Chapter 30 Feelings?

A few hours later. Supper to be exact I went back to the dorms. I walked silently through the empty halls humming to myself. I opened the doors to outside to begin my short walk to the dorms. The sun sat low in the sky but wouldn't set for an hour or two. There was a few stings in my leg, probably bleeding, and my throat still felt like it was on fire. My vest had been blown to bits. My pants were torn at the knees. One torn all the way to my boot. I opened the doors to the dorm and walked through.

"Jeez! What kinda training were you doing?" Kirishima asked as I came in. I had scratches and bruises all over.
"Hard core training." I said as I went to the elevator. I cleared my throat.
"Is it bad I think he looks kinda hot like that?" Mina said as the doors closed.
"I don't know." Kirishima said wrinkling his nose.

As I came out of the elevator I saw Ryoko walking towards it. She stopped when she saw me.
"What the heck were you doing?" She asked.
"Training!" I said smiling.
Nope. Nope. Don't raise your voice level.

"You're bleeding." She said looking at my cuts.
"They're just scratches. I'll be fine. This is nothing." She sighed. She walked over and lifted up my torn pant leg to reveal a nasty cut. I winced.

"That's not a scratch." She said glaring at me.
"Go eat a senzu." She said as she went downstairs. I went to my room. I went to my secret closet and pulled out a senzu bean. I ate one. My cuts were all gone. But my throat still hurt like hell.
So it can't be healed by senzu. Then it must be genetic like my dad said.

I pulled my pants off and threw them away. I put a different pair of fighter pants on. I pulled on a blue T-shirt and a leather jacket. I kept my wristbands on. I grabbed my wallet and key card and put it in my pockets. I went downstairs to see some of my classmates. Ryoko was eating. I made some food myself.

"When do you want to go to the library?" I asked her.
"Few minutes." She said. Once she was done and cleaned her plates and I cleaned mine we headed toward the door.
"Where you going?" Kaminari called.
"Library." I answered back.
"I didn't know you read?" Kirishima said smiling.

"There's a lot you don't know about me." I said smiling back.
"Deja vu all over again." Kirishima said laughing.
"I'm surprised you know what that is." I said also laughing.
Ouch ouch ouch.

"Shut it! I know words." He protested.
"Obviously." Ryoko said as I rolled my eyes.
"Alright bye guys!" I waved goodbye and walked out the door with Ryoko.
"Did Ryoko just leave with him?"
"Are they going on a date?!"
"I thought he said he was going to the library."
"What if that was just a coverup!"
"Lets follow them!" Mina yelled as she jumped up off the couch. Followed by Kaminari, Kirishima, and Sero.

They spotted Ryoko and I up ahead. She had on ripped white jeans and a maroon sweater and black converse.
"How do you like the dorms?" I asked as we left campus.
"They're nice. I'm looking forward to living with everyone besides Mineta." She said. I snickered.
"I'll keep an eye on that perv." I offered. I pulled out my phone and pulled up maps to find the nearest library. It was 2 miles away.

"Alright! Not to far." I said as I put my phone away.
"It'll take us at least 35 minutes to walk there."
"I can always fly us there." I shrugged.
"True. Show off." She said looking at me. She shook her head and smiled. I smiled and looked at the sky. The sun was starting to set. Painting the sky with pink and orange. Ryoko smiled. I put my hands in my jacket pockets.
"I love sunsets." She said as she stared.
"They suit you." I said. She snickered.

"What do you mean by that idiot." She said as we walked.
"They're warm and pretty. Like you." I said. She started laughing.
"That was so cheesy." She said as she shoved me. I smiled.
"Just trying to lighten the mood." I said. She snorted.
"You do that naturally because your so nice Gogeta."
Do... I like her?

"I don't think so. My father says you can never be to nice." We stopped to wait to cross a street. When we did a car came out of no where and came straight at us. We were halfway across. I grabbed Ryoko and dove forward. The car flew past. My back was on the ground. Ryoko was atop of me. Her eyes closed as she rested her head against my chest. Our legs tangled together. Her eyes popped open.

"That was close." I said as I looked up and towards the direction the car disappeared. She pushed herself off of me onto her feet.
"Are you ok?" She asked as I stood up.
"Yeah. Just a few bruises." I said as I brushed myself off.
"Alright! Let's continue!" She said as she continued walking. I smiled at her. We walked in comfortable silence til we arrived at the library.

