Chapter 20 First day of Training Camp

That Monday was the day we were leaving. I had everything I needed. I arrived at the classroom. We soon went down to the bus to leave. Class 1-b was outside to. Monoma attempted to start a fight with us. Ryoko came down from our classroom and Monoma froze. While he froze he got knocked out by a girl named Kendo. She apologized and dragged him away much like what had happened at the festival.

We all boarded the bus, but before we did we had to convince Ryoko to get on. She was getting motion sickness from just looking at the bus. I eventually dragged her onto the bus all while she protested. Aizawa made no attempt to calm us down seeing as that was impossible. I was sitting next to Ryoko. She had the window seat. Several people were standing, not to mention several shouting. Her included. Mostly telling them to, in her words, shut the fuck up.

"Aizawa excuse my potty mouth. SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" She yelled. Bakugo yelled right back at her
"LANGUAGE!!!" I yelled.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP MOUNTAIN BOY!!" He yelled from behind us.
"Plug your ears." I told Ryoko. Putting my mouth by her ear. She did as she was told. I stood up. I then clapped my hands with tremendous force. Shaking the whole bus and knocking down everyone who was standing. And everyone clapped their hands to their ears. I smiled sweetly at them.
"Calm down. Stop shouting. Stay seated. It would be unfortunate if something happened to someone." Getting the hint everyone quieted down. I sat back down. Ryoko smiled at me.

"How did you know that would work?" She asked me. I smiled at her.
"It's such a surprising loud sound that it quickly got their attention. Rather than me shouting, that is way more effective if you can clap loud enough." I said. She nodded.
"I'm going to use that." She said. I laughed.
"It's effective."
"That's for sure. Thanks for giving me a heads up. With my hearing and all." She said.

"No problem. That would've hurt no doubt." We talked for a bit longer. Her motion sickness got worse. She ended up laying on her stomach with her head on my lap due to my insistence. I put my earphones in and listened to music on the way there.

"Ahhh!!!!! Look at Ryoko and Gogeta!!!" Mina cried. We both had fallen asleep. My hand was on her back. The other supporting my head. She had one arm tucked underneath her and the other was holding my leg.
"Take a picture!!" Kirishima called. Hagakure snuck up and took pictures from multiple angles.

We soon stopped on an overpass on a cliff overlooking a forest. Everyone got out and stretched. Relieved to be off the bus. Ryoko the most. She was full of renewed energy. And didn't seem keen on getting back on the bus. I stood next to her so I could grab her for when we got back on. Mineta ran around looking for a place to pee.
"You don't really think we stopped here so you could just stretch your legs do you." Aizawa said. Suddenly two pro heroes came out the car that was next to your bus. They introduced themselves as the wild wild pussycats.

"These will be the pros you'll be working with at the training camp." Aizawa said. Midoriya went wild about them. He got all excited and explained their group. Then when he brought up their age, the blue one went feral on him.
"I'm 18 at heart." She said as she gripped his head.

"Say hello." Aizawa commanded.
"Hello." Everyone said. I noticed a little boy nearby. He was strange. He had black hair and was wearing a red hat. He looked at us with utter disgust and hatred.
He seems to hate us all. But why is he with the pussy cats? And why does he hate all of us already?

The pussycat Mandalay pointed out the land they owned.

"We own this whole stretch of land out here. Everything you can see. The training camp you be staying at is there at the base of the mountain."
"Wow that's far." Everyone said simultaneously which creeped me out.

"But why did we stop all the way up here if the training camp is down there." Uraraka asked.
"I think we both know the answer to that." Tsu said.
Oh fuck yes!

"No that can't be right." Sato said shaking his head.
"Uhh let's get back on the bus." Sero suggested as he started to turn around.
"Good idea." Kaminari said as Mina nodded.
"It's currently 9:30 in the morning. If your fast about it you might make it there by noon." Mandalay said as her tail went back and forth.
"Uh no way! Guys." Kirishima said as he started backing up.

