Chapter 21 A Fond Memory
Ryoko had asked me to train at school the next day after the mall incident. I agreed. We met up in one of the combat zones to spar. We were both wearing out PE uniforms. She watched me as I snapped on my weights but didn't say anything.
We fought for hours at least. She never seemed to tire. And anytime I started a fire she would eat it and get renewed energy. So I resorted to hand to hand combat/martial arts. I didn't expect her to be proficient in it though. She had obviously trained her quirk given the strength of it but she was good with hand to hand combat even without using her fire. In fact she incorporated it with hand to hand combat which I just remembered is how she fights. She landed quite a few hits on me and hit me with a beam that came from her mouth. My shirt got burned off. She snickered.
"You seem to be missing something there." She said as she tried to punch me I jumped backwards and she hit the ground.
"Yeah cause you burned it off." I said as I landed. She snickered. "Normally girls are affected by seeing me shirtless, or mostly shirtless."
"I'm not like other girls."
"That's obvious." I smiled. "Your much stronger willed." She blushed lightly.
"Shut up and fight." She said. She went after me I dodged.
"The next time we train would it be alright with you if I didn't wear a shirt?" I asked.
"Why the hell would I care?" She said as she tried again.
"Because your the one I'll be training with and I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable." I said as I dodged again.
"Why the hell would it make me uncomfortable?" She snapped
"I don't know. I just care about you I guess." I said scratching the back of my neck.
"Care about me? Why would you care about me?" She huffed but didn't seem mad.
"Because your my friend and classmate that's why." I answered as I sighed and turned away.
"I don't need you to care for me. I don't need you to doing anything for me. I need nothing from no body. I don't care what you do it doesn't affect me." She said with bitterness. I could see the pain and hurt in her eyes.
A moment of weakness!
Something had happened that caused her to mistrust and push people away. Hesitantly I reached out for her, and when she didn't react I pulled her into a hug. She clung to me.
"I miss her so much." I heard her say. Muffled by her speaking into my chest.
"I know. I know. It's ok." I tried to soothe her. She must've lost someone dear to her.
I mummered calming comments to her. Trying to calm her down. "It's hard when we lose people." I said.
"Have you lost someone?" I heard the same muffled voice ask. I paused. Letting silence fill the air before I answered.
"Yes... my mother." I said.
It isn't entirely untrue. It's not like I'll ever see her again in person at least.
She pulled back to look at my face. And for the first time she saw something hidden beneath my facade I have at school. She saw...
Sadness. Regret. Despair. And something she couldn't identify.
"I lost my mother to." She said.
"I guess we have that in common." I said smiling. My guard back up again. My momentary vulnerability gone in an instant.
"I guess so." She said. She shook her head smiling and let go of me.
"I think that's enough training for the day. I have a very vague idea about you capabilities." She said as she walked over to her bag.
"Sure." I said as I went to mine.
"What? You don't think I can tell." She said looking at me.
"There's just a lot I'm capable of." I said as I pulled out a T-shirt.
"And I'm very aware of that." She said. She turned to look at me. My dark orbs meeting with hers. Her black eyes stared into my soul.
"I know if you wanted to you could destroy the whole planet." I froze. She smirked.
How?! How did she know?!
Seeming to read my mind she said
"I could feel the hidden power behind your punches. How much you were holding back. I know a fight I can't win. I can't win against you. Not now, not ever. I know you and your father are the strongest people in the world. And I know who your father is." She stared me down. Her expression utterly neutral. I was terrified and you could see it on my face.
"Your father is Son Goku. I've met him before or rather I saw him talking with my father and I knew enough to guess who he was. Your last name confirmed that. I also know you beat Broly. Don't deny it. I know you did." She said and when she got to the Broly part I opened my mouth to speak but she shut me down.
"How do you know all of this?" I asked.
"I can tell when you lie. My father is a number two hero. I have a special pass and a provisional hero license. I'd figure it out sooner than later." She said. Then she smiled. "I'd like to thank you." My mouth fell open at that part. "You saved the earth and I'm eternally grateful. Nothing could repay what you've done. Also I think it's so cool that your father is Son Goku. Like what! That's insane! He must tell the best stories! I'd love to hear his account of all the events he's been in!" She started rambling about my father.
"Is he your favorite?" I asked smiling. She stopped midsentince as she was talking about the red ribbon army.
"Oh totally! There's never been someone like him! He didn't even do all that stuff for money or for fame! Most people didn't know about him til Bulma Briefs leaked all his adventures with historical accuracy all those years ago! The fact he's alive is amazing in and of its self! A real live legend!" She sighed.
