Chapter 2 First day of school
I had 10 minutes to get to U.A. Crap. Giving my dad a hug and saying goodbye til next weekend I set off flying to U.A. I flew quickly. We lived 400 miles from the school. I arrived with 5 minutes to spare. I landed a block away from the school gates. Rushing in the building I found my classroom with 3 minutes til class would start. I was in class 1-A. I attempted to make my clothes look less wind blown. My hair was beyond hope. It was going in every direction. My cheeks were flushed and my spiky hair had and untamed look to it, more than normal. I wasn't wearing a tie because screw those things. I wasn't wearing a blazer either because it was to many layers. The first two buttons of my shirt were undone. I stared at the oversized red door.
This seems a bit much.
I heard arguing on the other side.
Great the first day and people are already getting into fights.
I sighed. I opened the oversized red door and walked in. The attention went from the argument to me. I felt 16 pairs of eyes following me. The people who were arguing was a boy with blonde hair in a desk with his feet up and a taller ridged, serious looking boy. I smiled at them.
"Come now. We don't need an argument the first day do we?" I said as I walked over with my hands in my pockets smiling.
"Shut it you extra! This doesn't involve you!" The blonde shouted. I mentally face palmed myself.
He's gonna be a handful isn't he.
I smiled at him which seemed to tick him off.
"Oh but it is my business. After all we are in a classroom right now. If you must you guys can continue this after school." I said. I started to turn around. The blonde was saying something.
"DONT IGNORE ME DAMN IT!!!" He yelled. He shot his arm at me, an explosion flickering in his hand. I dodged my head to the left and grabbed his hand.
"It's rude to attack someone when their back is turned." I said. My face becoming dark as I turned to face him. He was completely shocked. Disbelief across his features. I smiled again.
"Now don't do it again."
I looked around as I tried to find an open desk. There was one in the back row. As soon as I sat down whispers started up immediately. With my hightened senses, I heard everything.
"Who's that guy?"
"Was he at the entrance exam?"
"No. I think I would've remembered him."
"Did he get in on recommendations then?"
"I didn't see him there."
"How did he get in then?"
"Did you know he was coming?"
"He's so cute!"
"He looks a bit nervous."
"He's really muscular for our age."
"No kidding! He's ripped!"
I tried to ignore the talking, and attempted to calm down my nerves. I've never been around kids my age. I was gripping the desk so tightly I started breaking it. Noticing I stopped before I completely destroyed the thing. Most people noticed and attempted to guess what quirk I had. Most guess super strength. I mean technically they aren't wrong. There was a commotion at the door between glasses, a green haired kid, and a brown haired girl.
Then a human caterpillar came up behind them.
"If your here to make friends I suggest you leave." He then sucked on a applesauce packet. I have never been so confused in my life. He stood up and climbed out of his yellow sleeping bag.
Is this guy our home room teacher? He's so weird!
"Hello my name is Shota Aizawa and I'm your homeroom teacher."
Guess that answers that question.
"Now put these on and meet me down at the field." He held up a navy blue P.E. uniform. It had white with red outlines that spelled UA.
"But sir, we'll miss the opening ceremony and orientation." A brown haired girl spoke up.
Oh sweetie. He can do what he wants.
"Teachers have freedom at UA to do what they wish with their classes. Just like you have freedom with your quirks." He looked towards me. "But that doesn't mean you can get away with everything. I'm not afraid to expel anyone of you if I see fit. Now grab a uniform and get going."
"Yes sir." The class said in unison. I waited til they were gone.
"Aizawa. I-"
"Yes I know. Here you go. Just be careful with the things." He handed me four weights. Well more like gestured. I nodded and picked up the case and a uniform. The weights were to light. Did they underestimate me? I went into the boys locker room. Most were close to being done. Then I realized something. I had scars. And they weren't small either. They were mostly covered by the vest I wore, but that was around no one. I was isolated my whole life. I didn't need any questions yet because I wasn't sure I had a believable excuse for scars that bad. So I put the weights on first.
"Hey bro. What are those for?" A redhead male came up and asked. It was obvious most of the boys were nervous to talk to me. I would be too, to be honest.
"Oh these? They help me with my quirk." I lied straight through my teeth. I hated lying but sometimes it was a nessisicity.
"Really? How?" He asked. He tilted his spiky hair to the side. I couldn't help but stare.
"You good dude?" He asked me, seeing as how I didn't reply.
"Hmm? Oh yeah I'm fine. But I couldn't help but notice how our hair is kinda similar." I pointed to his hair and smiled at him. He started laughing.
"Yeah I guess so. My name's Ejiro Kirishima. What's yours?" He offered me his hand, I took it.
"Son Gogeta."
I finished changing. Kirishima saw the scars but didn't say anything, which I was grateful for. We talked as we walked outside. A few seconds later after we joined the group Aizawa proceeded to tell us we were having a quirk assessment test.
"Gogeta!" He turned towards me. Unsmiling like always. Small comments went up about the reveal of my name.
"How far could you throw a ball in middle school?" I blinked a couple times before responding.
"Well I was home schooled, so I didn't do tests like this." I said puzzled. He sighed.
"That's right. Well realistically, how far do you think you could throw it back then?"
Bringing a finger back to my chin I thought about it. If I were to apply these weights and these inhibitors to my then strength I have a good estimate.
"Without using my 'quirk' correct... 10,000 meters." After he nodded his head I supplied my answer. Everyone gave me surprised looks.
"Here." Aizawa threw me a softball. "Just don't leave the circle."