"Run!" Mina yelled.
"Save yourselves!" Kaminari yelled. Suddenly everyone was running for the bus. I stayed put. Ryoko stayed put as well. And smiled widely.
"And if you don't make it there by 12:30 you won't get any lunch!" She called after them. What surprised them was the fact I jumped off of the cliff.

"Is he insane!" My classmates yelled.
"Wait up!!!" Ryoko yelled angrily as she also jumped off the cliff. She laughed as she fell.
"They're insane!!!!" Our classmates yelled. I put my hands out to the side to slow my decent. I looked out over the forest. It was beautiful. I felt the wind blow through my hair and clothes. It whistled in my ears as I came closer to the ground. Soon I became level with the huge trees. I hit the ground with a boom. *insert Super hero pose.* A small creator was made as I stood up straight.

"That's the spirit!" Pixie Bob yelled putting her hands up in the air. Ryoko landed next to me about a second later.
"You should've already guessed it... but training camp has already begun." Aizawa said as Pixie Bob landed in front of my classmates and put her hands to the ground. We walked to the edge of the forest. The ground shifted. Suddenly they were all thrown over the edge of the cliff. The ground lifted up and they were thrown over. Everyone was screaming. I was waiting at the edge of the forest while my classmates crashed to the ground.

"Good news. Since this is private land you can use your quirks as much as you want to. You've got three full hours. You should be able to make it back to the facility in that time. That is if you can make it through the best forest." Mandalay called from above us. At her last words everyone spun around. Ryoko smiled widely.

"Beast forest? Sounds like a name from a fantasy game." Kaminari commented. Mineta ran into the woods to pee. He stopped when he saw a monster. Like a literal beast.
Ha! Great!
"So that's why they call it beast forest." Sato commented. I already had the weights on. I pushed a button to turn them on.
"Try to keep up everyone!" I called as I took off into the forest.

"Wait up you idiot!! Don't go charging into a unknown location without knowing where your going!!!" Ryoko yelled as she ran after me.
"They're crazy." Mina said as our class stared after us. Monstrous sounds could be heard. Soon my class followed but we were way ahead. They formed a formation. While I had a perimeter around the formation I stayed 15 meters away. Ryoko stayed 7 meters away. And we were constantly running around the edge and going to where the beasts appeared we made fast progress. Well fast for us.

A couple hours later. A few hours before sundown to be exact we came out of the woods most of us tired looking, with dirt all over our clothes. Everyone had exhausted their quirk. The two people who didn't look tired was Ryoko and me. We had dirt on our clothes but looked like we could go for another round. Everyone collapsed.
"What was that about three hours?" The whole class asked the waiting pro heroes.
"Sorry I guessed we timed it on how long it takes us." Mandalay said.

"Bragging about how much better you are than us. How rude." Sato commented from the ground.
"I'm starving. This is hell!" Kirishima said also from the ground. Gripping his stomach.
"Cmon guys it wasn't that bad." I said with my arms behind my head.
"Gogeta how are you not tired?" Mina said. She was laying down.

"I agree with him." Ryoko said as she stared at our classmates. "You guys are just weaklings."
"That doesn't explain your freakish stamina you guys." Sato said.
"I don't know. I have a lot of stamina... lots of it." I thought about it. I do. I doesn't tire easily. "Huh... I guess I've never really noticed before." I said smiling at my class.
"Same here." Ryoko said. Everyone looked dumbfounded.

'How do you not notice?' Everyone thought. Then Pixie-Bob spoke.
"If I'm being honest with you guys I thought it would take you kids much longer. You did much better against my dirt monsters than I thought you would. You guys were seriously great. Especially the six of you!" She pointed to me, Katsuki, Midoriya, Iida, Ryoko, and Todoroki.

