Chapter 24 End of the Camp

I'm running out of title ideas...

Pixie bob explained the rules. We drew lots to get partners. Class 1-b was to hid in the trees and try to scare my class. Pairs would go every 3 minutes. After everyone has gone we would switch and class 1-a would scare. I got Ryoko. I felt a viselike grip on my shoulder. I turned to see Bakugo.

"Gogeta. Be my partner. I can't handle this guy." Bakugo said as he pointed towards Todoroki. His face full of loathing and anger at his new situation. I attempted not to laugh as I smiled at Todoroki. He gave me a small one back.
"Can we?" I asked him.
"You can't switch partners!" Pixie bob called out.

"I guess that answers that question. Sorry bro you'll just have to deal with it." I said seriously as I put my hand on his shoulder. Then bursted out laughing from the pure look of horror on his face. As I was rolling on the ground from hysteria, Ryoko was covering her face with her hand like she couldn't believe she was friends with such an idiot. But I saw her smile.

After I managed to pick myself off of the ground, I started getting on edge. Something wasn't right. I sensed other people in the forest. But I didn't know who they were. I monitored them. I told Pixie bob, Mandalay, and Ragdoll about it. The looked worried. People went into the forest for the challenge while I talked to the pros. Ryoko also looked on edge. I walked over to her. She tilted her face upwards like she was trying to detect something.

"Do you smell that?" She asked me as she sniffed the air.
"Smell what?" I sniffed the air. I smelled it.
"Burning wood." We both said at the same time as we exchanged glances.
"Crapbaskets." I muttered under my breath. Ryoko gave me a weird look but said nothing.

Suddenly the forest was on fire. Villains were attacking. Pink fog was in another area. I contacted Aizawa through Mandalay to talk about the situation. When I asked him what I should do he said nothing. Do nothing! Are you serious! While with my inhibitors I was just as strong as some of my classmates, but I could still do something. But Aizawa didn't want them off because he was worried about damage. Also he didn't want the villains to know my true strength.

Damage?! The fucking forest is on fire! Also no one knows my true strength! I do know it!

I had been in the clearing with the pros and some classmates. Pixie bob was taken down. Aizawa and Vlad king weren't there. There were just two pro heroes and some heroes in training against a bunch of villains. I desperately tried to change the weight on the damn inhibitors but they weren't working. So I did the best I could with my martial arts, which wasn't a lot. Ryoko was doing the most. She was fighting pretty much all the villains in the clearing at once. Then suddenly in came Midoriya. He broke spinners sword thing and told Mandalay to tell class 1-A and class 1-B they have permission to fight from Aizawa. Mandalay's voice rang out.

"Everyone of class 1-A and class 1-B! You have been given permission to fight by the pro hero Erasurehead! If you can meet back at camp! The villains are also looking for Katsuki Bakugo! I suggest you come back immediately and don't fight!" Midoriya was gone. I was still here. I got frustrated. Here were my classmates fighting for their lives while I was stuck here not able to do anything. Even though I'm one of the strongest people on earth. It made me mad! I wanted to help. People were suffering and there was nothing I could do about it. Also the tension and fear in the air didn't help.

So naturally I snapped. My eyes went white at first. I powered up to Super Saiyan. I short circuited the inhibitors and they fell off with a thump. I was yelling of course. Everyone was being blown backwards from the sheer wind I was generating. I blew out fires. And chased away most of the fog. When I finally kinda came to my senses. My eyes were completely blue. My hair was golden. The light from my aura could be seen for miles. No one knew what it was. Suddenly I felt something hit my neck. Right before I passed out I knew who it was.
Thank you father.

When I awoke several things had happened. The pros for one started freaking out because I got knocked out, but because of my outburst most of the fires were put out and Kendo from class 1-b was able to stop the fog villain because I dissipated most of it. But what made me mad was the fact most of the villains got away and they had kidnapped Bakugo as well.

That made my blood boil. So I talked to Aizawa. He agreed to let me help with the rescue of Bakugo after a lot of convincing.
"Please sir! I won't even fight if not needed! If it doesn't go as planned I'll just grab Bakugo and go! I won't fight unless absolutely necessary." I said as I waved my hands around in random motions. After squinting his eyes at me and being silent for what felt like hours, he finally cracked.

"Fine. Only as a last resort got that." He said. I nodded my head eagerly and he sighed.
"You kids are too much for me." He muttered before he slumped to the ground and into his sleeping bag.

Police were running around and most of my classmates were being treated because of their wounds. Ryoko has minor injuries which was bad, But it was because she jumped in the way of a villain attacking a classmate and ended up with a good sized gash in her arm. She had cuts and bruises. There was also a nasty cut on her head. Her face was covered in blood. And when she smiled it was the scariest thing.

"We would've won if she looked like that and smiled at the villains. They would've run away screaming." I said to myself. Pixie bob was in critical condition and Ragdoll was missing. It was a horrible night. Nearby watching the scene with a scowl on his face was Kota. I came over and sat down next to him on the ground.
He glared at me. I stared up at the stars.
"You know the stars are really visible tonight."
"Is that all you care about?" He snapped at me. I smiled at him.

