Chapter 28 The Dorms

The next day I got up from my room to stretch. I went downstairs to find Goku already outside training. I had a quick breakfast before I joined him.

Later that day All Might and Aizawa came. All Might in his weak form.
"I'm sure glad we saved them for last. They live so far away!" All Might exclaimed as he approached the door. I had just come out of the woods to see them walking up the pathway.

"Hey All Might! Aizawa! What brings you here?" I called as I flew up to them out of the tree line before I touched down in front of them.
"Oh young Gogeta. We came here to talk about the dorms with your father if that's ok." All Might said. I nodded my head and opened the door. I gestured for them to sit in the living room.

"Dad!!! Get in here!!! ALL MIGHT AND AIZAWA ARE HERE!!!!" I shouted out the front door, scaring All Might and Aizawa in the process. A few seconds later Goku walked in smiling.
"Hey guys! What did you want to talk to me about?" He asked as he sat down on a chair. I walked over into the kitchen to make something to eat.

"Right yes. We've decided that we're going to move all the students into dorms that are on the campus for security with all the villain attacks that have been happening. And we came to ask you if it would be ok if-"
"Heck yeah! He's already living there to begin with so I don't know why you guys bothered to ask again." Goku said smiling as he chuckled.

"R-right. Well then I guess we'll take our leave." All Might and Aizawa said as they stood up.
"Oh yeah, Gogeta, I have a letter here for you." Aizawa said. He walked up and pulled a letter out of his pocket. On the front it was addressed to UA. In sloppy handwriting above the address was my name. I took it in one hand as I waved them off as they left. I turned my attention back to the letter.
"Who's that from?" My dad asked as he peeked over my shoulder.

"I don't know." I said as started opening it. "Let's find out." I opened the letter to see the same sloppy handwriting.

Dear Gogeta,
It's Kota by the way Incase you couldn't tell but whatever. I just wanted to thank you. You did a lot for me those short few days. But I still don't get Your obsession with stars. Oh yeah, I meant to tell you but I got my quirk. It's my parents quirk. Anyways I hope to see you soon maybe. Anyways thanks again.
Also could you take me flying again sometime.

I smiled widely at the short letter in my hands.
"Is that the little boy you told me about?" My dad asked as he walked into the kitchen.
"Yeah." I said as I folded up the letter and put it in my bag.

The next Monday Aizawa gave me and my classmates a tour of the dorms. Which I was already in. Boys were on one side and girls were on the other. There were communal bathrooms also separated by gender but I had my own. On the first floor was the living room and kitchen, bathrooms, laundry, and a few dorms. The second and third floors were all dorms. I was on the second floor.

Aizawa gave everyone chilling news this morning before we began the tour. Stating that he would've expelled the whole class besides Bakugo, Ryoko, and myself since everyone knew of the rescue mission and did nothing to stop it. But he couldn't do that because of the recent events. Some people were surprised to hear that they carried out their plan. Ryoko shot a glare and a sadistic grin to those who went.

They looked utterly terrified, even Todoroki looked scared. While everyone moved in I chilled in the living space and checked what we had in the fridge and cupboards. A lot. I also repainted my walls.
How the hell are we gonna pay for food? More importantly, how are we gonna pay for food with me here?

I made supper for everyone. Once everyone was done moving in and we all ate the girls decided we should hold a contest to see who has the best room. But first Ryoko said she was gonna murder those who went. So she chased them around the dorms. She luckily ran out of mustard and wasabi but I had no doubt she would get creative with their punishment. She ended up hand cuffing all of them together. In an impossible way so it was almost impossible for them to move. While that was happening we begun the contest. She let them go after 45 minutes. Luckily that was when we reached my room.

When we got to my floor I could tell everyone was excited. Probably to see my room. And most likely Ryoko's. Bakugo didn't want to participate and went to bed.
'Finally! The most capable boy in our class!'
'The hottest boy in the class!'
'Do fish get thirsty?' Todoroki lol.

"Let's get this over with. I have work to do." I said sighing as we approached my door. Everyone was excited. I opened the door. I had painted my walls. It was like you were actually standing at my home in the mountains the paintings were so realistic. My bed still had the white sheets and blue covers. My desk sat in the corner. My computer, tablet, notepads, and various gadgets and inventions of mine covered the surface. The power pole was mounted above my bed. Suspended book shelves were above my bed and desk. The four star dragon ball sat on my night stand next to my bed next to the letter Kota gave me. The lamp was off.

"It's so realistic!!!"
"It's like you were actually outside!!"
"Is this where you live?"
"It's so pretty!!"
"Look at the ceiling!!" Mina cried. Everyone looked up.
"Oh that's not even the best of it." I said as I switched the lights off. My ceiling lit up. Like you were standing under the sky. The painted stars twinkled.

"I LOVE IT!!!!"
"NO FAIR I WANT THIS IN MY ROOM!!!!" I chuckled.
"When did you have the time to do all this painting?" Todoroki asked.
"I've been living here for awhile." I said as I switched the lights back on.
"You have?" Sato asked. I nodded my head. While I explained that I've been living at the school since the beginning of the year we moved to the girls side. Ryoko was up next. She didn't seem interested in the contest but agreed none the less. The boys seemed the most excited.

