Chapter 26 A Special Day
This takes place a bit after Ryoko gets into class 1-A so it's during the winter. I don't have any ideas for titles left lol.
Snow fell slowly onto the ground. The light grey clouds covering the whole sky. The crunching of snow beneath boots as I walked. My breath coming out as a cloud. Nose and ears were red. Silence invading my senses since no one was walking around.
I love winter.
I had been walking around for awhile now, relaxing and calming my body after a hard day of school. It was about 6 in the afternoon. Wearing nothing but sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I was walking through a residential district. I was kinda lost but I didn't mind. A door to from a house the right opened and out walked Ryoko?
"Ryoko?" I said. The girl jumped a bit and turned around to see me standing on the sidewalk in front of her house.
"Gogeta? What are you doing around here?" She said as she descended the steps and in a few strides was next to me.
"Me? I'm just taking a walk. What are you doing?" I asked as we began walking.
"I'm getting groceries." She said as she pulled up her scarf. She was wearing black sweats, a grey sweatshirt with a dark blue windbreaker over the top and a scarf. Her hair was up in a bun.
"I'll help." I said as I continued walking with her. She looked at me from the corner of her eye with a doubtful expression on her face.
"Why?" She asked as we took a right.
"I don't have anything better to do." I said shrugging. She huffed in response. We walked in relative silence for awhile.
"Are you really 15 or are you in your 20s posing as a high schooler?" She asked out of the blue. I started laughing and she gave a smile.
"No no I'm 15." I said in between chuckles. She chuckled herself.
"You don't look like it." She said as our feet crunched the snow beneath us.
"How old do I look?" I asked as we took a left. She hummed a bit as she scrutinized my face.
"17, maybe 18." She said as the grocery store came into view.
"Well if it's any consolation I turn 16 in 2 days." I said as we waited to cross the street.
"And let me guess, you don't want to tell the class because they'll get way to excited and want to throw you a party." She said as we walked across. I gave a laugh.
"There's no if, they will." I said as I opened the door for her and she walked in.
"And why's that bad?" She asked as she grabbed a basket.
"I'm not used to having a party, I also don't like being the center of attention. Besides I wouldn't want them to. There would be no need. I'd rather mess around in my room and read." I said as I followed her around with a basket as she told me what to grab.
"You might have a hard time hiding it from them." She said as we walked down another aisle.
"I'm pretty good at lying." I said as I grabbed something she needed.
"I can tell that." She said as she rolled her eyes. We made our way to the cash register. I stood next to her leaning against the counter as she payed.
We grabbed the bags and walked out. We walked the rest of the way to her house in a comfortable silence. I could see the sun setting as we walked. I gave a sigh. The snow was still falling steadily. The clouds were becoming a darker grey, and I could barely see the pink, and orange to the west. The sound of crunching footsteps filled my ears, and my breaths came out as clouds.
I love winter.
I look over to see Ryoko looking at me.
"Is there something on my face?" I ask gesturing the best I could with the bags. She laughed loudly as we turned onto her street.
"No. You just looked so at peace, calm, and happy. Nothing like you do at school. You seemed so... natural." She said trying to describe why she was staring. I gave her a warm smile. Which seemed to catch her off guard. I turned my face back upwards.
"Well I do love winter." I said as we reached her house. I walked in with her and put the bags down on the counter.
"Is your father here?" I asked as I began walking towards the door.
"No he's out working. Thanks for helping me. I appreciate it." She said as we walked back over to the door. I gave her a smile.
"No problem it was my pleasure. Well I'll see you tomorrow. Bye Ryoko." I said with a wave before I was out the door.
"Bye." She said to my retreating back as I began walking down her street. Whipping out her phone she texted everyone in the class besides the boy who was just here.
The next day at school was relatively normal. A few odd things here and there. Like how Kaminari got his head stuck in the wall. How Bakugo managed to blow up almost a whole building. How me "walking" on the walls was weird. The fact Todoroki was talking to people. But that's about it.
The next day at school was more unique. The whole class seemed tense and excited for some reason. Except for a few people who you can guess. After class though Bakugo approached me.
"Fight me." Was all he said before he grabbed my wrist and dragged me down to the training room. Kirishima seeming interested followed up from behind.
"Is there a reason for this?" I asked as he let go of me and dropped his backpack against the wall.
"No." Was all he said. Shrugging I dropped my back next to him. Kirishima sat next to our stuff.
"Be prepared to lose." Was all I said as I got into my stance.
I'll not use any energy attacks and try to keep at the same level as him.