Even with the weights and inhibitors I have on, I should still be able to throw it pretty far. Each of the weights are at least a ton each. I can't tell how much my strength is inhibited though. Half?
I stepped up. I took a deep breath and winded up. Slamming my left foot to the ground. "AaaaaAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" With a yell that could rival my father's, jk. Not possible. I threw the ball as hard as possible. The resulting wind pressure and the yell itself shook the ground and blew everyone off of their feet.
Once everyone was back on their feet Aizawa showed a screen with 100,000 meters on it.
Hmph, not to bad.
Mean while my whole class was yelling about my insane strength and how fun this would be.
"Fun huh. How's this for fun? Who ever is in last place will be expelled." Aizawa said getting angry. I stayed calm as everyone began freaking out.
He's lying.
Next up was the 50 meter dash. I was up against some kid with engines on his legs. I got into a running position. I felt my class watching.
"On your marks... get set... GO!" The robot said. As soon as it started go I was gone.
"0.05 seconds... 3.19 seconds." The robot called out.
"Wait I thought he had super strength?"
"Obviously not."
"That's some crazy speed right there."
"A bit more than crazy, that was insane!"
"I didn't know someone could run that fast." I walked over to Kirishima and some kid with yellow hair.
"Hey man that was crazy!" Kirishima said as I neared. I smiled at him.
"Oh this is Denki Kaminari by the way." Kirishima said pointing to the blonde. He had a black lightning strip piece in his hair.
"Hey." He said. I offered him my hand.
"Son Gogeta." I said as he took my hand.
I broke the grip strength test. Aizawa wasn't to happy. Most of my class was amazed.
I got the maximum length for the long jump considering I could just fly. But that's not how I made it look.
"What the hell is his quirk?"
"Beats me. I don't have any guesses anymore."
"What can't you do?" Kirishima asked me.
"Breathe in space." I said. 100% serious. He bursted our laughing.
"I guess that's true." He smiled at me.
During the softball throw the kid with the explosive personality spiked my interest. When he stepped up he shouted 'die' when he threw it. For some reason it really made me question things. But boy is he a character. And that plain looking green haired kid threw it. Boy did explodo boy get mad.
"DEKU YOU FUCKER!!! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!!! I THOUGHT YOU DIDNT HAVE A QUIRK!!! HAVE YOU BEEN LYING TO ME FOR YEARS!!!" He lunged after the poor terrified boy only to be stopped by Aizawa. Scarves wrapped around him and he was unable to move or use his quirk.
"What the fuck is this?!" Bakugo exclaimed as he looked at the scarves with his limited moving room.
"These scarves are made up of a special alloy. They're my capture weapon. Your also giving me serious dry eye. So calm down." Aizawa said as the scarves retracted and his hair fell. He pulled out eye drops and put them on his eyes. "Next."
A few tests later the results were revealed. I took first. A girl named Momo took second. A kid named Bakugo took third, and a boy named Todoroki took fourth. An invisible girl took last. I could see her shaking. Well sense it at least as the air around her was disturbed.
"By the way. I lied about the expulsion. That was just a logical ruse to bring out your very best." He gave us a terrifying smile. My class deadpanned.
"Sorry I guess I should've said something?"
"You couldn't tell he was lying? It's so easy." Momo and I said at the same time. We exchanged looks. I gave her a cheeky closed-eye smile. She blushed. Hard. I put my hands behind my head.
Kinda hard to do my best with these inhibitors.
I sighed. Kirishima came up to me.
"Hey bro! That was insane! Your quirk is so cool! What is it anyways?" I turned my head to look at him. He put a hand on my shoulder. He was smiling like always.
"My quirk? Super hightened abilities and energy manipulation." I lied. The thing is about my lies, is they're flawless. You can't tell I'm lying. My dad made sure I was fluent in lying before coming here.
"Super?! That's insane! I wish I was as strong as you!" I smiled at him. Only if he knew the truth. He seemed trustworthy. Maybe I'd tell him about it someday.
"Aww come on. Your strong! I've just had lots of training to get where I'm at!" I put my hand on his shoulder.
"You think so? Who trained you?" I gave him a sad smile and looked to where our class was ahead of us. I removed my hand from his shoulder.
"My father."
I wonder how he's doing. Probably training.
I chuckled.
"He sounds like a great guy." Kirishima said. We made our way towards the locker room.
"The greatest man I've met." Kirishima glanced at me. I had a faraway look in my eye with a wistful smile on my face.
"Is-is he still around?" He asked hesitantly.
"Hmm? Oh yes. Yes he's around and kicking probably as we speak. He was never around much because of his job, so I cherish the memories I have with him." I smiled at him.
"What was his job?" Kirishima asked as we entered the building.
"He's a businessman who travels overseas." I said as we turned to head towards the locker room.
"How did he train you then? If he's a businessman."
"He was a fighter at some point in his life so he knows the basics and ways to get stronger. He's the strongest man I know."
I thought about my father. Goku. A man with unparalleled strength that knows no bounds. He's gotten smarter over the years but he's still an idiot. I could picture him perfectly.
The back of his gi with his kanji on it. His black hair shining in the sunlight. He looks over his shoulder at me and smiles. His closed eye smile lifts the mood and reassures me that everything will be ok. A symbol of hope. My father.
A perfect warrior.
A perfect father.
A perfect man.
Something I will never be.
(I know most people consider Goku to be a bad father. While I do agree he isn't the best he isn't the worst. Also he's a very good father in this story so deal with it)
A.N. 2264 words people! We're improving! I think. Maybe. Tell me if you guys have any suggestions! I enjoy constructive criticism! Also point out any grammar mistakes please!
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