All of whom happened to be standing by each other. By complete chance.
How does this keep happening?
"It seems like you've had quite a bit of experience!" She licked her lips. "I call dibs! I'll groom these kittens myself!" She then started fussing over us six while we tried to protect ourselves.
"Mandalay, has she always been like this?" Aizawa asked gesturing.

"It's gotten worse lately. She's at the age to take a mate." Mandalay responded.
"Uhh speaking of people's age" Midoriya started. Only to get a hand to the face.
"Chose your words carefully boy." She said.
"Uhh I've just been wondering since we got here earlier. Who's that kid and what's he doing here?" Midoriya asked pointing to the kid I noticed earlier.

"Oh this little guy. He's actually my cousins son and he's living with us now. Say hi Kota. Don't be shy. You'll be living around them for the next week." He kept a blank face. Midoriya walked up and introduced himself. Only to get punched in the balls.
'Ouch' everyone thought. Iida ran to his friends aid.

"What a low blow! You fiend of a child, a punch to the scrotum is unforgivable!" He called out. Kota turned with a dark look on his face.
"The last thing I want is to hang out with a bunch of wanna be heroes!" He replied coldly.
"I like him!!" Ryoko exclaimed throwing her hands up.
"Wanna be? How old are you kid?"Iida asked.
"That brat's got spunk." Katsuki commented. I was still standing next to him, Ryoko, and Todoroki.

"He's like a mini version of you." Todoroki said nonchalantly. I bursted out laughing. I liked this new Todoroki. Ryoko was on the ground rolling with laughter.
"What are you taking about! You better shut your mouth before I blast you to hell!!" Katsuki yelled turning to him.

"Yeah sure." He said. His expression not changing. I continued laughing and he gave me a small smile. I returned him with a bigger one with my eyes closed.
"Enough playing around. Get your things off of the bus. Once your bags are in your rooms, diner will be ready in the cafeteria. After that you can bathe and sleep. Training begins in earnest. You better get a move on." Aizawa commanded to moans and groans.

He turned to Mandalay and PixieBob probably to tell them about my immense appetite.
"I'm. Not. Going. Back. On. That. Bus." Ryoko said as she scooted away from me. I sighed.
"I'll grab your stuff." She lit up like the sun.
"Thank you!!!! I'll buy you SOME food when we get home!!" She cheered as I began walking. I smiled to myself.
What a funny girl.


After Gogeta had left I stood up from the ground to follow the kid Kota. He stopped before the forest.
"Why are you following me?" He snapped turning around to look at me. I walked over and crouched down.

"Because you remind me of me. And I don't want you to end up like me." I said staring into his eyes. Seeing hatred, resentment, anger, and coldness fill them. The same emotions that hide in my eyes. Hidden behind a facade of kindness.
"What's it to you?" He snapped. I sighed and sat down in front of him.

"Trust me kid. You don't want to be like me. I know everything about you. Your filled with hatred, towards heroes and quirks, villains, your angry at a certain villain. Your filled with revenge. It's building up, til it will consume you. You feel no emotion. Your cold, because you don't want to love another person. You lost your parents to that villain. The only people you loved. Which is why you don't want to love anyone ever again. And you'd like nothing more than to kill that villain who took everything away from you." I said as I stared him down. Surprise crossed his face.

"But how-?" He started.
"I know because I'm you. I lost my mom at a young age. I was filled with hatred and revenge. It consumed me. Til there was nothing left. Only hatred. Coldness that wouldn't disappear. Protectiveness of the one person I had left in my life. I had no emotions. My father thought it would be best to move to America. I learned to live again. But only slightly. My hatred is still here all these years later. So is my thirst for revenge. Don't become me. Be someone better." I said. I stood up and left him there as he thought about what I said.

Why did you have to leave me?
Why did I have to become this way?
Why can't I feel emotions.

I feel nothing.