He charged at me explosions coming from his hands as he launched towards me. Time seemed to slow.
Right hook.
I dodged down as his right arm blasted towards me. I grabbed his legs and tackled him to the ground. Pushing back I launched over the top so now we were on the opposite sides we started on. I ducked down again to a push-up position as Bakugo attacked me again, before I spun and kicked him away. Like what Goku did fighting Jiece and Burter.
Standing further away he launched explosions at me that I couldn't dodge. So I brought my arms up and dig my feet into the floor as he let off explosion after explosion. After maybe 50 explosions he ceased his attack. When the dust was cleared I was standing in the same place with the knees burned and some of the shirt of my uniform. Bakugo was huffing but didn't look surprised.
"Someones been training." I said with a smile as I dropped my arms to my sides.
"Well what did you fucking expect." He said as he wiped the sweat from him face. He let out a slow breath and his breathing became regular again. I got into my fighting stance.
"Ok let's go." I said. I charged at him first. I did a fake right hook. He took a swing with his right hand. I ducked to the right as an explosion went off behind me. I gave him a left hook to the face. He staggered away from the blow. I came back at him and did a right roundhouse kick aimed at his head that went over. Using the momentum I did a 360 and hooked his legs with my right leg causing him to fall backwards. I did a punch that I stopped before I reached his face.
He was sweating and huffing below me. I stood up and offered him a hand. He took it and stood up. Walking a few feet away I waited until he was ready.
We sparred for a few hours as Kirishima watched with wide eyes. Eventually I had both of them spare against me. At one point I punched them both in the face and brought them down into the ground at the same time. after that we were done.
"Well that was fun." I said with a huff and wiped my brow. My shirt was gone at this point after so many explosions. Although I have no idea how my pants always manage to remain intact.
"Crap. I forgot a textbook in the classroom." I said as I picked my bag up and looked inside.
"Do you think it will still be open?" I asked the two who were drinking water.
"I would imagine so considering the janitors are still cleaning." Kirishima said as he walked over to me.
"That's true." I said as I slung it over my back.
"You two Wanna come?" I asked not expecting Bakugo to say yes.
"Fucking fine." He said with a grumble as he grabbed his bag. Kirishima and I lit up.
"Oi. Don't give me those faces or I might change my mind." He said with a scowl. Kirishima and I started laughing and began our way back to the classroom. Once we reached the door I noticed the lights were off. I also sensed about 19 people in there.
What? Is my class here? But why? There's no reason why they'd still all be here.
I opened the classroom and the lights came on to reveal my classmates and Aizawa along with birthday decorations. I stood there unblinking as they all yelled surprise. Bakugo pushed his way past me and towards the cake set up on a few desks. I wasn't really sure what it was to be honest.
"What's this for?" I asked as I walked towards my desk and grabbed the textbook I forgot. My class stared at me dumbfounded as I put it in my bag.
"It's for you moron." Ryoko said as she pushed a piece of cake into my hands. Staring at them quizzly I titled my head to the side.
"Why?" I asked being completely serious. My whole class sweat dropped.
"Because it's your birthday." Momo said completely confused.
"So this is what Birthday party looks like." I said as I stuffed the piece of cake into my mouth.
"You've never had a birthday party?" Mina questioned as I grabbed another piece.
"Nope!" I said before I ate another piece.
"How does that not surprise me." Bakugo said with a snort as he grabbed another piece as well. I chuckled.
"We never really celebrated holidays in my house." I admitted as I ate a third piece.
"So you never celebrated Christmas?"
"Other holidays."
"Nope! We live near no one and my father never celebrated them growing up." I said as I ate a fourth piece.
"Your unbelievable." Ryoko said with a face palm.
"Thank you." I said with a smile, that just caused her to face palm again.
The rest of the night was spent talking, eating cake, and playing games. It was the most fun I've ever had.
I wouldn't mind doing this again.
I thought with a smile as we put whipped cream onto Aizawa's hand before we tickled his face and he wiped whipped cream everywhere. Then we proceeded to run away from Aizawa throughout the school as a form of hide and seek except you get punished if you get caught.
I'd definitely do this again.
I thought as I ran down a hallway that lead to a secret room that Aizawa didn't know about. Kirishima, Bakugo, and Ryoko right behind me.
I looked around at my classmates shocked faces.
I'd love to do that again. But nothing will ever be the same again...
A shame really but what can you do?
A.N. 2020 words! I thought it would be fun if I had a chapter about his birthday! Hope you liked the chapter! Tell me if you have any suggestions!
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