"Alright there. Look around and what ever. I'm ready to go to bed." She said as she opened the door. Her walls were yellowish with a white accent wall. Her closet was on the near wall. The floor was covered in a cream colored carpet. Her bed was in the right corner. It had maroon sheets and a orange and yellow covers. She had suspended book shelves around the room. She had a dark brown desk in the left corner. She had her computer, tablet, notebooks, blue prints, various plans, and strategies littered across the desk. She had hanging lights going around the ceiling and walls. The light that it cast made it look like a sunset in her room. She had a white bedside table with a lamp on it.

"Woah!!! Pretty!!!" Hagakure exclaimed.
"You don't seem like the type of person to have this room Dragneel." Kirishima said as he looked at the lights. "You know considering your personality and all."
"It's like a sunset in here!!!" Mina cried. "I love it!" Ryoko rubbed her neck.
"Yeah well it's like home. Anyways I'm going to bed. Night guys." She said as she ushered us out of her room. I stopped.

"Is this why you didn't let me in your room?" I asked smirking.
"Yes now get out." She said exasperated but she was smiling.
"If you say so. Night!" I called as I walked out.
"Night." She shook her head smiling and closed the door.

"Alright. I'm tired. You guys can finish the contest without me. Tell me who wins in the morning." I said as I walked towards my room.
"Night." My classmates called. I entered my room and took off my shirt. I walked over to my desk where I fiddled with some inventions until I got a knock on my door. I looked at the time. They were probably done with the contest. They knocked again.
Wonder who it is? Wonder what they want?
I sensed multiple people outside my room. 1, 2, 3... 7 people.

"Yeah yeah! Keep your head on!" I yelled as I walked over to the door. I opened it to see Kirishima, Ilda, Todoroki, Uraraka, Momo, Ryoko, and Midoriya outside. Kirishima being the one who knocked.
"What?" I said. I put my arm above my head on the door frame and leaned against the frame. Momo and Uraraka blushed. Ryoko stared at me and shook her head smiling. Knowing I was showing off.

"Tsu wants to talk to us about something outside." Kirishima said. I noticed that all the people there were involved with the rescue. And I hadn't seen Tsu all day apart from this morning.
Strange. Does this have something to do with the rescue? What would she want to talk about with the rescue?

"Ok." I walked out of my dorm. I had my room key in my pocket.
"Your going out like that?" Momo asked as I shut the door. I didn't have a shirt or shoes.
"Problem?" I asked smiling.
"N-no." She said blushing.
"Show off." Ryoko said as she nudged me. We walked down the hallway to the stairs, once there we walked past our classmates on the couch and out the front door. And with that we went outside. Tsu was in the grass close to the entrance under the light of the lamp.

"Listen guys. Tsu wanted to talk to you about something." Uraraka said as she walked over to her friend. Tsu then explained how upset she was when she learned they had carried out their plan and thought she had convinced them not to go. She ended up crying. Everyone ran to her and gave her a hug yelling they'd never do it again. Midoriya, Ryoko, and I stayed back. When they all left her, I walked up.

"Gogeta. Ryoko I don't know how you guys play into this but I thought that you had convinced them. But then I found out you were there. And I don't know what to think. And you were at the meeting. Trying to protect Bakugo's image." She sniffled. I exchanged looks with Ryoko before we pulled her into a hug.
"I tried I really did. But I was involved because I was given permission from the heroes to help with Bakugo's rescue. I made sure these idiots got out safely." I said as I let go of her. Ryoko kept holding her. I noticed she was blushing slightly. I forgot I wasn't wearing a shirt.

"That's why I tried so hard to convince them not to go. Because the heroes had a plan, but they obviously didn't listen." I sighed.
"Why I was involved is harder to explain but I was given permission to help. And they thought because of my friendship and similarities I share with Bakugo they thought I should be at the conference." Ryoko said as she pulled away from Tsu.

"Us girls wanted to have that contest tonight to get rid of the tension between everyone." Uraraka said.
"Oh speaking of which who won?" I asked as we started back towards the dorms.
"You and Ryoko did." Everyone said at once.
"Really? My room isn't that amazing."
"Same goes here."

"Everyone loved the stars in your room! Not to mention the walls! I actually felt like I was at your house! And it was like there was a real sunset in your room Ryoko! It was so warm feeling!!" Uraraka exclaimed as we walked inside.
"I for sure thought Kirishima would win." I smiled at him. "With his manly room and all." I snickered.
"Oh for sure. He's got all the manly stuff in his room." Ryoko said trying not to laugh.

"Stop making fun of me!" He cried. "My room is very manly thank you very much!" He exclaimed as we walked into the living area. Most of our classmates were there, sprawled across the furniture. Mina squealed when I walked in. I jumped slightly my guard going up, thinking somehow a villain got in. But I relaxed when I realized it was because I wasn't wearing a shirt.

"Gogeta!! You should just never wear a shirt!!!" Mina cried from the couch. I sighed.
What is it with girls? I'm just shirtless. It's not like they don't see shirtless boys.
I shook my head.
"I don't at my house but I don't think that will fly here." I said. Mina pouted.
"But why not!?"
"Because it's not appropriate attire." Todoroki said from behind me.

"Can I go to bed now?" I asked as I slouched forwards.
"No!!" Most of the girls cried.
"Yes!!" Most of the boys yelled. And Ryoko. I waved and said goodnight to everyone. I said goodnight to Ryoko as I went to my room.

A.N. 2285 words! I'm so tired! I slept for 12 hours last night! Hope you guys liked the chapter! Tell me if you have any suggestions!

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