Chapter 3 Another day of school
Aizawa has dismissed us for the day. It was already evening and all the other classes had left. I sighed as I took the weights off. I had a fob that I borrowed from Aizawa that allowed me to take the things off. I pushed the button and they fell with a loud thump. I put them away. Sighing I stretched my arms as I thought about my dad.
A perfect man. Sometimes I wish I could be more like him.
I waited for a few minutes until most people cleared out before I began changing. The few boys that were left saw my scars but didn't say anything about them.
I got to my dorm took off my boots, set down the case and my bag, and flopped onto the bed. It was nice. The bed was in the right corner, and I had a desk from home in the left corner. There was a bedside table with a lamp on it. I had blue covers and white sheets. The walls were white with a tan accent wall. I had painted my ceiling to look like the night sky. And had even used special paint so it actually looked like you were staring at the stars. The window was between my bed and the desk against the far wall. I had suspended book shelves on the right and left walls. The closet was on the near wall. Filled with things from normal clothes, to my preferred clothes, to school uniforms. The bathroom door was on the left wall.
Sighing I got up and walked over to the closet. I pulled out my preferred clothes and got changed. I of course had some things from home. Pictures of the mountains that surround my home covered most of the free space on my walls. The four star dragonball. The power pole which was mounted on the wall above my desk. I grabbed my new, first, phone and called my dad to tell him about my day. Once I got off the phone I took a shower and went to bed.
The next morning Lunch Rush, the pro hero, brought me a big breakfast. Well big for you. I tend to eat. A lot.
I quickly scarfed down my breakfast and changed into my uniform. No blazer, no tie. Two Unbuttoned buttons, and my boots. I got to class a bit early. Only a few people were there. A dual haired teen and the tall kid with glasses. I sat down in my seat which I realized was next to the dual haired teen. Glasses then came up to me.
"Gogeta. My name is Tenya Ilda! We were not properly introduced yesterday! I only caught your first name!" I waved my hand at him to dismiss the issue.
"It's fine Ilda. Son Gogeta." I offered him my hand which he gladly shook. We made small talk as the rest of the class arrived.
"Yo! Son! Meet Bakubro!" Kirishima approached me with a smile as he gestured to a spiky blonde next to him. He was scowling and looked like he wanted to kill everyone. His spiky hair had a soft look to it. Which my hair did not possess. He was slouching. He didn't wear a tie.
Wasn't he the one who attacked me yesterday?
"Fuck off shitty hair!"
"He's saying hi." Kirishima said to me ignoring the blonde. I laughed.
Hmm. Anger issues. An ego. Self absorbed for the most part. But... he looks like he's hard on himself. Definitely smart. Probably a good tactician. Definitely soft. I will tease this boy every chance I can get.
"What are you laughing at you spiky haired bastard?!" He yelled at me. I laughed even more.
"Man! Your dense. I'm laughing at you explodo boy!" I gave him a closed-eye smile and he started shrieking unintelligibly while Kirishima and I laughed.
"Sit down." Aizawa said as he walked in.
The rest of the day was relatively boring. Before each class I grabbed what I would be doing and worked on that during each lesson. Classmates gave me questioning glances when I would mutter complex subjects when I couldn't do it in my head. One time I had a question about the math I was taking. AP Calculus. So when I asked my question my classmates looked both confused and amazed. At lunch all of them were bombarding me with questions. I sweat-dropped and held up my hands to attempt to calm them down.
"Guys look. I'm just ahead a few levels in our classes because I started school at a young age." I explained. Most of them calmed down but wanted a reason why.
"Well because... gosh. It's because my father didn't want me to be as dumb as he was at my age." I explained.
"Who is your father anyway Son? With a quirk like that he's got to be well known." Kaminari said.
"Oh actually my quirk is a combination of my parents quirk." I explained hoping they'd buy it.
"That makes sense. So he isn't a well known hero?" Momo asked. I shook my head.
"He's a businessman."
Not in the way your thinking.
My classmates sighed. Sounding defeated. Happy they were leaving me alone I devoured my food. Which was a lot. 50 full course meals. Lucy Rush loved to give me experimental dishes and get my opinion ever since he found out how much food I could eat.
For our hero class I sat quietly in the back waiting.
"I am coming through to door like a normal person!" All Might came rushing through the door in a very not normal way. I couldn't help but smile. He was like another father to me. People were talking about his silver age costume. I've seen each and everyone of his costumes. They were pretty sick if I do say so myself.
"Today we'll be doing... Combat Training!"
"T-training??" Bakugo and a kid with green hair said. I haven't talked to him yet. He was plain looking which is probably why.
"Real heroes dress in style! Which is why you'll dress in the hero costumes you requested!" Cases with green numbers on them that corresponded with our seat numbers came out of the wall. I stood up and stretched slightly. There were 22 cases. Two of which belonged to me. The case with my weights/inhibitors and my hero costume, which in actuality was just my normal clothes.
All Might handed me the case with the weights while I grabbed my 'hero costume' case. I walked down to the locker room and got changed quickly. I opened the case with the weights and clasped them around my ankles and wrists. I was the first person out considering others had more complex costumes and pieces than me. I stood in front of All Might chatting with him idly.
"So young Gogeta how do you like school so far?" He asked me.
"It's pretty good so far."
"How are the weights!?"
"A bit light. You could inhibit my power more as I'm sure you saw yesterday."
"S-so you saw me?"
"No. But I sensed you."
"Right. Well I'll talk to Nezu about the weights and inhibitors. Just make sure your holding back."