"Would you like to meet him?" I asked.
"More than anything! But that would never happen. No one knows where he is." She said sighing. I laughed.
"You seem to forget I lived with him." I said. She frowned. But her eyes lit up.
"Well yeah but we can't go there now. Don't you live like 400 miles away or something like that." She said blankly like I was a complete idiot. Which I am.
"Yeah but I'll tell you a secret. I can teleport." I said. She stared at me blankly then bursted out laughing.
"Teleport. Nice one. Yeah right. That has nothing to do with your quirk." She said staring me down. Realization dawned apon her face.
"Ohhhhhhhohohohohoh... How did I not realize it sooner. It was right in front of me, staring me in the face. Ahh I'm such an idiot."
She said to herself and smacked her forehead with her palm and put a hand on her hip and looked upwards. She smiled to herself. Turning her attention, she pointed at me.
"You don't have a quirk." She said triumphantly. I tried to let no emotion cross my face but surprise flashed briefly. "No wonder. When you told me I thought he's lying but why would he? Everything makes so much more sense now. Why don't you just tell everyone?" She asked me.
"Because if I did they'd wonder where my strength comes from and if I told them they'd think I'm lying." I said trying to explain my dilemma.
"Ohh. Ahhh gotcha. I don't know why your so worried though. They're understanding people. Some a bit slower than others but still." She said. "Besides you keep your strength hidden."
"While that's true if my control slips just the tiniest bit my power could go sky rocketing and I'd have no idea." She brought a finger to her chin.
"Hmm. That is a problem." She thought a bit more and paced a bit. "Why not just work on your control." She suggested. Then I realized I haven't done anything to improve it.
"I can't believe I haven't been doing that." I said hanging my head. "Well anyways do you want to meet Goku or not?" I held out a hand.
"Are you serious?" She asked hesitating to take my hand.
"Would I lie to you? Not that I could." I said snickering. She smiled and took it. I teleported us to my home. The sun was setting just beyond the mountains. A few stars were scattered across the sky in the fading light. The trees rustled slightly. The warm light and colors invaded everything in sight. The mountains casting shadows over the trees below it. Birds flying in the distance. I felt the warm sun on my face and closed my eyes. I breathed in the crisp mountain air.
I missed home.
"Wow! It's so pretty! I'd love to live here!" Ryoko exclaimed as she spun in a circle taking in all her surroundings. I smiled fondly. I saw my dad come out of the house. In his typical orange gi. He grabbed his belt and flew over to us. He landed in front of Ryoko.
"Yo!" He said raising a hand as a greeting. Ryoko stared him. Studying him. Observing him as I spoke.
"Dad this is Ryoko Dragneel a girl from my class. Ryoko this is my father Son Goku."
"Wait how does she know about me?Did you tell her?" He asked me I shook my head.
"She figured it out on her own." I said crossing my arms. He smiled.
"That didn't take long. Well hello there Dragneel. As I'm sure you know I'm Goku." He offered her a hand to shake. She took it, almost not believing her eyes seeing the man in front of her.
"I can't believe this is happening." She said to me.
"Believe it. You'll like him. He's smarter than he looks." I whispered to her.
"So what brings you by?" Goku asked as he started walking towards the house. Ryoko and I followed.
"Well after she confronted me about you I asked her if she wanted to meet you." I admitted.
"How did you know about me?" Goku asked Ryoko.
"I can tell when your son lies so I confronted him openly about it." She admitted. He stared at me.
"I tried to make sure he was proficient in lying before he went to school so this wouldn't happen." He said as he opened the front door.
"Well in all honesty you can't tell he's lying. I only can because his heart rate increases ever so slightly but not enough for anything other than me to detect. He stands just the tiniest bit straighter but not enough to notice. And his eyes dart to the left to quick for normal humans to see." She explained as they walked over to the couch. Goku looked impressed.
"She got you good son." He said as he sat down. For the remaining hours of the day Ryoko asked us questions. We would answer. Goku would tell stories and we had supper. She had texted her father about where she was. I took her home at 10 then teleported to my own dorm. A ding from my phone on my nightstand alerted me. Picking it up I looked at the screen.
Your dad is amazing!
Thanks for letting me
meet him!
Maybe her knowing won't be so bad after all...
I shook off my fond memory and turned to look at the girl beside me. She was sound asleep her face facing the starry sky. I smiled. I turned again to look at the sky. The millions of stars lighting up the cold night.
It's not bad at all...
A.N. 2020 words! Nice and short chapter. As Gogeta and Ryoko watched the stars he thought back to this memory of Ryoko which is what this chapter is.
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