I'd get going if I were you. Unless you want to deal with reporters." He said pointing to the closed off street.
"That might be smart." I said. At that moment I got a call. Looking at it I saw it was Mina.
"Hello?" I said as I walked away from the police and started flying over the tall skyscrapers towards UA.
"Gogeta we have a problem. Someone broke into the dorms. He was in Midoriya's room when we heard him yell. He's unconscious now, but he'll wake up soon. Where are you? Also what the hell happened to your voice?" She asked after telling me the situation. I just noticed I had two voices.
"I was dealing with something. It's not important. And my voice split. Also not important. I'll be there soon." I said to her.
"Shit! Better make it fast! He just woke up!" Mina yelled. I heard a commotion and what sounded like a lot of yelling.
Shit. I can't fly very fast with these injuries.
I flew as fast as possible across the city. Cars wizzing by below me. People walking home from work. The sun had set hours ago. The skyline was alight. I saw UA off in the distance.
This is gonna be a long flight...
A.N. 3430 words! A long one guys! I just wrote this! I hope it's good. The crossover with Shadow2190 now begins. I'm gonna study now...
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