Chapter 31 A new villain?!

I woke up the next morning to see the carts gone. My chair back in place and my room no longer a mess. Rolling over on to my side, I grabbed my phone to see it was 8. Rolling out of bed and onto the floor with a thud, I sighed and laid there for a bit. When I finally decided to get up, I put on a shirt and opened my door. Looking through the hallway with a yawn, I didn't see anyone and made my way to the elevators. I jabbed the down arrow and waited patiently.

Sunlight was pouring in through the tall windows. It was a clear and cloudless day. The elevator doors opened and I got in a hit the first floor button. Soon the doors opened and I walked into the common area. Everyone's heads turned at the sound of the elevator. Everyone was a bit happy to see me. They all gave me a big group hug and told me to never do that again.

"Where's Ryoko?" I asked after everyone let me go.
"She hasn't come down yet." Mina responded. I went back to the elevator.
I went down the girls side and to her room. I knocked on the door. It swung open. Ryoko was on her bed sleeping. I smiled. I almost closed the door all the way. I went downstairs and made breakfast for her and brought it up on trays. I set it down on a few carts I brought up. I stared at her sleeping figure. She looked so peaceful when she slept. Gone were the scowls. Her face had a small smile on it.

I smiled to myself and left the room and went downstairs. As I was walking however I got a call from Nezu.
"Hello?" I said into the receiver as I held the phone up next to my face.
"Ah good Gogeta. Something has come up and I need your help immediately. Come straight to my office and don't tell anyone. Hurry." Nezu said quickly but calmly. By the tone I could tell this was important and very dangerous. After hanging up I picked up my pace and raced out of the dorms without a word to anyone else.

I dashed across the empty campus, opened the huge doors and was racing through the halls.
Left... Right... Right... left... straight... right... left... here.

I stopped before the huge doors before I knocked. The door swung open to reveal Nezu at his desk. All Might, Aizawa, Present Mic, Midnight, and more pro heroes I haven't met before we're all gathered around a long wooden table.
"Ah good Gogeta! Just the man we need." Nezu said from his desk. I walked in and closed the doors behind me.
"What's going on?" I asked as I further entered the room and stopped before the table.

"What's a kid doing here Nezu?" A pro hero I haven't met, nor recognized asked. My eye twitched but I said nothing since I didn't know myself.
"Ahh yes. I guess I should introduce him. Everyone, this is Son Gogeta. Inventor yleissuoja. Pro hero Super Saiyan. And currently a student here at UA, and a genius if I may add. He will be critical to our mission and trying to capture Hajime Owari." I stared dumb founded at Nezu as he spilled some of my most important secrets, but there had to be a reason for it and I trust his judgment.

But at the sound of the name spoken I perked my ears.
Hajime Owari... where have I heard that before? Inventors conference? Villain perhaps? CEO of an important company? Secret villain that the public hasn't heard about yet? Maybe top security? Important general? Famous politician?

As I thought hard. I started pacing and brought a hand to my face, completely missing the reactions of the pro heroes at the revelation of my various titles. An image flashed through my mind and I realized where I've heard the name.
Of course. I'm such an idiot.

I looked over the image in my brain again. I had seen his profile at the maximum security unit Broly was kept at. The general showed me it on one of my various visits.

Name- Hajime Owari.
Description- black curly hair. Red eyes. Age- 34. Slim build. 6'0 ft. Scars covering his arms. One small one running from ear to the base of throat. No other outwardly or unusual attributes.
Quirk- unknown: when used it looks like the end of the world.
Crimes- mass murder, destroying a whole city, theft from the government, releasing convicts, killing of pro heroes and police officers, tax evasion, and attempted murder.
Comments: prisoner is very smart, and a genius tactician. Complete psychotic. Shows manners and is very polite until provoked. Gets very violent and has outbursts of insanity. Germaphobic. Don't leave unsupervised. Must be kept in maximum security. Not strong bodily. Also has moments of hysteria. Is allowed to have books. Loves to read. Is constantly making small talk with the guards.

Having a photographic memory is very useful sometimes.
I smiled to myself. Once Nezu saw he smiled as well.
"Did you figure out who the threat is?" Nezu asked me smiling. The pro hero who spoke out before once again opened his mouth.
"There's no way he could know from just some random name." He said with his voice a mixture of disbelief and sceptisicm.

"Hajime Owari. Age 34. 6'0 tall. Red eyes, and curly black hair. Crime lord with an unknown quirk. Was in the maximum security unit UNDER last time I checked. Was arrested and convicted of mass murder, destroying a whole city, theft from the government, releasing convicts, killing of pro heroes and police officers, tax evasion, and attempted murder as known so far, possibly of more." I recited with an even voice to a stunned and silent room.
"Wow." The pro whispered silently.

"Excellent Gogeta! You have even more information than we do!" Nezu said excitedly as he clapped his hands together once.
"So what happened with Owari?" I asked the room still very confused.
"He escaped his prison cell much to the mystery of the general and the guards." Aizawa said from his seat. My mouth hung open. I looked at the clock quickly. 8:30:15
There's no way. No one has every escaped that prison. Not even Broly could do it! How could he? Outside help? Inside help? It did say in the comments that he talked with the guards constantly... could he have convinced one to let him out? Maybe turn off his quirk restricting cuffs which allowed him to use his quirk to get out?

I started pacing the room again and started muttering to myself.
Have they already talked to the guards? Wait yes. Aizawa said they did. But there's always the possibility that a guard who could have helped him wouldn't own up to it with the possibility of losing his/her job. What else could it be? Most of his goons were captured along with him and as I'm aware none have gotten out or released. There was a big storm there recently. Maybe it short circuited his cell and collar long enough for him to use his quirk. Or maybe a guard turned off the inhibitors under the guise of the storm. There are so many possibilities.