"No." I looked out at my classmates. Ryoko was hissing at the medics and yelling at them. "I care about a lot of things. And it's because I care that I risk my life. Your parents believed in the same thing. It's because they cared about you why they did what they did. Why they risked their lives. They wanted to make the world a safer place for you. They loved you. I know it can be hard losing someone. I've lost lots of people in my life. But I'm still here, and I'm fighting so people don't have to go through what I did. I'm fighting so kids don't have to go through what you did. I'm here to put a stop to crime. I'm here to save people. And one day, you'll meet a person who will help you realize, why we do what we do. A hero, your hero." Kota's eyes widened. His eyes welled up.

"But your just one person. How can you save everyone?" He asked. I smiled at him and closed my eyes.
"I can try right." He started crying. I got on my knees. "Hey hey. Don't cry. Don't cry. I'll start crying. Then we'd both look like blubbering messes." I pulled him into a hug. And he cried into my shirt.
"Why did they leave me?" I heard him say, muffled by my shirt. I sighed.

"That's a tough question. I don't have the answer but I'll tell you what I think. They never left you. They're still here. In your heart. They'll never really be gone. And I know it's hard when people leave, but always remember this. You are never alone. There will always be someone there for you. And even if it's miles away, remember I'm here for you." I leaned back and put a hand to his chest. I wiped away his tears. "You will never be alone." I pulled him into another hug. Once we separated I took of his red hat and ruffled his black spiky hair. I smiled at him.

"You don't always have to wear a hat you know. I don't even think I could wear one." He giggled. I gave him his hat back. "Be positive alright Kota. And remember to thank Midoriya. I only wish I could've been there to help."
"How did you know he saved me?" His eyes widened. I smiled at him.
"I have my ways. He's a good guy. Take your time with things ok. I'm glad your starting to open up to people again. If you ever want to talk just tell Mandalay and we'll talk. Whether it be in person or over the phone or by letters." I offered him my fist. He hit it with his own smaller one.

The next day before we left I walked over to Kota. I bent down so I was at his level.
"Take care alright bud." I offered him my fist. He hit it with his own. He gave me a small smile. The first one I've ever seen from him. I smiled widely at him.
"Sure. Just don't get killed."
"You should smile more often. It suits you." I said as I stood up. I pushed his hat down over his eyes. I waved goodbye to him as I was getting on the bus. He gave a small wave. Then I remembered Ryoko. She was over by Kota. Crouching down obviously hoping she wouldn't be seen.

"Why aren't you on the bus?" He asked her.
"Because of my hightened abilities I have motion sickness." She said. I walked towards her.
"Think you can stall him for me." She said to Kota. He nodded. She stood up and ran into the trees.
"DAMN IT RYOKO GET BACK HERE!!!" I yelled. It took awhile but I finally caught her. She even set up traps in the woods. She even attacked me with Wasabi and mustard. She almost got me too. So she chased me for awhile.

I ducked past lots of trees as I heard her lauging behind me. Eventually when I was far enough away and in a dark enough part of the forest I jumped up into a tree. So when she walked below me looking around very confused. I swung backwards, being held up by the tree. I grabbed both of her wrists and put a hand over her mouth. I felt her jump before she struggled. Sighing I hopped down and slung her over my shoulder. She put up a good fight as I hauled her back to the bus.

"PUT ME DOWN YOU DIMMERING OAF!!!" She yelled at me. "Bye Kota!!! See you soon!!!" She waved to him over my shoulder. He waved back. We were back on our way to U.A. we left as soon as we got everything figured out and gathered. A few people were missing from the bus as they were at the hospital. We were going to visit them later as a class. I fell asleep on the way back. No one has said a word to me since the incident except Ryoko. Who mostly shouted at me. I wonder if they knew that yellow light was me. If they do they probably think I'm a monster.

"What do you think that was?"
"What was?"
"That golden light."
"I heard it was Gogeta."
"Gogeta?! How?"
"It was. I was in the clearing. His hair was golden and his eyes were blue and there was a golden aura surrounding him."
"Wouldn't that be cool."
"Normally but he was like out of control. Didn't you feel the ground shaking?"
"That was him?"
"That was him yelling."
"You should've seen it. I thought we were all done for but someone knocked him out."
"It was so intimidating. I got chills just staring at him."

"Who could've knocked him out?"
"I have no clue."
"That's insane!"
"I'm not gonna lie I was terrified of him."
"Oh shut it. He's still the same Gogeta. Nothing has changed." Ryoko snapped. Her head was on my lap as she tried to control her motion sickness.

"Guys even if he's powerful he's still our friend and classmate and we need to treat him as such."
"Imagine if his power was with the wrong people or he was a terrible person. I think no one else but Gogeta could have that kinda power and not let it go to his head."
"How do you think he got that power anyways. Quirks aren't normally that strong."
"No quirk is that strong."
"Who knows. Maybe someday he'll give us answers when he's ready."

"He's a great guy for sure. I've never met someone like him."
"Why do you think he's going to school with us?"
"He just wants to be a normal kid for once. Remember he told us he's never been around kids his age. He probably just wants to be normal and hid his powers for that reason."
"He must've been so lonely."
"He had his father."

"Who is his father? Because I highly doubt it's a businessman." I opened my eyes.
"His name is Son Goku. And he is far from a businessman." My class froze at my awakening.

Dun dun dun!
A.N. 2333 words! I hate school. There's to much homework. I'd love to be able to update more but my schedule doesn't work that way. Luckily I had time tonight! Hope you guys liked the chapter! Tell me if you have suggestions!

I'm going to bed...

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