Gogeta's POV

We all dug in to the food laid before us. My table had the most. Mostly in front of me. And Ryoko.
"This is so good!" Midoriya called. We were all devouring our food. Soon everyone started talking. I was more focused on food. I was already on my 20th plate. Everyone was staring and I tried to keep my manners. 54 plates later I stopped to take a break.

"He- he j-just ate 50 full course meals!!" Mina exclaimed.
"Really! I lost count after 35!" Kaminari exclaimed staring at me.
"Naw That was 54 meals." Ryoko said as she ate.
"You saw? When did I miss those four?" Mina asked.

"At the beginning. He was eating so fast you couldn't see it." She said as ate.
"A-and he did that all under 7 minutes!" Kirishima said from opposite of me.
"Where you timing me?" I smirked at him. He laughed nervously.
"Maybe." He gave me a side glance and gave me a pleading smile.

"Just so you know this is a one time deal. You'll have to make your own food from now on!" Pixie Bob said as she passed us. Most of my class started moaning while I jumped up.
"Yes!!!" Ryoko and I cheered.
"Gogeta... Ryoko... why are you guys so excited?" Kirishima asked
"Let me guess. Your good at cooking." Momo said from nearby.

"Yup! So don't worry about food you guys! You'll only slow me down anyway."
"That's what I was gonna say!" Ryoko protested from next to me.
"Like hell I would!" Bakugo yelled from his seat. I smirked at him.
"You wanna help us then?"
"Tch. Fine whatever." He crosses his arms and scowled.

"Are you guys really good at cooking?" Kaminari asked us doubtingly.
"As good as I can fight!" Ryoko exclaimed ignoring his doubt.
"I was gonna say that!" I said. Protesting myself.
"It must be good then." Hagakure said.

After everyone was done eating we all agreed to take baths since we were dirty. There were two hot springs. One for the girls one for the boys. Separated by a wall.
Great! There gonna see every other scar that they haven't already seen.

I sensed Kota atop of this wall. Probably to stop Mineta if he were to try to peek. Which ended up happening. I had been in the water. My nose just above the water. I was near Kirishima as we watched Mineta climb the wall with Ilda yelling at him.
"Why don't you stop him?" Kirishima asked me. I smiled. I put my head above the water a bit so I could talk.

"Then that would ruin the surprise." He gave me a questioning look. But he saw what I meant a few seconds later. Just as Mineta reaches the top Kota appeared.
"Before you become a great hero. You need to become a decent human." He then smacked Mineta's hand causing him to fall directly onto Ilda's face.

"Thanks Kota! We owe you one!" I heard Mina call. Kota turned around. Then lost his balance from surprise and fell. I caught him and was on the ground in less than a second.
"Nice catch Gogeta!"
"That could've been bad if he fell." He had passed out. I sighed. I carried him into the dressing room. I pulled on my boxers and my joggers before I gathered Kota in my arms again.

I took him to Pixie Bob and Mandalay and told them what happened. I asked them why Kota hates heroes so much. They told me his parents had been murdered by a villain. And ever since then he's hated heroes and quirks alike.
Soon the day was over and it was time for bed. I had been talking to the pros for awhile and by that time most people we leaving the bathhouse.

I still needed my shoes and shirt so I walked back. With my shirt off. In front of the girls. Who all started blushing madly when they saw my exposed upper body. Except Ryoko who has seen me shirtless more times than I can count.

"Gogeta where's your shirt!" Uraraka asked as she covered her face with her hands.
"Wha!!! No keep it off! Who cares where it is!!" Mina yelled waving her hands around.
"I don't get what the big deal is." Ryoko said as she stood next to me. Inspecting me trying to find what they were staring at.

"You mean your not bothered by the fact he's shirtless?!" Hagakure exclaimed. Ryoko put her arm on my shoulder and stared at me. She slapped my abs. I grunted.
"Not really no. I've seen him shirtless plenty of times." She said.
"And why's that?" Mina said. Wiggling her eyebrows.