I scratched my head and put my hands behind my head as my pacing increased in speed.
Never can be to careful. I'll have to go to the complex to talk with everyone there and investigate his cell. If it wasn't someone from his organization then it couldn't be outside help since he hasn't had any contact with people other than the guards who watch him. So it must have been inside. That's the only thing I can think of. But who? I'll have to compile a list of names of who I think it is. The most I can think of right now that would be watching him... 15 at most are all possibilities. But I'm guessing it was only one person. But how should I go about this? Should I just call the general and tell him I'm coming to investigate? But if he tells the guards that will alert the person who could have helped him in coming. Should I specify not to tell the guards on the basis of my suspicions? That would be ideal.

I could probably go tomorrow or maybe even today if I'm fast enough. Yes yes. Hmm. If I questioned all my suspects I'll be able to tell if they're lying which will be ideal and very helpful. But that's not enough to arrest them for. They have to confess, but the hard part is how to make them do it. Reverse psychology? Asking a question that makes them give themselves up without them knowing it? Maybe a full blown confession from just asking them? Appeal to their better nature? Maybe if I promise their sentence won't be as long they'll own up to it... AHAHSHAGAH!!!!!

My brain hurts. There are to many possibilities and routes for this. I'll have an outline of a plan but nothing is definite.

I sighed through my nose and stopped pacing. Once I looked around I realized everyone was staring at me. I looked at the clock. 8:30:20. My brain storm only took 5 seconds. I was amazed at myself.
"Oh geez. Was I holding everyone up?" I asked as I looked back at everyone.
"On the contrary! I think you've made more progress than we have in an hour!" Nezu said happily from his desk. "Now what did you think of." He asked gesturing to the open seat in front of me. I braced myself on the table as I sat down. I folded my hands in front of me.

"The only way Owari could've gotten out is by inside help. As far as I'm aware everyone from his organization was captured along with him and no one has escaped or been released. So either a guard completely helped him out or simply turned off the quirk restrictions in his cell and collar for him to escape. Either that or there was a power surge long enough to short circuit his cell and collar to give him enough time to activate his quirk and get out. But those are the only things I've got. I know a big storm happened there recently. When did he get out?" I asked at the end of my theories.

"This last week." Nezu said. I nodded my head and looked up thinking.
"That's in the time frame of the storm. I was planning to go investigate either today or tomorrow." I said as I leaned back into the seat to hear peoples thoughts. I noticed NightEye push up his glasses. Before he pointed at me.
"He is a very smart young man. All those deductions you made in 5 seconds. We made in the hour we've been here. Although we thought there could've been outside help, but that doesn't seem to be the case." He said as we made eye contact.

"Besides the fact that all his goons are locked up how could you know there wasn't any outside help?" 13 asked me. Obviously trying to prove my credibility and tactician skills to the other pros.
"On the simple basis that he hasn't had any human contact, outside of the guards, since he was captured. He was immediately taken into custody and brought to UNDER. There's no way there could be outside help." I said with a shrug of my shoulders.

Some of the pros sat back and seemed impressed.
"And how do you think you'll get into the compound? It took us hours to get permission to go there." Midnight asked me. She was smiling though. Most of the other pros gave me a quizzled look. I smirked before answering.
"On the simple basis that I know every guard, every prisoner, and all the generals that are one the compound and talk with most of them." I said as I crossed my arms and leaned forward onto the table. "I visit the compound almost every week." I said with a shrug.

Most of the pros looked stunned. Even the teachers looked amazed.
"How the- What- I'm so confused. How old are you kid?" The same pro hero asked. I looked at him and smiled.
"Currently 16." I said and opened my eyes. He looked amazed.
"Gogeta is much smarter and wiser beyond his years. He has resources we don't, and privileges we don't have access to. He's our best chance at catching Owari. All in favor of enlisting his help say I." Nezu said with a smile as he raised his hand. The room simultaneously said I.

"Alright. You're dismissed Gogeta. Do whatever you need to to find out how Owari escaped and let us know if you find any leads. Now go spend time with your classmates before they begin to wonder where you are." Nezu said waving me out of the room. With a smile and a wave I exited the room and walked through the silent halls.
Well that was unexpected. It went well though. I'll visit later today.

Soon I exited the room and walked across the ground to the dorms. The building looming over me as I reached the dorms. I opened the door silently and walked in.
"Hey man! Why'd you run off this morning?" Kirishima asked me from the couch. He was upside down. I smiled at him.
"Sorry bout that. I just went to go train for a bit this morning. Is Ryoko up yet?" I asked as I walked over to him and sat down. He looked at me from his position and shook his head.

A few minutes later Ryoko came out of the elevator. She was dressed but her hair was a mess. A blue T-shirt and black shorts. Kirishima convinced me to watch something called cartoons while I waited. Once he saw her, he rolled off of the couch and made his way towards the communal bathrooms. She laid down next to me and put her head on my lap.
"Morning." I said smiling.
"Morning." She replied as she tried to blink the sleep out of her eyes.
"How late did you stay in my room?" I asked. She sighed.
"Almost 1 in the morning." She blinked slowly again. "You started having a conniption fit so I laid down next to you and stroked your hair and you calmed down. I had to stay there for awhile then. Also thanks for breakfast."
"It's the least I could do after everything you've done for me." I replied placing a hand on her waist. She snickered.
"You're to nice." She said as she looked at the TV
"If you say so." I said smiling also turning my attention to the TV.

A.N. 2499 words! What? Two chapters in one day? You must be asking yourself. You are correct so enjoy. Shadow2190 are planning to do a crossover of sorts and I'm excited for that! So you'll have that to look forward to! I'm going to bed...

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