"Of course." When the girls came out I could feel their stares. I turned to smile at them. Some blushed when they saw my exposed chest and torso. I truly was a mystery. The 21st person of class 1-A who got in on neither recommendations or the entrance exam. No one knew what my 'quirk' was except Kirishima, Who was the only one to talk to me apart from Ilda and Bakugo directly without other people around. I was quiet and constantly nervous which the girls found 'cute.' But I was polite and kind. They knew I grew up in the mountains and was incredibly smart form my age. So the question they ask themselves is Why am I Here?
I was pulled out of my thoughts by a girl with black hair in a gravity defying ponytail. Momo. She's nice. Definitely the smartest in our class besides me.
"So Son..."
"Call me Gogeta."
"Right... um... Gogeta what's your quirk?" I could feel the stares of everyone who had finally arrived. They were eager to find out info about me. I told them the same as Kirishima.
"Super Hightened abilities. So like superhuman. And energy manipulation." I told her. She nodded her head and most of my classmates seemed satisfied with my answer.
"Yo! Gogeta! Nice costume man!" Kirishima yelled as he walked up. Bakugo a couple paces behind him.
"Uh thanks. You too. But this is what I wear on a regular basis." I told him. Some of the girls who were listening started blushing. I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly.
Is that all girls ever think about? Chest and abs?
Yes baby boy
"Wait actually?"
"Well yeah. There aren't a lot of people out in the mountains so I wasn't concerned with how I dressed... but don't worry. I do have normal clothes." I said quickly as he opened his mouth.
"Hey loser! What's your quirk again?" I turned toward Bakugo.
"Shut it shitty hair!"
"Super hightened abilities and energy manipulation." His red eyes stared me down til he finally snorted and looked away.
"That isn't half bad." He walked away.
"Sorry bout him." Kirishima said as we followed after him.
"Ahh it's fine. I don't blame him for being curious." I smiled at him as we stopped at the back of the group.
"You all look so cool!" All Might announced. "Now then. Heroes vs Villains. Teams will be decided by drawing lots!" Immediately my class bombarded him with questions. The kid who seemed terrified before supplied and answer.
"Excellent young Midoriya!-"
Midoriya huh? Looks like he got All Might's power. I'll have to help him out once in a while then so he doesn't get himself killed.
"Now draw your lots and I'll explain what we're doing!" I was the last to draw a lot. I got J. I sighed.
"Now then! The villains will have 5 minutes to enter the building before I send the heroes in. The heroes either have to capture the villains or get the bomb in the allotted time. Villains either have to keep the bomb said for 15 minutes or capture the heroes with capture tape that I will pass out! 15 minutes only! The first teams up will be... team D as villains and team A as heroes!" I sighed. This would be bad. I don't know why, but I noticed Bakugo hated Midoriya. And Bakugo was the villain. He wouldn't hold back. This won't end well. The rest of the class followed All Might to the surveillance room. I trailed behind the rest of the class thinking.
"Young Gogeta. If you don't wish to fight I will understand." All Might came up and talked to me in a low voice. I snapped out of my thoughts to look at him. I gave him a bit of a crazed smile before answering.
"You kidding me. I wouldn't pass up a fight for the world." My Saiyan side started taking over. I was itching for a good fight. All Might laughed.
"You do get that from your father. Alright then!" I sat down cross legged on the floor and closed my eyes. I leaned my head into my hand as the fight started. I could feel the agitation, nervousness, and fear building up in the room. My eyebrow twitched. I sensed every move they made. Bakugo probably had some of the best combat skills in the class.
"How are you so calm Gogeta?"
"He hasn't even been watching." My eyebrow twitched again. A scowl came across my normally soft features.
"Easy." I snapped. My voice had irritation in it. Some people grew more fearful. I was trying to calm down my thirst for battle. The atmosphere wasn't helping.
"I already know the outcome." I said after I calmed myself down.
"How?" A voice asked.
"I don't know how to explain it, I just do." I said irritated.
"Umm, let's just leave him alone guys." I heard Kirishima say.
Thank you Kirishima.
He obviously felt my irritation rising and didn't want it to escalate. Who knows what I could do? They don't. I sat there. Thinking. I didn't even move when the building shook. Heroes won but barely.
Soon it was my turn. I was with Sero and Kirishima. Sero surrounded the bomb with tape, making capturing it impossible. As soon as All Might said go I took off and in a few seconds found the hero team, I gave a smirk before I captured them a few seconds later. I wrapped the tape around their wrists. They didn't even see me coming.
"Villain team wins!" I walked out. The heroes behind me. I could here the talking of my classmates up ahead.
"That was so quick."
"How strong do you think he is?"
"Remind me to stay off his bad side." We joined the rest of the class. All Might dismisses us for the day. He put a hand on my shoulder just as I turned to leave.
"I definitely think we have to increase that weight Young Gogeta." I nodded and smiled at him. He let me go and I walked to the locker room to get changed. Wait. I don't need to change. I grabbed my bag and school clothes. Pressing a button on the fob. The weights fell off. But I caught them before they hit the floor. No one saw me move. I put them away and closed the case.
"Hey Gogeta! You never told me what the bands were for." Kirishima said as he came up. He was regarding me with mild curiosity. He put his arm on my shoulder and looked down into the case where the bands laid fitted into foam.
"They put a dampener on my strength." Not only were the blasted things heavy but they reduced the strength of everything. From my ki blasts, to my strength, to my speed, and all my other attacks.
"Oh... are you really strong or something?"
"I guess you could say that." I didn't want to reveal to much. If my classmates knew the extent of my power they'd think in a monster. One that could destroy the earth. Sensing that he shouldn't prod further, Kirishima nodded. We parted ways.
A.N. 2525 words! Good job guys we're getting there! Also sorry again if I'm a terrible writer. I try to make things none awkward between characters so tell me if I'm succeeding!
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