"My god. Your as dirty as Kaminari. He never wears a shirt training." She said. I died at the Kaminari part. Mina looked very offended.
"SLAY QUEEN!!" Hagakure shouted.
Honestly me though.
I stood there in front of the girls as they continued to shout at me and Ryoko.

I was utterly perplexed. Kirishima and Bakugo walked out wondering what all the commotion was only to see it was just me half naked in front of the girls. Kirishima smiled and went back inside. He came out with my shirt and shoes.
"What!! Kirishima! You should've hid it!!" Mina exclaimed.
"Why? Enjoying the view girls." He said as he put his arm on my other shoulder. He then punched my abs. I grunted again. He smiled.

"I'm not." Ryoko said from my other side.
"Yeah but do you really count." Kirishima said trying to make sure she didn't hear. He ended up getting hit in the head.
"You take that back! IM VERY MUCH A GIRL THANK YOU!!!" She stormed.

"AAHHH!!! I GET IT!!!" He stood back up and ran back over to me. Probably hoping I'd give him protection. If so he was wrong. I'm not gonna stand in the way of a wrathful Ryoko. I'd die. 
"They're rock solid." He said gesturing to my abs. The girls blushed even harder. I remained emotionless. Not sure what to do in this situation.

"Could you please put your shirt on Gogeta?" Momo asked as she avoided looking at me.
"What!!! Wait so these were the scars you guys were talking about?!" Mina came right up next to me and tapped some of my scars that littered my front. Kirishima nodded.

Now most of the girls crowded around me, trying to see my scars. I held my arms up. Not sure what to do. I was blushing slightly. Now the rest of the boys came out and watched in amusement or jealously as the girls inspected my upper body. I felt hands touch my left peck. I looked down to see Mina feeling the scar from Broly.

"Woah!! This one feels so cool!!"
"Gogeta, how did you get these?" Momo asked as she traced the one from my dads sword.
"Fights." I replied simply.
"What kind of fights have you been in?!" She exclaimed as she inspected the cross shaped one.

"Life or death ones." I dropped my arms. My muscles rippling as I lowered them.
"Your unnaturally muscular for our age." Tsu said. She had kept her distance more than the others.
"Am I?" I seriously questioned.
"WE'VE ALREADY DISCUSSED THIS!!!" Ryoko shouted from beyond the circle of girls.

"Compared to everyone else here yes." Momo said as she went to my back. She poked my left side where the other cross shaped one was.
"Did you get stabbed?" She asked as she switched back and forth.
"Yes." I said monotonously.

"How did it go straight through you?! This wound is ridiculous! It's a wonder your still alive!" She said as she went back to the front. I chuckled.
"I almost wasn't." I said smiling.
"So what your saying is... you've almost died?" Everyone froze. Staring at me in fear. I lowered my head and gave her a sad smile.

"More than you know."
"You've almost died... more than once?!" Kaminari exclaimed from behind me. I nodded my head.
"What is this one from?" Momo asked as she tapped the large explosion shaped one. "It looks more recent."

"Oh that old thing. Just another fight."
"How many fights have you been in?"
"That almost cost me my life or total?"
"Life." I counted on my fingers.
"3." Peoples mouths fell open. I laughed.
"How can you laugh?" Ilda asked me. I turned to face him and smiled.

"Because it's my job to risk my life for the earth." And with that I walked away from my classmates who were frozen in place. Ryoko followed me.
"Well that was interesting." I said as I pulled my shoes on.
"Put your shirt on! You'll catch a cold like that!" She said handing me my shirt. I smiled at her.
"Aww. Are you worried about my wellbeing?" She snorted.
"You wish asshole." She walked past me. She jumped up into a tree and from there onto the roof of the dorms. I followed close behind her. We laid down and stargazed.
I've missed the stars...

A.N. 3914 Words everyone! I died a bit again! Sorry I was busy with school but now it's the weekend! Tell me if you guys have any suggestions! You guys never comment and it creeps me out...

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