"They actually went to the library. I thought that was a joke." Kirishima said as he saw us enter. It was a small nice library. Locally owned and had a wide variety of books. It was nice. There were little sitting areas strewn about the library, so if you found a book you could sit down and read. Windows placed closer to the ceiling allowed light to filter in. Plants hung and sat at alcoves. A spiral staircase lead to and upstairs where chairs and tables were placed. It was lovely. It smelled like old books.

Ryoko and I looked through the rows of shelves trying to find what we wanted. She found a couple good books after I had given her some suggestions. I found what I wanted and ones that I didn't intend to find. We checked them out and began our walk home. I had gotten some books on math and technology, with a few fantasy thrown in there. Ryoko had grabbed fiction, realistic fiction books, and fantasy. I had brought my backpack along and offered to take her books. She gladly accepted.

"I would've hated to carry those all the way back." She said as I put them into my backpack.
"We wouldn't want that now would we." I said as I slung it on my back. I spotted an ice cream shop nearby. Local. Perfect. I stopped.
"Want some ice cream? My treat." I asked. Clearing my throat.
Maybe it will help relieve my throat. It burns so badly.

"Oh no. Besides. I still owe you food." She said as we entered. It looked like an old time ice cream parlor. Chairs and tables were set up around. With the ice cream choices on display.
"Nonsense." I said as we approached the counter. A young woman greeted us.
"What can I get for you?" She asked. I nudged Ryoko.
"Umm I'll have..." She squinted at the board. I rolled my eyes.

"She'll have red velvet with ground up chocolate on top and I'll have vanilla dipped in chocolate please. Cones."
"Wha-" Ryoko started protesting as I laid the money down. I tucked my wallet back into my pocket.
"Don't let her pay." I said as the lady smiled. Ryoko scooped up the money and put her own down. The lady grabbed the money and put it in the register. She shoved the money into my chest. I grabbed it.

"Coming right up."
"Stubborn aren't we?" I said smiling. She snorted.
"Have you met me." She said. I grabbed her hand and lead her over to a table to wait. Once the ice cream was ready I got up to get it.
"And May I just say, you two are a cute couple." She winked at me. I blushed.
"We... aren't together." I said. She shrugged.
"If you say so." She disappeared into the back room.

"Here you go." I placed her ice cream in front of her as I sat down.
She licked her ice cream. Seeming more interested she licked it more.
"Like it? I knew you would." I said as I licked my own.
"Have you been here before?" She asked. I shook my head.
"I just know my ice cream." I said smiling. We had a pleasant conversation about ice cream and other desserts til we were done. We walked out.
I wouldn't know what it is to like someone so probably not.

"It's so late. We'll won't be back before curfew." She said as she looked at her phone. It was 9:15 curfew was 9:30. We still had a 20 minute walk.
"Hold on." I said. I offered her my hand. She took it. I pulled her up to my body. I put my hand on her waist.
"Put your arms around my neck." I told her. She did as she was told. I lifted off the ground.
"Oh my god!" She exclaimed as she looked down. "This is so cool!"

"I know right?! Ready? Ok let's go!" I took off. I made sure not to go to fast but fast enough to give us a few minutes. We touched back at campus at 9:23.
"I'd love to be able to fly! How fast can you go?" She asked me as we walked back inside the dorms.
"I don't really know." I admitted. I knew I was faster than the speed of sound, considering I've broken the sound barrier more than once. "I've never really tested it before." She nodded her head. Some of our classmates looked up from the couches.

"Strange. I though Kirishima, Mina, Kaminari, and Sero would be back already." Ryoko said. I laughed.
"You know they were following us too?" I asked. She snorted.
"Of course. It was so obvious. There's a reason why they're bad at stealth." She said as we walked towards the elevator.

"True." We reaches the second floor. I opened my backpack and handed her her books. She thanked me. I said goodnight. I went to my room. I got ready for bed. I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling. The fake stars twinkling at me. My eyes soon began to feel droopy and I fell into a light sleep.

My dreams plagued by nightmares but these were different than the ones I had before. Ryoko had found out about my true strength and she along with everyone else shunned me. While it was basically the same dream it hurt more because Ryoko, the person I trusted the most, hated me. Despised me.

I woke up the next morning at 4. I was sweating hard. I got up. I grabbed my key and walked out and padded silently down the hall. To the elevator. Outside. Into the school. And to my training room. As I trained images from my dream flashed through my head.
Ryoko stared at me with disgust.
Damn it.
I was injured after saving my classmates lives. They turned away.
Damn it.
Ryoko looked at me. Hate written across her features. I reached out for her.
Damn it!
She turned away. My vision was going black. My hand blurry as I tried to reach her.
Damn it!!
My vision went black.

I punched the ground repeatedly. My dream vividly coming back to me. My control slipped. My power skyrocketed. The whole room exploded in white light. I flew in the gaping hole. I powered down. I hung my head, and collapsed onto the ground.
Why am I the one with these dreams?! With these problems?!

I called Nezu and reported the damage. I heard him sigh. He said they would fix it immediately. I went back to the dorms. I stayed in my room all day. I didn't talk to anyone until Ryoko came by. It was around supper time.

"Gogeta?" I heard a knock at the door. I didn't say anything. I was laying on my bed staring at the wall. "Gogeta I know your in there. I didn't come by earlier because I wanted to give you space figuring you'd come out in your own time but that's not happening so I thought I'd check on you... Gogeta everyone is worried. What's wrong? Was it a bad dream again. I have some food here if you want to eat. We can talk about it if you want."

Sighing I got up and went to open the door. I had heavy bags under my eyes. The blinds were closed and the lights were off. I had been sitting in darkness all day. Letting bad scenarios go through my head. Ryoko stood there. A few carts of food next to her. Her hair was in a messy bun like on her first day. She was wearing a maroon tank top and a orange sports bra. She had on white shorts and was wearing no shoes. Just a pair of socks. She stared at me.

"You look awful." She said as she gripped my arms and inspected me.
"I'm fine really." I said in a hoarse voice.
It's getting worse.

"No your not." She snapped. She reached past me and turned on the lights. She rolled the carts over to the desk. She dragged me over by my arm. She forced me into the chair.
"Eat!" She demanded. She opened up the blinds. She closed the door. She picked up my scattered clothing and put it in the hamper. I had on my sweatpants but spent the whole day without a shirt. Staring at the food I realized how hungry I was. I dug into the food and was done in a few minutes. Ryoko grabbed me and sat me down on the bed.

"Now what's wrong?" She asked. I said nothing. I just stared at her. I didn't want to be vulnerable. As if reading my mind she said
"Gogeta it's ok to be vulnerable. Just talk to me please. Everyone is worried. Even Bakugo." She said. She held my hand and stared at my eyes.

Worry was written all over her face. I sighed. I slumped onto her shoulder. My restless sleep starting to catch up with me.
"I had a bad dream." I mumbled.
"And what was it about?" She asked as she rubbed my back.
"I can't say." I whispered.
"Why's that?" She asked in a soothing voice.
"I just can't." I said into her shoulder.
"But why?" She asked me, still trying not to be forceful.
I can't lose her. She's to important. Does that mean I like her though?

"Because-!" I grabbed her wrists. A bit to hard. She flinched. Her face hard as she glared at me. I softened my grip but didn't let go. "Because- you'd look at me differently. Broken." I whispered. Her face cracked into sadness.

"Gogeta I'd never look at you as broken because you aren't. It's natural to have nightmares." She said as she looked into my eyes.
"Even ones like mine?" I asked. I stared into her eyes.
"Given your situation it's completely normal. I'd even say you could be having way worse nightmares but because of your personality you don't have them often. Now what was this one about?" She asked as I let go of her wrists. I rested my head on her shoulder. I mumbled into her shoulder.

"You'll have to repeat that." She said. I sighed.
"I said it was about you. Shunning me. Hating me. Rejecting me. Looking at me with disgust. Everyone shunning me." I said. My face cracked. She pulled me into a hug.

"Hey it's ok. It's ok. I'd never do any of that stuff. Our class would never do that stuff. I'll always be here for you I promise. I'll always be here. I'll never turn my back on you. Your to precious to me. Your to important." She hugged me. I cried silently into her shoulder. I sniffed.
Maybe I do like her. I can always ask Mina.

"You ok?" She asked looking down at me. I nodded my head.
"Yeah it's just- I hate being vulnerable." I admitted. She snickered a bit.
"It's good to be vulnerable once and awhile." She said as she held me at arms length to look at me. "Now get some sleep because you look dead." She demanded.
So damn bossy.

I smiled to myself before I muttered a question.
"Repeat." She said. I sighed and looked down.
"I asked if you could stay with me til I fell asleep." I said. She seemed surprised.
"Sure." She laid me down. She pulled up my desk chair and sat next to my bed. The last thing I saw before drifting off into a dream dreamless sleep was her smiling face.
Yeah... I think I like her. A lot.

A.N. 2904 words! I'm so tired! Hope you guys liked the chapter! Finals are coming up so I'm not sure if I'll update next weekend but we'll see. I'm gonna go take a nap...

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